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Jun 30, 2024 23 tweets 11 min read
I do thred on @CityBureaucrat excellent article from some months ago on sexual conservatism. An emotional matter for many—his article (link in replies) makes a common sense case I’ve seen few make. There are convincing secular reasons for states promoting monogamous family: Image Slight thred delay as I in taxi Image
May 22, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
"Degeneracy" refers to biological and spiritual lack of energy, vigor, power, capacity for great deeds. It is possible to have an intact family that practices good morals and is religious that is degenerate, and to have a morally corrupt individual who isn't. "Hope that helps" Image I post from Goblineau, crucial chapter on how luxury, moral corruption and decadence, and irreligion do not cause the fall of great societies. Moral corruption may be bad but is not the same as "degeneracy"; Rome was probably much more morally upright in its decline and fall.

Apr 7, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Thread on Robert Drews most recent book on arrival of militarism in Europe and relationship to Indo-Europeanization. This will be just on changes in Carpathians around 1600-1500 BC; let’s start with the summary…Drews sees Carpathians as point of first arrival for IE in Europe Image Chariots arrived in Europe late but when they did there is evidence they arrived together with full warrior set and toolkit, and already fully developed. Point of arrival (besides Mycenae and contemporaneous with it) was Carpathian basin. Steppe type and probably seaborne

Mar 22, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
Some fotos of my various walks through Paris and a review of condition of the city …thred
Image In general the streets are clean and pleasant and is lively city. Didn’t see the horror stories spread online …

Feb 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Who are the Wilks brothers? Same funding behind Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire, christcucked Zionism like Prager U, Heritage Foundation, etc also fund PACs associated with imbecyles and caricaturish Peasant Antisemitism scripted like on Law & Order episode, such as Nick Fuentes. Weird.

I’m told by someone I trust and have known long time, and who is in position to know, that he was told in clear terms that of he criticized Fuentes, Wilks money and network would come after him. No idea if true but would explain silence of facelords when it comes to a known doxer and federal informant like David Duke 2.0 Fuentes
Feb 14, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
Fighting between posters on here turns off new readers so I try to do it as little as possible. But this case instructive for reasons beyond personal animus: thread on anti-Trump PR “operations”(parlor tricks) from bad actors, whether it’s SPLC, feds, or holdover cuckservatives: A very instructive case is @sovereignbrah ; I have no way of knowing who he is doing anti-Trump agitation for and it may well be that he’s sincere (and therefore an imbecyle); but in so many ways this is the case of the distilled pure facelord “influencer” on the make
Jan 24, 2024 21 tweets 7 min read
For those interested in debates around the spread of Indo-European languages, I do short thred on this, with some excerpts from Robert Drews' recent (2017) book. The book is itself a revision of the claims he made earlier, principally in The Coming of the Greeks (1988). By the way, Camille Paglia singled out Drews' 1988 book as exemplary of calm scholarship based on fact and reason as opposed to the highly ideological politicized trend in academia at the time based on trendy French theory and Marxist or post-Marxist striver moralism.
Jan 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The same people complain about devious power of a group which was socially and otherwise excluded less than a century ago—quotas capping access to elite universities, exclusion from social clubs, much of old WASP finance etc (they they never tire complaining about); wat they do? In that situation calls for living in retreat in an Amish style shtetl weren’t heeded by group in question. They didn’t encourage each other to become journeyman craftsmen and drop out. Instead they pursued a different path, casual infiltration, side competition etc.
Jan 4, 2024 26 tweets 9 min read
Now that I've let this fester with a day of mostly bad guesses as to what I meant--time for a thread.

How "model minorities" and specifically the Han, and not Congoids, actually ended meritocracy in American universities: A unity or common cause is supposed by some writers for more than a decade--maybe two--between whytes on one hand and "model minorities" on the other who both suffer because of affirmative action, or discrimination in job hiring and in college admissions.
Dec 20, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
It seems a lot of "dissident" sphere both right and Marxoid takes Dugin & co at their words regarding non-Western customs. So here is short thred about Third World """conservative""" mores and habits. Let's start with most controversial case, the Muslim and Arab world. Leaving aside case of al ammah or "concubines"; not every woman is chaste, concubines exist and are supposed to walk unclothed with bare breasts. It is not a sin to touch their breasts, is like touching wall
Sep 2, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I see a few replies here claiming Harvard or other similar skrewls are this Komsomol. This is wrong...short thred about this kind of "populism"...
While Ivy league & similar-tier skrewls have had decline lately; last few decades especially in quality of actual education there... This decline in education quality is similar across all colleges in USA (tbh you can get more rigorous education in Latin, eg at University of Manila). It's also true that especially since Floyd but also from before affirmative action has meant GENERAL decline in student quality.
Sep 2, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Most nations have soap operas about the ultra rich and glamorous: Latin American/Brazilian telenovelas used to be like this. The British have them about chav lower class life. I think the former is much better, at least it's an aspiration for the lower classes...thred: In general lower/middle classes normally aspire to elite taste. This good for many reasons: it's sign of *some* mobility where the best from lower classes are invited, enticed to have a way out. And life of lower classes is itself somewhat raised up, enhanced by looking up
Jul 28, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Focus on criminality, low IQ and similar, with special emphasis on supposed biological causes of Bantoids' dysfunction is a mistake. High IQ, low-crime "model minorities" will have a corrupting effect on America far beyond Bantoid problems, which are usually just social nuisance Some of "HBD sphere" are people who fear blacks, or had bad experience being mugged or intimidated in urban setting. Feel entitled to an urban bubble for which, however, they've never fought; never been in fistfight. Then complain about IQ, biological tendency to crime, etc.
Jul 12, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Maybe like me you are interested in the reestablishment of order of nature in sexual affairs and of certain kinds of very ancient order-reimagined for future. But that has nothing to do with chimping about femael behavior now, which comes pre-caricatured and is impotent cuqq move I had a long thread about this that Twatter just deleted when I tried to post--wonderful. Should I rewrite it quickly now. Of course a big article is necessary on this
May 13, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Increased normie-conservative attention on me in last few months; Tablet, National Review, American Reformer; and Compact (which I'm told is a Murdoch-funded press outlet), City Journal, and Unherd hiring an antifa to recycle Luke Turner's attacks on anons...

Short thred... I'm not sure what's causing this increased attention; could be start election cycle--everything in USA is highly politicized, with very little intellectual discussion of ideas as such--or could be as I hear, that some younger conservatives are becoming more interested in my book.
May 7, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Comic implosion of Kwanye farce was expected given it was probably another GOP establishment consultant "op"; like everything else they've tried since 2016 and's all got that GOP clumsy touch. "We doing that PR thing from TeeVee"; look up who swampster Gregg Keller is

Long-standing GOP establishment ties to Kanye exist since 2020 "campaign"; look people who are in Gregg Keller's likes and replies about Kanye. Meghan Cox also involved; why, given Kanye's supposedly outrageous behavior in 2024, were these people never asked anything by media?

Apr 29, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I was expecting 500 quote-tweets, but it got to over 700. Almost all ritually calling me gay--this time a chimpout not just for paraphrasing Schopenhauer, but quoting him verbatim.

We are absolutely deluged by ymbecyles because of media attention on frog sphere Image There are supposed German right wing commentators, authorities and "dissidents" in replies who didn't get this was a famous Schopenhauer quotation. ImageImage
Apr 27, 2023 26 tweets 6 min read
Many deranged replies, including from harridans desperate to squirt squid ink and obfuscate truth, and many men unfortunately eager to embrace pretty lies that put you at ease. I will make short thred to address some of main obfuscations and also why I made this point: Some claim I'm not aware of "evolutionary biology" and I apparently don't know that femaels are by nature "designed" to be less promiscuous than males. So then my model for how pedestrian a high body count is for a woman is wrong because I didn't know this great secret. False:
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
While none of us deny the role of Ashk orgs in migration, which we've talked about a long time, some are lying about the role of Catholic and Christian orgs with a fake or out of date photo. Here is the link to their current staff:

What about their Board?

Here is the Board of Directors of Catholic Legal Immigration Network. It is one of the major organizations pushing migration into the USA. Chair, VP are two bishops; archbishops sit on the board. The lying moron above cherrypicked one Ashk-name staff lawyer as the "shot-caller."

Apr 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Also: populist left will always open doors to mass migration. When out of power they say migration happening because capitalists use it for Machiavellian ends; once in power they discover it is the left's most potent and reliable political weapon. Buying votes is their trade. Mass Third World migration has happened everywhere the populist left has won: Ireland, Basque Country, Scotland, Argentina, etc. Argentina very telling as it's Bannonist "economic populism" but much more so. And it busted open doors for Bolivians, Peruvians, Paraguayans. Why?
Apr 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I don’t like idea of “artificial intelligence” because I think it can’t exist but I think what gets called AI now is good. It’s not really intelligence think of it as a “normie simulator”; a contentless mimicry of language and application of rules already describes normie mind Ask people in Japan, a well run country, about Fukushima. They’re very embarrassed by it and all say same: there were serious problems there but it was being run by dim, obedient, by-the-book salarymen looking at charts. So, same thing as “AI” and maybe even less competent