Note: All prices are converted to USDC using the USDC-WETH-0.3% pool price.
7/12 We obtain the following insights:
- Betas ranging from 0.587 (WBTC) to 1.914 (oSQTH)
- All betas considered are positive ⇒ prices (USD) positively correlated (see heatmap)
- β(SHIB; ETH) < 1, not bad for a meme coin 🤭
Note: 👆would change if we take a different index!
8/12 Ok, but how can we use this?
Investing in any asset entails 2 types of risk:
1. Unsystematic: related to the asset & industry 2. Systematic: related to market & macro factors
We can hedge against (1) by portfolio diversification.
We can use beta to hedge against (2).
9/12 How can we hedge against market risk (for a given M) ?
If we hold a portfolio S, shorting V * β(S; M) worth of M (with V = value of portfolio) would cancel out the market risk (see derivation below👇🤓)
Canceling out this risk means that our returns are independent of M!
10/12 Caveats:
- β measures risk wrt a market index M. Different markets = different β
- No SPY equivalent in DeFi means that we'd need to construct a given M when β-hedging cryptos.
-Can also use β to hedge options, but it's more complicated (we'll discuss this soon 😉)
11/12 Disclaimer:
None of this should be taken as financial advice. Please DYOR.