“As the world around us and the way we pay for things becomes more digitalised, the case for a digital pound in the future continues to grow," says Andrew Bailey, governor of the @BankOfEngland.
“While cash is here to stay, a digital pound issued and backed by the @BankOfEngland could be a new way to pay that’s trusted, accessible and easy to use,” chancellor @Jeremy_Hunt said.
“CBDCs could equip central banks with new tools to significantly help soften the impact of forthcoming financial crises, given they would provide a real-time view of risks and currency outflows,” @techmjh, our Chief Product Officer said.
Our CPO, @techmjh recently spoke to Lauren Mills at @IPEnews in an article, ‘Private markets: Is tokenisation a good idea?’
He says, “blockchain will have massive transformational impact across the whole of financial services.”
A thread🧵
Martin adds, “tokenisation reduces the need for intermediaries and time-consuming manual processes. With a correctly set-up token, you can also see the beneficial owners of the underlying assets, reducing the cost of compliance and anti-money laundering procedures.”
“Over the next few years, trust will be a huge factor that determines the adoption rate of tokenisation within asset management. Investors will need certainty that fund managers can link the token to the real economic rights of the underlying asset,” says @techmjh.
"It makes sense for us to lead with custody," says Butler. "We see it as foundational - execution is next. Clients come to us for trust, innovation, and client experience. Interoperability is key."
"You open up these technologies to people and you don't know what they're going to do with them," says Herkelrath. "Multiple concerts this summer were carried out as NFTs. You got more of an experience and you have a collectable. That's fascinating for the future."
Live on the #Sibos stage: @JanineJoyHirt introducing Alistair Currie, Global Head of Consumer Banking & Payments, @Barclays.
"Innovation is no longer a department," says Currie. "It's part of our fabric. But we've figured out we can't do it all ourselves. We've grown more accustomed to working with partners and running an open architecture model [to innovate]."
"We look for partners of all shapes and sizes," says Currie. "We won't always use partners but we certainly look. We're looking for that bit of competitive edge."
This morning, we're bringing you highlights from @joymacknight's Inside Leadership interview with @BankofAmerica's Vice Chair, Cathy Bessant.
"There are 1.5m jobs in cyber alone that are unfilled today," says Bessant. "Our job is to train people for the skills we need today and in the future. Technology can be learned. We don't need more workers, we need the right skills."
"No one in this room is ready to transact when there is no one to contact if things go wrong," says Rieupeyroux. "What you want, at the very least, is someone you can sue if things go wrong."
"When you look at smart contracts, you can easily imagine an environment where someone you trust is certifying the smart contract," says Rieupeyroux. "There are many areas where centralised players can deliver value in a decentralised environment."