🚨 @theNASEM have just released a historic new consensus study titled "Advancing #Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in #STEMM Organizations". As a member of the committee, here are 8 reasons why I think you should read/share/discuss: nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26803/…
1) It gives context: Rather than assume knowledge, it begins with the history of racism in the US and how it impacts every system and sector of this country, including science and medicine. Yes it's a scientific consensus study but history needs to be acknowledged & understood
2) Numeric representation is not enough: The report establishes that until #STEMM organizations intentionally make changes to redress disparities and establish welcoming & supportive environments, increases in diversity will not be sustainable and won't truly be equitable.
3) It centers people of color & the assets they bring: There are 1st-hand accounts from Black STEMM scholars and a deep dive into the lit. on minoritized people’s experiences/responses to racism in STEMM, from exiting, to trying to fit-in, to taking on the burden of DEI work.
4) It recommends ways institutions can improve minoritized people’s experiences in STEMM. Having worked closely with 100s of talented #YaleCienciaAcademy students, I know how important ingroup peers, networks, sponsorship, & culturally aware mental healthcare are.
5) It calls on managers & PIs to ensure team conditions that support inclusion and provides recommendations for how to do this. Not only is it a moral imperative & a job responsibility, it also leads to more productive science environments
6) It calls out institutions to make sure that “gatekeeping” and resource-allocation processes are tracked and examined for bias, that ADEI is valued in hiring & performance evaluations & that ADEI work is supported w/staff & 💰, among other recommendations.
7) It highlights the contributions of Minority Serving Institutions and recommends they be better funded, supported & sought out as reciprocal partners to R1 institutions. I know 1st hand the incredible impact my colleagues in #PuertoRico higher-ed have for US #STEMM diversity
8) Finally, cultural change in #STEMM is NOT intractable: The report provides multiple levels of entry and redress. Most important, it communicates that cultural change can happen, it just takes *leadership*, *willingness* & *intention*
This report is historic. According to @theNASciences Pres. Dr. Marcia McNutt, it's the 1st time the Academies explicitly addresses antiracism in a report. Given recent strikes, it's clear we need ensure #STEMM offers attractive, welcoming & rewarding paths to ALL
I was chosen in part for my leadership of @CienciaPR, which gives our community not only visibility but also a voice + opportunities to make change. Our work is rooted in social justice. We democratize science by changing the notion of who does science & to whom it belongs
Final words: While the report's 1ry audience is institutional leaders, gatekeepers, PIs, STEMM managers & others who can make systemic changes, my hope is that scientists of color, trainees, and those committed to diversity will feel seen, heard, and valued by this report 💜
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El informe de hoy d @SMICRCPR apunta a varias medidas de política pública q se deben tomar. Espero q @wandavazquezg, la legislatura y los alcaldes estén buscando manera de avanzar recomendaciones como las de abajo 👇🏽
2) Debemos continuar aumentando la capacidad de pruebas moleculares (PCR o antígeno). La alta positividad en julio y agosto indica q no estamos un #significativo de los casos en #PuertoRico. (Grafica de @midnucas)