Witold Zacharewicz and his family were involved in the production of false documents for Jews hiding in Warsaw. The Gestapo managed to discover their activity. He was arrested on 1 October 1942 and deported to Auschwitz the next month.
The mother of Witold Zacharewicz was also deported to #Auschwitz. Wanda Zacharewicz was registered on 27 November 1942 (camp no. 26017). She perished in the camp on 4 January 1943.
Learn about the creation of Auschwitz, reasons of incarceration of Poles & the plans of development of Auschwitz into the main camp for prisoners in German-occupied Poland. Online lesson "Poles at KL Auschwitz”: lekcja.auschwitz.org/en_2020_06_pol…
12 February 1942 | 48 Poles and 12 Polish Jews deported by Germans from Pawiak prison in Warsaw were registered in Auschwitz. 52 of them perished in the camp. Below we present information about 4 prisoners from this group.
Tadeusz Balcerowski, a locksmith born in Miłosna on 28 September 1916 was registered in Auschwitz as no. 21350. He perished in Auschwitz on 11 March 1943.
Bronisław Galiński, a mason born in Warsaw on 5 May 1905 was registered in Auschwitz as no. 21359. He perished in Auschwitz on 13 April 1942.
25 January 1942 | Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler send an order to concentration camp inspector Richard Glücks that probably had the greatest impact on the entire future of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Learn more in the thread below.
"As it is not to be expected that Russian prisoners of war will be obtained in the near future, I order that from among the Jewish men and women emigrating [sic!] from Germany a large number of them be sent to the camps..."
"...Be prepared, therefore, to transfer 100,000 male Jews & up to 50,000 female Jews to concentration camps in the next 4 weeks. In the coming weeks the concentration camps will be entrusted with great economic orders and tasks. SS-Gruppenführer Pohl will give you the details".
Before the 78th anniversary of the liberation of #Auschwitz we bring together the most important facts about the last stage of the operation of this German Nazi camp. See the rest of this [THREAD] below. 1/11
At the beginning of 1945, there were around 67,000 prisoners in the Auschwitz camp system. On 12 January 1945, the Soviets started their offensive. In mid-January head of the SS in the region, Ernst Schmauser gave the order to evacuate Auschwitz. 2/11
The final evacuation began on 17 January 1945. Around 58,000 prisoners were evacuated from the Auschwitz camp system. Columns of prisoners were leaving the camps and subcamps between 17 and 21 January. 3/11
17 January 1945 | SS physician Josef Mengele liquidated his laboratory at the BIIf section of #Auschwitz II-Birkenau. During the evacuation he took with him the entire documentation of his experiments made on prisoners: twins, dwarfs, and people with disabilities.
In Auschwitz Mengele carried out anthropometric, serological & morphological studies of the twins. He deliberately infected some children with typhus. The final phase of his experiments included killing of the twins & conducting a comparative analysis or particular organs.
Mengele’s other areas of interest were biological abnormalities, such as people with heterochromia iris - a pair of eyes with diverse coloration, the physiology and pathology of dwarfism as well as gangrenous disease of the face known as noma faciei.
17 January 1945 | The final evacuation of #Auschwitz began. Between Jan 17-21, the Germans marched around 56 thousand prisoners out of the Auschwitz system and its sub-camps in evacuation columns. Prisoners were forced to march dozens of kilometers in severe winter conditions.
At the last roll-call in the history of the German #Auschwitz camp which took place on 17 January 1945, the overall number of prisoners within the entire system of Auschwitz camps and subcamps was 67,012: 48,340 men & 18,672 women.
During the evacuation of Auschwitz, any prisoner who was too exhausted to continue the march or tried to run away was shot dead by the SS escort. A total of between 9,000 and 15,000 prisoners were killed during the whole evacuation process.
1 January 1945 | 200 Poles sentenced to death by a Gestapo summary court (100 men & 100 women) were shot in crematorium V at #Auschwitz II-Birkenau. They were transported from Block 11 in Auschwitz I in two groups - men and women separately...
The sentenced people were transferred to crematorium V by a camp doctor SS-Obersturmführer Fritz Klein who was also supposed to declare them death.
The execution was carried out by the head of crematories SS-Oberscharführer Erich Muhsfeldt.
German law in the occupied Polish territories annexed into the Third Reich allowed Gestapo to sentence to death any Pole or Jew for "an assault towards a German" or "hostile attitude towards Germans".