4/If we want to know how fast something is traveling—be it blood or a whale—we need a way to keep track of it. We need to TAG it
For whales, they literally shoot a tag into a whale to keep track of it. They track the tagged whale to see how fast the whole herd is moving #RGPhx
5/Tagging is important, especially if you’re trying to keep track of 1 whale in a sea of whales
Same w/blood. If you’re trying to track how fast blood is flowing, you need to make sure you’re tracking the same blood the whole time—otherwise you get lost in a sea of blood #RGPhx
6/So since we can’t harpoon blood—how do we tag it?
We can do it w/magnetization. We essentially zap some of the blood w/a radiofrequency pulse.
This changes the magnetic properties of the blood we zap—making them different or TAGGED compared to the rest of the blood #RGPhx
7/It’s like in “Spiderman.” Being bitten by a radioactive spider transformed Peter Parker into something different than everyone else—Spiderman
The spider “tagged” him
Same w/blood. It’s “bitten” by a radiofrequency pulse & becomes different from the remaining blood #RGPhx
8/Tagged blood is like a dye to track blood flow
It’s like finding river velocity w/dye
Tagging blood is like dropping dye at a start line. You wait a minute & then check how much dye got to the finish
You know distance & time, so that gives you river (blood) velocity. #RGPhx
9/This is what we do in ASL
We tag blood at the start line (in the neck), then wait a little bit, & then check how much dyed/tagged blood made it to the finish line (the head)
This gives cerebral blood flow or CBF. CBF is the only perfusion parameter ASL can measure #RGPhx
10/Sadly, ASL has poor signal to noise
Tagging blood in our vessels isn’t like dropping dye into a canal—it’s dropping it in a mountain river
Dye gets diluted by other contributing streams & also washes out into other vessels, so very little actually gets to the brain #RGPhx
11/To increase signal to noise, we subtract out the background
We take a background image w/no tagged blood & subtract it from the image w/tagged blood
This way, background noise is subtracted out & only tagged blood signal remains--like digital subtraction angiography #RGPhx
12/Tagging blood is like dyeing water. How do we pour in the dye?
We can be like a little kid & pour all our dye into the river at once
Or we can be like an adult & patiently distribute it over time—like pouring small glasses of koolaid to serve all the kids at a party. #RGPhx
13/Going from the neck to the head is like running a marathon for blood
Pouring all the dye in at once is like all-out sprinting the start of a marathon—you’ll get drained
Tagging blood all at once is called continuous ASL. It runs out of steam & has poor signal to noise #RGPhx
14/Instead of all-out sprinting, you could save your energy. Run a little, rest a little, run a little
This surely gives more endurance—you won’t exhaust yourself, but you won’t be fast
This is pulsed ASL—tagging in short bursts. Good signal to noise, but not efficient #RGPhx
15/Let’s combine the two approaches.
All out sprint for a bit, but also take a short rest before all out sprinting again. This way, you have speed & endurance.
This is pseudocontinous ASL—tag for long periods but take a break in between. It’s best for SNR & efficiency #RGPhx
16/Best way to run a marathon is to go hard as long as you can, but also have short rests so you don’t exhaust yourself (pseudocontinuous running).
Same w/ASL. Best way to tag blood is to tag for a long period of time & take small breaks. This is pseudocontinous ASL. #RGPhx
17/So remember—you don’t need contrast for perfusion! ASL can transform blood into a superhero that doesn’t need contrast!
1/Does trying to figure out cochlear anatomy cause your head to spiral?
Hungry for some help?
Here’s a thread to help you untwist cochlear CT anatomy w/food analogies!
2/On axial temporal bone CT, you cannot see the whole cochlea at once. So let’s start at the bottom.
The first thing you come to is the basal turn of the cochlea (makes sense, basal=bottom). On axial images, it looks like a banana. I remember both Basal and Banana start w/B.
3/As you move up to the next slice, you start to see the upper turns of the cochlea coming in above the basal turn. They look like a stack of pancakes.
Pancakes are the heart of any breakfast, so they are at the heart or middle of the cochlea on imaging.
MMA fights get a lot of attention, but MMA (middle meningeal art) & dural blood supply doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
A thread on dural vascular anatomy!
2/Everyone knows about the blood supply to the brain.
Circle of Willis anatomy is king and loved by everyone, while the vascular anatomy of the blood supply to the dura is the poor, wicked step child of vascular anatomy that is often forgotten
3/But dural vascular anatomy & supply are important, especially now that MMA embolizations are commonly for chronic recurrent subdurals.
It also important for understanding dural arteriovenous fistulas as well.