A brief story of what "typical trad girl" poster on here is like. This is the "online trad" coalition. I told you what these people were.
This whole account is a Twatter dark hole for what the "religious e-Christian antiracist VIRTUE" coalition is about.
"She" (?) is also promoting and interacting with/boosting interracial porn accounts under the pretext of opposing--which all the "radfems" do
This made me chuckle. Oh what a surprise!
Account is case study in deranged "antirayciss Christian Trad socialist" moralism. "There's just the Christian race and the non-Christian race ultimately"--yes this is the logical consequence of this politically distorted gang-sign religiosity, and that's why they push it
Meaning of Kwanye campaign...it's fizzled out because idea of a BLM interracial-porn-promoting rapper as Jesus Herald is so absurd but its social base of "ex"m00dsharks, "ex"lavender, rageful POC and fed informants using religious hyperemotionalism as cover will continue online.
Typical of roasties like this...a real "gem." Salivates at prospect of manipulating inexperienced dopey men with religion, and using religious moralism to dominate them. "I make those religious dopes get erections just with my voice on the phone! Not like the guys I used to--"
My tweet that caused this chinpout wasn't about "blowjobs" as such but about how USA is a gynocratic scam. It's full of roasties like this. And the "I found religion" thing pushed on social media last few years is meant to hide frauds like this.
Who say--an American man going to Vienna or Madrid or Brazil first time now is like a 1970's Soviet seeing a Western supermarket for first time. American men who got away from the absolutely NOXIOUS femynyst-conservative alliance in USA said it felt like weight lifted off them
The United States and possibly the Anglosphere in general is a sheep-shearing operation and nothing about how its roasties behave is normal. You should never accept it as normal. Jizz on face of gynocracy and try at least see how is in certain other countries...
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I do thred on @CityBureaucrat excellent article from some months ago on sexual conservatism. An emotional matter for many—his article (link in replies) makes a common sense case I’ve seen few make. There are convincing secular reasons for states promoting monogamous family:
Slight thred delay as I in taxi
A secular case for sexual conservatism could be made on economic and common sense utility grounds: “for obscure reasons” indeed! @CityBureaucrat too polite…the religious fixations of movement conservatives make otherwise reasonable points easy to dismiss as religious bigotry
"Degeneracy" refers to biological and spiritual lack of energy, vigor, power, capacity for great deeds. It is possible to have an intact family that practices good morals and is religious that is degenerate, and to have a morally corrupt individual who isn't. "Hope that helps"
I post from Goblineau, crucial chapter on how luxury, moral corruption and decadence, and irreligion do not cause the fall of great societies. Moral corruption may be bad but is not the same as "degeneracy"; Rome was probably much more morally upright in its decline and fall.
Goblineau on how decline of religiosity doesn't cause the fall of great nations and societies. He points out that before the 19th Century this would have been found to be a weird idea. This chapter should be read by all conservatives especially.
Thread on Robert Drews most recent book on arrival of militarism in Europe and relationship to Indo-Europeanization. This will be just on changes in Carpathians around 1600-1500 BC; let’s start with the summary…Drews sees Carpathians as point of first arrival for IE in Europe
Chariots arrived in Europe late but when they did there is evidence they arrived together with full warrior set and toolkit, and already fully developed. Point of arrival (besides Mycenae and contemporaneous with it) was Carpathian basin. Steppe type and probably seaborne
Metal tipped spears arrived in Europe late, arrived according to latest models from steppe/Near East. Contrary to intuition, there’s no evidence for combat spears in temperate Europe before 1600-1500 BC or so. Entry point again Carpathians.
Who are the Wilks brothers? Same funding behind Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire, christcucked Zionism like Prager U, Heritage Foundation, etc also fund PACs associated with imbecyles and caricaturish Peasant Antisemitism scripted like on Law & Order episode, such as Nick Fuentes. Weird.
I’m told by someone I trust and have known long time, and who is in position to know, that he was told in clear terms that of he criticized Fuentes, Wilks money and network would come after him. No idea if true but would explain silence of facelords when it comes to a known doxer and federal informant like David Duke 2.0 Fuentes
Here are sources:
I don’t know if this registers on casual observers how odd it is. I’ve never heard of any frogs or frends from frogtwitter being invited to such meetings, let alone 8 hr sessions, let alone w cuckservative orgstexastribune.org/2023/10/23/def… amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/s…
Fighting between posters on here turns off new readers so I try to do it as little as possible. But this case instructive for reasons beyond personal animus: thread on anti-Trump PR “operations”(parlor tricks) from bad actors, whether it’s SPLC, feds, or holdover cuckservatives:
A very instructive case is @sovereignbrah ; I have no way of knowing who he is doing anti-Trump agitation for and it may well be that he’s sincere (and therefore an imbecyle); but in so many ways this is the case of the distilled pure facelord “influencer” on the make
@sovereignbrah Like a few other “right wing” influencers (Zherga, Tate, H Pearl) his bread and butter is “degeneracy” outrage porn: panels of OnlyFans sl00ts are filmed in a “discussion debate” where he presents “Christian values”; why pornsl00ts agree to be harangued like this, you can guess.