Visitors to the UK will need to make more preparations than in the past starting in 2024. A brand-new Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system is being implemented in the U.K. The UK's objective of having totally digital borders by 2025 will be achieved with the adoption
In the U.S., visitors must also apply for a similar authorization before coming: the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (or ESTA), which is available to travelers from countries granted a Visa Waiver Program.
This will all eventually be merged with a digital ID, along with jab passports, social credit scores, and so forth.
NWO: War is at your doorstep; it's time to get out of bed. With mass entertainment, employment, bills, and interpersonal animosity using a variety of techniques, including money, race, science, and the multiple classes we have that are solely dependent on material possessions,
they have deepened your sleep.
While this is happening, they are quietly destroying us, and to make matters worse, you are assisting them. Hell is being brought to Earth by the New World Order, who are also using religion to accomplish this.
Where are the countries in this if the #Rockefeller Foundation continues to get financing for the WHO under the leadership of Rajiv Shah (along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI as partners)?
Who exactly are the lawyers running the Rockefeller Foundation who choose how much money ($6.3 billion in assets) gets donated to WHO each year?
Since the Rockefeller Foundation was one of the vaccination bonds' pioneers, it should come as no surprise that Rajiv Shah, the
president of the Rockefeller Foundation, is a strong proponent of Covid variants (see action plan).
Over 70 years of cooperation are being honoured.
When the WHO's charter was ratified and the organisation became the first specialised agency of the United Nations in June 1946,
Recall that Desantis promoted the RSV narrative in 2021 by "warning" that it is more serious in youngsters. Pfizer was at that time developing an RSV mRNA vaccine.
What has the plandemic story been up to most recently?
A "triple-demic" that consists of COVID-1984, Influenza,
and RSV is advising people to start wearing masks once more, especially children, as well as obtaining the flu shot and the COVID-1984 shot at the same time, despite the FDA and CDC's claims that doing so increases the risk of stroke.
mRNA software, developed by Pfizer and
Moderna, will also be included in the new flu vaccines.
The guy in question is yet another wolf in sheep's clothes. Each one of them is the same.