I think often about the TRANSLATION GAP - the ways that state-of-the-art brain science does not enter clinical discourse, practice, & education. MAJOR MISCONCEPTUALIZATIONS of Functional Neurological Disorder by PHYSICIANS point this out. #FND Brain Science: "The Basics". 1/20
Theme 1: MOTOR INHIBITION BY PREFRONTAL BRAIN AREAS - In an early study, Marshall et al. showed that attempted movements of the leg w functional weakness did not activate primary motor areas but led to anterior cingulate & orbitofrontal activity
DOI: 10.1016/s0010-0277(97)00020-6
Theme 1a: Vuilleumier et al. showed that preparing to move the limb with functional weakness led to increased prefrontal activity (i.e. ventromedial prefrontal cortex), suggesting THE INSTRUSION of prefrontal areas into movement.
Theme 2 in the #FND literature is altered (or biased) ATTENTION, as shown in part by abnormal engagement of cortical & subcortical brain areas implicated in attentional processes.
A 3rd theme is abnormal (often increased) activity of deep brain structures (e.g., amygdala) involved in threat/fear processing & salience - as well as increased amygdala-motor control network coupling. @valvoon@MarkHallett007 et al. have shown this well.
INCREASED AMYGDALA-MOTOR CONTROL NETWORK COUPLING was replicated & expanded upon by @SelmaAybek@Tim_R_Nicholson@ProfTonyDavid & Kanaan - incl increased periaqueductal gray activity, another deep (subcortical) area.
4th Theme DEFICIT IN ACTION AUTHORSHIP PERCEPTION. Relates to PREDICTION, the brain anticipates the sensory consequences of movement before they occur. Temporoparietal junction implicated @MarkHallett007@valvoon Maurer et al
5th Theme: sensing & interpreting of the state of the body - interoception. Some studies showed reduced accuracy in #FND, with INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES in heartbeat counting accuracy related to FND severity & insula / TPJ fiber tracts @Sojka4Petr
The 6th theme, building upon themes 4 & 5, is that the science of PREDICTIVE PROCESSING, across sensorimotor and emotion domains, has been proposed to be IMPORTANT in the biology of #FND. Mark Edwards.
7th Theme: Reports that Insula & Anterior Cingulate functional coupling to the motor control network (& other areas involved in high-order calculations) - relate to symptom severity in "Dose-Dependent Fashion". @IbaiDiezPalacio
While there is still MUCH to do in the field - & many findings need replication & clarification - at least 4 brain networks appear to be implicated in #FND:
Default Mode
Ventral Attention
THEMES covered here relate to the brain mechanisms (pathophysiology concepts) outlined in the Drane et al article. @KhalsaLab@NegarFani
More to say about EMOTION PROCESSING, MOTOR CONTROL & SELF AGENCY - although these reviews cover that literature. @susannah_pick@Tim_R_Nicholson@jonstoneneuro@MarkHallett007
Also - STRUCTURE & FUNCTION ARE VERY CLOSELY COUPLED IN THE BRAIN. Several recent reviews cover this topic for the interested reader:
IMPORTANT: #FND is NOT Feigning - and studies including one led by @jonstoneneuro have shown activation differences between those with functional neurological disorder and feigning of symptoms.
Great work not summarized here, but highly substantive - including brain imaging research by @jungjoha@wesleytkerr@SamWeb29@LennyMarapin & others worth checking out!
A rich set of multimodal studies at the intersection of functional seizures & TBI lead by Curt LaFrance & Jerzy Szaflarski et al., offer a deep dive into this important intersection.
#FND is a multi-network brain-based disorder directly at the intersection of #Neurology & #Psychiatry. This is a GENUINE neuropsychiatric disorder, one that offers important insights on the complexity of the human brain AND mind - w much more yet to learn! sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
If you've not visited neurosymptoms.org & fndsociety.org, invaluable information on those websites. I hope that this effort, and that of many others here, will successfully COMBAT STIGMA & PROMOTE HEALING & RECOVERY.
There have been a series of comments on #Twitter (including by MDs) highlighting that Functional Neurological Disorder remains markedly misunderstood & dismissed by portions of the MEDICAL community. Part of the issue is a FALSELY dualistic framing of complex brain disorders. 1/6
In a @FNDHope talk from a few years ago, I shared my viewpoint on how we can bridge Neurologic & Psychiatric/Psychological perspectives in #FND. Link to the talk below. @FNDHopeUK@FNDHopeUSA