5. The medical part is going relatively well (don't tell the HCW/MD who are heartbroken to see the healthcare system in flames #Medizinbrennt) because at least they're heartbroken.
The political system is burning unseen, far more insidious. #Politikbrennt
7. Good paper, part II. Keep an eye on what China is doing with Covid cases, not what western governments or 'experts' who proved complacent for III years hope it is. The answer is almost certainly not nothing.
9. Call it any name that helps common people understand: SARS is (1) airborne and (2) damages immune and vascular system. Scientific certainty will take years.
Never wait for scientific certainty to end the public health threat. That's the essence of the precautionary principle.
10. I think we've said all this before. Sorry for the repetition those of you who read this (so often). Sorry for not reaching those who don't.
SARS-CoV-2 helps us learn the governance skills for our near and long-run future. (Find bodyguard manipulation illustrated here to lighten the mood.) 🥰 Yet science isn't heard.
13. As an aside, the silence of scientists who SHOULD know - if they cared enough to read - has allowed unspeakable volumes of anti-science views to flourish. I don't blame science-illiterate people; they only get disinformation if there is no information.
* Consider following @fitterhappierAJ and @1goodtern if you don't yet -- for your own protection and mental sanity. At least such unwarranted controversy has the benefit of introducing more people to the questions that matter.
@fitterhappierAJ@1goodtern 14. Dr Leonardi wrote an overview to introduce the SAg motif in SARS-CoV-2; from a systems perspective I add that SARS will teach us.
@fitterhappierAJ@1goodtern 15. Can fungi and bacteria - not just poxviruses (for now mpox) and other RNA viruses reproducing in the cytoplasm - borrow SARS-CoV-2's immune evasive superpowers (Orf8) via genetic recombination?
I don't know! A scientific hypothesis to keep in mind beside the #LeonardiEffect.
16. Yes, that's the question on all our minds. Don't give SARS second chances; or not even first ones if you can help it. Be well, Mel and everyone out there!
Pinning this 🙏 Simple argument, as COVID-cyberpunk as it gets. Add a shade of climate and you're good to fly: Reverse the global trend of supervillainy that SARS will usher into unless we stop it. - We CAN, by simple effective policy. Just as in all the WHO/UN superhero stories.
2. We also forgot those who will end the pandemic: lawyers!
Not scholars or practitioners of international law alone -- but it follows from the structure of our systemic problems that no solution can work without them.
This letter criticizes the end of SARS (‘Corona’/‘Covid’) protections in schools. What @LEK_NRW can improve: every child is at risk. Everyone is vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infections. Vaccines provide statistically irrelevant protection.
@LEK_NRW 2. Children once or repeatedly infected with SARS-CoV-2 may be harmed for life; school and kita are key to SARS-CoV-2 transmission and evolution.
Fantini et al. apply 40 years of HIV research to SARS. Parents & students, you need to read for yourselves. mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/3…
Astute observation. Part of our problem is most western folk & elites have limited international working & policy delivery experience especially in the global south.
Many may struggle to imagine public health information being suppressed in their own nations; hard to blame them.
Fortunately everyone aware of climate dynamics, or trained in development economics, should be free from such troubles.
We sometimes call our socially constructed lack of imagination ‘the Unthinkable’ (@GhoshAmitav). One of the reasons he argued middle-class westerners and academics may be less prepared for the future than far poorer people in the global south, even Indian farmers.
HIV-1 is the best researched virus in biology. SARS-CoV-2 stands on the giant shoulders of 40 years of research, winning us decades in a tight race. - Please take it seriously; never fear language over biology. I invited HIV/SARS scientists to collaborate. 👍
3. These questions strike the heart of both social and natural science perspectives in this pandemic. Fascinating to see things develop so fast, well done everyone!
A legal puzzle: @RealCheckMarker warned that states may try muzzling science by cutting funding and genetic surveillance (PCR tests and sequencing). Lack of data will force WHO to declare the pandemic over.
Yet SARS is a notifiable event. The PHEIC would be back within 24 hours.
Look at the drop in sequencing volume in most countries over the past four weeks. It is dangerous and completely unacceptable. We are blinding ourselves.
Journalists, it’s your job to call this out, not mine.
Silver Check Mark if your quantitative reasoning skills are sharp enough to tell how many states test BELOW the volume needed for variant determination at 5% prevalence.