This man and similar are always wheeled out when the party is circling the drain. He was pulled off the campaign trial in 2019 as a PR liability. What's different now?
Why would a man like this, well placed to profit, not be all in and say anything to protect the 40+ year mission to clear the decks of rights rules and protections for the rest of the population?
So here's something odd pointed out to me by a friend. First two screenshots are their view of my REUL thread
Thought I had accidentally deleted a tweet. And a missing reply to that second one I knew was there
But this is how it shows up for me. No missing tweet and the reply is there just fine. Noted tweets showing as having no replies when they do elsewhere. Just me?
The thread for you in case interested at all, a few tweets above the unavailable and missing one
Minimising aggressive treatment of staff is one way to go to limit those willing to enter politics. I suspect no-one in politics is now there under the impression it is a place of gentle give and take debate and soft deadlines
Respect and integrity should be a bare minimum, if push back is on staff who challenge the way other staff are treated, or this government riding roughshod over democratic checks and balances, might discrediting them be a useful way to go here?
Never met a bully who won't defend their actions as more like hearty banter and the rough and tumble of night stress working
Let's have a totally transparent review of the allegations and maybe even legal opinion on it. Before those protections in the ECHR and HRA are weakened
Pick your fighter folk, or don't because it is not a binary choice
A social contract Vs devastation of all state provision and erosion of human / worker rights, legal system, regulations, oversight as redress for excess / breaches
I hear from people in a position to know that there is sanguine acceptance or even approval that our politics and public life is being Americanised, including campaigning, funding, rhetoric and legal system. We have to decide if that is what we want for the UK. Constant division