#CornGate 🌽 SUPPLEMENTAL #1: Why after 5 months does @Lincoln_Police decide to “punt”
asking for special prosecutor? Clearly ZERO no new information was found as they closed it in AUG 2022. Why wouldn’t LPD release investigation to Col Tom Nesbitt and or NEGOP?/1
Why only after s/m disclosure of 👆🏽 dynamic and News FIOA threats has this “punt” occurred? It has needed a special prosecutor from Day 1 or @FBI but the timeline is suspicious and opens @Lincoln_Police to scrutiny of it’s handling of the “alleged” theft. /2
Our Law and Order @MayorLeirion had multiple reasons to ensure this was done right. 1. Why would she not want a white collar crime investigated as detailed as any other? Was she not aware? NO WAY, everyone in this state was aware who follows/cares about politics. /3
@MayorLeirion reason #2: It is potential political gold mine on her opponents (not that is legal/ethical to push this) but certainly a realistic human factor in this? So WHY would she not ensure it is done right? It is a political no brainer. But none of that occurred. /4
@Lincoln_Police and @MayorLeirion are now part of the story and shouldn’t be logically. What reason/rational could they have for this timeline SNAFU? Have they been pressured by some unseen force? A special prosecutor or @FBI could find out, cause it all smells 💩 /5
@Lincoln_Police@MayorLeirion need to answer the citizens this: HOW MANY OTHER Investigations have you sat on and taken no action? HOW MANY PRIVATE CITIZENS and BUSINESS’s have been effected by this dynamic between the mayor and LPD? 🤷🏽♂️ #CornGate🌽
#CornGate 🌽 #3: We will circle back to WHO (The Crew) could have been there with @gagetaylor but the mechanism of items returned is stinky at best. Meaning the chain of custody of the WHAT (items taken) begins to add more questions to the WHY not less. /1
@AxiomStrategies Jessica Flanagain, Special Advisor to then Gov. Ricketts and campaign lead for both Ricketts and Pillen had the stuff that was taken out of @NEGOP WHY? Has she been questioned by authorities? She is not part of the NEGOP staff so WHY in the chain of custody? /2
Did she know WHAT was taken or WHY? Clearly Gage & Crew trusted her with the items. It certainly adds another layer to this “alleged” break in and theft of materials that hasn’t been explored to anyone’s knowledge/3
#CornGate🌽 #2: WHO was the OLD Executive Director of the @NEGOP? @gagetaylor who was hired quickly by @USRepMikeFlood and is Grandson of Former NE Gov Kay Orr. He was in charge of day to day operations of NEGOP until he choose to resign after the VOTE. He didn’t have too. /1
@gagetaylor comes from a political family. Many of which have served alongside senior NE R officials. Gage voluntarily resigned and left the convention early on July 9 2022. He was in NEGOP HQ after that. He wasn’t alone. /2
The internal NEGOP investigation says as much and more, but lets stick to WHO? WHO else could have been there? Anyone from his political connected family? That would be a good lead to find out? How about his peer group and others that worked closely at NEGOP or R campaigns/3
Truth to Power is the only way to solve @NEGOP “alleged” break-in and “Who dun what, Why?” I will start the NE version of Twitter files to ensure public accountability over our processes and systems. Who knows where it will lead? /1
/2 FULL DISCLOSURE: These r personal thoughts and questions as a NE R, concerned 🇺🇸citizen. I was part of the transition team & acted temporarily as comms director 4-5w & involved with internal asset recovery between OLD/NEW staffs.
Not contacted by @Lincoln_Police
/3 What should have happened on July 9 2022, After a LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL VOTE of change in leadership of the NEGOP, the OLD leadership/staff should have waited to go into the HQ to ensure a proper turnover of NEGOP assets to NEW leadership staff. This DID NOT Happen.