Some inconvenient facts for those incredibly still arguing that NATO "provoked" Putin to invade Ukraine. 1/ THREAD
When asked if Russia should join NATO, here's what one Russian leader said about the scary, horrible NATO:
"Why not? Why not . . . I do not rule out such a possibility . . . it is with difficulty that I imagine NATO as an enemy." 2/
Who said that? Yeltsin? Nemtsov? No, Putin.
Why would Putin want to join an alliance allegedly threatening to destroy Russia? Makes no sense. 3/
After the second wave of NATO expansion was announced, a Russian strategist said this: "We of course are not in a position to tell people what to do. We cannot forbid people to make certain choices if they want to increase the security of their nations in a particular way.” 4/
Who said that? Kasparov? Navalny? No. Putin. 5/
On Ukraine-NATO, a Russian policymaker said this: "I am absolutely convinced that Ukraine will not shy away from the processes of expanding interaction with NATO and the Western allies as a whole. Ukraine has its own relations with NATO; there is the Ukraine-NATO Council." 6/
"At the end of the day, the decision is to be taken by NATO and Ukraine. It is a matter for those two partners." Author? Yep, you guessed it. That's Putin again. 7/
At a NATO summit -- yes a NATO summit!!! -- a Russian said this: "The period of distance in our relations and claims against each other is over now. We view the future with optimism and will work on developing relations between Russia and NATO in all areas . . ." 8/
Gorbachev? Yeltsin? Nemtsov? No. That was Medvedev in 2010 at the Lisbon NATO summit, 2 years AFTER the "dreaded" 2008 Bucharest NATO summit! I know, inconvenient facts. But these are direct quotes from Putin & Medvedev. But carry on with your mythmaking. 9/
Несколько неудобных фактов для тех, кто по-прежнему утверждает, что НАТО "спровоцировала" Путина вторгнуться в Украину. 1/ТРЕД
В ответ на вопрос должна ли Россия присоединиться к НАТО вот что сказал один российский лидер об этой ужасной, пугающей НАТО: "Почему нет? Почему нет?...Я не исключаю такой возможности...с трудом представляю себе НАТО как врага". 2/
Кто это сказал? Ельцин? Немцов? Нет, Путин.
Почему Путин хочет присоединиться к альянсу, якобы угрожающему Россию разрушением? Бессмыслица. 3/
Приблизительно год спустя после начала своего вторжения в Украину российский президент, Владимир Путин, проиграл в достижении всех и каждой из своих крупных целей. 1/ THREAD
Он не объединил т.н. единый славянский народ, он не "денацифицировал" или не "демилитаризировал" Украину, и он не остановил расширение НАТО. 2/
Вместо этого украинские военные отогнали российские войска от Киева, защитили второй по величине город Украины, Харьков, и провели осенью ряд успешных контрнаступлений, таким образом, к окончанию 2022 освободив более 50% территории, ранее оккупированной Россией. 3/
"Nearly a year after he invaded Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has failed to achieve any of his major objectives. He has not unified the alleged single Slavic nation, he has not “denazified” or “demilitarized” Ukraine, and he has not stopped NATO expansion." 1/
"Instead the Ukrainian military kept Russian troops out of Kyiv, defended Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, and launched successful counteroffensives in the fall so that by the end of 2022, it had liberated over 50 percent of the territory previously captured by Russian.."2
"soldiers that year. In January, Putin removed the general in charge of the war in Ukraine, Sergei Surovikin, whom he had appointed just a few months earlier. Wartime leaders change their top generals only when they know they are losing." 3/
"Biden’s leadership has been key, demonstrating that the United States is not a fading power as some in Moscow and Beijing believe, but is still the leader of the liberal, democratic world." 1/ THREAD
A different president in the White House might not have had the convictions, knowledge, experience, and diplomatic skills to pull this off. 2/
"Biden is leading the world in taking all these actions to help Ukraine while keeping American soldiers out of the fight. Biden has been the right leader for this moment." 3/
"Nearly a year after he invaded Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has failed to achieve any of his major objectives." 1/ THREAD
"He has not unified the alleged single Slavic nation, he has not “denazified” or “demilitarized” Ukraine, and he has not stopped NATO expansion." 2/
"Instead the Ukrainian military kept Russian troops out of Kyiv, defended Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv and launched successful counteroffensives in the fall so that by the end of 2022, it had liberated over 50 percent of the territory previously captured by Russia.." 3/
"Nearly a year after he invaded Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has failed to achieve any of his major objectives." 1/
"He has not unified the alleged single Slavic nation, he has not “denazified” or “demilitarized” Ukraine, and he has not stopped NATO expansion." 2/
"Instead the Ukrainian military kept Russian troops out of Kyiv, defended Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv and launched successful counteroffensives in the fall so that by the end of 2022, it had liberated over 50 percent of the territory previously captured by Russia.." 3/