Apologies for missing a week last week--it was my fault, not the team!
For the weekly recommendations we provide, we're still using recommendations for VERY HIGH and SEVERE scores even for regions that have dropped below these thresholds.
Why? Because the projections we do are based on data that is already nearly 2 weeks old d/t reporting delays.
With the percentage of cases that are XBB.1.5 increasing in multiple Canadian regions, we're being more cautious with weekly recommendations, because there's a possibility things might be taking off now but the COVID Forecast isn't capturing it yet because input data are slow.
We're seeing a decline in severe outcomes in multiple provinces, with decline in waste water and estimated total infections in many.
It looks like we're coming out of the holiday wave/surge--the duration looks fairly similar to the surge we saw around Thanksgiving.
But....as you can see from this image here, estimated actual infections are continuing to increase for multiple provinces (CAN, BC, NL, NS, ON, North)--not fast (except for North), but steadily.
If/when we see hospitalizations pick up we'll likely be in the XBB.1.5 surge/wave.
Before I share province info, it's important to know that estimated infection numbers are similar to recent numbers for the UK, even without much XBB.1.5.
Here's a screenshot from @ONS showing infection numbers from randomly sampled testing.
About 1 in 20 people infected.
@ONS There have been big changes in the most recent week, partly because December holiday data finally came in and we started getting waste water data for the end of December/early January.
@COVID_19_Canada If you have questions about the data and/or about COVID in Canada, we have several free, bilingual evening Zoom sessions every week where people can join to talk with me, other researchers and people across the country.
It is now clear that we're seeing the beginning of a new wave.
BUT...the data we have from last week to do this forecast is still quite incomplete due to delayed reporting.
We're releasing this now instead of waiting until next week when data are more complete so people know a new wave has started and that they need to start/resume/continue taking precautions.
The scores have become more volatile in the last week. We usually see this at start of new waves, when some provinces are still seeing some numbers coming down quite low compared to earlier periods, but there are starting to be spikes in other variables, especially waste water.
We're not sure if there will be a new wave, or if it will happen in all provinces. Some, like PEI and NS, were in a very prolonged very high period recently, so numerous reinfections may be less likely there. Maybe.