@AlasdairStuart Profile picture
Feb 2, 2023 155 tweets 41 min read Read on X
New month, new asteroid! We're on 433 Eros in the Temenos Ark and our first #facility23 draw is for The Point. The rearmost part of the Ark, a memorial, an archive and a place to reflect for the crew of the massive vessel. Cards from @storyenginedeck. Story Engine cards reading ...
New month, new thread! Slipstream Canyon is next, a colossal, constructed canyon and venting system for the CO2 turbines that power Kane City. Also home to the incredibly dangerous sport of void jumping. Vents. Bungee chord. Bored belters. Fun ensues! Cards from @storyenginedeck Story Engine cards reading ...
Today we're at the Slip, C02 refinery and, let's be honest, brewery. The Slip refines the C02 that powers Kane City and uses the impurities for everything from fuel to booze. Lots of it. All in one floor. Near teenagers. Yeah.
As always, @storyenginedeck cards get it done:) Story Engine cards reading ...
Also research! Hydrogen Sulphide and how to turn it into fuel. news.osu.edu/transforming-s….
Why a 2 dollar crockpot still is a bad BAD plan. homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi…

I found this looking for whether you can make booze with methane and the answer is basically 'DON'T'
The basics of using nitrogen in distilling. beverage-master.com/2021/05/the-ba…
Inert gases and whiskey. From wiskipedia. Which may be the best title for a website ever. whiskipedia.com/fundamentals/i…
One last thing. I don't drink so if the science on this is wonky, sorry. But it is a distillery on an asteroid that's part of a multi-asteroid evacuation ark which also features bird and bear aliens and nano clouds who are kind of wankers. So, y'know, there's that.
Week six of @Facility23 begins! This week's first entry using @storyenginedeck and set in After the War from @Genesisoflegend is St Reynards of the Ice, a former forward SolFleet engineering outpost turned animal sanctuary turned church turned sanctuary for...lots of things. Story Engine cards reading,...
St Reynards is run by Chaplain Bridget Donnelly who started out as one of the senior engineers clearing the cave that would become Kane City, ended up leading an initiative to look after the Arctic foxes rendered homeless by the project and just...never left.
Arctic foxes! Cute little buggers and I figured they'd be the exact combo of useful and metal AF for belters to keep as well as cats or dogs.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammal…
St Reynards, in my mind, looks like a combination of these two locations. This is St Marys in Castletown where I finished growing up. castletown.org.im/community/chur…
And this is the former British Legion Hall at Janet's Corner up the road. World War 2 era building that just stayed in use until relatively recently. I once roadied for a stage magician here.geograph.org.uk/photo/3644037
The idea is that St Reynards is neutral ground. Think Rick's Place in Casblanca just with more cute arctic foxes basically.
Today's #facility23 location using @storyenginedeck is The Brace, the colossal column at the centre of the Kane City cavern that isn't the only thing holding the roof up.

It isn't.

Just don't touch it, yeah? Story Engine cards reading ...
One of the things I'm enjoying with this month is the chance to spend some time in a larger location. 433 Eros is a pretty important part of the ark and it's also home to an actual space city. Cities need stuff, not just equipment lockers, NPCs and cover points.
So the Brace is a natural landmark, and an engineering point and a massive honking plot point if you want it to be (If it's rock, why does it have...roots? for example)
My favourite bit of this may be the fact Antigone Maslo showed up writing this. Lara Croft by way of Shauna Coxsey and Bernard Quatermass.
Coxsey is a big part of The Wall: Climb for Gold which is on netflix right now and very good.
Also here's an article about the 30 Best Female Mountain Climbers and the badassery is off the charts and burying the needle in the wall.
So Antigone wanting to climb the Brace is a fun plot you can use if you want. Alternately, there's some fun stuff to do with Funiculars which are like trains but somehow cheerfully horrifying. Here's the one in Scarborough which I've been on.
Here's the one in Como which I've seen from a distance and which apparently climbs THE SIDE OF THE FREAKING MOUNTAIN in 7 minutes. Basically vertically.
And here's the background on them:
Oh and also asteroidal water! Possibly super useful for fuel and absolutely what the Kane City cavern used to be full of!
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Lesker's Fall. A waste disposal airlock at the end of Buckminster Street in Kane City, Lesker's Fall is named for Yuri Lesker, the heroic first mayor of Kane City, who died here during relief efforts when the Temenos Ark was launched. Story Engine cards reading ...
Lesker's heroism isn't in question. How he died, where his body is and if he died at all very much are. Because this airlock happens to open across a section of 433 Eros' surface which is very thin and situated directly above the void under Kane City no one wants to talk about.
Here's who Buckminster street is named for. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckminst…
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Elk Lake. Originally intended to be a farm for use by Kane City, Elk Lake's cavern partially collapsed in the same disaster that would claim Mayor Lesker's life. Now it's wild country, home to the 433 Eros Elk herd and GERTIE 4. Story Engine cards that rea...
GERTIE 4 is an Expert System, designed to build the farm and instead now the centre of the largest seismology sensor net in the Ark and a herd of Elk. But GERTIE 4 is dying, and no help is coming to repair her.

And GERTIE 4 wants to live.
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Hotelk. Yep, I know. So does owner Cass Marko who realized the name was the point. Cass got the hotel(k) cheap as it sits on the edge of the damaged area around Elk Lake. Story Engine cards, from to...
Cass runs the hotel as a campus. No fees, just...help, where it's needed. Elk farmers brush shoulders with visitors and a growing number of scientists worried by the increasing seismic activity and the declining climate.
The site was previously Camp Onchan, where one of the agreements that led to the construction of the Ark, was signed. Now it's a hotel that's also a sanctuary that's also a farm, the elk herds wandering the grounds.
So, research! The name comes from a hotel in Brighton called Hotel Schmotel which I can never stay at, because if the receptionist doesn't answer the phone with 'Hotel, schmotel holiday inn say whaaaaat how can I help you?' I will be heartbroken.
Puns are good. That's it. That's the tweet. Also the entirety of Cass' marketing strategy.
Camp Onchan is named for one of the Jewish refugee camps on the Isle of Man. The history, and the campus they set up, is amazing. This is a good place to start. bnaibrith.org/imprisoned-on-…
Finally, the giant animal is the elk herd. Because I can't quite fit a kaiju in. This month.
Today's #facility23 using the @storyenginedeck is the Goo Hae-ryung. Former educational ship, former wreck, now a library and soon to be an inter-rock cable car station. Story Engine cards reading ...
A science ship pressed into service as an evacuation shuttle, engineering hauler and general runabout, the Goo Hae-ryung collapsed on its last ever flight and remains in place at Port McCluskie.
Captain Anthony Pulaski was a renowned (and infamous) book collector and, along with the textbooks and educational library aboard, that's become the basis for Kane City's library. Everything is here, games, movies, books, shows, podcasts, albums, cookware.
There's a school opening up in the old cargo bays and a cable car station to 16 Psyche, the power station rock that Eros receives and exports power to, is being set up. The crew have remained aboard as well, and Pulaski is now the head teacher of the Temenos Ark's first school.
The ship is named for Netflix show Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung which is lovely and well worth your time.
Captain Jenkins, Commander Stone and Commander Jones are nods to a group of especially badass Librarians.
And here's 16 Pysche, where we'll be going, probably next month. google.com/search?q=aster…
And a little note about why it's a power station/radiator. agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Muster 22. A waypoint on the T-BAR up to the Civics District, 22 is...odd. The weather's strange, the elks hate it and, behind a series of cordons, there's an impossible dead body. Story Engine cards reading ...
Buck is 200 years old and very dead. Buck is wearing a NASA spacesuit. Buck should not be here.
Muster 22 is inspired by a couple of different things. The first is the abjectly terrifying road up to the Weather Station in chapter 3 of Death Stranding.
It's also inspired by the road to Castle Vezio in Italy. This isn't quite that road, but you get the idea. tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Rev…
By the way, go take a look at Castle Vezio, it's weird and amazing.
T-BAR is a military slang term. This is where I found it although the version I've used, also acceptable is 'That Bastard Ain't A Road'.
Buck is named for exactly who you think he's named for. Whether that's Buck Rogers or Firefighter Evan Buckley from 9-1-1. He's also loosely inspired by one of my favourite odd ST: TNG episodes 'The Royale'.
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Ceiling Farms. Welcome to the Civic District, the heart and brains of Kane City, located on the roof above the main city. Ceiling Farms is the main food provider, and CO2 scrubber, for the City. Story Engine cards reading ...
Ceiling Farm uses the city's own heat to create a micro-climate, seasons playing out across the kilometres wide outcropping of freezing permafrost the hydroponics crops are grown in.
The farm is large, automated and very successful, supplying food to several nearby rocks in the Ark. An Illuvian mini-sun is stationed here and provides the Farm with an accelerated season cycle.
The farm is a victim of its own success, the constantly shifting seasonal cycle starting to drastically shift the perma-frost. In the short term, this means a lot of water needs to be off-loaded regularly, dropping 500 feet onto the city below as rain.
The Monday Storm is now so common, kane City residents plan for it, capturing the water for their own use or simply hiding from the deluge.
In the mid term, other solutions are needed. Engineers are working on securing the farm using cables running to the Brace and the Damocles Cable, the colossal load-bearing structure that holds the Civics District in place and connects 433 Eros to 1221 Amor, an anchor rock.
Ceiling Cities are a great concept that I first encountered in Star Trek 2009. There's a great exploration of them in Mega Structures: The Visual Encyclopedia by @ArtOfSoulburn
Vertical farming in urban environments is also a thing and something I drew from here. Here's a couple of Vertical City articles. itsliquid.com/vertical-city.…
Oh one last thing: The idea that the Civics District is anchored to another asteroid is going to be explored later. The idea I have is that 433 Eros is basically locked in place between two rocks,16 Psyche and 1221 Amor on opposing sides. 1221 Amor is smaller, 16 Psyche is denser
The Amor asteroid group where a lot of the Ark comes from. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amor_aste…
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck cards is The Dave Cave. The machine shop the Ceiling Farms robots are tended at, a funnel for rain and condensation and a weirdly relaxing place to be. Story Engine cards reading,...
And yes, it was discovered by an engineer called Dave.
And yes there may be a statue (Or perhaps action figure) of the Unknown Dave in the cave.
There's also an atmosphere that's just...nice. It's relaxing. Peaceful. Monks and nuns come up here a lot, and listen to the constant trickle of water.
The elks too. They cluster at the bottom of the cave, always trying to get in and get to the back wall. Not that there's anything there, right? It's just a wall and a ramp and...no one's ever scanned what's behind it...Anyway, the Dave Cave.
Today' #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Poet Overhang. A 'crown' of four docking towers framing Ceiling Farms, Port Overhang is a miracle of Fundar engineering and an evolving building. Story Engine cards reading ...
Crafted from the permafrost, the towers shift constantly, their structure changing daily and the excess moisture dropping onto the city and the Farm. That helps create a miniature evaporation cycle in the cavern that the towers also use.
Each tower is defined by a huge, decorative doorway marking your entrance to Civics District. One of them is a memorial to Seeks, the legendary Fundar explorer and one of their first belters.
The towers have one problem. The permafrost isn't quite in control. The highest levels, the foundations, have been subsumed by it and several windowed decks are now under the surface. The towers are too stable, which is a rare problem in Kane City.
This week in #facility23 using @storyenginedeck we're in Civics District. Here, Kane City and all of 433 Eros is governed by humanity's first functional A.I., Aspasia. A 'Ceiling City' on the roof of the cavern, the primary mode of transports are bridges and cable cars.
Aspasia is advised by a council including her creators Doctor Niamh Singh and human/Fundar media personality Doctor Aspirational Vandov. Also on the council is Vice-Admiral Casey Reid, the most senior SolFleet officer on 433 Eros and Admiral Williams' most trusted advisor.
Civics District is Washington on the roof, Westminster with added robots and, odds are, at least some capacity for human empathy. They don't get everything right, and Kane City residents are pretty resentful of them a lot of the time, but they get a lot right.
The earthquakes that destroyed the Elk Lake district and killed Mayor Lesker, among others, are never far from people's minds, especially as the nature of the cavern means Civics District has no direct line of sight on a lot of the city it rules.
With that, and the slow response times that often causes, in mind, Reid is pioneering a new system. Rapid response drone systems that would provide on-site medical support almost instantly, and hold the line until the first responders got there.
DocPod launchers are being trialled now, and even if it doesn't work it's at least an indication that Reid, and through him Aspasia, are aware of what needs to change.
The relative success of Aspasia hasn't gone unnoticed and didn't when the Ark was being built. It's no coincidence that 433 Eros is the last rock in the Ark.
If Aspasia had proved to be a threat, SolFleet had a killswitch. Reid still carries it. He doesn't know Vandov found it and dismantled it months ago. Yet.
But there's another killswitch, one that would sever 433 Eros from the Ark altogether. That's still very much active and it's not alone. Every rock in the ark carries this system and when it's discovered, it's going to be everyone's problem.
Aspasia is named for Greek philsopher, Aspasia. lookingforwisdom.com/aspasia/#:~:te….
The killswitch idea is a nod to this from 2010, which is a film that's pretty fundamental to me. If you haven't seen it, do, it's a good time. Spoilers in the link for the ending so be aware.
Welcome to today's #facility23! Using @storyenginedeck today we're in the Hall Without Gates, the functional city hall for Kane City and the heart of Civics District. Story Engine cards reading ...
A lava tube in the ceiling of the Kane City cavern whose floor collapsed centuries ago, Hall Without Gates is now the seat of government, with Aspasia's primary console located at one end in the council chamber.
It's also a natural proscenium which would make it a great concert venue if it wasn't for the fact that in this universe a sentient piece of alien music tried to take over every living being.
As it stands it also functions as a whispering gallery, meaning it's very hard to have private conversations up here. Which is great for transparent government and not so great for anything that needs to be away from the public eye.
Also, notably, HWG has been discovered to be one of two lava tubes running in parallel. The other of which runs down into the void beneath Kane City...
Proscenium! Fun to learn about, fun to say! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proscenium
Whispering Galleries are really interesting. I've been to the ones at St Paul's and at St Peter's Basilica and they're almost a function of vast spaces, designed to increase the sense of being overwhelmed.
Aspasia's primary console is deliberately, in-universe, a slight riff on these two Star Trek super computers. memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Landru_(c…
Also no mention of super computers would be complete without a link to possibly Lower Decks' best episode to date, A Mathematically Perfect Redemption, which steers hard into the consequences of that concept.blog.trekcore.com/2022/10/star-t…
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck is Rip Hill. If you're thinking a hill in a ceiling city is bad, and a hill called Rip Hill is maybe very bad, well you're not wrong. Story Engine Cards reading ...
Rip Hill isn't a hill. It's a lava chamber, formed when 433 Eros was still volcanic and now empty. Aside from the volatile gases left behind. The several thousand metric tons of them.
Rip Hill is, essentially, a gas balloon full of hydrogen and oxygen. It is, if used right, a fantastic resource for breathable air and fuel for the Ark. It has not always been used right.
The Ark took damage getting out of the solar system and Kane City was, briefly, holed. Mayor Lesker had no choice but to tap Rip Hill. He did so in a solar system sized firefight. Mistakes were made.
Rip Hill is still there. Civics District is still there. The gas is mostly still there. But Rip Hill vented a couple of tens of pure oxygen into Kane City and even now no one can have a naked flame without a permit.
Every kid in Kane City knows Rip Hill is off limits. Every kid in Kane City knows the gas is vented every twelve hours, and while it's tanked off, it isn't an exact science.
So bribes are exchanged and eyes are averted and kids ride the Rip Tide. Coast across on micro-g gliders as the gas vents. Get it right, you soar. You are an Adult in the eyes of your peers. Get it wrong and you'll wake up in hospital in Kane City with multiple fractures.
UpTown is the residential block for Civics District. It's suspended between two peaks on the ceiling, To and Fro and shaped like a pyramid. It's essentially a block from Judge Dredd's Mega-City 1, an arcology suspended from the ceiling of the cavern Kane City is located in. Story Engine cards read top...
UpTown's pretty nice! It's a self-contained environment too and that's a problem because it not only encourages the sort of class war no one wanted to bring on the ark with them but also because it gives the politicians of Civics District a bubble they are happy to live inside.
The Apex, the lowest point in UpTown is a transparent floored nightclub. A thousand feet below it, Kane City is clearly visible. Like I say, class war.
It's not entirely JG Ballard all the way down though. The public spaces of UpTown are open to everyone and SpeedGliding is one of the Ark's favoured sports. Basically, speed climbing but sometimes you have to wingsuit to the next handhold. Or cable car.
Arlo Pepper is the current champion, from Kane City. The next championship event is soon and he's facing stiff competition from Gorilla, a massively strong Fundar sponsored by UpTown.
The Apex is a nod to this location in WatchDogs Legion, just upside down.
UpTown is also somewhat reminiscent of Ballard's High-Rise.
Paradise Towers from Doctor Who is also in there.
Which @cutawayuniverse have been publishing a great sequel to. cutawaycomics.co.uk/publications/p…
And of course, Judge Dredd.
Arlo Pepper shares a name of sorts with Waldo Pepper, Robert Redford's character in The Great Waldo Pepper which is a good movie with horrifying stunts done actually by the actors OH GOD GET BACK IN THE PLANE.
Gorilla is named for a term I was taught when I climbed. 'Gorrila'ing was used to refer to when you were tired and close to the top and just hauled yourself up there. Not much art, whole lot of brawn.
The 'controversial masterpiece' isn't locked in here but you've got options; Gorilla could be genetically enhanced, the race could be more deliberately dangerous, some anti-establishment artist could graffiti the Apex's windows, that kind of thing.
Welcome to the last #facility23 for the week. Today, @storyenginedeck cards are taking us to Rad Pig's Slide, the canyon that leads to Ironhead, the mineface of 433 Eros. Story Engine cards reading ...
Designed by Aspasia, the Civics District AI, Rad Pig's Slide is practical, artistic and the scariest kind of fun. Winding mountain roads, the drone hubs on Mount Honnold and the multi-angle cable car lines mean everything that needs to get to and from Ironhead can.
And everyone who travels that road gets a fun view too. Including the workers coming in on Route 2, the cable car run down the Damocles Cable that connects 433 Eros to 1221 Amor
This is also the home of the last race of the SpeedGlide Championships, where climbers have to fly and climb through active traffic, battling the wind, the elements, the roads and their own fatigue. It's a GOOD, scary time.
Elements of the Judge Dredd stories about Chopper, and especially SuperSurf 11, are a big part of this section. judgedredd.fandom.com/wiki/Marlon_Sh…
Mount Honnold is named for Alex Honnold. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Honn…
This is the sort of energy these locations have. Do not watch if you have vertigo.
Today's #facility23 using @storyenginedeck cards brings us to the Ironhead. 433 Eros contains 20 billion tonnes of various metals including platinum and gold. This is where it's mined. Story Engine cards reading ...
The rights to the Ironhead were sold to vsarious mining corporations to help finance onstruction of the Ark. Now, those companies, including the RockDogs and WhiteRock,run functional fiefdoms inside the Ironhead. IronTown,the settlement and staging depot at the mouth is neutral.
Everywhere else is fair game and small prospectors constantly juggle demands and loyalties to keep the big groups off their backs. Even the Marshal can't help, despite rolling through the tunnels in a mobile jail/infirmary.
Endless Stoicism is the only Permancer on 433 Eros and no one knows why they're there. They only know Stoicism knows to look the other way and can, when needed, be bought, despite his people's reputation.
The IronHead Hounds are, on occasion, their deputies. An 'independent mining and security concern' they're a gang with stock options and, on occasion, marshal's badges.
And then there's Rock Club. A deliberately flat name for an unprecedent group. Miners, criminals, SolFleet and archaeologists all working in Tunnel SixOne, an innocuous location off the beaten track that in fact directly connects to the void beneath Kane City.
Their progress is slow but they're almost there. On the way they've realized a mounting problem. The waste materials from the Ironhead are making their way into the ecosystem and are in danger of threatening Ceiling Farms. If that dies, Kane City dies too.
Who has two thumbs and found a massive research archive on 433 Eros? THIS GUY! erosproject.com/erosfact.html?….
Endless Stoicism is basically riding around the tunnels in one of these. shutterstock.com/image-photo/so…
In terms of scale for the Ironhead, basically combine these ten locations and make them vertical rather than horizontal. Add in some mining robots and drone swarms and you're good to go. miningdigital.com/top10/top-10-l…
Last day of the month! #facility23! @thestoryenginedeck! Let's go to the Void! Except it isn't actually a void, it's a paradise, an abandoned mountain town christened Eridu by the human scientists who discovered it in the late 21st century.

There are two doors on Earth that lead to 433 Eros. One is located on the Croatian coast at a naturally occurring 'sea organ' that creates harmonic chimes based on the sound of the crashing waves. The other is in a basement under the Aricebo radio telescope's ruins.
This one was built by humanity, after years of sending drones through the Croatian door and studying the weirdly preserved town on the other side. This is also the one Captain Britt 'Buck' Fullet went through. The door tech failed, and he was stranded on 433 Eros where he died.
Through Buck's explorations though, NASA have a pretty good idea of what's in Eridu including the stature at it's core. This shows two mostly humanoid figures locked in a swordfight to the death.

The statue is moving. Very slowly. But it is moving.
The truth is that Eridu was a refuge for the Composers, the first sentient race in the galaxy and the composers of The Song. It was also the site of an ill-fated attempt to stop the first Song War where a Composer challenged the first Choirmaster to a duel.
The winner would end the war on their terms. But both sides were so well equipped, so intent on seizing victory their technologies slowed their lives down to geological scale. The duel isn't finished yet. There is no victor. But there will be.
Eridu is ecologically perfect, absolutely deserted and in the middle of three square miles of countryside. It is the most beautiful and most terrifying place on 433 Eros and only one of the Rock Club know's it's there.
And that's 433 Eros! Research time. Eridu is named for here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eridu
The Croatian sea organ is actually an art installation and is here. dealchecker.co.uk/blog/2019/08/1…
The concept of the eternal duel is what terrified me as a kid about this (probably pretty problematic) poem and this episode of Star Trek.


Which I thought RULED and still do.
Here's the Aricebo Radio telescope last of all. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_O…
Oh the NASA scientist who names it Eridu is called Patience Murad. We'll meet her descendants on one of the other rocks. She's named in honour of Nadia Murad. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadia_Mur…
Last day of the month! #facility23! @thestoryenginedeck! Let's go to the Void! Except it isn't actually a void, it's a paradise, an abandoned mountain town christened Eridu by the human scientists who discovered it in the late 21st century.

There are two doors on Earth that lead to 433 Eros. One is located on the Croatian coast at a naturally occurring 'sea organ' that creates harmonic chimes based on the sound of the crashing waves. The other is in a basement under the Aricebo radio telescope's ruins.
This one was built by humanity, after years of sending drones through the Croatian door and studying the weirdly preserved town on the other side. This is also the one Captain Britt 'Buck' Fullet went through. The door tech failed, and he was stranded on 433 Eros where he died.
Through Buck's explorations though, NASA have a pretty good idea of what's in Eridu including the stature at it's core. This shows two mostly humanoid figures locked in a swordfight to the death.

The statue is moving. Very slowly. But it is moving.
The truth is that Eridu was a refuge for the Composers, the first sentient race in the galaxy and the composers of The Song. It was also the site of an ill-fated attempt to stop the first Song War where a Composer challenged the first Choirmaster to a duel.
The winner would end the war on their terms. But both sides were so well equipped, so intent on seizing victory their technologies slowed their lives down to geological scale. The duel isn't finished yet. There is no victor. But there will be.
Eridu is ecologically perfect, absolutely deserted and in the middle of three square miles of countryside. It is the most beautiful and most terrifying place on 433 Eros and only one of the Rock Club know's it's there.
And that's 433 Eros! Research time. Eridu is named for here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eridu
The Croatian sea organ is actually an art installation and is here. dealchecker.co.uk/blog/2019/08/1…
The concept of the eternal duel is what terrified me as a kid about this (probably pretty problematic) poem and this episode of Star Trek.


Which I thought RULED and still do.
Here's the Aricebo Radio telescope last of all. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_O…
Oh the NASA scientist who names it Eridu is called Patience Murad. We'll meet her descendants on one of the other rocks. She's named in honour of Nadia Murad. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadia_Mur…
Oh and the cards might be nice too:) You'll notice the Apex Predator card there. Hold that thought... Story Engine cards showing ...

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More from @AlasdairStuart

Dec 4, 2023
We're officially in the home stretch of the Temenos Ark! My #facility23 project has run since January and will wrap in two weeks. This last one ties it all together and we'll see @storyenginedeck and @HeroForgeMinis elements later in the month but right now, it's lore time.
Interstellar asteroid Oumuaumua is shown against the night sky
December 4th

Robert Weryk became the first person to discover an interstellar object passing through the solar system on October 19th2017. The object had already passed its closest point to the Sun and was on the way out of the solar system.
Read 93 tweets
Nov 13, 2020
Now the sweary version; this piss eyed leaking sack of edge lord pseudo-incel weaponised sociopathy has done probably irreparable damage to this country's character, it's capacity for hope, it's long term economic future and it's short term mental and psychological health.
This right here? Is a piece of shit. A pompous, conceited fuckwad who because he knew a little more than everyone else became convinced he was better than everyone else and everyone else deserved neither praise nor patience nor him.
I got closer to this than I wanted in my teens. Seeing this as the end game? Makes me even happier about choices I made and Dom here clearly did not.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 12, 2020
This was very much me earlier. I am in fact literally back from getting what we call my 'sunlight tick'. Have I been outside today? Yes? That's a win.
Written down it looks stupid, right? It isn't. This time of year is rough for some folks at the best of times. This? Is categorically the fuck not the best of times. I often have to untie a knot of shitty body image lessons, professional frustration and straight up stress by...
stepping outside. Or playing a video game. Or baking something. Or lifting weights. If I wanted to I could seethe with frustration over the fact it feels, sometimes, like every healthy body image lesson and habit we built at the top of the year has been torpedoed.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 12, 2020
Thank you so much for joining us tonight, folks that was a BLAST! Brace for show notes!
Tonight's fan art is 'Weather' from @emperiocism which is lovely and part of #petermartinweek2020.
Tonight's opening monologue is “Space’s Best Bars and Restaurants” and “Dress to Fluoresce: Space Fashion” from Notes from Small Planets by Nate ‘House Band’ Crowley who you can and should find here as @frogcroakley.
Read 27 tweets
Nov 7, 2020
I mean the man’s litany of corruption, in every sense of the word, is as broad spectrum as his base is not but as God is my ducking witness if anyone uses the words ‘fake news’ after January 20th I want their fucking dicks to drop off.
I’ve watched friends and family deal with invertebrates in red baseball caps with single figure YouTube accounts claiming to be ‘the true press’ and every single fucking one of you who used that phrase helped make that seem okay.
It was never okay. It was never fucking close to okay. Mocking that journalist on the ‘16 campaign trail. ACTUAL NAZI PHRASES FOR LYING PRESS. ‘Fake news’. All of it is unfuckingforgivable and all of it stops right the fuck now.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 4, 2020
And that's a book, folks! THANK YOU SO MUCH for listening to A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking's epic, heartrending finale. ACTUAL tears. ACTUAL blood. ACTUAL tweet thread.
Our opening art this week is by @perryscribbles from Twitter. Thank you so much for this wonderful, super moody Peter Lukas
The amazing @Wendles1967 decked Chungus out in their latest finery, an amazing V For Vendetta/TMA hat complete with excellent poem! Image
Read 20 tweets

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