Mostly successful experiment with transition paint (the “leather” components). Gloss finish on the gold/steel accents, satin on the flesh/hair, and flat on everything else. #プラモ#plamo
I had other plans, but my daughter walked into the room asking “Can we work on Charmander now?” so of course we’re working on Charmander now.
#ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
This one’s gonna need a bit of a think. Looks like I can erase the seams other than the arms. Fun little challenge; will get to it after I restock on some paint.
I was pretty zen about being put on hold on the phone by my bank.
And then they asked me identity verification questions that I didn’t know off the top of my head.
AND THEN the line went busy and I got cut off from the call.
I’d say it’s time to switch banks.
The process is all about what’s convenient for the bank, not the customer:
- Kept me on hold.
- Asked what my credit limit is (I don’t spend a lot and don’t breach it, so it’s not top of mind).
- Asked for personal info that isn’t top of mind (SSN or TIN).
For the record, I knew my TIN. But how likely is it for anyone to be in a position to recite theirs from memory?
Besides…to get to THAT POINT, I already keyed in the OTP sent to my mobile phone. So what the f*ck was the point of that if it’s not good enough to transact?