5/13 VaR calculates the maximum loss that a portfolio is expected to suffer within a certain confidence level over a given time horizon.
It's calculated by taking the expected value of the losses divided by the probability of those losses occurring.
See formula below 👇
6/13 CVaR (AKA expected shortfall) is an extension of VaR that quantifies the average loss over a specified time period of *unlikely scenarios beyond the confidence level.*
Ex: If CVaR at a 99% conf. level is 1Ξ → We expect the 1% worst losses to be 1Ξ
See formula below 👇
7/13 Example: suppose we have 1 ETH which we deploy on the ETH-USDC 0.3% Uni V3 pool.
We deploy our LP position at the current price, at a width r = 1.3. In addition, we redeploy our position every
- VaR ranges from 3.8% - 12.5% losses & CVaR from 6.1% - 15% losses
- 👆 means that the expected maximum loss is around those ranges
- Daily rebalance is slightly less risky than holding ETH
In addition... 👇
- In general, longer rebalancing period: larger risk
- Larger α: larger risk
- Risk of HODLing ETH over 1 day: VaR = 10%, CVaR = 14%
+ interesting conclusion:
ETH-Stablecoin LP strategies are less risky than HODLing ETH
Why? Intuitively, LP returns offset risk!
10/13 In summary:
Risk measures are used to make informed investment decisions, set risk management policies, and evaluate portfolio performance.
Thus, a comprehensive understanding of RMs is essential for effective risk management.
There's a caveat we haven't discussed 👇
11/13 RMs are based on historical data and can't predict future market movements. This means RMs are - in a way - biased towards the past.
One way of alleviating this is to simulate forward paths using Monte Carlo methods. We'll release a tutorial on this shortly 😉
12/13 Now that we know what risk measures are, in an upcoming topic we will discuss how to use them for hedging and position management 😉