A #taekookau where florist Taehyung meets the boy with stars in his eyes after 9 years, but the stars have now been hidden behind the clouds, and Jungkook no longer holds the summer warmth rather oozes the chilling thrill on a bike during night drives. ImageImage
"How have you been?", Taehyung asks, expert hands tying a little knot around the flower bouquet. He holds them out for Jungkook to take.

Jungkook doesn't. He just stands there, eyes on the man in front of him.

Taehyung has that same smile on his face.
And something about it is so annoying, it makes Jungkook's jaws clench.

"How much?", he asks instead, hands taking out the wallet from his pocket.

"Can you accept this as a gift from hyung?", Taehyung asks tilting his head.
Jungkook eyes stay in him for some time. Before he takes the flowers from that Taehyung has been holding out for him.

Taehyung eyes have changed maybe, Jungkook thinks. Those eyes no longer hold that feeling.
"You have changed.", Jungkook murmurs catching Taehyung off guard.

He lets out a chuckle, "People change, Kookie."

"Don't call me that.", Jungkook is quick to reply this time.

"Sorry.", Taehyung goes back to his smile, "I forgot, I no longer own that privilege."
"Privilege?", Jungkook snorts, "Did I hear that right?"

Taehyung maintains his silence.

"Should have mentioned that a little before.", Jungkook eyes glisten, and he hates himself for that, "Didn't have to go through hell all these years then."
"You didn't know?", Taehyung asks then.

"You never bother to tell me.", Jungkook huffs out. "Probably because you weren't a damn good liar back then."

"Or, maybe I didn't say it because I made you feel it."
"Then why?", Jungkook grits out before hurrying a step towards the elder. "Why didn't you accept me back then? Why did you push me away?"

"A person who wants to let go of everything, even himself, for his love, isn't exactly the best lover, Jungkook."
"The 16 year old Jungkook wanted to leave his parents, friends, family, studies, a future he dreamt of, a life he had planned all because he loved me, and wanted to run away to an unknown country where no one knows us, no one can find us."
"What makes you think I will ever allow that to happen to my first and only love of my life?", Taehyung reaches out, hands caressing the younger's cheek, "I wanted you to love yourself first, choose yourself first, choose a life of your choice, decide it for yourself."
"And I did!", Jungkook takes a hold of his wrists, "I chose you! A life with you! But you pushed me away! You told me that you cannot take me with you when you went to study abroad!", tears begin to find their way down his face, "You didn't value my choices! I chose you!"
"I know you did.", Taehyung plants a sift kiss on his knuckles, "And so did I. I always did. I always will."

"Then why did you leave me?"

"That's the thing.", Taehyung's lips curl up, "I didn't leave you. Ever."
"You looked into the world through my eyes, Kookie. Your likes, dislikes surrounded mine. Even your food habits were similar to mine.", Taehyung laughs a little, a shade of pink spreading on his cheeks, "But your eyes? Your eyes held so much more than that."
"Your eyes spoke to me. Told me stories that you wouldn't. Told me those dreams that you were replacing with mine.", Taehyung's eyes are now securing some moisture, "They made me realise how unfair it was. How selfish I was being. And how much more beautifully you can grow."
"And look at you now.", Taehyung's smile widens with pride. With love. "Oh, so dreamy."

"You didn't care to contact me once all these years.", Jungkook accuses.

"I did.", Taehyung lets out a hearty chuckle, "I think it was your graduation day."
"And due to the time difference, I got a little confused. By the time I had called to congratulate you, you were probably at a club?", he frowns, trying to remember, "I think it was 2 A.M. then, there in New York. You did pick up nevertheless."
"I d-don't", Jungkook fumbles with words, "I don't remember-"

"I know. Not your fault really, the music was too loud."

"Why didn't you call me the next day?", Jungkook rushes to question, "Or, some other day? Any fucking other day!"
"I did.", Taehyung nods, slow, "But by then, I think you had gotten a new number. It said that your number no longer exists."

Realisation hits Jungkook then, "I changed my number.", he says looking away. "I was planning to leave New York, and move to Japan for a year."

He lies.
Jungkook, in fact, had changed his number. But not because he was moving to Japan, or any other country for that matter.

He had changed his number because the contact list reminded him of Taehyung. The number itself was related to the elder.
The number reminded Jungkook how he had gotten it at the age of 15, only to talk to Taehyung, when they couldn't meet all day because the elder had to move to his college dorm, and Jungkook missed him.

The phone number was associated to Taehyung. And it ached Jungkook.
So Jungkook had wanted to start 'fresh'. But all these years of trying to start 'fresh' have made him realise that the only thing 'fresh' about starting 'fresh' is the insane hope of the past being magically removed from our memory. Our brain. Our heart.
The past that at one point in life, kept us going, becomes too heavy to live on with. The feelings weighing more than necessary.

So, Jungkook hoped to start 'fresh'. Removing Taehyung from every picture. He is selfish like that. And when you are so selfish, you become desperate.
Taehyung's eyes still hold that fondness, but Jungkook doesn't want to feel that anymore.

"How long are you going to be here in Busan?", Taehyung breaks the silence.

"I don't know.", Jungkook breaks the gaze, "I am not sure. Not long enough."

"Will I be seeing you around?"
"Save it, hyung!", Jungkook snorts, "I don't need to hear it. You are doing fine.", he tries to convince himself that the elder doesn't want him anymore. Never wanted him. "You have a good life. A family too probably. You don't need to do this, you know?"

"Do what?"
"Pretending to care!", Jungkook roars, unable to hold on to that last thread of ignorance, of the love he thought he no longer carries in his heart, "Stop-"

"I love you, Jungkook.", Taehyung whispers as a tear rolls down his face, "Always did."

And Jungkook feels breathless.
"Then why didn't you say it back then!", Jungkook's voice holds something so painful, that makes Taehyung's insides churn.

"I did.", he murmurs, "I told you a million times."

"Not enough! It wasn't enough!", hw shakes his head frantically.
"It will never be enough because you left! You left me!"

"I didn't leave you.", Taehyung sighs sniffling, "You know I can't. I can never, I not that selfless either. If you think about it, I am quite selfish. I want too you much, too bad and that's-"
"That's why you pushed me away in the name of love!", Jungkook completes the sentence.

"No, I pushed you towards a life you always wanted to achieve. If I had taken you with me, if we indeed had run away then, I wouldn't have ever gotten to see you become this beautiful."+
"Ethereal in your own way.", his eyes gleaming, "If we had run away together, tell me, how would you have managed to go to New York, pursue your degrees in films and photography? That wouldn't have ever happened, Kookie. And I couldn't take that away from you."
Jungkook lets out a breathy chuckle. It's too hollow. "So you decided to let go of me?"

"Yeah, so that when you come back after achieving all those goals, with your bucket lists checked, every point ticked, I will welcome you with my whole heart, tell you much I missed you."
"You don't love me! You don't love me!", Jungkook thunders, giving in to the cries his heart has been hiding for too long now, "You never did! You want to get my bucket lists checked? Every single thing on that damn bucket list has to do with you! You are there in each point!"
That same old, glorious smile grows back on Taehyung's face." 'Go on midnight drive with hyung. Take hyung to watch the sunrise. Convince hyung to go for that concert. Learn to ride a bike and take hyung out for long drive. Sunset at the beach with hyung.' "
Taehyung utters those words as if he's reading it directly from the list that Jungkook had written when he was 14 years old. Taehyung says it as if he has stored each point in his mind. Reading it from his heart, "I know, I remember it all. Saved the list in my heart."
Jungkook's eyes stay on him for a little too long, then he smiles. A smile so devastating that Taehyung can physically feel the hurt. "You remember it entirely, huh?", he lifts his brows, "But hyung, you forgot the most important one.", he pauses, " 'Ask hyung his forever.' "
"I didn't forget that, Kookie.", tears shimmering in his eyes, "I didn't mention it because it shouldn't be in the bucket list. It's a promise I have already made. It's something that I had already given you. It always belonged to you. My forever is only yours to have."
Hey! Gotta do some big girl chores now, because it's a random Wednesday evening, and this mortal gotta survive uni. 😔

Till then, please let me know your thoughts on this.

And thank you so much for being here. ❤
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Jungkook's phone rings then breaking their gaze.

He picks up, "Hello?"

Taehyung notices the change in his expression. There's a faint smile, a hesitance.

"Okay, yeah!", he nods, "Yeah! Sure, sure. I will see you."

Jungkook hangs up.

"I have a-"
"Date.", Taehyung completes the sentence. "I know. These flowers told me."

"Why now then?", he asks, the flower bouquet suddenly too heavy. "If you know, then why did you decide to tell ne all this?! Why the fuck would you do this?!"
"I was tired of these accusations your eyes were throwing at me.", Taehyung breathes out, "I wanted you to know that you are loved. You deserve to be loved. So much. Because I never stopped loving you. Never will. Because you deserve nothing less. And I wanted you to know that."
"This guy is waiting for me at the cafe.", Jungkook's eyes aren't on Taehyung anymore, "He has been waiting for me to say yes for over a year now. Waiting for me to call him my boyfriend. To give him that title.", he seems to speak to himself, "I-"

"You should get going."
Jungkook looks up at those words, "What?"

"Shouldn't keep him any longer, yeah?", Taehyung has a smile on his face, "Give him the reply he deserves. Tell him about your feelings. He has waiting for too long. And he loves you."
Jungkook's eyes stay on him for a few more minutes, then he nods to himself taking a few steps back.

As the distance between them grows with each step Jungkook takes away from him, Taehyung realises that maybe he might have underestimated the hurt a little too much.
Soon Jungkook finds himself in front of the cafe, the same flowers in his hands. The grip too tight.

He doesn't think much, the decision is final.

He exhales sharply, before pushing the door open and entering the cafe. Eyes easily finding his date.
Hwan is sitting at the farthest table. Hands lazily resting on it.

And when their eyes match, he is waving at him.

Jungkook walks over to him, smiling back.

"You are almost 40 minutes late.", Hwan complains the moment Jungkook secures himself a seat in front of him.
"For you.", Jungkook holds out the flowers for him to take.

A soft red tint grows on Hwan's cheeks. He whispers a soft 'thank you'.

"But I didn't get you anything.", Hwan's brows are knitted, "I- I didn't-"

"Hwan.", Jungkook reaches out to hold his hands, "It's okay, yeah?"
"I didn't know what to get you.", Hwan says, somewhat upset still, "You never told me."

"You don't have to get me anything, Hwan.", Jungkook tries again, "It's okay, really. The fact that you travelled here all the way from New York is more than I could have asked for."
"Of course!", Hwan smiles, "You called after all. How could I have not come!"

"I am glad.", Jungkook lips curl up, "I thought you wouldn't be able to make it here this week in such a short notice. Didn't you have a few meetings this week at work?"
"Yeah, I did.", Hwan nods, "But when I received your call last Wednesday, I decided to postpone all of them."

"What-", Jungkook isn't sure what to reply to that, "You shouldn't have done that! Our meet up could have waited. Like you could have told me about it! Come on!"
"No, I didn't want to keep this waiting. It's been long enough.", Hwan shakes his head, smiling still, "I have waited long enough, Jungkook. No, don't get me wrong. I am not complaining about the wait. I really enjoyed the whole journey.", he laughs.
"I wanted to wait for you.", his eyes casted down at the flowers in his hands, "Although since the beginning you had made everything very clear, told me that you were in love with someone, told me that you weren't planning to move on any time soon, I still hoped."
"So stop feeling guilty, or anything, yeah?", Hwan almost threatens, "Don't make me mad now!"

Those words are somehow comforting, they make Jungkook smile somehow.

"Okay, yeah.", he nods to himself. "Yeah."
"Okay, now tell me why did you call this meeting on such a short notice?", Hwan finally asks, "Met Taehyung?"

Jungkook remains quiet, he nods.

"Hmm.", Hwans hums, "Knew it."

Jungkook looks at him, confused.

"Have you seen your face?", Hwan giggles, "God! You are glowing!"
"So tell me, how did it feel? What did he say?"

"He told me he loved me.", Jungkook bites his lower lip, nails digging his own skin.

"Well-", Hwan sounds unimpressed, "We all knew that. What else?"


"No!", Hwan cuts him off, "Now don't tell me you didn't know that."
"I kind of-", Jungkook stutters, unable to form words.

"Okay, freeze.", Hwan gestures hik to stop, "Tell me, did he tell you that he loves you still? He did, didn't he?"

When Jungkook doesn't reply, Hwan understands. Of course, he does.

"Knew it!", Hwan smiles wider.
"I didn't want to see him today.", Jungkook breaks his silence, "I didn't. Not today.", he gulps, "I just wanted to get you some flowers. I didn't know he will be there."

"Why didn't you want to see him?"

"I don't know. I just didn't want to see him. I don't think I am ready."
"You know when you told me that you were coming back to Busan, I knew it. You wanted to see him.", Hwan says, "I agree with the not ready part though. You aren't, in fact, ready. But not wanting to see him? You are a liar. And a very bad one at that."
"Hwan", Jungkook breathes out, "I wanted to meet you because-"

"Because you want to tell me not to keep waiting for you anymore.", Hwan's eyes are on him. "You didn't have to worry about me, Jungkook. And you didn't have to tell me that, honestly. You know why?"
"Because you never led me on.", Hwan answers, "Scratch that, you never even responded to my flirting, never even looked at me with anything in your eyes but respect."

"I do.", Jungkook replies, "I do respect you a lot."

"I know.", Hwan nods, "Trust me, I know. I can feel it."
"Jungkook, I didn't keep waiting for you because you gave me any hopes, rather you tried to warn me of the hurt I might have to go through because of the feelings I hold for you.", he laughs a little, "I waited for you because I am selfish. Like a fool, I fell in love with you."
"You are too easy to love, Kook."

"I am sorry.", Jungkook's hands coiling to form fists, eyes glistening a little.

"For what are you sorry, huh?", Hwan sniffles, sounding almost angry, "Well, you should be sorry for being-", he pauses, "For being so perfect. So loveable."
"Kook", Hwan presses his hands tightly, "You didn't do anything that should make you feel sorry, or upset. You did nothing but were the kindest, and the best friend I could have asked for.", a tear run down his cheek, "Made me feel the safest. Took take of me. Stood by my side."
"Now, now, now!", Hwan wipes away those tears, sitting up straight, "Don't think that I am going to let go of you. Not anytime soon.", he shakes his head, "I just can't let go of the best and the only good thing in my life that the damn uni gave me. Nope, I can't."
"You have to stay by my side for as long as I live. And hold my hands like this.", he holds up their hands that are still linked together, "Promise?"

Jungkook nods, frantic, fresh tears rolling down his face, "Promise."
"Okay, good.", Hwan chuckles lightly, "Now, I wanna hear the entire thing?"


"Well, the whole conversation that you guys had?", Hwan makes a face, "I wanna hear it all. Every single detail! And don't dare try to escape this time!"
"Tell me, did you guys kiss?", Hwan wiggles his brows. "You know like-"

"I think that's a little too soon to ask.", Jungkook tries to tell him.

"You think?", Hwan has his brows drawn together. "Maybe a forehead kiss?"

"I didn't even say, 'I love you' back to him."
"You didn't say what?", it's scream that leaves Hwan's mouth, "Jeon Jungkook, you better fucking tell me that you told something better than 'I love you' because I swear if you didn't-"

"I didn't."

It is silence that follows, their eyes on each other.
"Okay, that's it.", Hwan begins to stand up, "I am done with you."

"Hwan-", Jungkook follows him.

"No, stop!", Hwan sounds just as upset and sad, "Seriously, Jungkook, I expected a little bit better from you than this!“
"Seven years! You had been waiting to see him. Your eyes?", Hwan points at them, "They search for him in each crowd. Every room you enter, your eyes keep wandering for him! And you are telling me you didn't reply to him when he said he loves you?! Seriously?!"
"I just didn't know what to say.", Jungkook tries to defend himself, "Trust me, I wasn't expecting him to say that. I-", he fumbles, "I don't know, I wasn't thinking. He just said it, as if it was so easy for him to utter those words. He made it look so easy."
"Maybe because it is easy.", Hwan says, "Jungkook, I know there's a lot of things that is currently going on in your head. But without talking it out, without sharing them with Taehyung, nothing will be solved. It will only keep adding to the problems."
"You need to tell him about your feelings first.", Hwan breathes out, "I know you are mad at him for deciding for both of you all those years back. But if you try to understand his reasons, and why he took that decision, maybe you will understand. It wasn't a bad decision either"
"How could you-"

"Okay, I know you are going to be mad at me, as well.", Hwan holds his hands up in defense, "But hear me out, too. You were literally a baby then, Jungkook. Not that it has changed much now."

Hwan laughs. "Taehyung had to choose between a life with his love and a bright future for his love. What would you have chosen had you been given the opportunity?"

Jungkook doesn't answer that question. He doesn't want to.
"Would you have chosen a life with Taehyung even if you knew that the particular life would have diminished a future he had planned for himself?", he asks again, "Would you have chosen a life where Taehyung couldn't fulfill his dreams? Reach his goals?"
"I know you wouldn't have.", Hwan sighs, "One can never, if they truly love the person. Yes, they might say that they will change their goals and dreams to fit into that life with their love. But wouldn't it be selfish for the other person to want that? To go on with it?"
"I know he hurt you. But you did too, Kook.", Jungkook snaps his head to match Hwan's eye at that, "You did, Kook. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, you did hurt him."

"How?", Jungkook mumbles, "I didn't-"

"By wanting to remove him from your life. By trying to do that."
"But he did exactly that!", Jungkook points out, "He pushed me away!"

"Nope!", Hwan shakes his head, "He might have pushed you away, yes. But he didn't ever try to remove you from his life. Then like you said, it wouldn't have been that easy for him to say he loves you still."
Jungkook looks away at that, he doesn't want to agree. Doesn't want to understand.

"I know you still very hurt, mad at him for what he did.", Hwan smiles, "But have to tell him that. Tell him about your feelings. I am sure he wants to hear you. He's probably dy!ng to hear you."
"So go, and tell him.", Hwan pleads almost, "Please Jungkook. You know running away from this won't help. Because if it did, we wouldn't have been here. Because you too, have been waiting for him all these years, just like he has been. Run back to him, Jungkook. Please."
Hey, hey, hey! I am backkkk hehe. Being here makes me so happy.

I really hope you enjoyed this update just as much. Please let me know your thoughts on this so far. ❤

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The streets are soaked wet as Jungkook is running.

The downpour is too heavy, dark clouds finding a shelter in the vast sky.

But his steps don't falter, they are determined.

Jungkook runs until the little cottage comes into view, and then he's slowing down.
With his heart racing, steps measured, Jungkook comes to a stop in front of the man door. He knocks. Twice.

He hears movements in the house, someone rushing to answer the door.

And within the next few moments, the door is opened.
Taehyung sucks in a breath as soon as his eyes land on the younger.

Jungkook is drenched, head to toe. His hair dripping water as he stands in front of him. Too still.

"Koo-", Taehyung stops, "Jungkook, you-... Here?"

"Why?", Jungkook's voice still impassive.
"I shouldn't have come?"

"That's not what I meant.", Taehyung tries to tell him. "I-"

"Then tell me what you meant.", Jungkook takes a step closer. "Tell me, because it seems like I am always when it comes to understanding you."
"Come inside first.", Taehyung pushes the door open some more, "You are absolutely drenched. The rain didn't seem to have any mercy on you."

Jungkook enters the house. It still feels the same. That nostalgic, familiar smell of home.

"It is raining cats and dogs, Jungkook!"
"How could you just-", Taehyung closes the door before rushing to get a towel for the younger, "Did you come here running in rain? Are you-"

"Out of my mind?", Jungkook takes the towel from him, "Yes. I am out of my mind right now, if you couldn't guess."
"Why didn't you wait somewhere till the rain stopped?"

"Who are you to tell me that?", Jungkook throws away the towel, "Huh? What does it matter to you? Do you even care?"

Taehyung doesn't reply to that, "How was the date? Did it go-", he asks instead.
"Don't you dare complete the sentence.", Jungkook takes a few steps towards him, hands going to hold Taehyung's arms pulling him closer, "Don't."

"You would catch a cold, if you don't change your clothes right now.", Taehyung's voice low, soft. And Jungkook hates it.
"Please.", Taehyung requests, "Your clothes are really wet. You should-"

"Hwan told me that I should come back to you.", Jungkook speaks, not acknowledging Taehyung's request. "Tell you how much I missed you. How much I waited for you. Waited for you to come back to my life."
"How every day I would wake, and the first thought in my mind would be running back home to you. How every night before bed, I would tell myself that the next morning I would forget about you. How each new year, my resolution would be to forget you."
"How every night, I would cry, and tell myself that this was the last night I would cry for you. The last time I would wait for you. The last time I would allow myself to break down. The last time I hold your picture close to my chest and sleep. The last time. The fucking last."
"But then, the last time would be constant. And I would keep repeating it. Every day same routine."

"I am sorry.", Taehyung mumbles, head bows as he allows his tears to run down, "I am sorry."

"You are sorry?", Jungkook gives a garbled laugh.
"You should be fucking sorry! Yes!", Jungkook screams out, pain seeping through his veins, "You should be damn sorry for making me love you. For showing me what love feels like. For teaching me how to love. For setting the standards so high. You should be sorry for loving me."
"No matter how hard I tried. No matter how times my friends, colleague tried to hit on me, or set me up on a date with someone. I would reject them all. Do you know why?", Jungkook asks, "Because none them were you! You were never there! And I kept looking for you!"
"I kept wanting you! Every day, and fucking minute. I kept wanting you. Hoping you would come back to me.", tears roll down his eyes, "But you never did. You never came."

Taehyung's eyes are casted down. He doesn't dare to match the younger's eyes. Too afraid to see the pain.
"You know how long Hwan and I have been friends?", Jungkook's voice wavers, "3 years! We have been friends for three years. Last year, on my birthday, he told me that loves me. Told me that he would wait for me. No matter how long it took. He would wait."
"After all these years of waiting for you, I finally had someone who was waiting for me. A part of me felt happy, as if I finally have someone. Someone who cares. Someone who wants me. But-", Jungkook's hold tighten around Taehyung, "The next moment, I was thinking about you."
"I hate myself! I really fucking do.", Jungkook grits out, "The next morning, I called him up. Told him to not wait for me. Told him that I will never be able to forget you. Never be able to move on from you, or even think about anymone else, let alone love.", he breathes out.
"Do you know what he said?", Jungkook smiles, "He said, I don't have to explain anything to him. Told me that he always knew it all. He said that he didn't confess his feelings for me to reciprocate them. He just wanted me to know that I, too, have someone who loves me."
"That I, too, have someone. After all those years, I had someone. And I hate that he knew it all. I hate that he saw me, and realised how much I fucking love you. I hate that it was so obvious. I hate that after those years, I still couldn't move on. I hate it. I hate myself!"
"After coming back here, I had called him. Just one call. I requested him that if he was free, if he had some time, then I would like to meet him.", Jungkook tells him, "We weren't dating. No. Fuck, I couldn't even breathe without the thought of you. How can I date someone!"
"But I don't know why, I felt I needed to tell him that I am going back home.", his eyes brimming with tears, "I wanted to tell him that I saw you, and I realised that I don't want to go back any more. I want to stay here. I didn't know, if you would allow me to stay."
"Shit, I still don't know about it. But I wanted to tell him that I am not going back. I just wanted him to know that I am thankful. So fucking thankful to him for taking care of me. For being there right by my side. For holding me up, every time I broke down."
"For being my best friend. For being the only one I had, all these years. I wanted to thank him.", Jungkook shuts his eyes, jaws locked, "I felt that I owed him a goodbye. I actually owe him a lot more than just a damn goodbye. He deserves a better friend. A better person."
"Someone who's not as weak as I am. Someone who would stay by his side during his bad days, unlike ne who probably was the reason behind his bad days.", Jungkook lets out a hollow chuckle, "He deserves someone who isn't as miserable as I am. He deserves the best. Only the best."
"And even when he came, met me at the cafe, he was still the happiest person I knew. The best human I ever met.", Jungkook's voice cracks, "He still smiled. Still had the same tenderness. I told him I don't want to come to you. I just didn't want to go back to New York."
"It is him who convinced me to run back to you. I didn't want to come because I was too afraid that you wouldn't accept me this time as well. That this time, too, you would push me far away and leave. I didn't want to go through that pain. I have become too weak. I can't."
"I hate Hwan for being so good. So damn good. So understanding.", Jungkook goes to rest his forehead on Taehyung's shoulder, "I hate him for being the best human. For being so perfect. And yet, I can't think of him as anyone else, other than just a friend. Nothing more."
"I hate you, Taehyung. I fucking hate you. You ruined me. Every day, every night, you ruined me."

Taehyung can't help but hold him. Hold him close to his heart, as Jungkook breaks down. "I am sorry.", he cries too, "I am so sorry."
Jungkook has his face buried in the elder's chest, his arms looped around him tightly, as if loosening the hold will make Taehyung disappear.

And Taehyung? Taehyung holds him just as tightly. "I love you so much, kookie. I love you so much. So, so, so much."
"Not enough!", Jungkook shakes his head, "Not enough! You hear me?", he pulls away to match Taehyung's eyes, "Not enough! It will not be enough."

"Then tell me, how do I make it enough?", Taehyung begs, "What must I do for you to forgive me? Please, Kookie. Please."
"I don't know what you can do to make me forgive you. I don't."

"I will do anything.", Taehyung whispers, "Anything for you to forgive me."



"Tell me you love me."

"I love you."


"I love you. I love you. I love you."

"Again! Again! Again!"
"I love you, Kookie. I love you. I have always, always loved you. Each day, each night you spent without me, I loved you. I loved you when the sun wouldn't shine as brightly. I loved you when the moon wouldn't ne as pretty. I loved you during those rainy days."
"I loved you during those wintry nights when you felt too cold. When the bed wouldn't be as warm. I loved you when I wasn't there to hold you when you broke down. I loved you during those summer afternoons. I loved you during autumn mornings."
"I loved you every minute, I loved you every second. And I missed you every time just as much. I missed you every time my eyes were open but you weren't around. I missed you more with every breath I took. I missed you. And I waited for you, too. Waited for you.", he breaks apart.
"This town took everything away from me.", Jungkook finally speaks, "You took everything away from me. Give them all back to me now."

"Take it.", Taehyung simply answers, a broken smile plastered over his lips, "Take everything. Whatever you want. All of me belongs to you."
"At the beginning of this year, I had planned that next month I would go to Milan.", Jungkook pulls him closer, "Come with me to Milan."


"You will have to stay with me from now on."


"Wherever I go, you have to come with me."

"You will have to be there right by my side from now on. Everywhere I go, I will take you with me. And you will have to come."


"You will not say no."

"I will never say no.", Taehyung murmurs, "Never."

"I don't know where I will want to go after Milan."

"That's okay."
"Maybe I will want to live in Bali for a few months."

"I would love to go to Bali with you."

"I have a very fucked up schedule. Nothing is ever decided. Everything is very sudden. Most of the time, I don't even know my next day's schedule."

"I will learn. I want to learn."
"You will stay by side?", Jungkook asks, eyes not leaving Taehyung.

"I will. Even if at some point, you don't want me anymore, I will still stay by your side.", tears clinging to his lashes, "At the tiniest corner of your life, I will be there. Waiting for you. Loving you."
"That day will never come when I will not want you. Don't you fucking get it?", Jungkook thunders. Their faces too close, "How can you say I will not want you!? How dare you?"

"I am sorry.", Taehyung gives in, "I am really sorry.", he cries out. "Fuck, I am really sorry."
"We will together?"

"Yes!", Taehyung nods frantically, "Yes, please. I wanna live with you for the rest of my life. Please. Please, Jungkook, let me stay. Take me back."

"You left me.", Jungkook repeats, "You left me."
"No. No, I didn't.", Taehyung shakes his head, "I didn't leave you. I didn't fucking leave you!", he screams out in pain, "I let go of you, so that you can make a better life for yourself. I wanted you to achieve those dreams. Those goals on your bucket list."
"I wanted you to have everything in this world. All the happiness. All the love. And then, if one day you want to come back to me and take me with you, I would simply hold your hand and leave everything behind to go with you. I had decided it long, long time back.", he smiles.
"I wanted you to build your own world, and if after that you would still want me in that world, give me a little space in that world, I would mean everything to me. I couldn't have wanted anything more. Nothing more have I ever even imagined."
"You wanted a little place in the world I would build?", Jungkook asks.

Taehyung nods.

"My entire world always belonged to you. Irrespective of where I am, how far I went, what new world I had managed to bulit, my world always belonged to you. Always will."
Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut, leaning forward to rest against Jungkook's chest. "I love you."

Jungkook holds him then, closing his own eyes. A warm feeling growing within his heart. He lets out a deep breathe, smiling.

"I love you, Kookie. I love you so much."
"You love me?", Jungkook asks again.

"I love you.", Taehyung sobs, "I love you so fucking much."

"You will have to keep saying that for as long as I live."

"I will keep saying that till my last breath. Till my very fucking last breath. I love you. I love you. I love you."
»»————⋇⋆THE END⋆⋇————««
Hey! This was a silly little taekookau that I had wanted to share with you quite some time back.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this. And thank you so much for being here. ❤

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Jun 24, 2023
Forelsket; A #taekookau

"So like, you have a crush on him?", Jimin's brows furrowed, his eyes disbelieving, "Really?"

"It's no longer just a crush, Mimi.", Taehyung lets out a sigh, somewhat upset. "I am in love with him."

"With Jungwoo's brother? Jeon Jungkook? But he has a-"

"They demand a huge amount of my time.", Taehyung tells him. "Moreover, they are not exactly the type of internship I would like to work for, although I do need them for my resume."

"Hmm, I see.", Jungkook nods, thinking.
"Well, if you allow me, I would like to pose a suggestion.", Jungkook says then.

"Uh, sure.", Taehyung's a little confused at that. "Of course."

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May 13, 2023
A #taekookau where Jungkookie is bored, and he just wanna play a game with his university senior, campus heartthrob, and the one and only love of his life, Taehyungie hyungie hyung. 😔😔 ImageImageImageImage
2. Is Taehyung fr rn? ImageImage
3. Exam season Image
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May 8, 2023
Nullity; A #taekookau

"Go back home.", Jungkook's voice is low, deep, as he grits out those words. "Right the fuck now."

"Ah, you sound so hot when you are mad! I missed this.", Taehyung bites his bottom lip, a teasing smile on his face. "Especially when you are mad at me." ImageImage
Jungkook momentarily closes his eyes, breathing out, "This is not a place-"

"I am here to find a boyfriend.", Taehyung's eyes begin to scan the hungry crowd.

"Taehyung", Jungkook goes to take a hold og his arm, "Get out of here right now."
"Is that a fucking order?", Taehyung cocks a brow. "Because if it is, then I promise you, I will stay right here until the match is finally over."

"If you think this is a fucking funny, then let me tell you, it is not.", Jungkook pulls him closer, gaze intensifying.
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May 4, 2023
Lacuna II; #taekookau [a/b/o]

"Professor Kim?", Jungkook raises his hand. His voice loud and clear, echoing through the auditorium filled with students. "Can I please have your undivided attention for a few seconds?"

Taehyung's eyes settle on his husband, heartbeats, erratic. ImageImage

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-Husbands taekook
-CEO JK × Professor Tae
-Alpha JK × Omega
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