Watching Nebraska Legislature Revenue Committee & think important to point out that the proposed corporate/individual income tax reductions are for the top earner brackets only. It was specific choice to EXCLUDE working families & smaller businesses from these packages. /1 #neleg
I have reviewed the fiscal notes and highlight that Senator von Gillern's LB806 to change individual income tax rates is ONLY for highest bracket. Lower income Nebraskans get no relief. The fiscal note for the first year is $300M and $150M in the second year. /2
LB804, introduced by Senator von Gillern, proposes lowering corporate income tax rates for ONLY the top bracket. Smaller Nebraska corporations get no relief. The fiscal note for the first year is $60M. /3
Senator Linehan's LB754 to reduce individual and corporate income tax rates will ONLY provide relief for the top brackets. The total fiscal note for the first year is $220M and continues to reduce Nebraska revenue more each year and reaches $734M in sixth year. /4
Our Legislative Study Group shares @NebPublicMedia's #neleg Livestreams and recommend viewing the recording of today's Revenue Committee Hearing at this link. /5
Serious question for @MeltonforOmaha and @brinkerh: How will raising the age of the mask requirement benefit children if they are more at risk of getting sick, infecting others in the community/schools, or exposing their parents and loved ones? 😷 #COVID19
This amendment endangers classmates and their teachers, too! How will it benefit children if their parents are exposed to COVID19 because child brings it home from school, sports, dance, band, Cub Scouts, etc.? What if a family member comes down with a serious case or dies? 😷
Why aren't Omaha's elected officials learning from the mistakes of the past year? They forget families across the city have loved ones with underlying conditions! We are forced to navigate higher risk because our City Council won't listen to scientists and medical experts. 😷