@AlasdairStuart Profile picture
He/Him.Co-owner @eapodcasts. Pop culture analyst. SUCH disrepute. Photo by @legalvalkyrie. Banner by @sennydreadful. More: https://t.co/NoShTDT2XZ
Dec 4, 2023 93 tweets 16 min read
We're officially in the home stretch of the Temenos Ark! My #facility23 project has run since January and will wrap in two weeks. This last one ties it all together and we'll see @storyenginedeck and @HeroForgeMinis elements later in the month but right now, it's lore time. Interstellar asteroid Oumuaumua is shown against the night sky
Feb 2, 2023 155 tweets 41 min read
New month, new asteroid! We're on 433 Eros in the Temenos Ark and our first #facility23 draw is for The Point. The rearmost part of the Ark, a memorial, an archive and a place to reflect for the crew of the massive vessel. Cards from @storyenginedeck. Story Engine cards reading ... New month, new thread! Slipstream Canyon is next, a colossal, constructed canyon and venting system for the CO2 turbines that power Kane City. Also home to the incredibly dangerous sport of void jumping. Vents. Bungee chord. Bored belters. Fun ensues! Cards from @storyenginedeck Story Engine cards reading ...
Nov 13, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Now the sweary version; this piss eyed leaking sack of edge lord pseudo-incel weaponised sociopathy has done probably irreparable damage to this country's character, it's capacity for hope, it's long term economic future and it's short term mental and psychological health. This right here? Is a piece of shit. A pompous, conceited fuckwad who because he knew a little more than everyone else became convinced he was better than everyone else and everyone else deserved neither praise nor patience nor him.
Nov 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
This was very much me earlier. I am in fact literally back from getting what we call my 'sunlight tick'. Have I been outside today? Yes? That's a win. Written down it looks stupid, right? It isn't. This time of year is rough for some folks at the best of times. This? Is categorically the fuck not the best of times. I often have to untie a knot of shitty body image lessons, professional frustration and straight up stress by...
Nov 12, 2020 27 tweets 9 min read
Thank you so much for joining us tonight, folks that was a BLAST! Brace for show notes! Tonight's fan art is 'Weather' from @emperiocism which is lovely and part of #petermartinweek2020.
Nov 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I mean the man’s litany of corruption, in every sense of the word, is as broad spectrum as his base is not but as God is my ducking witness if anyone uses the words ‘fake news’ after January 20th I want their fucking dicks to drop off. I’ve watched friends and family deal with invertebrates in red baseball caps with single figure YouTube accounts claiming to be ‘the true press’ and every single fucking one of you who used that phrase helped make that seem okay.
Nov 4, 2020 20 tweets 8 min read
And that's a book, folks! THANK YOU SO MUCH for listening to A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking's epic, heartrending finale. ACTUAL tears. ACTUAL blood. ACTUAL tweet thread. Our opening art this week is by @perryscribbles from Twitter. Thank you so much for this wonderful, super moody Peter Lukas
Oct 8, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
Well I’ve just had a fantastic chat with some of the creative team behind @HearCircles and the chef soundtrack is playing so let’s make focaccia. Your intrepid hero, pure of heart and skew of glasses500g bread flour, two tablespoons olive oil, 14g yeast, a li Add all these to a mixing bowl making sure that the yeast and sugar are as far apart as possible because if they got too close they’d discover the doomed romance between their children and wait that might actually be West Side Story. Flour in a bowl, yeast to one side, salt to the other
Oct 7, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
Thanks so much for joining us, folks! As usual, here’s a little extra reading. Our opening art this week is by the amazing @thelilnan! We loved both Happy Birthday Peter and THE SO CUTE Stream Couple very much!
Oct 7, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Seeing early rumblings of the traditional nonsense about NaNoWriMo. So, SUPER QUICK:

-If you want to do it, do it. I've done it twice and it was a massively positive experience both times.
-It's a BRILLIANT first step. Gets you a zero draft. You can do anything with that. -Make sure you do anything with that zero draft. Momentum after the fact is the key. Get it however you can, rewards, targets you colour in, anything.
-If you do it, congratulations! You've made art! Now you get to make it better!
Oct 6, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
The world is an absolute fucking catastrophe run by the absolute worst who despite what we were promised do not seem to lack conviction. Let’s make chicken Marsala meatballs. Your narrator, a chap with a shaved head, glasses and who soChicken stock, white wine, flour, salt, sour cream and butteMilk, egg, butter, salt and crispy onions in plastic dishes See that first photo? The one without the stock? Drop all of that in a food processor and add 400g of chicken. Then blend it until it looks like faintly upsetting ice cream. Chicken, onions, milk and butter and salt in a food processoSlightly upsetting meat ice cream, the consistency you need
Jul 30, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Real quick because I have actual work to do today, the thing I think gets overlooked a lot about Campbell and Lovecraft is the shadow they cast. Campbell's specific definition of what SF he wanted didn't just shape a 'golden age' it shaped the critical criteria we use to assess what's good and what isn't. If you don't think that's intensely damaging and we're still paying the price for it, then look up Tiptree's career.
May 15, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
I haven’t had my coffee yet so this is going to be unfiltered.

The Mail was one of the cheerleaders for the Thatcher government and their systematic maiming of teachers’ reputations and the education system in general. That had a direct effect on my life, as the son of a teacher My father’s health suffered, very badly, for a long time as a result of those policies. Somewhere in the region of a third of the teachers in the area ended up taking early retirement. He was one of them. That probably saved his life.
Nov 18, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
Cuddly Uncle Bob, everybody. Actually you know what, I've got some time, let's dig in a little here. The Heinlein quote in there 'don the red robe of the venerated elder' is almost a platonic example of everything that's trying to murder genre fiction in it's sleep.