1/There is no “mild” or “severe” Autism. There is Autism and the other conditions and trauma present. I’m Autistic. So is my husband and my daughter. We all look and act differently. To the untrained observer, we might be called mild, moderate and severe respectively…
2/but that is not what’s happening. If educators, therapists, support workers and others don’t understand the source of challenges and suppose a linear spectrum of Autism, they are missing a huge part of a person’s experience and how to actually teach and support them.
3/Knowing that I mask and have a hard time stopping makes the difference between actually supporting me and dismissing me from therapy because I’m doing fine—which has happened twice. Knowing my non-speaking daughter has a disabling motor planning disorder that prevents her…
4/from speaking and doing many motor tasks means you can understand she is bright and aware and interested but can’t control her body. That’s the difference between treating her like a disobedient pet and a bright disabled person. #TheSpectrumInstLinear#ActuallyAutistic