I know this is hard to accept for many, especially for individuals who lack any ability to critically evaluate mainstream media talkings points & especially for those in a moronic subclass who see it as a moral duty to shame, cancel, smear, attack & ridicule any who do...
however, nearly every single facet of the #CoronaPanic has been misrepresented by pharma, regulators, public health, governments & the media. The reasons for this are myriad and far more complex than many understand, even in the dissident circles. Of course, you get the...
#NWONippleDippers and the #CalgarySoccerMoms who believe the jabs are a deliberate depopulation experiment and that huckster and shyster #KlausSchwab is running the world and that all liberals are pedophiles who subsist on the blood of babies, and they even have super smarty...
people like @_whitneywebb fuelling these narratives with speculative reasoning built upon speculative reasoning (incidentally, Webb is a brilliant investigative journalist, however, I do dispute a variety of her deductions). But even in the more sensible circle of dissidents...
they're not even close to understanding the complex interactions that have produced the pervasive, systemic & distorted corona narratives, and the reason for that is, many of the notable dissidents, as I've indicated before, were all mainstream guys prior to CoronaPanic who...
believed in the integrity of the media and the medical establishment (as hard as that is for me to believe). So they have a lot of catching up to do. Like all of you, the Corona Panic blindsided me because I had virtually no understanding of immunology, epidemiology, vaccinology
virology and basically all the ologies one needed in order to have any sensible perspective on the Corona Panic. What I do possess however, is a lifelong obsessive interest in mainstream media propaganda, & all the complex mechanisms of how the media promotes talking points that
favour the corporate establishment. My interest in this subject began in the SEVENTIES. My highschool independent study project was titled, "The Dangers of Television" and compared Herrmand and Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" with Neil Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death" &
Marshall McLuhan's "Understanding Media." So unlike many of the new red-pilled pundits out there, who literally just realized late into adulthood that the media was lying to them, this is a perspective I've had for many decades, hence why I called bullshit on the Corona Panic...
long before any of them did. I also have a background in alternative medicine which provided me a real life case study of how the pharmaceutical industry manipulates the medical establishment. Literally, out of the horse's mouth, the doctor whom the College of Physicians sent to
monitor our procedures for prescribing medical cannabis authorizations for patients to grow their own medicine admitted that all the onerous guidelines that physicians receive from the college relating to medical cannabis, essentially fear-mongering designed to discourage...
doctors from prescribing medical cannabis were drafted by a lobby group funded by the pharmaceutical industry. The investigating doctor in question knew absolutely NOTHING about cannabis. And often in my line of work, I have had to call patients' physicians to request medical...
records and it's astonishing to me how clueless many of them are, how easily they've been manipulated by the pharma PR and how utterly IGNORANT they are on the science of medical cannabis, literally unaware of landmark studies that have dramatically shaped
scientific understanding of the medicine. So unlike many of the morons who attacked me, I don't put doctors on a pedestal. In fact, I have a very low view on the majority of them.
So I suppose with this particular background, I had a head start on gaining a critical view...
of all the pharma PR puppeteered talking points rolled out to prop up the increasingly flimsy, absurd and contradictory Corona narratives.
I boldly predicated that every single point of criticism I had (and for which I was attacked by the morons) will eventually be admitted to
in the mainstream media. And why was I so confident in this claim? Because it's already happened. It's just that there's so much noise out there, battling against a never ending onslaught of pharma pr puppeteered media assaults, that many have not been paying attention.
So this week, I'm going to share with you, one mainstream media article after another after another after another dismantling the ENTIRE covid narrative. And then I want apologies from all the morons who attacked me. But more important, I want you to reach out to me and try to...
understand how and why I knew this was all bullshit from "almost" day one. Of course, as I admitted to at the start, I was caught off-guard due to my ignorance of the science of virology...etc. I have endeavoured to correct that however and can confidently assert, as ANY who know
me personally will attest to, that I currently have an EXPONENTIAL understanding of these areas now than anyone I know in my personal life. And it's only made matters worse for me, because the corporate narrative is infinitely more ludicrous and contradictory and insane than...
I ever suspected it would be. So stay tuned this week for one mainstream media article after another that utterly demolishes and obliterates the corporate consensus narrative on the entire Corona Panic.
One of the many agonizing features of the Corona Panic was the evidence-free mask mandates. The issue had become politicized in a psychotic way. The "I follow the science or whatever the TV tells me the science is" crowd believed that wearing a mask made you a good liberal...
whereas NOT wearing a mask made you a Maga-Hat wearing maniac. What was particularly aggravating however, is that if you look at the 14 RCTs in existence, only one of them shows any marginal benefit, and that one has been widely criticized for its wonky methadology.
The other ones show either zero benefit or negative benefit. The Oxford Centre for EVIDENCE (get it, evidence?) Based Medicine declared early on that there was nothing but scientific uncertainty on the subject. More recently (literally yesterday), the Cochrane Library published..
I have to share a couple more things with you guys today. I've been stating this for a while that the jabs will inevitably be pulled from the market. Recently, in the UK, the JCVI—Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation—is recommending against under 50s getting boosters.
This is absolutely massive news and despite the absurd official rationale behind it, this alone absolutely DEMOLISHES all the talking points that were used to promote the endless booster campaigns. I'll provide more insight on this next week (with receipts as usual).
One of the primary mechanisms of how the #CorporateSuperstate attempts to manufacture consent on the world wide web is how Google results are manipulated to promote establishment narratives & suppress anything that deviates from the media consensus.
The Project Veritas undercover video of alleged Pfizer exec Jordon Walker has blown up the internet, and it appears as though Pfizer with their partners in the big tech space have been working diligently to scrub him from the cyber realm. Of course the internet is a very messy..
and dilligent Twitter bugs have been using a variety of old school tactics to dig up all sorts of material on Walker, a lot of which has now been scrubbed clean and is being scrubbed as we speak, as I will illustrate shortly.
Project Veritas have released an undercover video with an alleged @Pfizer exec openly discussing #GainOfFunction research or how he phrases it #DirectedEvolution. This seemingly has the internet stunned today, wondering how Pfizer could be so evil as to...
deliberately mutate the virus. And yes, I agree it's evil, but it's important to understand that this is very standard procedure, as hard as it is to believe. Viruses are often deliberately mutated in labs for two reasons: 1. To anticipate variants or more pathogenic mutations...
in order to develop vaccines and treatments. And 2. To construct bio-weaponized mutations, also presumably under the premise of figuring out how to treat such bioweapons if they are used against us.
While there is not a specific paper trail for SARS-C0V-2, all sensible...
When we first became aware of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020, a lot of Doctors freaked out and didn't want to go anywhere near their patients. That wasn't the case with Dr. Shankara Chetty in South Africa. He isolated himself from his own family for months & devised a safety...
procedure to treat his patients. Unlike many Doctors who abandoned their Hippocratic Oaths, Chetty took his job seriously and put his patients ahead of his own safety. Like many of the early treatment pioneers (like the late Zev Zelenko), Chetty is an extraordinarily eccentric...
character but his made some incredibly brilliant and insightful observations about the nature of COVID-19 disease. He identified it as a BI-PHASIC illness. The first phase is the Viremia portion - all the standard symptoms one typically gets from a respiratory infection.
That is the question. I'm a Scouser with Scottish, Irish & Gypsy blood. That's not a question I need to ask myself. I will hold a grudge for this life and the next. I will curse your children and your children's children.
...for more well adjusted, emotionally mature and even spiritually evolved beings, forgiveness is divine. With that in mind, I NEED you all to watch this @jimmy_dore segment featuring an incredibly moving statement by @joerogan and also extremely powerful words by Jimmy himself.
For those of us who managed to retain our senses & memory of high school level immunological scientific principles & for whatever reason were immune to the #MassFormation#MassHypnosis & #MassPsychosis#CoronaPanic phenomenon, we were maligned by not only casual acquaintances...