UPDATE: Project Veritas has now confirmed 6 scientific papers written by Dr. Jordon Walker
1. Boston Consulting Group: The Near-Term Outlook for COVID-19 Therapeutic Treatments. bcg.com/publications/2…
2. Does proximity of positive prostate biopsy core to capsular margin help predict side-specific extracapsular extension at prostatectomy?pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30797246/
BREAKING UPDATE: @DrQuintinBostic responds to Project Veritas investigation; claims “information [he] provided was exaggerated, magnified, and misrepresented”
“The recent private video recordings of me were edited and taken out of context to portray false messaging about me.”
“I have not written or sold curriculum to @CobbSchools or @FultonCoSchools…I adhere to the highest standards and best practices while supporting the goal to provide an equitable education to all children.”
Many might recall that Project Veritas was the FIRST to expose Facebook's secret global campaign to censor "actually true events or facts" by deeming user posts as 'vaccine hesitant'
In May 2021, Facebook whistleblower Morgan Kahmann exposed leaked documents that detailed a hidden algorithmic censorship of posts deemed ‘vaccine hesitant’
These algorithms resulted in users' posts being demoted or de-boosted across the platform even if the info was accurate.
One year ago today, we released explosive #DARPAdocs exposing that Dr. Fauci appeared to lie under oath about the origin of COVID-19 and gain-of-function research.
Twitter censored #ExposeFauci and other Project Veritas reports.
We exposed Cos Cob Asst. Principal, Jeremy Boland, who admitted to not hiring Catholics in AUGUST of last year. It's now JANUARY 2023 and we STILL haven't gotten any answers.
“This video is disturbing and if teachers, school staff, or applicants for education jobs have been illegally discriminated against for any reason, I will take action."