Small donations from individuals are often a symptom of an engaged polity and hence a healthy democracy.
Perspectives on Politics, Jennifer Rubenstein, Volume 20 , Issue 3 , September 2022 , pp. 965 - 982
The High Court has noted that wealthy donors may seek ‘quid pro quo’ favours with elected officials, or may even seek to make the party so dependent on their patronage that they have no choice but to support their donors. McCloy (n 4) [36]-[41] French CJ, et al
What to do?
Real time disclosures
Expand the definition of donation
Donation caps
Reduced donation disclosures
Want to know more, you can read the article in full here:
In 2022 the top 10 individual donors contributed $137.5 million to parties and independents, which equates to 76.9% of all donations given in the year.
Campaign spending for the 2022 Federal Election remained at record-high levels, reaching $439.4 million.
This is arguably the highest federal election spend on record, seeing as the 2018-19 financial year also included Victorian and NSW state elections.
“Spending in the last federal election was at a record high. We cannot continue to allow elections to be effectively bought by the highest bidder.”
~ Melbourne Law School Professor and Centre Director Joo Cheong Tham.
Last year we created donation profiles for each political party with data ranging from 1998/99-2019/2020. This thread has some key screenshots and links to each corresponding party.
On Wednesday, the AEC will release the annual donations data showing who funded the last election.
The Commonwealth has the weakest donation laws in the country. A🧵on how to fix this.
A set amount. For political parties/candidates and third parties. That makes participation achievable for independents and smaller parties. Follow the NSW model of setting an electorate and national cap.
2. Donation caps
Amount set to curb the influence of big donors and make participation achievable for individuals. To apply to political parties and candidates, associated entities, political campaigners and third parties