"Between the 17th and 19th centuries, enslaved African Americans began cooking fried chicken based on the recipes provided by #Scottish slaveholders." Black Americans took the Scottish recipe & perfected it. BTW, the Scots-Irish settled in KY, hence KFC! bbc.com/travel/article…
“…as well as an adeptness at seasoning and frying, African American cooks caused fried chicken to lose its Scottish identity and it became as quintessentially “Southern” as black-eyed peas, cornbread, collard greens, macaroni and cheese and sweet potato pie.”
1931: Scottsboro(AL) Boys were nine black teenagers ages 13 to 20, who were falsely accused of raping two white women on a train. They served 100 years in prison. The white women later admitted that they lied. White women did this to black men regularly. history.com/topics/great-d…
During slavery, Jim Crow, & beyond it was normal for white women to take out their frustrations with the limitations society place on them on black people, esp. black men. White feminists & white egalitarians are often ignorant of this history so womanist theologians check them.
Therefore, for black women in the South to see a black man marrying a white women, it is often viewed as absolute betrayal given this long and systemic history. Remember, 40% of slave owners were white women. Their oppression narrative has an asterisk. c-span.org/video/?471132-…
The 2023 version of a Christian who is pursuing cultural transformation, as explicated by Abraham Kuyper, is T.D. Jakes. Tim Keller is often accused by many of being a "transformationalist" but it's not true. Jakes' & several mega-churches, etc. practice heavy Kuyperianism.
In Tim Keller's Atlantic article, for example, there is not a "transformationalist" sentence in the article. The clarion call is to evangelism, justice, and apologetics. The critiques against him are unwarranted. theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
I hate seeing the Confederate Flag & hearing “Southern Rock.” When I was a student at Clemson, I had this beer-drinking church-raised white guy pull me aside to explain to me why I was a “good nigger.” He said there are “bad niggers” out there. #BlackHistoryMonth
I’ve been called “nigger” my entire career by Calvinists and evangelicals. The worst of it was 2004-2011. How many leaders publicly came to my defense? Answer: Zero. No, not even one. Many said, “we’re praying for you.” Me: “Anyone want to help stop this?” abradleyexposed.blogspot.com
This included the creation of multiple websites, blogs, radio programs, racially harassing anonymous phones to my office, racially harassing mail sent to my school, calls to seminary president to have me fired, etc. Lasted for years. They’re more sophisticated these days…
Margaret Sanger was a eugenist committed to reducing the number of "unfit" negroes. This is anti-black racism infused with classism. Using today's "white-supremacy-explains-everything" logic, the abortion industry is white supremacist anti-blackness. From the beginning...
Some say, slave patrols invented modern policing, so all policing is inherently racist and should be abolished. The 1939 "Negro Project" was created to cull the number of "unfit" negroes through abortion. Why isn't, then, abortion, inherently racist & a candidate for abolishment?
BTW, modern policing did not start with slave patrols. Policing began in Boston in 1838 but eugenicists were classists and racist. The racism remained in policing but magically disappeared from controlling low-income black births? Really? Huh. ekuonline.eku.edu/blog/police-st…
This still isn’t accurate. There are more ways to other people than racism or anti-blackness. So, no Memphis was not about racism but it *was* about othering. Memphis was about the police vs. those whom they consider “rabble.” It’s a separate “race” of deviants pursued by police.
Using racial categories in this instance is profoundly unhelpful even if one goes the “self-hating” route. In-group violence has other explanations. Mr. Nichols was beaten to death b/c the police considered him “rabble.” For ex, Hutu’s called the Tutsis, “cockroaches” in Rwanda.
We will never find solutions to social injustice in this country if we reduce all injustice to some form of racism. Evil is more complex & variegated than racism. Dehumanizing people to rabble is racelessn at times & often more sinister. International comparisons are helpful!
The *real* scandal is the evangelical marginalization of Christian college scholars and seminary ethicists & the elevation of pastors as "intellectual leaders" of complex issues. TGC is an example of what happened. Christian college scholars are ignored. thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/evangeli…
Think about it. TGC was created as way to serve pastors but the organizational design was to intentionally exclude Christian scholars. Instead, pastors were chosen to discuss some of the most complex issues in society rather than Christians who are specialists in those fields.
In fairness, it's not that way as much anymore but in the early days, Christian scholars with expertise should have been the lead bloggers on the a multitude of issues facing Christians, esp. in the areas where they were specialists. That never made any sense.