Ana ❄️ (MIA) Profile picture
Feb 12, 2023 168 tweets 33 min read Read on X

Where ex-boyfriends Taehyung and Jungkook accidentally meet each other, years after their bitter break-up; in the city of love! The memories still itch sometimes, but after the years spent apart and a lot of growing up, things are bound to change, aren’t they? Image
🍃 Short Drabble
🍃 Exes to ?
🍃 High School sweethearts in the past
🍃 Harsh breakup
🍃 Angst in the past
🍃 Hurt /Comfort
🍃 Getting back together?
🍃 Growing up and all
🍃 People change when life happens
🍃 Athlete Jungkook
🍃 Designer Taehyung
🍃 Additional tags to be added
Taehyung ran. Ran as fast as he can. Till his lungs gave out. He couldn't be late for his first high profile client. He first spill a not-so-tiny drop of concealer on his crisp white blouse. Then he almost locked himself out without taking any of his car keys. God bless his
hunk of a neighbour who kindly offered him a lift (french men and their manners 🤌🏻), but then he could only drop him to a certain distance in the heavy traffic in Paris. He was already low on his tea and the vending machine in his office broke up.
The day couldn't get any worse could it? Oh, wait! It could! Becausr now he was running for his lunch meeting on an empty stomach. Clearly nervous and nauseous. It was his first high profile client in the company. He had worked with some earlier, but that time he wasn't solely
responsible for it. He was either assisting someone or working along with other experienced designers in a team. Also something about this client was scaring him. This was supposed to be a top secret project of his lable. So he wasn't given a name or face.
Just knew it's some international athlete. His boss wanted him to design these pieces without any preoccupied notions. The concept of it was 'freeware'. Clothes that go beyond stereotypes. So he had worked for a ghost, you can say.
And now he is chasing that ghost in this fancy hotel. That's not what he signed up for. This athlete was supposed to meet him in the meeting room they booked for them, bit instead the the athlete thought they better talk in the poolside restaurant situated in
the far opposite side of that fancy hotel. So he was running, till his lungs burned out. Till he couldn't feels his legs anymore. Why? Because he didn't want look tardy in this moody client's eyes. He would act professionally and prove that he can be trusted with the big fishes!
He finally reached the poolside VIP table and patted himself a bit to make his appearance a bit decent. He need to impress this celebrity, he has to. Only then they will allow him to do something worthwhile. 'It's a first step towards your own label Tae.' He told himself.
And then he walked to the table. Trying to hold his steps and breathing into right pace. He walked around it, and from there he could see a figure clad in black occupying the table. 'Must be the big boy', he thought. Broad shoulders and even broader back,
long hair, his tattooed fingers in those hair; attempting to make a man bun but failing everytime he tried because the hair in that wolfcut were just so unruly. The figure reminded him of someone, but he didn't want to acknowledge it. 'That memory is long gone', he thought.
Pushing himself to behave in a more professional manner, he shifted his attention to the athlete who's style made his a bit more nervous than what he already was. He didnt seem to be very fond of the colours which were all Taehyung was about!
He decided to let his insecurities take the backseat and walked towards the other side of the table with confident strides. He turned to greet the client. Though he is in Paris, his Korean roots always make him greet a person with at least a 90⁰ bow! So he naturally bent down.
But when his head come up to introduce himself, he paused. His body couldn't move.
'No! This cannot be happening. I cannot afford to be hallucinating on this important day. Why am I seeing him now? Out of all the days, why my brain has been going kookoo today!'
"Tae..." He heard the other whisper.
Was he hearing voices now? What kind of joke his brain was playing with him? He was freaking out.

"Tae... is that.. is that really you? Oh God!" The hallucination spoke in a shaky voice, while standing up. He whispered
something to the group of people standing beside which Taehyung had not noticed till now somehow. He saw them scatter away hesitantly, going to stand an earshot away from them. Maybe they were the part of security team, or managers. Maybe. But...
But why would he hallucinate a bunch of people? What was happening to him?

"Taehyung, hey! Are you, are you okay? You don't look so well. You are pale. Do you want me to grab some water? Take a seat, please."

"Jungkook? You are real? You are here? Why?" Taehyung asked,
with big tears rolling out of his lids, automatically. He couldn't control his own body anymore. All he wanted is, to run away from that place, far away. But he couldn't. He needs to run. That's what he had been doing for past 13 years anyway.
Running away from those memories, those painful moments that haunted him for years. He really thought he was doing good. He was past them. But then why it has to come down to this?

He couldn't move himself from that place, instead he slumped down in the chair behind him.
The other rushed to him, kneeling in front of the chair. Trying to calm the brunette up, but when he tried touching him, the designer flinched. Jungkook was surprised to see this reaction. But he took a gentle step back. He could see the other struggling as it is. He didn't
want to add anything to it unknowingly.

"So you are... you are the international athlete I will be working with?" Taehyung managed to get few words out. He still seemed fazed, but he was nodding to himself; as if he was trying to get himself to calm down.
His eyes were still watery but he seemed to he trying to fight with those tears with all his will. It twisted something in Jungkook's heart, but he nodded nonetheless.
"I just need 5 minutes, Sir. I'll hold myself together. Please do not report this to my company.
I... I can't lose this job too. I am.not always this unprofessional. Please pardon my clumsiness. " He whispered, looking down. As if he was ashamed or angry, or both at the same time.

"Hey, it's okay. And what are you talking about. I am not going to report anything.
Why would I? I am just shocked. No, I am surprised to see you. And I am worried. Are you okay?"

"I am. Perfectly fine, sir. Do you mind if I take a walk for 2 minutes." The brunette choked out.

"Sure, and what's with this 'sir', Taehyungie? Why are you being so..."
"Formal? Professional? Because that's what we are, aren't we? Please pardon my clumsiness, sir. I am not always this unprofessional. Can I take a walk, please? Just for two minutes. I won't wasted more of your time. Please."

"Sure. Whatever makes you feel better." Jungkook said.
Jungkook watched him with concern as he settled his folders and his bag in the chair and walked to the pool. With bated breath Jungkook kept watching him mutter things to himself firmly like he is affirming himself. Taehyung kept mutter for a minute or so while wiping his eyes
Again and again. He seemed very determined to stop the tears but it looked like it would take some time for them to stop coming. He took few deep breaths and walked back to Jungkook, looking at him as if he is not even there.

"Sorry for the inconvenience but we can start..."
"No, we are not starting anything till you are okay, which you clearly aren't. Take the time off, we can always reschedule for tomorrow Tae..."

"No, no, no... I cannot slack off. I am not some half knowledged teenager who has no passion or goals. I am a grown up and
I can manage myself. I have worked really hard for this folio, I cannot slack off. So let's get this over with." Taehyung kept talking, but it seemed like the words were meant not just for Jungkook but for himself too.
C.W. this content could be triggering, please read with caution.
"Tae, it's just me. Jungkook. I am ready to wait. I am offering the rescheduling on my own. It won't reflect badly upon you at all. I know we didn't end up on the right terms but that was ages ago. We were just teenagers. We are adults now. We can put past..."
"No, we are not talking about the past. And I am not keeping aside anything as there was nothing at all to begin with. You are just my client, and I will only behave professionally. So please tell me you are okay with me doing this project with you or else I'll ask the company to
assign you some other designer." Taehyung breathed out as if he was under some kind of trance.

"Okay. Okay then Mr Kim, go ahead and do your job. I am here to listen." Jungkook tried to say it calmly as possible.
Taehyung took it as a cue to start and he started presenting his designs and ideas in a careful and practiced manner. Jungkook was highly impressed by the way he was conducting himself. It was nothing like the Tae he once knew. This Taehyung wasn't shy or confused or clueless.
This one was more of a seasoned, confident and surer version of him. Even he looked finer. His features were sharper than he remembered. Eyes were brighter, even with the traces of tears they looked beautiful. His lips, his jaw was more defined. He was as tall as him,
A.N. Why are people private qrting it? Am I writing something bad? Do let me know if something bothers you, priv qrting wont solve anything. Do you want me to stop?
He was just as tall as him, but leaner. His brows, the thick column of his neck, even his adam apple was more prominent now. Jungkook couldn't help but admire all these changes. It's not that he didn't like the cute, bubbly, nerdy Taehyung from the past,
but he liked this version equally if not more.

He listened to everything carefully and asked questions when he felt like it. The way Taehyung answered each of those made him amazed even more. He loved this transformation the time had caused. But he didn't known what Taehyung
went through to undergo that transformation. How much of growing pains he had to endure. How many days and nights he spent to work his asś off on his body, brain and mind.

"So Mr Jeon, do you have any questions?" He asked, sniffling a little. A little remnant of the lump in his
Throat causing a bit of hoarseness in his already deep, husky voice. Oh how Jungkook loved this 'all-grown-up' voice of Taehyung. But he had to keep his awe aside and answer Taehyung.

"Yes. I do have some, Mr Kim."

"Please ask away."

"Are you free tomorrow night?"
"Ugh what?" Taehyung voice cracked a little.

"It's been many years since I last saw you. I want to know more about your life now. I know we weren't exactly 'besties' when we parted our ways but I think it will be great to catch up with each other, you know? I kind of
miss our talks. I would have loved to extend this meet, but you seem to be really focused on keeping it professional. So be it. We can catch up tomorrow. When you are not under the pressure of your first individual case as your manager had told me before." Jungkook clarified.
T.w. Mentions panic attack.

"Catch up with each other? Really?"

"I mean, yeah.."

"And you think I was on the verge of having a panic attack because this is my first solo project?"

"Ummm... well... that's not what I..."
TW: talks of painful breakup, situational depression, self harm, eating disorders and other triggers. Read on your own discretion.

"Hahaha... so you have no clue, do you? About what you did to me? About what I have been through?"

"Tae.. what do you mean by that..."
"Jeon Jungkook, you didn't just broke up with me, but you broke the 16 year old me into pieces. You broke my confidence, my self-image, my hopes and my fragile dreams. Why is life so cruel with me? I spent all these 13 years running away from
You, your memories, everything you love, the harm you caused and look what I get? My worst nightmare comes back to me wrapped in a beautiful blanket of a new opportunity and hope. Why are you even here? To laugh at me? To make fun of me?"
Jungkook was dumbfounded,
"Tae, what are you talking about?"

"The same thing you told me that would happen to me. You said I would end up somewhere mediocre. And I did. Still trying to get that one big break, no matter how hard I worked. And look at the irony, when that
Big break came, I have to work under you. You of all the people. Who's an internation athlete by the way! Who knew! You didn't even do sports back then. You liked dancing. But still you managed to achieve something this huge that even my label wants you to model for them.
And where am I? Just like you predicted, in a trapped in mediocrity. I worked so hard to prove you wrong. But I couldn't. I worked day and night. I starved myself to be fit, shred my blood sweat and tears in the gym, in the college, in that office to reach the top. But no luck.
I am still the damn half knowledged, nerdy, ugly boy who is only a laughing stock for you. That's only why you want to meet, right? To know about my embarrassing life. So you can have a good laugh at me?"
With that Taehyung stormed off. Without sparing a second glance at the sportsman, leaving him in utter shock. Because sometimes we don't know the impact we have on people's life, when we are being a little selfish. Jungkook had a lot ask and a lot to process.
Jungkook kept tossing and turning in his bed. The fashion brand had arranged one of the most luxurious hotel rooms in Paris for him. Everything was customised according to his need. But he still couldn't sleep. His mind kept spiralling around the things Taehyung said back at the
restaurant. Did he really hurt Taehyung this much? As long as he remembers their relationship started off just like any other clichéd high-school sweethearts. But then Jungkook ended up feeling that he needed something different so they broke off. It was that simple, right?
But now that he thinks of it, it really wasn't that simple. When Jungkook decided to broke things off, Taehyung spent months persuading him. Asking him what went wrong? How can he mend things? But Jungkook thought he was just being an sentimental fool. So he gave out whatever
Came to his mind at first. Words might not be harsh but they indeed were a bit hurtful. And for a shy and underconfident person like Taehyung they might have sounded like a blow in the face.
A.N. : Based on a true story 😞
Triggering content:

Oh, now he gets it. Why Taehyung just disappeared into thin air after their confrontation. Jungkook always thought that Taehyung just cleverly avoided him. But he doesn't think so anymore. He went away, far away from him, his memories.
Oh, now that he remembers when he said those things they were not really alone. Taehyung had approached him outside their practice room because Jungkook wouldn't pick up his calls. They were surrounded by his dance group and God knows how many passers-bys. Some of them were
also the people who had made fun of Jungkook for dating a nerd. If they had an audacity to do this to the most popular jock of the school, then they could have easily bu/llied Taehyung after he so brutally told him off. Oh no no no......
He now remembered how Taehyung used to always tell him that he felt safe around him. Was it because people didn't harass him when Jungkook was around? Or did he simply felt safe because Jungkook didn't insult him all the times like others did? His head started spinning at that.
Did he just take away the safe place of a person who was just as pure and fragile like a doe? Shit. Jungkook couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his few selfish decisions made someone's life a living hell. Taehyung's words rang in his ears.
"Jeon Jungkook, you didn't just broke up with me, but you broke the 16 year old me into pieces. You broke my confidence, my self-image, my hopes and my fragile dreams."

Did Jungkook really do that? But he had told Taehyung over the text that 'they weren't working anymore. And
He was looking for something different.'

But to think about it, breaking up over a text message was a jerk move. It indeed was. 30 year old Jungkook agrees.

And Tae had said,
"I spent all these 13 years running away fromYou, your memories, everything you love,
the harm you caused."

Was it really that bad? Can you affect someone like this?

30 year old Jungkook thinks, YES.
Then he remembered Taehyung talking something about his mediocrity and how Jungkook had predicted it. But did he really do that? All he had said to Taehyung in that confrontation that he didn't wanna settle for something average. He had higher dreams and aspirations.

But what
If Tae thought Jungkook was calling him an mediocre person and that Tae had small dreams. Did he really think that? But Jungkook hadn't meant it. Or did he?

The peer pressure to he someone cool and be with someone cooler or hotter was too much for Jungkook. Did he really
cave into it. And made Taehyung believe that he left him because he was good for nothing. Oh God! How is Jungkook ever going to undo this stupidest mistake his 16 year old self committed? What if Taehyung believes he is still the same old jerk?
Did Taehyung really worked hard to prove him wrong? Did he actully starve himself to be fit? The real question is did Jungkook made him believe that he was half knowledged, nerdy, ugly boy? What had Jungkook done? Something pinched his heart badly.
Because somewhere down the line he did prove himself to be a jerk. He was attracted to the now butterfly, but had rejected him when it was just a caterpillar, wrapped in a cocoon. Jeon Jungkook, you gotta do some self analysis! 'You are not all mighty as you think',
he told himself. He had to undo this. He had to mend this. But how? How can you undo years worth of hurt in few days? And would Taehyung give him those days? He really shouldn't actually. Because Jungkook had no right. Deliberate or not, he had done the damage.
A.N. I am live writing this & I can see an embarrassing amount of spelling errors. Kindly pardon me. It's a very overwhelming story to write. Even though you heal out of the injury, the slight ache still remains, right? Forgive your girl for still getting emo over this!
Jungkook hardly slept that night. He was restless beyond his imagination. When the sun rose that day, the first thing he did was to get ready for the day. He had things planned. He informed his manager about his day out and how he would like to spend it alone.
He contacted the brand manager asking him if he can arrange a meet with Taehyung, because he knew Taehyung wouldn't let him personally contact him. But to his dismay, the manager reported that Taehyung was on a sick leave. To say the least, Jungkook had never faced a
dispointment of this level. But he had to find Taehyung. He was afraid that if he delayed this meet any further Taehyung might drop the project and ghost him for good. Its not like he can undo his mistakes with just one meeting, but he needed to convey it to the designer
That whatever his teenage self did to him is not something the adult him stands by. Taehyung needs to know that his worth is far more than someone's piercing words which came out of nothing but selfishness and ignorance.
He didn't want to go back to the hotel after telling his manager that he wanted to be alone. So he started taking a stroll. He managed to covere his face and tattoos well, and removed all the ear piercings. He didn't want anyone to recognise him. Though people in Paris are always
busy and rushing, he doesn't want to take a chance and get mobbed. He even keeps his black card away and decides to trade only in cash. His day ahead doesn't have anything planned about. So he buys himself a hefty breakfast and starts walking on the streets, being all touristy.
He rounds a Chapel twice in his walk. Something urges him to go in. Mind you, Jungkook is not a believer or anything. But he is not an atheist as well, he believes in good will. He goes inside just as casually as you walk into a friends room. Walking in he takes a random bench.
He checked the surroundings, finding himself alone there with the divinities. In the pin drop silence of the old Chapel, his voice roared.

"Hey old man or woman! What's up? I know this is awkward because we have never talked, but somehow here we are!"
"I don't know why I am talking to you, because we are not besties or anything but maybe I could use a ear. So help me out buddy. I'll be forever thankful. So I did something shitty few years back. I am not defending myself but I didn't know any better. So don't judge me okay.
I have judged myself enough. So I was around 13-14 when I met this cute nerd in my high-school. I was kind of the cool kid that time. And he was shy and reserved. People always bul/lied him for it. One fine day I play the hero and save him from one of such people.
We became friends after that, I mean he started clinging on to me, and I also liked that. Cut to next year, we came out to each other and started dating. It was mostly because he suggested. Not that I didn't like him, I did. But to be honest I wasn't sure.
But Taehyung was so cute back then. I know I shouldn't have said yes if I wasn't sure. But then everyone around me had a partner, so I thought I should just give it a try. I know there are a lot of 'buts' in there. Such a gay joke Haha... Hope you don't mind. Haha...
Anyway I guess me being with him had more to do with my hormones than anything else. So I went ahead. I don't know if I should share it with you or not but you are God! You must be knowing everything. So yeah, we were quite handy back then. Frisky, you know! We had so much fun.
However, the hormones kind of settled down after a year or so of dating. And people around me started to put ideas in my head about how I need someone more popular, more sexy around me to maintain my image, you know. Although I know that sounds absurd now,
it was still how the teenage me thought. So I broke up with him. It was okay for me. Because I jumped right into others. Experimented a little. Boys, girls or whoever I thought was hotter than the earlier one. I still missed him, because we were friends for a long time.
But back then I thought he was being a emotional fool, he was getting too clingy. So I did what I thought would work. I very brutally said few things to him without realising that my words became his inner language. I was an aśs, I know. And I regret it. If only it was of some
use because now, Taehyung hates me with all his guts. I didn't mean things the way he took them and trust me I am not gaslighting him. Yet I feel like shit when I think about those days. He said he had fought for his self-esteem and body-image because of my words. And I really
really want to tell him that he was the most beautiful person I ever met back then and even right now. Not just outside, but inside as well. He was just so kind and loving and giving. I just hope my fumble in the past didn't take that away from him.
Please do something buddy. Make him listen to me. He needs to hear it. No jerk in this world can tell him what's his self-worth can be. Because he is the diamond you accidently find in a coal mine. Years of dating and hooking up, both before and after my fame, I can vouch
That he is the most amazing person I ever dated. He deserves the world, you know. I mean look at him, he is a perfection, don't you think? I am sure you already do, because well, you made him. But don't you agree, that he is one of a kind? Exactly! So If he listens to me,
and believes me, I promise I'll donate half all my earnings from this deal to charity."

"Are you sure?" A voice asked.

"You... you are talking to me God? Hey, I am sorry for being casual, okay? I was just trying to act cool!" Jungkook said, out of 'fear of God'. (Pun intended)
"But yes I'll donate half."

"Make it full and we have a deal."

"God? Why do you sound like my manager noona?"

"Because I am you manager noona!"
Jungkook turned to look at the voice's source. Clearly surprised to see his manager Jessica standing there with arms folded across chest and her expressions? Use your imagination!
"Noona, what are you doing here? How did you find me? And how much did you hear?"
He asked, gingerly
"I am your manager Jungkookie, it's my literal job to 'manage you'. I cannot just let you wander on the unknown streets without any assistance or security! I followed you here, because let's be honest your French and English no matter how cute you sound, are still shitty.
And I saw and heard enough since yesterday Jungkookie, to know I cannot let you go on your own making another hasty decision. And let me just say I wanted to kick your behind for hurting that boy like this. But you were a kid yourself, so I would let it slide.
Just make sure you don't do anything stupid now. No matter how good your intentions are. Okay?"

"Yeah okay. But what do I do now?"

"Nothing, you do nothing. No matter what you do now to erase the past it's not gonna work. No matter how much you try to convince him that you
didn't mean to hurt him, it's not gonna work because intentional or not, a slap is a slap. It's has hurt him already. His pain is real even though you didn't mean it. You saying things like, 'I didn't mean it, it's you who took it wrong' or 'you were cute, beautiful and amazing.
I liked you but just not enough' means nothing else but invalidating what he went through or making him question his worth again. The blow on his confidence was real. It might have resulted in his growth but the trauma is still real. So don't do anything. Do not talk about
the past. If he wants you both to stay professional, stay professional. Appreciate his work, like genuinely. If you don't like something, tell it to him like you would do to any other designer. No amount of flattery can soothe his hurt. So just be honest with him.
If the company trusted him enough to handle a big project, he must have something, right? So let's focus on that. His work. The present him. The present you. If he notices the change in you. Great! If not, let's walk away without adding anything to his already full plate."
"Why are you so wise! Argh... thanks noona. And no thanks to you God!" He said mockingly.

"Hey, don't be rude to him, especially when you are in his house. He was kind to you, so he blessed you with me. Now let's go, you big baby. Your designer ex is on his way to the hotel."
"Wait, why?"

"Because apparently when you called his manager, they thought he made some mistake. So they called him up back from his sick leave. Let's go now, you don't want to add to his already bad mood by making him wait. We go, you apologise for calling him on his day off.
And then we go back with what we have decided. Okay?" Jessica pulled him up to his feet. She kept patting his back through their way out. Been living a significant amount of time with the athelet, she knew he needed all the assurance in the world to go on with the plan.
Time skip?
So Jungkook did as his noona told him. He met with Taehyung, very professionally. Apologiesed to him for calling him on his day off. Made the company understand that Taehyung did no mistake, it's was Jungkook who had few new ideas to discuss with him before their next meeting.
Taehyung found it a tad bit odd that Jungkook didn't mention his meltdown from the last day nor he mentioned any further about the past. But he was grateful that he could continue the project he worked so hard for without any issues from Jungkook's side. A part of his brain
wanted to drop the project and run away. But the more rational part wanted him to continue it, because that was a stepping stone towards his success. Getting no odd treatment from the athelet he decided to keep working, neutrally.
And though it was awkward at first, Taehyung actually was thankful that Jungkook was behaving like they were strangers who never met in the past. He would address Taehyung formally and made sure to give honest compliments and feedbacks.

Jungkook travelled back home after their
Initial discussions and was going to come back for a shoot and runway appearance on two different occasions. And frankly after their last working experience together, Taehyung couldn't tell if he could associate his past experience with Jungkook with the current one.
When Jungkook came back for the fittings and shoot there was almost the span of 10 days that they were gonna spend together. Even if they didn't show it on, both of them were nervous. Jessica helped ease this tension indeed. She would help in distracting them whenever it felt
Like they were gonna have an awkward situation. Acted as a medium when they no longer had words for each other. Kept the environment fun and healthy. She also made sure that Taehyung knew that Jungkook was a different man now.
He had seen life and was miles apart from the ideas he used to stick with and appreciated people for their existence not for their appeal or influence. She did it so gently that nothing of it felt planned or artificial.
A.n. I started it off as a drabble but looks like it's gonna be a small au! 5k words already 😶
So within that span, Taehyung learned to be his normal, usual self with Jungkook around. And it was a welcomed change.

As the campaign was supposed be a confidential one, there are a very few people involved in the process from both the sides. This gave both of the exes
some down time to observe and analyse each other before Jungkook had to fly back.

And when Jungkook came back for his surprise appearance on the ramp, things seemed to be a little easier than earlier.
Taehyung seemed 'happy'! Maybe it's because he will be recognised for his work now. He would also get to be the face of the collection. Or maybe because he no longer has to prove anyone anything. Jungkook had shown genuine respect towards his work and towards him as well.
Although he hadn't explicitly apologised or clarified for anything, his actions were enough to convey that he was a different person than what he used to be. He had shared how training in a sport like boxing had changed him and his whole perspective towards life.
And Taehyung could attest to that. He really could feel the change. So when the time came, where they had to walk side by side, on the ramp; where Jungkook was the surprise element, the showstopper and Taehyung was soon to be a celebrated designer, they walked with grace.
They walked holding each other's hands. With confident and pure smiles on their faces. And when the walk ended, they hugged each other warmly. With no grudge or guilt between them. Just peace, with the past, with the present and the future.
A.N.: A takeaway message from Jess: Image
#taekookdrabble ????
3 Years later:

Taehyung ran. Ran as fast as he can. Till his lungs gave out.


Once again Jungkoook.

'I swear to God. If this jerk pulls another stunt on me I am gonna make sure he remembers my furry for next 7 lives.'
He walked to the hotel room assigned to Jungkook, almost breaking the door down.


"Tae... you came! Thank god! My suit jacket wont fit me...." Cried the big baby!
"You! You are supposed to be my bestman! You are supposed to help me dress. And here I am helping you dress." Tae spat, but he still rushed to open the belt on the jacket's back.

"Hey, not my fault you decided to design my suit for your wedding. Being the designer, you are..."
(C.w. Nervous eating and drinking mentioned.)

"Hey, don't put it all on me. It's you who kept eating like a pig through out the wedding festivities? Who told you to drink 50 can's of beer in the last week? You at least put on 4 pounds in last 7 days! Why would you do that?"
"Hey, don't you dare fat shame me!"

"I am not! All I am saying how would the jacket fit if your measurements change? Thank God I know your habit of nervous eating, so I added a little adjustments to it." Taehyung whispered, sighing.
"If you know me so well, then you know why I am nervous eating. Don't marry him Tae. I beg you. He doesn't deserve you."

"Jungkook... not again... It's my wedding day..." Taehyung mumbled defeatedly. Still adjusting Jungkook's clothes.

"Tea, he is hiding something. Trust me."
"Jungkookie, you just hate him because it's him I chose. But Kook, You asked me out, because of guilt. He asked me out purely because he wanted me. The choice was clear. I am telling you this like a millionth time." Asserted Taehyung.
But Jungkook was having none of it. He pulled Taehyung in his arms and looked into his eyes, his gaze firm but assuring.

"And I AM telling you this millionth time that I hate him because he is a liar, and I asked you out because I am truely, madly and deeply in love with you."
"No Jungkook, you don't. Stop playing with me like this. Please I beg you." Tae rested his forehead on Jungkook's shoulder while muttering. Jungkook pulled back from the hug and cupped the others tear stained cheeks in his palms.

"Why won't you trust me baby? I know I was
wrong in the past but just give me a chance to make up for it. Please..." He almost begged.

"And that is exactly why we won't work out. Because you just want to make up for the past. Now please let's go, Marco must be waiting for me in the wedding hall. I don't like being late."
Taehyung held on to the other's wrist and started pulling him out of the room.

"And still here you are, with me, on your wedding day with that french hunk; just because I called for you. And you say you don't love me."

Taehyung dropped his hand and started
walking alone, wordlessly. But soon he was held back gently.

"Tae, wait. I couldn't be a good boyfriend to you, but atleast let me be a good best man. All your make up is smudged because of crying. Let me fix it before you walk down the aisle." Jungkook grabbed some tissue and
started dabbing the grooms face lightly. Wiping all the tears, fresh and dried. Cleaning any smudged remnants of the make up. He then offered Taehyung some compact and chap stick.

"You know, don't need any of this, right? Most handsome man on earth even with no make up on."
"You cheesy little shit! Let's go now." Taehyung said chuckling through fresh incoming tears. But before they could walk out, Jessica walked in.

"Guys, I think we should just stay in."

"What? Not you too noona. What's in the world is going on?" Taehyung yelled.
"Tae baby, as of now your hotel and the wedding hall are surrounded by police and some kind of cartel members. And Marco seems to be a part of it. So let's just stay here till it clears out." Jessica tried to explain as calmly as possible.
"Marco is a policeman? Why didn't he tell me then? Is he in special force or something, like a secret agent? Oh my god! I was marrying a secret agent? Taehyung's eyes went comically wide with surprise and Jungkook cursed under the breath.
"Oh my sweet summer child! Why do you see goodness in everyone except this baboon right here?" Jessica said, pointing a wiggling finger at Jungkook.

"Hey!" Jungkook yelped, not liking the new adjective used for him. But Jessica lifted her hand asking him to stop talking.
"Shut up Jungkook. And Tae, no. He is not a law enforcement person. He in fact is a part of the gang involved with illegal acquisition and smuggling of artifacts."

"I KNEW IT. I told you he was hiding something." Jungkook punched the air excitedly.
"Jungkook, TIME OUT. NOW. Go to the bathroom and don't come out till I say so." Jessica ordered, her hands automatically coming on her hips.

Jungkook made a face but did as he was told to.

Jessica walked towards Taehyung and hugged him gently.

"Are you okay little one?"
"Meh. I am actually. I kind of knew it too that he was hiding something. So no surprise there. Anyway, it's not like we loved each other or anything. For both of us it was more like convenient option. I wanted to settle down and he wanted his parents to
get off his back. But what am I going to do now? Jungkook is gonna start pursuing me again now. What should I do noona?" Taehyung was visibly tired by now.

"Is it that bad? Being with Jungkookie? That kid actually loves you, you know?" Jessica offered a very obvious fact.
"I know noona. And to be honest, I love him too. But what do I do with my insecurities? My fears? What if he breaks up with me again? Do you think I'll be able to handle it? Him leaving me, again? It will destroy me noona. At least this way he stays in my life as my friend."
Jessica exhaled slowly before speaking again.
"I am noone to tell you because I didn't experience what you did. So I am not gonna ask you to move on with him just blindly. But the thing about relationship and people is that, they change, Taehyung.
Relationships change. They change when life happens. I am married to my handsome man for 16 years now. We fell in love while we were teens. Dated for 10 years. And after 26 years of being together we still love each other, not because we both are the
same people which we're back then. But because we kept falling in love with the people we were becoming together. With both of you, I can clearly see that y'all are not in love with the people you both were back then but the people you have become now.
While I cannot assure you, you both won't change anymore, or you would like then said change everytime. But that's the risk we take for the people we love. And it's better than spending all your life with someone you don't love or in your case, you hardly know, right?"
Taehyung pouted not because he didn't agree with Jessica but because she made a lot of valid points. He was about to marry person he hardly knew to avoid the one he actually loved.

"I guess you are right. But if he breaks my heart one more time. I am taking you away with me."
"Hey, why do I feel like I am the child stuck in custody battle? But to tell the truth, I'll always slide with you. No matter what. Okay? Now go, I gotta handle the media outside because someone has got the whiff of the blunder marco caused.
Thank God you did not make it official with him. Because now we can twist the story saying you were just helping the police catch him up. The authorities would have to agree because how the hell did they not catch this goon when he was roaming around in Paris so openly?"
Jessica walked out, seemingly planning to ex/ecute a certain french goon in the media. And Taehyung went on to knock on the bathroom door where a sulking bunny was serving a time out.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Whatever..." Hummed the said bunny.
When Taehyung entered the bathroom, he saw a fully clothed Jungkook in his custom made suit, sitting in the bathtub. Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Jungkook had drawn his knees close to his chest. Hands folded around the knees,
on which he had rested his head down.

"What do you want? Did you already find another reason to push me away! That's fast, even for you!"

He commented, without lifting his gaze.

"Ummmm actually, I have ran out of those..." Taehyung had to bite the smile.
He kept walking towards the clearly upset figure. And surprising the other, he also climbed in the bathtub. Sitting on the opposite side.

"Hey there!" He said, making Jungkook quirk a brow in surprise.

"If we do this, you have to promise me that you will not
ghost me, like ever. You will communicate as soon as you feel you can't do this anymore. And not on text. Face to face. And we are going to work on it like the adults we are. Okay?"

"I don't understand... what are you talking about?" Jungkook asked with anticipation.
"I spent almost a million euros on this wedding and honeymoon, and I don't want to waste it on a liar who's also an outlaw. I would rather spend it on a stupidly whipped guy who's running behind me for 2 years." Tae teased.
But Jungkook decided to play a bigger smug and said, "Oh wow! Hurray! Way to boost my self-esteem! But I am not falling for that lame proposal. Ask me nicely. And I might say yes!"

"Aaahhh... fine! Let's stop running Jungkook's. I am tired of finding a home everywhere,
when I for sure know I have it in you! Let's skip dating, let's not be boyfriends. Let's get married instead. Today!"

"Well normally I would hate to play a replacement to someone. But it's not everyday a demi God asks you to marry him. So yes, Tae. Let's get married!"
A.n: It was a roller coaster ride for me writing this one as many of the elements in this come from my real life experience. Which side I was on, I won't be saying. You can try guessing if you can. Meanwhile, I might write a slight or not nsfw epilogue of this one.
Hope y'all like it. And do let me know your thoughts about this emo little thing. Thanks for reading it.

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Jul 6, 2023

《Pain, pure pain, you have been warned!》

Trigger warnings apply!

Dear Jungkookie,

Maybe, the time you will get this letter, I will be gone. Where? I don't know yet. But far. Safe. But far.
I don't want you to worry about me. You know I'm strong. Stupidly so. So you don't need to worry about my safety. I love my life. But it was getting a little difficult for me to keep loving it, with whatever we had going on...
I loved you since before I knew what love was. And I felt you did the same. The way you used to care for me, the way you used to look at me, touch me, I always felt that love. But last whole year, that love, that warmth was missing. It felt like we were just coexisting.
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Jun 27, 2023
A pride month special #taekookau drabble?

Love, Pride, and Other Synonyms:

Live-writing this drabble at the end of Pride Month because everyone's Lovestory deserves to be told with Pride!
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Apr 25, 2023
#taekookau where Ms D goes on a well-deserved holiday and Director Jeon Taehyung is left without a secretary, while hands full of workload.
* Post Epilogue
* 'You and Me' Universe
* Hurt/Comfort
* Fluff
* Sprinkle of Jeon crack
* Tired and lost Taehyung
* Caring and supportive Jungkook
* Tooth rotting Romance
* Might get 🔞
Ms. D is off to Malta, and Taehyung can't complain. Ms. D had done a lot for him in the past 6 years. Not just as a secretary, but she has been a friend. So he knows how much she deserves this much awaited off. But he is scared. He has never been too confident, as we know.
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Apr 24, 2023

(Remember, it is fiction...)

(or is it🤨)

Bangtán GC:

YG: Just go ahead. Don't make fuss out of it. They didn't doubt a shit when me and Jm went on the show together. "Friends" can hang out with "friend's friends"

JM: YEAH! Totally, we nailed it!
TH: I think we can do it.

JK: Yes. I think so, too....

Joon2seok: Guys? Really? ImageImage
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Apr 23, 2023
Maybe I can actually write a #taekookau based on this:

"In the end, it's love!" ImageImageImageImage
#taekookau Where a simple boy, Taehyung is worried for his brother Jimin, who ends up getting a new tattoo every week. Tae is sure he is part of some kind of Gothic cult. So he decides to go behind his back and confront his tattoo artist, Jungkook. ImageImage
Will he succeed in getting his brother out of trouble or find himself deep in it?

Time will tell!

"In the end, it's love...."
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Feb 15, 2023
Painite a #taekookau

After losing his 'home' to a dirty 'family' trick, Jungkook finds his solace in the arms of his father's rival.

Taehyung who has lived most of his life believing he would never find true love, finds it in the most unexpected place.
Jungkook really wanted to approach them and ask where he could find Taehyung, but he also was very awkward to interrupt whatever the hell that was going on there. Thanks to the heavens his dilemma was resolved soon enough when he heard someone clearing the throat behind him.
"Jimin-ah, your husband runs a dog café, not a live 'action' club. Stop putting a show here. You are not only scaring the customers away but you are also making my guest uncomfortable. So rude of you!"
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