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Feb 20, 2023 610 tweets >60 min read Read on X
🧡 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭

Falling for an alpha who is handsome and sweet like Seokjin isn't hard. However, falling for an alpha like Seokjin when you're an alpha yourself—Yoongi is about to get his heart bruised and broken.

#yoonjinau Image
🧡 This has been commissioned by @vuduthebitch !! Thank you for commissioning this and your patience while I wrote this!!

Also thank you @etaerealaus for helping with the summary!! 🧡
🧡 Tags

- Alpha Seokjin/Alpha Yoongi
- Soft Yoongi
- Unrequited love but maybe not actually? 👀
- oblivious Seokjin (OR IS HE?)
- Angst, Angst and fluff
- maybe even slowburn?
- Vmin are the bestest friends ever
- some more angst
- bullying
- self-discovery and acceptance
more tags to come!
Finally, a new fic!! We've been waiting a while for this huh...? Now that it's here, I hope you will like it!!!! qrt or scream at me in my cc/retrospring!! ❤️
Yoongi rushed through the store, holding a little giggle back in his throat. He heard his appa call after him, urging him to not run or else he’d slip. But Yoongi already forgot all about it as soon as they entered this place.
To his little eyes, places like these were giant. The shelves towered over him, threatening to swallow the little alpha, but scary as it was, Yoongi found new courage whenever he thought of his destination.
They came to this store often, so Yoongi knew where to find the toy aisle, even inside this confusing maze of the store.
His eyes lit up when he arrived, and Yoongi rushed past the toy cars, the action figures or the little set of screwdrivers—he had all that stuff at home anyway, so right then, it was entirely boring.
The little alpha’s newest fascinating lay an isle over, and he squealed when he found it.
“Goyang-ssi!”, he yelled from the top of his lungs, uncaring of the people around him shopping for their pups, as he pulled the big, stuffed cat from the basket it was resting in together with its hundred copies.
Goyang-ssi, Yoongi’s favorite cartoon character, now come to life in form of a plush toy as big as the alpha himself, looked back at him with his black body, white paws and belly.
He was refined as usual, wearing a neat, white shirt collar, and red tie with yellow dots.

Yoongi felt himself smile so big in that moment, it felt like his lips would split apart.
With Goyang-ssi under his arm, he went to find his appa in this big, big store, and soon enough he did! His appa was busy loading their shopping cart, and Yoongi almost startled him to death when he jumped into the way.
“Appa, look! Goyang-ssi!”, Yoongi showed him the big plush toy in excitement, but his father didn’t share it. Yoongi didn’t really get it, because Goyang-ssi was just the coolest thing ever, and a plushie so big is even cooler!
“Yoongi-yah, what do you need a plush toy for? Didn’t we talk about it?”, Appa asked, and Yoongi let Goyang-ssi sink but his little hands held onto him tightly.
They did talk about it—Appa said stuff like this is for omegas to build nests with, and not for alphas like them. Yoongi didn’t care much in this specific moment though. Goyang-ssi is for alphas too.
“Goyang-ssi goes to work! He’s an appa, too!”, Yoongi tried to convince his father. His appa is an appa too, and he goes to work, so he and Goyang-ssi had something in common so in
Yoongi’s little mind that meant that maybe Goyang-ssi was also an alpha, and thus Yoongi could have this toy.
But his father shook his head and ordered Yoongi to put it back.

“Please, appa.”, the little alpha urged him, holding tighter onto the plush cat, but the more Yoongi begged, the more agitated the older alpha became.
He smelled it in his scent back then, and he’d smell that angry scent more times in his life than he could count.

“I said no! Now put it back!”, he said as sternly as he could without yelling, even though he might’ve wanted to yell.
Yoongi flinched regardless, and feeling treated unfairly, tears pooled in his eyes. His father sighed in annoyance. “And don’t you dare cry. If you want to behave like an omega so bad, I’ll ask your aunt to let us borrow one of your cousin’s dresses, huh? Would you like that?”
Yoongi shook his head, bit his lip to stop the angry sob that was threatening to crawl up his throat and spill out. It was unfair, and Yoongi didn’t like his appa agitating him like that. But he knew better than to speak up, small as he was, he couldn’t win anything either way.
Later, Yoongi found himself in bed, his eomma had tucked him in with a kiss on his forehead, but he couldn’t sleep, because he heard his parents argue.
As his eomma asked his appa why he didn’t just buy /it/ for him just this once, Yoongi stared at the shiny, new toy truck his appa bought him instead. His appa was short of yelling at his eomma, and the little alpha felt disappointed and angry.
He didn’t want another stupid car, he wanted Goyang-ssi! So angrily, he pushed the truck out of his bed, sending it clattering to the floor, before he turned around and buried himself under the covers.
Yoongi blinks, realizing he drifted off a little, and the sounds of the world reach his ears again. He’s holding that exact same Goyang-ssi he so desperately wanted when he was...what? Maybe four, or five.
It’s way smaller than he remembers it, now in Yoongi’s big hands only the size of a pillow. Goyang-ssi’s collar is crumpled and he looks a little worse for the wear, not the brand new thing he remembers.
Naturally, that is to be expected. They’re inside a thrift store, so things in here have lived through a previous life cycle. Yoongi looks at the price tag, which reads 10000 won. Probably way cheaper than it had been back then.
“Found anything, hyung?”, Taehyung startles him from behind, and Yoongi almost throws the plush cat back in fright, until he remembers that he doesn’t have to. His omega friend has his arms full of clothes, and looks at the plush toy in his hands curiously.
“What’s with this old thing? Hyung, we’re here for clothes!”, Taehyung whines, and despite being an omega, he is a head taller than Yoongi—being looked at from above always makes Yoongi feel a bit intimidated, despite his nature.
“It’s not an old thing. It’s Goyang-ssi.”, Yoongi argues weakly, pondering whether or not he should purchase this old plushie to satisfy his inner child. He’d just need to give it a wash, and it would be as good as new.
“That cartoon about the office worker cat?”, Taehyung asks, to which Yoongi gives a curt nod. “Well, no one’s stopping you from buying it, you know? Just remember that we actually came to pick a fit for Namjoon-hyung’s birthday party.”
“I know, I know.”, Yoongi sighs. Taehyung, as well as Jimin who didn’t manage to come today, know well of the alpha’s love of cute things, but he’s not sure if there’ll ever be a day when he’ll see something and just buy it
without arguing with himself about whether or not it’s proper for him as an alpha to do so.

Yoongi, as an alpha and enjoyer of typically /omegan/ things, is a firm believer of biology, gender and sub-gender not determining your personality.
He thinks he could argue for that at any time and anywhere...unless it comes to himself.

A bit hypocritical, but you’re just the hardest on yourself after all.
“Come to the dressing room with me, hyung?”, Taehyung asks, lifting his clothes up to underline the question, and so Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to follow him.
He hasn’t decided yet whether or not he’ll buy the Goyang-ssi, but he holds onto it...just in case. Can’t have anyone else buy it before he decides what he’ll do.
Yoongi sits outside as Taehyung puts the various outfits on he picked himself out of the clothes. The alpha doesn’t have anything, as he was too busy staring at the plushie.
“Will Seokjin-hyung be there, by the way?”, Taehyung asks through the curtain separating them, while Yoongi wiggles Goyang-ssi’s little arms. /There/, meaning Namjoon’s birthday party, which the omega didn’t really
want to make a big deal out of, but Yoongi heard he had a friend who’s throwing the party for him, hence it’s going to be big.
And Seokjin, Yoongi’s roommate, obviously would be there. He’s a bit more on the popular side on campus—an ace in everything he does, getting good grades and playing tennis several times a week. A total heartthrob, and always up for a good meetup. Or in this case a party.
“I think so.”, Yoongi replies softly, and Taehyung pulls the curtain open roughly, presenting a glittering shirt that leaves his midriff bare. He strikes a pose, and the alpha nods approvingly.
“Then you have to come by before we go there. I’ll lend you something, since you’re obviously not interested in shopping clothes.”, Taehyung jabs at him light-hearted. “Jiminie will do your makeup.”
“Makeup?”, the alpha replies, lifting an eyebrow.

“Of course! How else will Hyung ever notice you and end your painful pining?”, the omega giggles as he steps back into the dressing room to put on the next fit.
“I’m not pining.”, Yoongi grumbles, and to his surprise his friend hums in agreement, but immediately follows up with something even worse.

“Right, you’re helplessly in love with him, I forgot!”
“It’s not like that!”, Yoongi gasps, blood rushing to his cheeks, and he’s glad that no one is here to see him. He holds onto the plushie, trying to will the blush away—okay, he may be a little infatuated with his roommate, but he’s not /in love/.
They’ve been roommates for about two years, and Seokjin is just...an alpha Yoongi can really admire. He’s tall, has a neat, toned body from physical activity, is nice and well-liked.
He takes care of all the important stuff too, like calling the plumber when they had a problem in their bathroom, while Yoongi had too bad of a phone anxiety to do it.
And if someone is nice like that, it can be easy for someone to develop a little crush...only that Yoongi is an alpha and Seokjin is an alpha. And from what he knows, Seokjin has been going strictly after omegas.
No chance for Yoongi. Not that he gave himself any hope on that.

“Please. I’ve seen the doodles in your notebook, you want him to carry you, huh?”, Taehyung smirks when he steps out again, and Yoongi splutters violently.
“That was private!”, the alpha growls, but it sounds a little pathetic as he keeps getting more flustered as the seconds go by.
“Sorry, sorry.”, the omega lifts his hands in surrender. “I just can’t stand to see you sad like that. Neither can Jiminie. We’re worried about you, you know?”

At that, Yoongi softens, a small smile slipping onto his face.
“Thank you, but it’s really not that serious. Just a little crush that’ll pass...”

“If you’re sure.”, Taehyung sighs softly, and Yoongi nods. He’s sure. He already knows his crush on Seokjin will lead nowhere, so ignoring it until it goes away is the strategy.
“Anyway, what do we think of stilettos?”, the omega suddenly asks, holding up a pair of ridiculous heels, that almost make Yoongi’s eyes pop out of his skull.
Having a roommate has its fair share of positives, as well as negatives.
Splitting rent would be the most obvious positive aspect, and after that it may be sharing the chores a household provides, helping each other out with coursework or just the simple comfort of knowing that someone is just a room over, and that you’re not alone.
Yoongi isn’t sure if the negatives outweigh the positives, even if he can really just think of the problem with his /little crush/ from the top of his head. Just that it seems so heavy right now, that it may break the scale.
Yoongi gulps, having dropped his bag that held the precious Goyang-ssi in shock, and his roommate, Seokjin, snaps his head around at the sound, together with the omega girl currently sitting in his lap.
His hands pull out from where they were lodged inside her jeans, as if her skin burned her.
Being an alpha too, maybe the pheromones of an aroused omega in their living room air should’ve stirred something within Yoongi, but he’s long since learned that his biology and him aren’t exactly on friendly terms.
So all Yoongi can focus on is the omega’s wet lips, the hickeys on her exposed neck, and how he wishes that he could’ve been in her place.
“Yoongi-yah! I thought you were out with your friend!”, Seokjin says, a charismatic smile slipping onto his face, that Yoongi doesn’t know how to react to. He doesn’t seem to be that embarrassed about being walked in on.
“I was. Um...I can go, they’ll probably let me sleep over.”, Yoongi stammers awkwardly, feeling an uncomfortable sensation, right there in his chest. The omega slips off Seokjin’s lap, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
She gets up, fixing her shirt that had slipped down her collarbone.

“I’m not really in the mood anymore. Maybe another time.”, she says, and Yoongi frowns. Her scent reads pure annoyance and so he can’t help but feel responsible.
Though his instincts don’t want him to back down, especially not in front of an omega, Yoongi has always been a bit on the more timid side—and that girl has really piercing eyes which she uses to stare him down as she walks past him.
“Aw, Chaeyoung, come on! We can go to your place!”, Seokjin whines, getting up to follow after her, so Yoongi makes himself small against the door once more.
He hears them arguing by the front door for a bit, so Yoongi just stands there, dumbly staring at the spot on the sofa where his roommate and that Chaeyoung had been just a second ago.
Well, having a little crush on Seokjin has been fine to deal with until now. Technically he knew that the other alpha was dating and having flings here and there, was constantly on the lookout for that one, perfect omega.
It is like he told Taehyung, he’s been fine ignoring that fact for the most part, willing his feelings away.
But now he’s seen it, and he realizes that it hurts. It hurts too badly to be just a /little crush/ and Yoongi feels overwhelmed with jealousy.
“Man, what a killjoy.”, Seokjin comes back with a heavy sigh, and Yoongi quickly wipes the sour expression that surely must’ve formed on his face, off. He picks up his bag.
“I’m sorry, hyung. I didn’t know you’d have someone over. Did she leave because of me?”, he asks. The selfish part of him, that now is trying to push up front, is happy that the omega left,
but the other side of him, the conscious one is more worried about Seokjin being angry at him for scaring away his...date?
“Nah, she was being prissy all day. Something about me not courting her properly. We’ve been messing around for a week.”, Seokjin scoffs, walking straight over to the windows.
He opens them up, and Yoongi almost sighs in relief. He needs those omega pheromones out of here immediately.

“Seriously, would you court someone after only a week of seeing them?”
“Well, if I was an omega,”, Yoongi shrugs. “I’d love being courted by an alpha I like. Really wouldn’t care how long we’ve been seeing each other.”
Seokjin walks over to him with a laugh—Yoongi likes the alpha’s laugh, he likes it a lot. He puts a hand in the smaller alpha’s hair, ruffling it.
“You’re so old-fashioned. How come you have no omega yet?”, the older chuckles, and Yoongi playfully swats his hand away.

“Yah.”, he makes, putting on a tone of annoyance. “Take care of yourself first before you question me.”
“I’m just worried, you know? We’ve been living together for two years now and I’ve never seen you bring someone home.”, Seokjin mumbles, retracting his hand, and Yoongi wishes he could keep it on his head longer.
“Or, do you have something going on with those two cuties you always meet up with?”

Two cuties referring to Jimin and Taehyung, his /best/ friends, and well, both omegas.
Though both of them are otherworldly beautiful and have scents so comforting they can put Yoongi to sleep, the thought of getting down with either of them makes him gag. It feels all wrong.
“Fuck off.”, Yoongi growls out. “I can be friends with omegas without wanting to fuck them.”

Seokjin lifts his hands in a defensive manner and chuckles. Yoongi flushes—he didn’t mean to growl.
“Aish.”, the older alpha makes, grabbing Yoongi’s cheeks. The younger yelps when he pulls them. “Aren’t you the cutest? How are you an alpha?”
“Biology has nothing to do with personality—“, Yoongi argues, but is cut off by Seokjin squishing his cheeks together. He gives each of them a gentle pat.
“I know, I know.”, the older playfully rolls his eyes, and as Yoongi senses the conversation rolling to an end, he takes that as his chance to escape. He quickly makes it into his room, shutting the door behind him.
Maybe he bangs it a little too hard—the alpha leans against it, taking a deep breath. He hopes Seokjin didn’t notice.
His room is dark as the curtains are still shut. Yoongi hasn’t opened them this morning. He places the bag with Goyang-ssi onto his bed, his pastel-blue comforter inviting him.
He still remembers when he crocheted this one—he thought pink would’ve looked better, but the thought of even /crocheting/ as an alpha and being discovered was frightening enough. So he picked blue.

Blue is /cute/, too.
Yoongi grabs the curtain, wanting to pull it open but all of a sudden he feels like he’d rather be in the dark.
The scene of Chaeyoung on Seokjin’s lap keeps replaying in his mind, no matter how hard Yoongi tries to banish the thought. So what if Seokjin is making out with omegas on their couch, in their living room? So what? Even if he fucked her right there, Yoongi wouldn’t care!
He tells himself he wouldn’t, because he’s ignoring his crush and he’s /been/ ignoring it for months. It’ll go away soon for sure!
That his heart feels like it’s breaking apart and that he’s feeling green with jealousy is all part of the progress. Yoongi’s hand is shaking where it’s holding the curtain, and he bites his lip as suddenly tears begin to sting in his eyes.
/No, don’t cry/, the alpha tells himself. It’s not something to cry over. It’ll pass.
But in that moment it feels like it won’t. Yoongi sobs, biting harder into his lip to keep them as quiet as possible. His canines dig into his lip, and soon enough he even tastes blood, but he doesn’t let himself cry out loud.
Why did he have to crush on another alpha? Why did Yoongi have to be an alpha? Why is Seokjin only looking at omegas?
Yoongi lets go of the curtain and pushes his hand into his pocket to pull his phone out. He has Taehyung and Jimin on speed dial, and seeing as Taehyung should probably still be free, he calls him.
“Yeah?”, Taehyung makes when he picks up after the third beep. “Miss me already, hyung?”

Yoongi opens his mouth to say something, but all that spills out is an embarrassing sob that serves to set the omega’s alarm bells off immediately.
“Hyung? Yoongi-hyung! Are you hurt? What’s wrong?”, the alpha hears his friend’s worried voice in his air and so he takes a deep breath and tries to calm down a bit before Taehyung appears over here and kicks their door in.
“You were right earlier.”, Yoongi sniffles into the speaker. “I think...I think I’m really in love with him, Taehyung-ah...”
“That bastard! I can’t believe him! Yoongi-hyung, don’t worry, I’ll kill him. I know people who can take care of this, I...”, Jimin rambles angrily, walking up and down in front of the living room sofa of his apartment, where Yoongi sits.
Seemingly inconsolable, Taehyung rubs the alpha’s arm as he blows his nose.

“No, it’s not his fault...”, Yoongi sobs. He can’t believe he’s still crying.
He cried the whole ten minutes it took Taehyung to get to his apartment complex by car, stopped momentarily when he left his room to tell Seokjin that he was going out, and then cried again as soon as he got into his friend’s car.
“Yes it is!”, Jimin argues. He throws his arms into the air as he does so, eccentric when angry. “Alphas just are like that, inconsiderate pricks who have zero emotional understanding—”
Yoongi hiccups, new tears appearing in his eyes. Jimin stops himself and then rushes at Yoongi. He drops down before the alpha, taking his hands into his and doesn’t even care that they’re full of used tissues.
“No, not you! I didn’t mean you, Yoongi-hyung!”, the omega splutters.

“Aish Jiminie...”, Taehyung groans, wrapping his arms around Yoongi.
The alpha feels like he could cry even more now—he’s really glad to have friends like those two and he’s reminded again in that moment.
“I know you didn’t mean it like that...don’t worry.”, Yoongi attempts a smile but he’s sure it must look a little silly with his eyes red and swollen, and his face all wet.
“Still.”, Jimin pouts at him. “How could Seokjin-hyung bring that bitch into your den—nest. Into your nest.”
He corrects himself quickly, and Yoongi sends him an appreciative smile. It’s not like he hates everything that’s somehow connected to being an alpha, but having your home referred to as a den just always seems to remind Yoongi of what is expected from him.
He’d rather like a nest. A nest to hide in and be taken care of in, preferably by Kim Seokjin—

Yoongi stops himself.
“It’s not like he knows of my feelings...so you can’t blame him for bringing people. He always does that, I just never...walked in on it, you know.”, he sighs. Finally, he manages to calm down a bit. Yoongi wipes his tears.
Jimin smiles up at him as Taehyung hums softly.

“Well, maybe it was a good thing.”, he mumbles, bringing a hand to his chin. His eyes narrow in thought under those brown locks of his. Jimin lifts an eyebrow.
“How’s seeing Seokjin-hyung kiss that bitch Chaeyoung a good thing?”, Jimin huffs.

“Who’s that Chaeyoung anyway?”, Yoongi cuts in softly, but the omega just shudders and looks away, just as Taehyung voices his thoughts.
“Seeing that finally helped you realize your feelings, so now is the time to do something about them, Yoongi-hyung!”, he says enthusiastically and Jimin too seems to like the thought of that.
He jumps to his feet excitedly, immediately getting what his friend is suggesting, so he continues the thought.

“Yes! You’ve waited long enough, it’s time to take what you want!”
“Take what I want? Seokjin-hyung?”, Yoongi splutters, looking between his two omega friends who give each other excited smiles, their minds already coming up with a plan that the alpha himself is not yet privy to.
“Seokjin-hyung.”, Taehyung confirms.

“What? I can’t just take him.”, Yoongi /whines./ “I’m not his type at all, mainly because I’m not an /omega./
I’ve been living with him for two years, literally all he does is daydream about finding the omega of his dreams, settle down and mate. See the problem?”
“Then we’ll just have to make him forget that you’re an alpha.”, Jimin grins. “You’re already half the omega anyway. You crochet blankets and bake cakes in your free-time, /god/, you build /nests./
You already have all the qualities he’s probably looking for in an omega, so we’ll just make him focus on that.”

“And hyung...you’re really pretty, you know? You could totally seduce him.”
“Seduce?”, Yoongi stutters, getting shy under his friends’ calculating gazes. Taehyung and Jimin look at each other after they’re done studying him, a smile forming on their faces.
“I’ll get the whiteboard.”, Jimin says, and disappears from the room, leaving the alpha alone with Taehyung. Yoongi looks at the taller omega, but Taehyung doesn’t indulge him by telling him anything.
Three Steps To Kim Seokjin’s Heart

That’s the name for the plan Taehyung and Jimin come up with that day, and Yoongi follows it, deciding to allow himself some hope.
Step One: Make Seokjin notice him, and even more importantly, make him interested in him.

“Namjoon-hyung’s birthday party is the perfect opportunity.”, Jimin said that day, and so the alpha had been anxiously awaiting the party.
It was only a week in which Yoongi tried to behave as normal as he could in front of his roommate, while in the privacy of his room he switched between raiding his closet for the perfect outfit and stress-induced crocheting—he finished three scarves.
Namjoon’s birthday comes finally, and so Yoongi packs one of those scarves as a gift, thinking it useful since winter would come soon. Since Namjoon is an omega too, Yoongi has a feeling he wouldn’t be disappointed by receiving a soft gift like this.
The party starts at eight, so Yoongi goes out at six to make his way over to his friends. Seokjin stops him at the doorway when he sees him pull on his shoes.

“Going out?”, he asks surprised. “Namjoonie’s party is tonight.”
Yoongi’s heart beats a little faster, his brain almost trying to convince him that Seokjin would be disappointed if Yoongi doesn’t come tonight. He looks up at the other alpha and sends him a smile.
“I’m going to get ready at my friends’ place. You know...giving advice to each other.”, Yoongi shrugs, as if his bag didn’t carry at least five outfits right now which he needed Taehyung and Jimin to help him pick from.
“So you’ll be there?”, Seokjin asks as Yoongi gets up, shoes now on his feet. The smaller doesn’t know if he’s tricking himself—but Seokjin seems almost happy at that thought.
“Yeah...I don’t have to ask you, huh?”, Yoongi replies nonchalantly. As much as he can anyway. A smile is threatening to appear on his face at the interest Seokjin is showing.
“What do you take me for?”, Seokjin grins. “Anyway, don’t look too cute, or you’ll be attracting a bunch of people.”
“Huh?”, Yoongi makes, completely caught off guard by that comment. He hopes he’s not turning red—well, he probably is. He looks at Seokjin’s face for answers, but the other alpha looks back at him as if what he said wasn’t a big deal at all.
“Anyway, I’m gonna get ready too.”, Seokjin shrugs, before he lifts a hand and ruffles Yoongi’s hair. Any other alpha would’ve probably found that a bit demeaning, but Yoongi enjoys this every time it happens.
The taller tells him he’ll see him later and then he’s gone—and Yoongi slips out of the door with burning cheeks, wondering what Seokjin could’ve meant.
“Shut up, he didn’t say that!”, Taehyung gasps when Yoongi retells the short encounter by the door.

Yoongi sits on his bed, wiggling his feet.

“He did, but I don’t get why he did it...I mean...”
“It sounds like he’s already jealous! Probably doesn’t even realize it!”, Jimin chuckles, digging through Yoongi’s clothes. The alpha pouts as he sees his friend shake his head at /everything./
“Now here’s what we’ll do; we make sure you’ll be the absolute cutest at that party tonight.”

Jimin grabs a pair of pants from Yoongi’s clothes, a black skinny jeans that the alpha hadn’t worn in quite some time—why did he even bring it? Not sure, but Jimin seems to like it.
“This one, put it on. Taehyungie, get the eyeshadow palette, I’ll get something from my closet.”

“Eyeshadow?”, Yoongi yelps, but is ignored again as his friends rush around him. Taehyung disappears and returns with a box in his arms, and Jimin rips his closet open.
“What color ?”, Taehyung asks Jimin without even looking at him. He has already opened the box, revealing not only an eyeshadow palette but a /bunch/ of makeup. Yoongi’s mouth drops open.
“Something glittery, should go with this—“, the omega in the closet huffs before he emerges with a clothes hanger that holds a silver, glittering shirt....and it’s see-through.
“I can’t wear /that./”, the alpha whines, feeling the blush climb into his face. He’d look ridiculous and anyone who’d see him would surely make fun of him. All the other alphas would probably wear something...well not something like this. Yoongi shakes his head at himself.
Biology has nothing to do with preferences—but he can’t help but be conscious about what other people would think.
“You can.”, Taehyung encourages him. “You’ll look so cute, Seokjin-hyung will forget all about you being an alpha, and once he does that, he’ll realize what a catch you are and how unimportant subgenders are.”
Jimin nods, appearing by his side. He’s holding another black top in his hands but from what he’s seeing it’s short—Yoongi swallows.
The fit is really nothing special if he thinks more about this, but the clothes are tempting. Maybe they /would/ make him look cute. If he’s honest with himself, this isn’t the first time he’s been eying something like this but stopped himself from going for it.
Seokjin’s words echo in his mind—/Don’t look too cute./

Fuck it, Yoongi says to himself internally. He’s gonna look cute, he’s gonna be the cutest, and Seokjin will finally notice him—Yoongi gets up and snatches the clothes from Jimin.
“I can.”, he agrees with Taehyung. “And I’ll be the cutest person in that whole house!”

“That’s the spirit, hyung!”, Jimin cheers him on, and Yoongi, high on his decision marches toward the bathroom to change into the fit.
The party is a success, Yoongi can already tell once they arrive. They’re half an hour late and the house is already full—it’s not Namjoon’s place, the omega’s apartment would’ve been far too small.
This is a house, and from what Yoongi heard it belongs to the same friend who organised this party for Namjoon.
“You made it!”, cheers the omega of the day as he spots the three of them, jumping into their way as they come in. “I was worried you’ve gotten lost!”
“No way, hyung! Happy Birthday!”, Taehyung yells over the music booming through the walls and hugs Namjoon tightly. Yoongi, who’s still hiding a bit behind them looks around, trying to spot anyone he knows.
He sees a few faces he knows from around the campus, but no one in particular stands out to him yet. That’s good—if people don’t know him, they wouldn’t notice that he looks /different/ immediately. Maybe even mistake him for an omega and not look at him twice.
He sure enough looks like one, and since he’s a bit on the shorter side anyway, he’s pretty unsuspicious. Though, if he looks at the three omegas before him, height doesn’t really seem to be something constant in a male omega.
“No way, Yoongi-hyung...is that you?”, Namjoon asks as he pushes through his two friends, and Yoongi immediately blushes.
He has to admit he thought he looked good—black jeans and cropped top, leaving his midriff bare plus the glittery shirt that concealed his whole form a little, but never enough to dismiss him immediately.
Taehyung had fluffed his black hair up into waves while Jimin put glittering eyeshadow on him that matched the shirt.

When he saw himself in the mirror back at the omegas’ place, he felt /pretty./
Now he still does—just that he feels even more nervous.

“Happy birthday, Joon-ah. I hope you don’t mind I got you something small.”, Yoongi smiles, handing Namjoon the bag with the self-made scarf inside.
He smiles happily when he notices how the omega’s scent sweetens upon looking inside, and so he already knows that Namjoon likes it before he even says anything.
“This is so cute. I love it.”, the tall omega says to him. “You look amazing, hyung. Are you looking to hook up with someone today?”
Namjoon says it as a joke, but Yoongi’s immediate blush as a response betrays him. The omega gapes, but the two others come to his rescue.
“Namjoonie-hyung, show me the house!”, Taehyung wraps around Namjoon’s arm and pulls on him. “Who’s the guy who planned all this? Can I meet him?”
He bombards him with questions while pulling him away, leaving Yoongi and Jimin alone. The omega looks at the alpha, taking him by the hand to finally pull him out of the hall and to where the party is really going on.
It’s full, but Yoongi already noticed that, and the music is drowning out almost everything else. People are mingling by the walls and on the sofa that looks big enough to fit at least twenty people.
The middle of the room is reserved as some kind of dance floor, where people are already wildly dancing even though the party only started a while ago.

It’s dimly lit, and the air is full of many different scents—Yoongi’s nose itches.
“Hyung, there.”, Jimin whisper-yells into his ear, catching the alpha’s attention. He follows the younger’s finger when he points at something or rather someone, and he finds Seokjin.
The alpha is talking animatedly with a group of people, holding a bottle already halfway empty, and he looks /gorgeous./
He’s in an all black ensemble, a belt holding up his jeans, in which a lose shirt is tucked in messily and yet, it looked planned. On top he wears a jacket, stopping right around his waist and flattering the alpha’s body shape.
Silver jewellery shines in the dim light around his neck, and a charming smile is on his face as he talks to the people across him...his light brown hair partially styled out of his face.
Yoongi stares, his heart skipping a beat. Seokjin always looked gorgeous. When Yoongi meets him in the morning in the kitchen, hair sticking up and eyes droopy or when he sees him around campus coming back from his training, sweaty but happy. But now, Seokjin looks /heavenly./
And Yoongi feels jealous knowing that probably everyone saw him like this before but him because he’s not even the type of person he usually hangs out with.
“Hyung, you’re wafting pheromones.”, Jimin pokes his side. “And you’re staring.”

“Sorry.”, Yoongi ducks his head, slapping a hand over his scent gland–he tends to forget that his scent, despite it being a rather sweet citrus, can have quite the negative effects on his friend.
“Let’s get a drink and mingle...I’ve got an idea.”, the omega pulls on his arm, smiling slyly and Yoongi doesn’t argue, deciding that whatever Jimin is going to come up with is better than anything he could do.
They get drinks from the kitchen—Yoongi downs a shot before anything else, feeling like he might need some extra courage for tonight. After that they return to the living space, and Jimin pulls him to dance.
At first, the alpha is nervous about being out in the open like this, where everyone can see his bare midriff underneath the glittery shirt that reflects the light in the room, making him quite the eye-catcher.
But after a while he realizes that the people dancing around them are forming a tight wall, so for anyone outside it makes it essentially impossible to properly see them.
“He’s looking!”, Jimin yells across the music for Yoongi to hear after a while, making Yoongi look up over the crowd to where he remembers Seokjin standing. As soon as he finds the older alpha’s eyes he realizes that he is indeed looking at him.
Yoongi feels his cheeks heat up, but still sends Seokjin a smile before he looks away and takes another sip of his drink. He can still feel the eyes on him, and it makes the alpha feel excited.

Still, he doesn’t allow himself too much hope yet.
After a while, Yoongi feels his feet getting tired—sue him, he was never one for much physical activity, so he checks with Jimin several times if it’s really okay for him to leave the dancefloor.
“Taehyungie is coming, see? Don’t worry!”, he says before Yoongi goes, and the alpha relaxes when he sees the taller omega weaving through the crowd towards Jimin.
Eventually, Yoongi ends up at the side of the room, alone and leaning against the wall. His drink is almost empty now. Looking around he tells himself he isn’t trying to spy Seokjin in the crowd, but he still feels disappointed when he can’t find him.
Maybe he took someone upstairs—Yoongi hopes the owner of this house won’t mind any shenanigans on the upper floor...though he supposes if someone hosts a party like this, they’re prepared for that outcome.
The alpha has no time to wallow in self-pitty at the thought of Seokjin hooking up with another omega though, as he’s suddenly crowded into the wall by another person. An alpha too, but not the alpha Yoongi wished for.
His sandy scent is laced with sweat making it entirely unpleasant to Yoongi’s alpha nose which is already prone to finding most alpha scents unlikeable. He looks up at the man in confusion when he cages him against the wall.
“I’ve never seen you around campus, pretty boy. Are you new? Or did someone bring you?”, the alpha asks, but Yoongi doesn’t say anything about the fact that he’s been a student for two years already, or really anything to entertain the alpha.
He’s too close and his breath stinks of alcohol.

“Yeah actually, I’m with my date—“, Yoongi says as he attempts to duck underneath the strange alpha’s arms that are caging him against the wall.
He’s stopped though when he roughly grabs Yoongi’s shoulder and slams him back into the wall. The smaller alpha yelps—that hurt. What the hell is that asshole thinking?
“Ditch your date then. I’m much better company anyway, you’ll see...”, he rasps out, leaning in closer, Yoongi suddenly finds a hand grabbing at his butt.
It ticks him off—Yoongi may be a bit unconventional for an alpha, a bit on the smaller side, but that doesn’t mean that he’ll just let some drunk asshole fondle him. The smaller alpha snarls, bringing his knee up forcefully.
He hits home between the other’s legs, drawing an embarrassing cry out of him as he crumples before him.

“I’m an alpha, by the way.”, Yoongi growls at him, trying to look as imposing as he can with glittering eyeshadow and a crop-top. “Now leave me alone!”
“What...?”, the alpha before him makes, hands securely cupped over his manhood as the pain seems to paralyse him.
His eyes rake over Yoongi’s body in confusion, but he doesn’t get to say another word before Seokjin suddenly appears before him and punches him square across the jaw.
Yoongi yelps in surprise, the asshole-alpha cries out again, and Seokjin is fuming, filling this little corner of the house with his angry, agitated pheromones, if not the whole house. The smaller’s nose twitches as he’s overcome with the instinct to submit.
“Piss off, and don’t let me ever see you look at him again. I’ll fucking kill you.”, Seokjin /growls./ The words sound so obscene coming out of him, Yoongi had never heard his hyung talk like that.
For a reason Yoongi knows all too well, hearing Seokjin threaten another alpha makes him feel warm. The blood rises back to his cheeks and he is glad that the light is dim, or else the older would’ve seen as he turns around to him.
Behind him, the other alpha scrambles away, not only his body hurt, but also his pride.

Yoongi’s breath hitches when Seokjin’s eyes wander over his form. They’re still so dark and dangerous, and the smaller has to admit to himself that it excites him.
“Are you okay?”, Seokjin asks, snapping Yoongi out of his stupor.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure...I had it under control.”, the younger chuckles awkwardly as a sudden silence falls over them. Seokjin’s eyes are glued to his bare midriff, and his hand twitches.
This time, Yoongi falls back against the wall willingly as the older alpha takes a step forward. He thinks he must be dreaming—Seokjin is looking at him so intensely, it makes it hard to breathe.
Yoongi’s heart beats so wildly and it skips a beat when the taller alpha carefully touches his waist.
“I said don’t dress too cute...”, he breathes out, fingers slipping under the glittering shirt. Yoongi flinches when Seokjin touches his naked waist, but doesn’t pull away. “Now you’re attracting alphas too...I don’t want them to look at you.”
“Why?”, Yoongi asks quietly, a stuttering breath accompanying it as the older alpha’s slight touch turns into a secure grip onto his skin. Close like this, the younger can smell the alcohol on Seokjin too—he doesn’t look it, but he’s sure he’s a little drunk.
Otherwise, why would he act like this all of a sudden?

Seokjin doesn’t reply to Yoongi’s question—he opens his mouth to do it, but then snaps it shut. Maybe he himself doesn’t know.
“Fuck it.”, Seokjin growls out leaving Yoongi no time to react as he suddenly presses up against him and kisses him. The smaller alpha’s eyes widen almost comically as Seokjin captures his lips, and he is too surprised to do anything.
The older notices Yoongi’s stupor and pulls back, looking embarrassed out of his mind, when all the younger can do is stare at him.

“Fuck.”, he makes. “Fuck, Yoongi, I’m sorry—”
And Yoongi cuts him off when he pulls him back, smashing their lips back together. For a split second Seokjin stiffens, but then he leans right into it. Both of his hands grab Yoongi’s waist as he kisses the smaller alpha with a ferocity that steals his breath away.
Yoongi wraps his arms around his broad shoulders, internally squealing at finally being able to do this. He didn’t think the omegas’ plan would work so well already on the first step.
The smaller alpha mewls into the kiss when Seokjin breaches his lips to force his tongue inside his mouth. The needy sound makes him embarrassed, but he doesn’t even get to think about it. Seokjin’s kisses wipe his mind clean of any thoughts.
“Look so pretty...why do you look so pretty?”, Seokjin mumbles in between kisses, making Yoongi blush again.
Love, lust and alcohol must make him brave—or just simply crazy, because he replies:

“For you. Dressed up pretty for you.”
Seokjin pulls back when he hears that, an air of seriousness falling over him and for a moment Yoongi thinks he fucked it up and ruined the moment. But then the older alpha’s hand on his waist hardens the grip, digging his fingers into Yoongi’s skin so hard it may leave marks.
This must be a dream. It’s not real, Yoongi is dreaming, there’s no way Seokjin just kissed the hell out of him and is now looking at him like he wants to eat him whole.
The smaller alpha smiles at him, cheeks flushed and hot as he tries to pull Seokjin back. To Yoongi’s happiness he even follows, but then he’s starting to spin right before his eyes.
The younger blinks, but the world seems to blur around the edges of his vision and his confusion must be visible on his face because Seokjin studies him worriedly.
“Yoongi?”, he asks as Yoongi blinks wildly away at him. He’s dizzy. He didn’t think he drank that much, but apparently he did...how long have they even been here? He may have had a few drinks too many.
“Jin-hyung, I’m gonna pass out.”, the small alpha tells Seokjin, seeing his eyes widen before Yoongi’s legs crumple away underneath him and the view of the world around him swirls into nothing but black.
Yoongi wakes up feeling dizzy, and the world still seems to spin around him even with his eyes open. He groans, turning from his belly onto his back, dreading the feeling of nausea that begins creeping up his throat slowly.
/Don’t throw up, don’t throw up/, he chants inside his mind to himself as he waits for it to pass and luckily, it does.
After that he closes his eyes again, still feeling tired. Somehow, the alpha feels extremely comfortable after the discomfort is gone, as he picks up on a nice scent of oak all around him.
He sighs softly, turning back onto his side to press his face into the pillow, a smile forming on his face. It’s so nice and comforting—everywhere around him.
But then he realizes /why/ it’s so comforting and it makes him sit up straight way too fast. The alpha’s head stings, and so he whines, pressing a hand to his forehead as he looks around and finds that he isn’t in his own room, but /Seokjin’s/.
As soon as that realization hits, memories flood his mind of the night before. Dancing, drinking, being harassed by some weirdo and then wildly making out with Seokjin—
Yoongi slaps his hand over his mouth, patting at his lips as if he could somehow feel the traces of the older alpha there.
Seokjin kissed him, he /initiated/ it even, Yoongi remembers it all now. His hands on his waist, digging into his stomach, and as close as they were, the older probably left his scent on Yoongi.
The younger wishes he could smell himself, but the thought is quickly forgotten as the question whether or not this means anything now makes itself noticed.
It has to, right? They may have been drunk, but being drunk doesn’t make you kiss random people you aren’t even in the slightest attracted to! And Seokjin thought he looked pretty...Yoongi knows it.
He pats his own cheeks in encouragement, determined to find the alpha whose room he’s currently occupying—had Seokjin brought him here after he passed out?
Opening the door to the hall he’s greeted by the smell of coffee, so he knows Seokjin is in the kitchen. Yoongi follows the scent, and when he spots the older by the counter, he smiles shyly.
“Good morning, hyung.”, he says, startling Seokjin out of his thoughts. The older looks at him, sending him a smile back, though it’s a little strained.
“Morning. Did you sleep alright? Feel dizzy or nauseous?”, the older asks, as usual taking care of Yoongi, but now he can’t help but read into it.
“I’m fine.”, Yoongi responds, taking the cup of black coffee Seokjin offers with a small ‘thank you’. “Why did you put me in your bed though? Mine would’ve been fine...”
“I got worried when you just collapsed. Don’t scare me like that again!”, Seokjin scolds playfully, ruffling Yoongi’s hair that must be standing up to all sides. The smaller giggles.
“And about that...you woke up and were whining about your room being cold, so I just brought you to mine. I slept on the sofa though, I didn’t want to intrude in your space.”
Yoongi is glad his face is hidden halfway behind the coffee cup in that moment, or Seokjin would’ve immediately noticed the rising blush on his cheeks at learning of that embarrassing thing he did.
And at how /lovely/ the alpha before him is. He let drunk Yoongi /intrude/ into his space but slept on the sofa because he didn’t want to intrude on /his?/
Yoongi feels his heart beat a little faster.

Seokjin pulls his hand from Yoongi’s head then, and pours himself a cup of coffee, going silent as he adds both milk and sugar, making the beverage so light it can hardly be considered coffee anymore.
The smaller alpha watches silently, wiggling a little in place as he contemplates whether he should start or wait for Seokjin to say something. But the older beats him to it.
“About yesterday night...um...do you remember anything?”, he asks, looking at Yoongi finally, but only for a moment before he averts his eyes again.
“I do.”, Yoongi replies with a hopeful smile, but as Seokjin keeps avoiding looking at him, his heart sinks to his stomach.
Seokjin laughs awkwardly, like it’s just a little mistake they /can/ laugh off, but to Yoongi it feels like a heavy punch right into the gut.

/Of course./
It was too good to be true, why did he have to be so stupid and believe this was going to change anything? Right, Seokjin was drunk, and Yoongi in his outfit could’ve been mistaken for an omega.
So he probably approached him because of that, and not because he actually liked or /wanted/ to kiss Yoongi.
His citrus scent rolls off him in thick, sour waves, disappointment and sadness, that from an alpha to another would probably be mistaken as simple dissatisfaction, because that’s what Seokjin takes it for.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make things awkward! If you don’t, I mean, nothing has to change, stuff like that happens when you’re drunk—”
“I get it. Don’t worry.”, Yoongi cuts him off, swallowing the growl that wants to come out. He’s stiff though, and Seokjin notices it too, but he can’t say anything in that moment to make him believe that everything is alright.
No, Yoongi has to put all his energy into not breaking down crying right in that moment.
“I still have some coursework...I’m gonna...I’ll be in my room. Sorry for taking up your bed.”, the younger alpha says flatly, spinning on his heel to hurry to his room. If Seokjin wants to say or add anything more, Yoongi doesn’t hear it.
Doesn’t want to hear it.

Maybe he slams the door a little too hard, and later he’ll regret acting like that, giving his hurt feelings away like that—but in that moment, Yoongi can’t bring himself to care.
He makes the few steps towards his bed before he falls face first into his comforter. Now that he’s alone and safe from Seokjin’s eyes, the tears flow freely.
Though he was the one who told Yoongi to forget about it, Seokjin can’t stop thinking about that night of Namjoon’s party.
A few days pass and Seokjin even goes out on another date with a girl from one of his courses, but all he can think about is Yoongi’s expression of that morning, and so he ends up ignoring the poor omega right in front of him quite a bit.
But, Seokjin thinks, he must’ve been crazy that night of the party, what the hell compelled him to press his little roommate into the wall and make out with him?
Maybe it was the alcohol, or that guy harassing Yoongi, or the way the other alpha looked so small and cute and still /sexy/ at the same time.
/No/, he shouldn’t think that way about Yoongi. He’s his friend and roommate, and Seokjin isn’t into alphas at all, so there’s no point dwelling on this. He shakes his head at himself, trying to focus back on the conversation his friends around him are having.
It’s crazy how after that weekend, everyone he saw all dressed up is now back in casual and comfortable clothes, sipping on their coffees as if they are their lifelines. He tries not to, but Seokjin finds himself looking for Yoongi in the crowd of this cafeteria too.
“Earth to Seokjin-hyung.”, one of his friends, or rather acquaintances calls him, waving a hand obnoxiously before his eyes. He slaps Byungho’s hand away.

“Stop that, will you?”, he growls at him, leaning back in his chair.
“What’s gotten into you?”, Byungho asks, the alpha leaning over the table to study him, and Seokjin rolls his eyes. He’s not usually sensitive to teasing like this, but since the party, or rather the day after, he’s been in his head.
The look on Yoongi’s face when he told him to forget about it. Again, he can’t banish it from his mind.

“Probably still embarrassed that he made out with another alpha.”, Chaeyoung snickers, but she doesn’t laugh for long.
“Aren’t you just jealous he picked that little alpha over you?”, Hyunshik, the oldest among them all, alpha and together with Hana, omega, currently on his arm, cuts in. Chaeyoung’s giggle gets stuck in her throat as she snaps her head around and glares at him.
“He didn’t!”, she huffs. “He probably just mistook him for an omega! You weren’t there, but if you didn’t know he was an alpha, you couldn’t have guessed! It’s a little weird...”
“Yah, Chaeyoung-ah, don’t be mean...”, Hana mumbles. Seokjin looks at her sharply, not really liking where this is going.
“She’s right though.”, Byungho hums, pointing at something and as Seokjin follows his finger, he finds /Yoongi/ occupying a table, surrounded by his two omega friends he’s always with. Taehyung and Jimin, if he remembers correctly.
“What kind of alpha hangs around omegas all the time? He has no alpha friends for a reason.”

“/I’m/ his friend.”, Seokjin growls, but he’s ignored.
“Alphas who are popular with omegas do.”, Hyunshik argues, but Chaeyoung scoffs, crossing her arms.

“Does he look like the kind of alpha that’s popular among omegas? I know what kind of guy that is. He doesn’t want an omega, he’d rather /be/ an omega.”
She says it and shudders, like it’s something dirty on her tongue, and Seokjin has enough. He doesn’t mean to, but he slams his hands down on the table, startling the omega and everyone else.
“I said he’s my friend, so shut the fuck up if you don’t have anything nice to say. Putting Yoongi down won’t make me court you.”, he growls at her, feeling bad as soon as he does so.
Chaeyoung is still an omega after all, and his voice makes her cower. It’s a natural instinct to submit to an alpha after all, and Seokjin doesn’t like using that to his advantage.
He feels like he should apologize but at the same time the alpha is too angry to do so. She talked shit about his friend after all, so she has to be prepared to get shit back.
“Man...”, Byungho makes. “You could think you’re in love with that Yoongi guy or something.”

“He’s just defending his friend.” Hana huffs, rolling her eyes at Byungho’s attitude. “You don’t even know Yoongi, so you should really stop talking about him.”
Byungho scoffs but doesn’t say anything more, and Chaeyoung has her arms crossed and a pout on her face. The table falls into an awkward silence that Seokjin isn’t sorry he created, but it’s just as exhausting for him to sit through this, as it is for anyone else.
So he does the only logical thing that comes to mind and excuses himself and gets up.

“I’m gonna head to the court, I’ve got a match coming up.”, he says, grabbing his bag to make a swift escape.
Byungho voices his confusion when he wonders aloud what match Seokjin is going to have when the season is already over, but the alpha doesn’t care whether or not they believe his obvious lie.
Doesn’t matter—he just wants to get out of here before his emotions and instincts really get the better of him and a bit of fresh air can’t hurt.
Step two: make Kim Seokjin forget you’re an alpha.

Yoongi wasn’t convinced. Actually, when Seokjin told him to forget about the kiss, Yoongi didn’t feel like continuing this silly plan, as he worried about just continuously getting his heart broken.
But his two friends convinced him to stick to it.

“Of course he said that! He’s embarrassed about having made out with his alpha friend, so now we need to show him how it’s nothing bad to be attracted to an alpha.”, Jimin told Yoongi.
“Or any subgender being attracted to their same subgender...mating and having a pup isn’t all that.”, Taehyung added, which made Jimin look at him questioningly, but the taller omega just shrugged and didn’t elaborate.
Yoongi was too much in his own mind anyway to notice, wondering about how exactly he would make Seokjin forget that he was an alpha.
“Easy. Just behave like you do with us and don’t hide it from him!”, Taehyung suggested, so here Yoongi is, occupying the kitchen, reading a recipe for a red velvet cake off his phone he wanted to try for a while.
It’s so silly—he can’t believe he’d hide something as silly as baking from his roommate before, but after the two omegas nudged him into this direction he realized he never did anything he truly enjoyed out in the open in this house, in fear of being judged.
Yoongi likes cooking and baking. Creating something edible, but more importantly, really tasty out of the ingredients he has gives him a sense of accomplishment. He likes making food for people, feels good and happy when they praise him for it and say that it’s good.
So far he only ever did that for his two omega friends, and even that took some time before he was ready to do that.
Over such a silly, natural thing like cooking, really. But the voice of Yoongi’s father seems to be in his head always. Always nagging and scolding him.
When he was around twelve he remember his then-friends complaining about their parents making them do chores around the house, how they’re old enough to do it now.
Yoongi couldn’t relate at all, truth to be told, he had never even lifted a finger, so used to his mother doing everything around the house while his father sat in front of the TV after work.
When it came to his attention though that apparently, lots of kids helped in the household whether they wanted to or not, Yoongi began to feel bad whenever he saw his mother hurrying around the house,
cooking and cleaning at the same time as she was hanging up their laundry and vacuuming the living room—

Yoongi remembers the first and only night he approached her by the stove, and asked if he could help her. Her surprised face.
She agreed, and the little alpha realized it was fun, cutting up onions and potatos, making a stew with his mother on the stove, and some pudding she wanted to prepare for a dessert for the coming day.
He remembers feeling achieved and happy, but then his father stepped in and sent Yoongi to his room with a harsh voice before the fighting started again. Yoongi is an alpha this, Yoongi is an alpha that, don’t teach him such ideas, so on, so on.
Yoongi tried to tune it out, but his parents fought more often over him than he could count.
The alpha frowns at himself, the memory haunting his every move even when he long convinced himself that he could be whoever he wanted to be, and every one who judged him was wrong—well, easier said than done.
He’s adding the food coloring into the batter when the door to the apartment opens, and a sweaty Seokjin steps in, having probably headed straight home after his training.
Yoongi’s first instinct is to hide what he’s doing, but he stops himself—that would be counterproductive. He’s supposed to show Seokjin his ‘omegan’ qualities after all.
“Hey, hyung.”, Yoongi greets him, playing it cool. Seokjin steps into the kitchen curiously, his nose twitching at the sugary scent in the air, but so does Yoongi’s—
only that it’s the older’s scent that is flooding his nose, rolling thickly off him now that he worked out and sweat into these clothes he’s wearing.
He tries to ignore it, and turns his gaze away as he focuses back on his work.

“Hey...are you cooking?”, he asks, eyes scanning the counter. “No, baking.”, he corrects himself. “I didn’t know you knew how to bake.”
“I’m not that good yet since I don’t do it often, but I like following recipes I see online. Do you like red velvet cake? I’ll bring you a piece once it’s done.”, Yoongi hums, smiling softly up at Seokjin,
his heart threatening to tear itself apart once he realizes how domestic this whole scene /could/ be if they were anything more than roommates.
He keeps smiling though. Seokjin seems to be put at ease a little through Yoongi’s smile, because when he first came in he seemed awkward and hesitant, like he didn’t know how to behave around him anymore.
Though Yoongi can’t say he likes the way this turned out, he’s glad that they can relax around each other again, at least.
“Sure. I bet it’ll taste amazing.”, the older alpha smiles, reaching out as he always does, and Yoongi already leans his head in to receive the pat when Seokjin stops halfway, hovers his hand in the air for a second and then scratches his own neck instead.
Yoongi’s shoulders slump a little. So they’re not a hundred percent relaxed with each other yet after all.
“I’m not sure about this. People will stare.”, Yoongi mutters, lunchbox in hand as he looks at the door of the university building, feeling as if he’s rooted to the spot. Taehyung pats his shoulder encouragingly, and Jimin gives him a thumbs up.
“You look so cute, hyung. So pretty. Don’t be scared, Seokjin-hyung will think so too!”, the smaller omega grins, but Yoongi still isn’t convinced.
Step two has been going well, he supposes. In more than one way. Seokjin seemed to enjoy Yoongi’s cooking and he also didn’t seem to mind when he started to clean up a little after him.
Taehyung suggested dressing /prettier/ at home to get the other alpha’s attention back, and so Yoongi ditched black sweaters and sweatpants, and tried some of his lighter colors instead, all the cute clothes he usually hides away in his closet.
This step of the plan has the positive side effect of Yoongi finally being able to do something he really enjoys. He’s allowing himself to feel pretty, he likes it.
Which is why he didn’t say no when the omegas suggested he’d wear something cute out for classes today, but now his courage is dwindling.
Dressed in a light blue sweater and a neck scarf that Taehyung insisted on—hiding the neck will make it more interesting to alphas, the omega insisted! Yoongi thought he looked pretty, and he even put gloss onto his lips when Jimin suggested.
That’s that. Now the lunchbox he’s currently clutching wasn’t part of the plan exactly, but Yoongi made it when he noticed Seokjin leaving for an early class and knowing him, the older probably hadn’t taken anything with him to eat.
A good opportunity that Yoongi wouldn’t let go by, but now he’s unsure, and scared.

What if Seokjin thought he looked silly, dressed like that?
He hadn’t said anything at home but maybe if Yoongi approached him in public like this, he’d be embarrassed by him. Maybe he should just give him the lunchbox in secret, doing it out in the open may cause rumors—

Taehyung shakes him.
“Hyung.”, he says softly. “It’ll be fine. Jin-hyung may be a little dense but he’s not an asshole.”

“He’s not dense.”, Yoongi pouts and Jimin rolls his eyes before he walks around him and hooks their arms together.
“You’re so whipped.”, he groans, pulling Yoongi towards the entrance and so Taehyung copies him and takes Yoongi’s other arm.
The alpha feels watched all day, but maybe that’s just because he’s too conscious of himself. He doesn’t even know most of these people, and they might as well think he’s an omega and wouldn’t waste another thought on him.
The tricky part comes when it’s lunch time, and Yoongi finds himself having to approach Seokjin at the tennis court, as he had decided to spend his break outside with people who /know/ very well that Yoongi’s not an omega.
But with Taehyung and Jimin cheering him on from behind the stands, Yoongi manages to speak courage into himself and walk over there, lunchbox held tightly in his hands.
They’re shaking a little when he arrives, and five pairs of curious eyes are on him immediately, but Yoongi only focuses on Seokjin.
The alpha is in some sweatpants and a shirt, some strands of his hair slightly wet—as he stands there wiping his sweat, he looks effortlessly beautiful, and Yoongi almost turns back.
But it’s Seokjin’s wooden scent in the air, once again intensified by the previous physical activity, that calms Yoongi, his brown eyes that look soft and understanding, like he’s waiting for the smaller alpha to say whatever he came here for.
He realizes in that moment that Seokjin may have never really looked at him as an potential partner before, but he also never looked at him as if he was /weird./
Yoongi realizes, and he remembers these past days Seokjin barely reacted to his outfit changes. At first glance, he thought it counterproductive, but now as he thinks about it more, he feels safe and comforted.
“Are you gonna say something or just stand there like an idiot?”, the omega girl on the bench behind Seokjin hisses at him suddenly, pulling Yoongi out of his thoughts. How embarrassing, he thinks, as he looks at her.
It’s Chaeyoung, the girl he initially walked in on making out with Seokjin. She seems annoyed with Yoongi’s presence alone, and she’s looking him up and down in a way that makes the alpha feel small. Again.
“I...um...”, Yoongi makes, cheeks growing hot as nothing but the stutter comes out. Different expressions come his way—the alpha-omega couple on the side look at him warmly, Seokjin is patient, and Chaeyoung and the other guy...Yoongi quickly looks away.
Instead, the alpha puts his eyes onto the lunchbox and holds it out to Seokjin.

“You left so early today, so I brought some food for you...I don’t think you brought any...”, Yoongi mumbles, barely daring to lift his head to look at the older.
He hears Chaeyoung sigh obnoxiously, and trembles nervously.

“Oh.”, Seokjin makes. “Thank you, Yoongi-yah.”
Yoongi dares to peek and sees Seokjin smiling brightly as he opens the box to eagerly study what the younger brought. He relaxes when he sees that, heart fluttering in his chest.
“I’ll leave you alone then...see you later at home.”, Yoongi says, wanting to make a quick escape after that, but Seokjin stops him.

“Our last lecture ends at the same time, doesn’t it? Let’s go together.”
“Huh? We had plans for karaoke!”, the alpha at Chaeyoung’s side complains to Seokjin, but the other one, the tall one with the omega on his arm chuckles.
“He’s Seokjin’s friend, I’m sure he can come. Do you want to, Yoongi-ssi?”, he asks Yoongi and suddenly all eyes are on him again. He’s not sure.
He isn’t a good singer in the slightest, and he doesn’t want to intrude on Seokjin’s time with his friends, then again, that would be the first time he ever did anything with Seokjin outside of living together, so it sounds tempting.
“I don’t want to be a bother.”, Yoongi laughs awkwardly.

“You aren’t.”, Seokjin cuts in, already happily eating Yoongi’s food before he even sat down. “We can all meet outside later and go together.”
Yoongi smiles seeing him enjoy his food, and his happiness at being invited overshadows everything else he may have felt. He nods softly.

“Alright.”, the alpha replies. “Can’t wait.”
cw / bullying
The sun is slowly turning orange when Yoongi stands outside the building to wait for Seokjin and his friends.
The alpha nervously fumbles with the strap of his bag as he does so, not sure anymore what he was thinking when he said yes. But he reminds himself that Seokjin insisted that it was okay and how softly he smiled at him.
He kept that in mind all day, feeling that maybe Jimin’s and Taehyung’s plans are finally coming to fruition.
Maybe he felt a little silly going to the bathroom to reapply the lipgloss before he came out here, but if he thinks about it more, the alpha finds that he enjoys being a little more himself, regardless of his crush on Seokjin.
If Seokjin rejected him in the end, would Yoongi go back to hiding? He doesn’t want to think about being let down, but he decides that he’ll try to be more honest with himself even in that case.
“Hey, you. Min Yoongi, right?”

The alpha turns around as he hears his name being called, seeing Chaeyoung and that alpha from lunch—Yoongi didn’t catch his name.
“Yeah.”, Yoongi replies, looking around, but it’s just those two. “Where are the others?”

“They’re at the other exit. Seokjin-oppa told us to come get you.”, Chaeyoung says but doesn’t even properly look at Yoongi.
She looks annoyed, but the alpha supposes that’s still because her friends invited him along to join their plans and obviously, she isn’t very fond of him.
“Are you just gonna stand there? Come on!”, the unnamed alpha calls him, waving his hand at him to follow, and so Yoongi swallows the lump in his throat before he goes with the two of them back into the building.
It’s mostly empty now, the last lecture long over, so all that’s left now are people packing up to leave and maybe a stray cleaning lady mopping the stairs in the hallway. Yoongi feels a little stupid as he follows the two.
He made everyone wait because he waited by the wrong exit—maybe he should’ve texted Seokjin to ask where they would meet.
They walk in an uncomfortable silence. At least for Yoongi it is. So distracted by the tense atmosphere and his thoughts about how he wants it to be over quick, he doesn’t even notice that they change course until they’re already inside one of the bathrooms.
“Um...if you need to...I’ll just go ahead.”, Yoongi mutters, not sure why they’re here, but he gets a bad feeling.

“Yah...are you a fucking idiot or something?”, Chaeyoung suddenly cusses at him. “Close the door, Byungho.”
Byungho, the alpha, steps around Yoongi, closing the door to the bathroom. He flips the lock, making Yoongi tense up. What the hell?
“Did you really think we’d want you to join our plans? Huh?”, the omega spits, suddenly coming close. She pushes against Yoongi’s shoulder roughly, making him stumble back in surprise.
“Well you may have not, but Seokjin-hyung clearly did.”, Yoongi hisses back, an angry growl building in his throat at the agitation, but he keeps it in for now.
The omega isn’t taken aback at all though, and instead just becomes even angrier as if the mention if Seokjin’s name set her off.
“Ugh, stop clinging to him! Do you think dressing up like you’re an omega will make him like you? You’re fucking delusional, I start to get what he means when he talks about how /annoying/ you are.”
“Shut up, he doesn’t do that.”, Yoongi /growls/, pushing against her shoulders too, but maybe a little too hard because she stumbles, and almost topples over. The other alpha in the room crosses the room with a threatening growl of his own and grabs Yoongi by his collar.
Suddenly he’s pressed into the cold tiles of the bathroom wall, as Byungho keeps him there in an uncomfortable grip.

“So brave for a little wannabe-omega. But you’re still an alpha, and alphas don’t hit omegas.”, he says to Yoongi.
“I didn’t /hit/ her.”, he growls, trying to pry Byungho’s hands off his sweater, but the alpha’s hand remains there in a strong grip.
“My shoulder, ow, ow...”, Chaeyoung whines, but there’s an evil grin on her face. “I wonder what your /Seokjin-hyung/ would say if I told him that you go around beating on omegas.”
“Do you think he’d believe you? I think you’re the one who’s delusional!”, Yoongi exclaims, determined to not let himself be intimidated, but it’s getting harder, especially with what Byungho says next.
“Look, we’ll just teach you a little lesson, and then we’re all even. Sounds good? Good.”

“What?”, Yoongi yelps, a dreadful feeling settling in his stomach.
“Yeah, but let’s wash that makeup off first, hm? You don’t wanna feel like you’re beating up an omega, do you?”, Chaeyoung giggles, opening her bag.
She produces a packet of chocolate milk from it in the same moment that Byungho transfers his grip from Yoongi’s collar to his hair—so fast, the smaller alpha can’t even react.
He’s pushed against the sink, finding no leverage to pull himself up as Byungho forces his head inside.
“Should remind him that he’s an /alpha/, too. Maybe he’ll stop playing dress-up.”, he hears Chaeyoung say before the cold liquid spills all over Yoongi’s hair and neck.
He tries to pull away on instinct but the hand in his hair keeps him in place as the chocolate milk runs down his face, making him dirty, and sticky.
“Stop!”, Yoongi gasps, hearing Chaeyoung and Byungho giggle above him.

“You didn’t think that through, he’s even dirtier now.”, Byungho almost chokes on his laughter. “Sorry, Yoongi-yah, I’ll help you.”
As the cold water of the faucet above him turns on, Yoongi can’t believe that this is happening to him.
Of course, the alpha was aware that bullying is a thing, but it never happened to him, not like this—usually people minded their own business, and they’re all adults here after all.
More than shocked though, Yoongi is embarrassed. Embarrassed at not being able to fight back, embarrassed at the way his body is locking up in strange fear and hope of it all being over soon.
Finally, the faucet turns off, and Byungho pulls Yoongi out of the sink. Dripping wet and cold, he’s pushed against the wall again.
“There. All clean.”, Byungho says and Chaeyoung giggles in the background, anticipating whatever will happen next while Yoongi is shivering from the cold and dread.
“Hurry, hurry. The others are waiting for us.”, the omega says and Byungho cracks his knuckles.
Seokjin comes home a little tipsy and red-faced into the dark of his and Yoongi’s shared apartment. The younger alpha didn’t come, and neither did Byungho, not that Seokjin cared much about the latter—
he was looking forward to spending some time with Yoongi though and thus was a little disappointed when the younger didn’t show up.
But he knows Yoongi, he’s a little more introverted, a little shy with strangers, so he won’t be angry at him for dipping out of the plan.
The alpha toes his shows off at the entrance, spotting Yoongi’s sneakers there, so he concludes that he must be home.
He finds that when he thinks of him now, no longer comes a small alpha with dark hair and darker clothes into his mind, but instead a pretty boy in soft outfits with a sweet smile on his face.
Seokjin doesn’t know what to make of this, so he groans in annoyance as he steps inside and makes his way towards the living room.
He’s been trying his best to ignore whatever it is that has been going on, but this strange, tingly feeling in his belly whenever he looked at him only got worse these past weeks whenever he saw the smaller alpha looking so cute and behaving so /domestic/.
The older flips the light on in the living room and lets out a startled scream when suddenly, Yoongi comes into view.

“Yoongi-yah.”, he whines. “What the hell are you sitting here in the dark for!”
But a second look at the small figure makes Seokjin see that clearly, there’s something wrong. Yoongi is sitting on the floor at their coffee table, hunched over a glass of soju—it seems like he just emptied a second bottle.
His hair is wet and sticky, not fluffy anymore as it was when he saw him today. The neckscarf Seokjin couldn’t take his eyes off earlier as it made Yoongi’s neck suddenly ten times more appealing, is gone. His baby blue sweater is stained and dirty.
But the worst of all is the big swell of his cheekbone and the bruising that’s starting to appear, together with a split lip and dried blood under his nose.
Yoongi tries to turn his body away a little to shield himself from Seokjin’s eyes when he sees him looking, but the alpha had already seen everything, and it makes him /burn/.
“Yoongi-yah.”, he calls him, crossing the room to be by his side. He drops to his knees, grabbing Yoongi’s shoulders to turn him around. “What the hell happened to you? You can tell hyung.”
“’s nothing...”, Yoongi slurs back, trying to shake him off. By the amount he drank alone he must already be drunk—that’s so unlike him, Seokjin had never seen any bottles in their home unless they drank together or had friends over.
He snatches the glass away from Yoongi as the younger alpha reaches for it, placing it far away. Then he turns back to him, finally picking up of the younger’s scent in the air—sad, scared, borderline broken. Seokjin clenches his jaw.
“Who was it? Who did this to you?”, Seokjin urges him, getting angrier the longer he gets no answer. He squeezes Yoongi’s shoulders, giving him a shake. “Fucking tell me!”
Yoongi flinches when Seokjin yells at him and it causes the floodgates to break open. Suddenly, tears are running down the younger’s face, so many so quickly, it seems like he’s been bottling it up forever and now it all breaks out of him.
“What do you care!”, he sobs, pushing Seokjin away. “You—You think I’m annoying anyway. Why’d you even invite me out...c-could’ve just told me no, I would’ve understood.”
Yoongi lifts his hand to wipe his eyes, and Seokjin sees split knuckles—hopes that that means that Yoongi at least got a good hit back at his attacker.
“Now leave me alone, I wanna be alone...”, the smaller alpha says in a mix of sob and slurring, as he reaches out across the table for his glass again, but Seokjin isn’t so easily deterred.
He grabs Yoongi and pushes him onto the ground as the glass on the table topples over and makes a mess. The younger fights, kicking his legs weakly, but in his state he doesn’t even have a chance. Seokjin keeps him down until he stops fighting.
“I don’t think you’re annoying. Why would you think that? I really wanted you there today...can’t you tell me what happened?”, he asks, trying to soften up a little...he doesn’t want to agitate Yoongi even more.
But Yoongi has no reply for him, instead just another sob comes out of his mouth as he cries. He reeks of alcohol but more than that of deep, deep distress.
“Why did you kiss me?”, he suddenly asks, catching Seokjin completely off guard. “Why’d you kiss me like I meant anything to you only to tell me to forget about it?! Are you embarrassed because I’m an alpha too?
I can be just like an omega if that’s what you want, I can cook and clean, and make you lunchboxes and I can be pretty for you—it was so much fun anyway.”

The younger alpha looks away.
“I like you so much, why did you have to kiss me like that...”, he says. “Why can’t you just like me /for me/?”
Seokjin is too stunned by the sudden confession to reply anything. Yoongi seemed to have given up on escaping his grip because now he just lies there on his back and cries quietly. The older alpha feels guilt settle in his stomach, deep guilt that’s impossible to ignore.
Yoongi liked him all this time, and he kissed him then told him to /forget/ about it. Realizing how badly he must’ve hurt Yoongi, Seokjin is beginning to feel like scum.
Seokjin hasn’t allowed himself to entertain the thought further—of doing anything with Yoongi, even though the alpha has been plaguing his mind lately in all the best ways. But Seokjin is an alpha, and Yoongi is an alpha.
He has been looking forward to meeting the omega of his dreams all his life and suddenly changing course seems...scary.
Why did he kiss Yoongi that night? Would they have gone further if the younger hadn’t passed out? Maybe he fooled himself into believing Yoongi was an omega for that night.
The only other explanation he has for getting /jealous/ and then approaching him is one he had not entertained.
Because it makes Seokjin scared.

“I’m sorry.”, Seokjin mumbles, defeated. He can’t cheer Yoongi up. “I can’t just...I need time to think. Is that okay?”
Yoongi shrugs sadly as good as he can, still there on the floor. Seokjin finally lets him go and pulls him up. He doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t look at him. The older frowns, deciding to leave it be for tonight. Yoongi looks spent.
“Wanna take a shower? I’ll get you some clothes.”, he suggests. The younger nods, getting up to waddle towards the bathroom, and Seokjin looks after him until he disappears inside and closes the door.
Once he hears the water running he gets up himself. He’s not tipsy anymore in the slightest, that encounter had quickly sobered him up, and so he gets to cleaning the living room before he leaves for Yoongi’s room to get him something to wear.
He flips the light on, revealing a room that is surprisingly soft and nicely decorated. The alpha hasn’t really been in here for a long time, so it feels almost like the first time.
Yoongi’s bed is neatly made, a blue comforter draped over the sheets that Seokjin can’t refrain from touching—it looks like it’s homemade, and knowing that makes his heart skip a beat.
The many pillows are suspiciously shaped like half a circle, and in the center of it all, a little plush cat sits, with a tie on its neck.

Seokjin stares. Is this...a nest?
No way, he tells himself as he turns to Yoongi’s closet again, quickly looking for something clean and comfortable to wear. Yoongi is an alpha, and alphas don’t nest.
Then again, Yoongi isn’t at all what he usually expects an alpha to be like. He’s soft spoken, short and pretty. A neat and clean person who likes cooking and baking, and apparently crocheting comforters.
He only recently started showing this side of his, and Seokjin realizes he hasn’t even noticed the change until now.

This Yoongi, it seemed so natural, it hadn’t phased him at all.
The alpha leaves the room and brings the clothes to the bathroom. He opens the door just a little bit, so he can slip them inside and gets a small ‘thank you’ as a reply.
He knows that his job is done now. Yoongi could get to bed himself, and Seokjin should sleep too, but he finds himself standing by the door and waiting for Yoongi, until the younger steps out.
“Are you tired?”, he asks, eyes locking on his swollen cheek that’s starting to close up his eye. Now that Yoongi’s all clean, his injuries seem even more visible. Seokjin balls his fists, angry pheromones wafting off him that make Yoongi scrunch up his nose.
“Yeah...thanks. I’ll go to sleep now, hyung...I didn’t mean to bother you. Sorry.”, Yoongi says in a small voice, so Seokjin catches his wrist before he leaves, keeping him from going.
“You weren’t bothering me. You’re important to me Yoongi-yah. I’ll find out who did this even if you don’t tell me. Just watch, hyung will make them regret messing with you.”
Yoongi looks at him like he doesn’t quite believe it, but he doesn’t say anything. He just nods, biting down on his lip to keep it in...whether it be words or more tears that want to escape him.
Seokjin lets him go hesitantly, and suddenly finds himself wishing that what he saw on Yoongi’s bed was a nest after all and would comfort him well.
Seokjin waits for Yoongi the next day, even though they’ve never really went out together. Yoongi steps out of his room in a dark hoodie, with the hood pulled over his dark hair.
He makes wide eyes when he spots Seokjin there in the entrance, having probably expected the older to be gone already.
Now in daylight and with a whole night to settle, the swelling on his cheek had gone down, but instead a dark bruise appeared around Yoongi’s eye. The younger alpha ducks his head when he sees him, face turning red.
“I thought you headed out already.”, he mutters, closing the door to his room behind him before he walks over to the entrance and sits down to pull his shoes on. Seokjin moves to sit next to him, copying his movements as he puts on his own.
“I wanted to wait for you. Thought we could go together.”, the older tells him. Yoongi hums softly.

“Does it hurt a lot?”, Seokjin asks.
“It’s fine. Hyung...I’m sorry again for yesterday night...I um...said embarrassing things.”, Yoongi replies in a small voice as his cheeks are burning red underneath the hood.
Seokjin softens seeing Yoongi so shy and small. He could never be mad at him, even though Yoongi’s pained and drunken confessional kept him awake all night.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”, the older says for the lack of anything better to say, and Yoongi smiles a little, although it is a pained smile.
Seokjin gets up and holds his hand out for Yoongi, which the younger swiftly takes. After pulling him up, the both of them leave the apartment and get on their way to campus.
Yoongi is quiet all the way there, and Seokjin doesn’t mind the silence as he’s determined to find the culprit behind the attack on the smaller today. He plans to keep an eye on Yoongi, see if anyone approaches him or if he behaves particularly jumpy around anyone.
He does that as well as having separate classes makes that possible, but when he sees Yoongi again during lunch break, he’s relieved to see that nothing seemed to have happened to him in the meantime.
He sees Yoongi’s omega friends fuss over him, but the small alpha doesn’t seem to tell them anything either.
“Poor Yoongi...what happened to him?”, Hana says with a deep frown, her eyes trained on the alpha in question. “Is this why he didn’t come yesterday? Did he tell you anything?”
The question is directed at Seokjin, but all he can do is shake his head sadly.

“He probably got into a fight. He may not look like it, but he’s still an alpha.”, Chaeyoung shrugs, making Seokjin glare at her and Hana /growl/.
“You know he’s still Seokjin’s friend, right? You could at least pretend to care while we’re all together.”

Chaeyoung scoffs, crossing her arms.
“I don’t like him, so what? I could’ve said much worse but I kept my mouth shut, isn’t that enough?”

“You’re unbelievable...”, Hyunshik sighs, just as Byungho arrives at their table, effectively blocking the view on Yoongi.
He’s quite the eye-catcher himself—there’s a dark, ugly bruise on his jaw and Seokjin freezes.

“What happened to you?”, Hyunshik snorts when he sees him. “Is that why you didn’t come yesterday?”
Byungho says something that Seokjin doesn’t register, probably some dumb excuse, because at that moment realization hits the alpha like a truck.
Yoongi who didn’t come yesterday and showed up at home dirty and beat up, with split knuckles—and now Byungho who didn’t show up either, sporting a bruise himself.
Seokjin gets up so fast, he sends his chair flying, startling his table and all the others around him.

“Seokjin-oppa?”, Chaeyoung asks, suddenly nervous.
The alpha growls, the sound resonating in his throat so deeply, it makes him aware of just how /fucking/ angry he suddenly is.
Byungho yelps when Seokjin grabs him by the collar and suddenly pushes him into the table and thus into their lunch—drinks spill, and everyone gets up in shock as Seokjin bares his teeth at the other alpha.
“It was you, wasn’t it? Don’t you fucking lie to me.”, Seokjin shakes him.

“Seokjin-ah, what’s going on?”, Hyunshik touches his shoulder as he asks that, but Seokjin shakes him off angrily keeping his focus on Byungho.
“What the hell, man!”, he exclaims. “People will think he’s your boyfriend for real if you act like that!”

“I don’t give a /shit/.”, Seokjin curses at him, uncaring of the way everyone is now staring at them.
He catches a glimpse of Yoongi looking with his mouth dropped open in shock, and his friends watching him and Seokjin both in confusion. “Fucking tell me before I smash your face in.”
“What do you think you’ll do huh? Pretty boy Kim Seokjin, you’ve never even been in a fight, and you wanna fight /me/?!”, Byungho growls back, finally pushing Seokjin off. “Fine, I roughed him up a little, but only because Chaeyoung wanted me to!”
“BYUNGHO!”, the omega screeches angrily but it turns into one of terror when Seokjin grabs Byungho by the collar again and punches him right into the face.
The crack he hears is satisfying and the other alpha falls back into the table. Chaeyoung shrinks visibly when Seokjin turns around to face her, but before he can move, Hyunshik holds him back.
“Calm down, you can’t hit her.”, he urges Seokjin to calm down. “She’s still an omega.”

“Oh, he can’t.”, comes suddenly a new voice, and Seokjin sees Yoongi’s omega friend, the small one, Jimin, looking furious. “But I can.”
Chaos erupts when Jimin grabs Chaeyoung’s hair to keep her from escaping and then slaps her hard across the face.
Hana gasps, Hyunshik lets Seokjin go in shock, and Byungho tries to go after Jimin to stop him from hitting Chaeyoung, which in return pulls Seokjin’s attention back to him.
Taehyung runs over, trying to stop Jimin, Seokjin punches Byungho again, and Chaeyoung screams when Jimin bites the hand that she attempts to slap him back with.
“Why would you get into a fight with her? Jimin-ah!”, Yoongi whines, running up and down in front of the sofa in the omegas’ living room, as Taehyung carefully puts ointment onto the mean-looking scratches on Jimin’s neck.
Yoongi doesn’t even remember how the fight started /or/ ended, but he’s really just glad that they’re all here, and somewhat safe. Taehyung is unhurt, but Jimin’s cheeks are red from where Chaeyoung’s hands slapped him, and well, the scratches.
He feels incredibly guilty. As much as the alpha enjoyed seeing Byungho and Chaeyoung get something back for what they did to him so quickly, he didn’t want it to happen at the expense of his friends getting hurt.
Even Seokjin had been pretty roughed up in the end, and Yoongi had been split between whom to tend to first.

But those omegas are his everything—and they could’ve gotten even more seriously hurt if Seokjin hadn’t kept Byungho busy.
“That bitch had it coming! Do you expect me to sit back and do nothing?”, Jimin huffs and then hisses—Taehyung apologizes quietly, and pulls his fingers away.

“I could’ve handled it...I’m the alpha after all.”, he mutters sadly. Yoongi’s shoulders slump and Jimin softens.
“Hyung, we all know you’re softer than a squishy marshmallow...it’s not a shame to not be confrontational or ready to fight at any point. You can ask for help too.”
“I feel like that’s been all I’m doing...and now you got hurt.”, Yoongi goes to them when Taehyung beckons him over and ends up sandwiched between the two omegas.
“You would’ve done the same for us. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”, Taehyung says to him, slinging his arms around him as he rubs his cheek against Yoongi.
The alpha blushes slightly, knowing what Taehyung is doing—it’s not the first time the omegas scented him, but he always gets shy and shamefully to admit, imagines someone else doing that to him.

His Seokjin-hyung... He should probably check up on him too.
But for now he feels too comfortable to move. Jimin hugs him too, and so he gets scented from both sides. If he was an omega, he’s sure a steady purr would leave him just about now, but well, he’s not. So all that leaves him is a content sigh.
“Let’s forget about alphas, they all suck anyway!”, Jimin declares, as he reaches out for the remote to start the tv. “I say we watch the only and best alpha ever—”

“Twilight again?”, Yoongi mutters.
“Don’t you think it’s so weird how people just lose their subgender after they turn into a vampire?” Taehyung says as Jimin boots up netflix and begins looking for the movie.
“Yeah that’s why the vampires suck anyway. Wouldn’t you rather be with a big strong alpha who can turn into a /real/ wolf?! You could ride on his back!”
“Until he falls in love with your demon baby.”, Yoongi deadpans, having seen the movies with his two friends a thousand times already. If he had to pick a team, he guesses he’d be Team Edward—Jacob just seems like the kind of alpha that just wouldn’t treat Yoongi well.
He likes nice and gentle alphas. Like Seokjin.

Yoongi flushes, and is glad that his friends are already too immersed into chatting about the movie so that they don’t notice.
Yoongi returns home that evening to Seokjin standing by the stove and making soup. His knuckles are bandaged, but there seems to be no damage on his face.
“Hyung.”, he calls him, making the older turn around. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?”, Seokjin asks, confused.
“Sorry for getting you involved. You hurt your hands because of me when you really need them for tennis and you fought with your friends and I guess you won’t be courting Chaeyoung anytime soon—”

Seokjin cuts him off with a humourless snort.
“They aren’t my friends anymore, in fact, they’ve never been much more than acquaintances. Byungho and Chaeyoung have been talking crap about you, and I feel sorry for not beating them up earlier.
And it’s not like I broke my hands...they’re just fine.”, the alpha holds his hands out for Yoongi to inspect and the smaller feels strangely warm.
He knows it’s not necessarily because of him, Seokjin would’ve done that much for any of his friends, but a part of him wants to revel in the fact that seeing Yoongi hurt made Seokjin so angry that he beat up the perpetrator.
Makes him feel nice and protected, but Yoongi doesn’t allow him to fool himself.

“Well...thank you. For getting angry on my behalf and for taking care of me yesterday. I’m glad you didn’t get hurt too badly.”, his eyes drop to Seokjin’s bandaged knuckles.
“Do you want me to take that from here?”

Seokjin looks at the soup and then at Yoongi, before he steps away from the stove with a smile. As they switch places he stops momentarily to pet the younger alpha’s head and Yoongi flushes red.
“Your cooking is much better anyway.”, he praises him before he leaves the kitchen, and Yoongi takes his place by the stove.
Though his heart hurts a little, that even after his confession there hasn’t been any progress, he also finds himself feeling relieved that between the two of them, nothing had changed at all.
Yoongi has a bad feeling the whole day, but he waves it off and concentrates on his studies.
He doesn’t see Chaeyoung or Byungho anywhere, and that relieves him a bit as Taehyung had convinced him this morning over the phone to not let himself be intimidated and just wear something cute.
Cute isn’t really what he’d call this...he’s just in a white, fluffy fleece sweater and he dared to put a charm on his bag—granted that’s a lot more than he dared to do in the past, and he even gets a compliment from Namjoon when the omega joins them in the library for studying.
Yoongi leaves earlier and so he leaves alone, wanting to put some ice on his bruise for it to disappear faster—over the past few days it had turned /black/ and the alpha is starting to get embarrassed when he feels stares following him everywhere.
Yoongi is halfway across the parking lot of the campus when the source of his bad feeling makes himself known as Byungho and Chaeyoung. Both looking worse for the wear than even Yoongi, but both also looking furious.
“Yah, Min Yoongi!”, Chaeyoung screams at him when she spots him. Embarrassment floods the alpha as his first thought is to /run away/, but worse than that there’s fear settling in his stomach.
“Did you go tattling to your /hyung/, huh?! You’re calling yourself and alpha, you fucking pussy?!”, she barrels straight at him even faster than Byungho and pushes him straight into an innocent car.
“I didn’t tell him anything.”, Yoongi growls at her /and/ at Byungho when he steps closer. “I can see why he didn’t want to court you, you’re fucking vile Chaeyoung. And you,”, he turns to Byungho.
“Are a loser, playing handyman for an omega who doesn’t even want you. Get a life.”
Yoongi doesn’t know where he takes the courage from, but the looks on their faces are priceless. He instantly regrets it though when Byungho grabs the front of his sweater and lifts his arm to punch the smaller /again/ but the pain never comes.
Byungho is ripped away from him and pushed hard enough topple over. He falls into the concrete, snapping his head to growl at the assailant, but even to Yoongi, the guy is a stranger. Or two guys.
The second one has just arrived, having seemingly run after the first one, a big guy, who’s rather intimidating. Yoongi looks over him, spotting piercings and tattoos matched with a handsome face that’s pulled into an angry frown.
“Yah, Jeongguk-ah...don’t run off like that!”, the second one says, before he looks at Yoongi and his eyes light up in surprise. “Oh, Yoongi-hyung?!”
“Who?”, is all Yoongi can say, not recognising him, but then they’re both forced to look back at Byungho when he gets up while cursing angrily.
“Yah!”, he screams. Chaeyoung quickly runs behind him, her nervous scent in the air clogging Yoongi’s nose. “Can’t you ever fight for yourself, Min Yoongi?! Who are you guys anyway?!”
“Piss off before I fucking end you, you pathetic asshole. Go pick on someone your size.”, that Jeongguk growls in such a feral way, it makes Yoongi’s knees buckle. But Byungho, though Yoongi sees him flinch, can’t seem to swallow his pride and goes straight for another punch.
It looks quite pathetic though when Jeongguk easily ducks away under his arm, and sends the alpha flying with a strategically placed uppercut. Yoongi gapes, and Chaeyoung screams.

And Byungho looks at Jeongguk with wide eyes when he catches himself.
“You better piss off, our Jeonggukie here is a professional kickboxer.”, the second guy says, patting the angry alpha that Jeongguk obviously is—his scent can’t be ignored—on the shoulder.
Byungho looks angrily between all of them, but Chaeyoung makes the decision for him, as she pulls on his arm.
“Come on, let’s just go. We’ll get him another day.”, she says, making Jeongguk take a step forward. The omega squeals, dropping Byungho when she spontaneously runs away. The alpha scrambles up, calling for her to wait as he quickly goes after her.
After they’re gone, Jeongguk turns to his friend, and pouts at him.

“Hyung, stop telling people I’m a professional.”, he whines at his friend, but is waved off.
“You won two medals, that’s as professional as it can get, don’t be humble.”

Jeongguk pouts before he turns around to Yoongi, who is still glued against the car and starring up at the other alpha with wide eyes.
“Oh my god.”, Jeongguk says when he looks into his face, his eyes growing big in a way that suddenly makes him appear younger than he probably is. “Did he do that just now? Are you okay?”
“O-oh...um no, that was the last time. I’m fine. Thank you guys for helping.”, he mutters, feeling shy when suddenly both of the alphas look at him. That one who called him hyung steps up to him, a worried frown on his face.
“Namjoonie told me it was bad, but...Yoongi-hyung, do they bother you often?”, he asks, but the smaller alpha can just tilt his head.

“Sorry, but who are you?”, he asks, and hopes that it doesn’t come across as rude.
“Oh, right we never met that night.”, he gasps. “I’m Jung Hoseok, the guy who hosted the party for Namjoonie! I thought we’d meet but you got pretty busy, huh?”
He wiggles his eyebrow and Yoongi blushes when he gets what he’s talking about. He shakes his head quickly, embarrassed.

“No, I just...I drank a lot and passed out. I was pretty nervous so—”
“Hyung, you’re making him uncomfortable!”, Jeongguk scolds the other alpha. “I’m Jeongguk, can I call you hyung, too? Are you really okay? I hate alphas who pick on omegas!”

Yoongi doesn’t know what to say. Didn’t Jeongguk smell it on him, that he’s an alpha? Or is the omega scent of his friends still clinging to him?
He realizes he’s gaping like a fish when Hoseok takes it for him, and informs Jeongguk that Yoongi is in fact not an omega, but an alpha. He expects a weird look maybe—why the hell couldn’t he defend himself then if he was an alpha?
But none of that comes. Jeongguk makes those big eyes again that suddenly makes him as intimidating as a puppy, even with all those tattoos and piercings.
“Really?”, he asks with sparkling eyes. He looks Yoongi up and down but in a way that seems like he’s /admiring/ him. He doesn’t know what this is about but it’s a welcome change.
“You look really cute in that sweater! Where’d you get it from?”

Yoongi blinks at Jeongguk, having not expected that, and Hoseok laughs.
Suddenly, Yoongi’s little group grows as Jeongguk joins them, and with him comes Hoseok who in return attracts Namjoon to their table during lunch.
The alpha wonders if there’s something going on between Namjoon and Hoseok, after all the latter had organised this huge birthday party for the omega and now that Yoongi sees both of them more often, he realizes how rarely they separate from each other.
Seokjin, having broken away a little from his original group after the bullying incident, joins them too, and so suddenly there are seven people on the table.
At first, Yoongi felt awkward with the new people around, not sure of what Hoseok would think of him, or if he had to be conscious about his behaviour now that Seokjin is here too.
But it turns out Hosoek is an alpha just as supportive as Jeongguk, and having Seokjin join them takes the rest of the tension that was once there between them away.
And Yoongi likes Jeongguk. The younger is a kickboxer, just as Hoseok said, but he also doesn’t seem to be afraid to be a complete sweetheart in his free time.
When the youngest comes to lunch one day with a new cute mullet, and some hair clips on his dark bangs, Yoongi can’t help but coo.
Needless to say, the alpha is absolutely smitten with Jeongguk, a guy and an alpha who on some levels, is just like him. It feels reassuring to make a friend who can understand him in a way that before that no one else could.
And people around him notice.

“You’re pretty close with Jeongguk, huh?”, Taehyung asks him during dinner at the omegas’ house, while Jimin draws little hearts on the whiteboard that holds the /Three Steps To Kim Seokjin’s Heart/.
The plan is something Yoongi had almost forgotten about now that he already drunkenly confessed and weeks passed with no reply of Seokjin.
No yes, but no no either. Maybe the older is trying to avoid the topic to not have to let Yoongi down, or he’s really using that time he requested to think. The younger doesn’t want to think badly of his hyung, so he goes with the second option.
“He’s nice, we have a lot in common. You don’t meet an alpha like him any day.”, Yoongi replies softly, picking up on a subtle change of scent in the air, when Jimin sighs dreamily.
“He’s perfect.”, he says, coloring in a heart. “I mean, have you seen him? Tall and muscle, a boxer? But also so soft and cute...I’d trust an alpha like that with my life.”
“What?”, Taehyung /spits/. “You don’t even know him.”

Both Yoongi and Jimin look at him in confusion, as the omega rolls his eyes, poking around his food with his chopsticks. His scent is bitter, making Yoongi itch to comfort him—stupid instincts.
“Well, I don’t have to know him to think he’s nice, do I? I mean I can always get to know him, Yoongi-hyung, is he single?”, Jimin smiles, turning to Yoongi, but all the alpha can do is shrug.

“It hasn’t really come up yet...”, he says, looking at Taehyung in concern.
“If he’s like hyung, he’s probably into alphas, so don’t get your hopes up and your heart broken.”, he says, but it comes out a bit harsh.
Jimin blows his cheeks out, anger clearly rising in him, and Yoongi crunches his nose as the scent of a second, agitated omega joins the bunch.
Before Jimin can respond and a fight can ensue, he cuts in, and points at the whiteboard.
“Um...about step three...”, he starts, not sure what he wanted to say after all—but it works as both of them turn their attention to step three that after Jimin’s doodling, had become surrounded by little hearts.
The original step three, that was once ‘CONFESS’ in bold letters has been crossed out, and now it reads ‘be nonchalant. Ignore.’
Jimin just added that, and Yoongi is entirely unsure—he can’t just ignore his hyung, even if Seokjin ended up rejecting him, Yoongi couldn’t be mean like that.
“Right.”, Jimin says, propping the whiteboard up. “Since you already confessed, and Seokjin-hyung is currently leaving you hanging, we have to use more drastic measures.”

He points his pen at Yoongi sharply.
“Immediately stop cooking for him. Don’t do any chores, don’t make him lunch, be busy and be scarce!”, the omega commands him.
“Since he asked for time to think, that means he’s possibly into you—no, very surely into you! So now you have to show him what it’s like to /lose/ you. He’ll get scared and come running!”
Yoongi isn’t sure. He really enjoyed cooking at home, or making little desserts. He guesses the chores he can do without even though he /does/ feel a little bit like an omega waiting for their alpha to come home from work to greet them by the door with a kiss—okay, no.
Yoongi banishes the thought. He can do without chores, he can do without cooking.

He hopes...
“But I really can’t just ignore him...”, the alpha argues weakly.

“Just show him that your world doesn’t revolve around him, hyung! That’ll be enough.”, Taehyung says, to which Jimin nods fiercely.
The scents in the room have calmed down and Yoongi is glad. He really likes his friends better this way, close and together, as they always were. He can’t stand seeing them argue.
“Are you sure this will work?”, the alpha isn’t entirely convinced yet...but he guesses he will trust his friend’s judgement.
Both nod, sure of themselves and their plans, and so Yoongi accepts it. The last step to Kim Seokjin’s Heart begins—if everything goes well, Yoongi should be able to finally, and successfully conquer his hyung’s heart.
Seokjin has been feeling on edge all day—maybe the past few days, but today everything seems to be amplified even more.
Yoongi has been strangely reserved with him, but only him, and it’s been irking the alpha, making his blood boil. The younger is dressing prettily again, wearing gloss or eye makeup even after having found new confidence with new friends.
Seokjin is happy for him—seeing Yoongi be himself makes his heart feel warm, and now that the bruise is finally gone from his face, he looks especially cute.

But he doesn’t look cute for Seokjin.
No, he has a feeling his small roommate is dressing pretty for another alpha. That Jeon Jeongguk he brought, Seokjin thought he’s a pretty nice guy, someone who can be a good friend to Yoongi,
but as days pass and Yoongi is being curt with him while he’s like a giggly, cuddly kitten with Jeongguk, Seokjin is starting to get annoyed.
A ball hits his head, and Seokjin spins around as a vicious growl leaves his mouth aimed at his tennis partner. The other guy flinches, quickly backing down, even though technically the alpha knows that it’s his own fault for being hit as he hasn’t exactly been paying attention.
He’s distracted. Yoongi sits in the stands together with Jeongguk of course, as the younger alpha shows him his sketchbook.
They’re so close together that their shoulders touch—Jeongguk can probably smell Yoongi’s scent, that juicy, fruity scent that seems too sweet for an alpha, but just right for someone like Yoongi.
The grip on his racket tightens when he sees how Yoongi’s face lights up with every new page, and sweat runs down his face—it’s hot today, too, of course it has to be annoyingly hot when Seokjin is already feeling on edge.
As he stares at the two alphas, Seokjin wonders if Yoongi came here with Jeongguk on purpose, knowing the oldest would be training. Did he come here to make him jealous? Or flaunt a possible new partner in his face because Seokjin didn’t answer him fast enough?
He’s so angry, so angry and illogical that it’s unlike him.

“Hyung, are you okay?”, someone suddenly asks, pulling him out of his thoughts and his deadly stare away from Yoongi and Jeongguk.
He turns his head to find Hoseok on the court and Namjoon already making his way up the stands towards their mutual friends.

Did Hoseok come down here because Seokjin looked unwell?
“Fine.”, he responds curtly, picking up the yellow ball. His partner had long fled, so he’s probably going to play against himself with the help of a wall...
“Really? You’re sweating a lot, and your scent is a little...off-putting.”, Hoseok fans the air before his nose as if to underline it. It clicks so fast that Seokjin doesn’t know how he didn’t see this coming.

His rut is coming.
It’s why he’s on edge so much, why so easy to anger—why he feels like he wants to squeeze Jeongguk’s neck for brushing shoulders with Yoongi is another thing the alpha suddenly feels like he’s not ready to get into.
“Fuck.”, Seokjin groans. Usually he keeps track of it, plans well ahead, gets an omega to spend it with and all that. But now it’s already as good as there and he didn’t prepare anything.
He’s about to accept the fact that he’d spend the painful few days by himself, when Hoseok makes a suggestion that makes Seokjin drop the racket and ball in shock.

“Why don’t you ask Yoongi-hyung to help you out?”
“/What/?”, the older exclaims. “He’s an alpha. He /can’t/ help me out.”

“Of course he can—you just can’t go full beast mode on him, but I’m sure he’d say yes...You know that he really likes you right?”, Hoseok says it lightly, and logically,
Seokjin is pretty sure their whole group knows what’s up between them, but to his already-hazy brain it feels like another alpha is snooping around his business.
“That’s between me and him, don’t stick your fucking nose where it doesn’t belong, Jung Hoseok.”, he growls, taking a threatening step forward, but Hoseok isn’t the kind of alpha to get easily intimidated, or into unnecessary fights. He takes a step back, giving up quickly.
“Okay, I’m sorry.”, he shrugs. “Then you should find an omega who’s available soon.”

“I’ll do that, thanks.”, Seokjin grumbles, eyes flying up to the stands, but Yoongi and Jeongguk aren’t anymore where they originally were.
Instead, they’re are almost down the stands completely, standing with Namjoon together a little awkwardly—within earshot.
Yoongi’s face shows no particular emotion though, so if he heard, Seokjin isn’t sure he even cares. For some reason, that makes him angry all over again, and so the alpha leaves the court before he starts saying hurtful things in his anger.
Yoongi slips into his apartment on the tip of his toes and is immediately caught of guard by the intense scent of /rut/ in the air. He slips the door shut behind him and covers his nose with a hand.
To his surprise, he isn’t turned off by the scent at all, despite it coming from another alpha—quite the opposite, his instincts demand him to go and submit to the alpha in the den, who seems to be the stronger one.
But Yoongi is also still human, and so he doesn’t immediately run into Seokjin’s room, where probably soon an omega would join him. Truly, the younger alpha had just come here to pack a few things after hearing the conversation between his hyung and Hoseok today.
Obviously, he can’t stay here while Seokjin is spending his rut with a partner. Having another alpha in the den during the rut would make any alpha feel threatened, and Yoongi’s poor heart really couldn’t handle seeing his hyung go feral at him.
He’s halfway done packing a bag to spend the following days at Taehyung’s and Jimin’s apartment, when he suddenly feels a daunting presence behind him, that makes Yoongi feel suffocated.
“/What are you doing/?”, Seokjin growls, but his voice is almost unfamiliar with the way something primal seems to accompany it. A shiver runs down the smaller alpha’s spine and he jumps as if he was caught doing something forbidden.
When he looks at the domineering alpha in the door way, Yoongi suddenly feels an overwhelming need to bare his neck in submission.
“I’ll stay out until your rut is finished, don’t worry, hyung! When will your partner get here?”, he tries to play the tense mood off, deciding that he’s done packing—
what he lacks, he’ll just borrow, but he really doesn’t have time to wait around any longer. Seokjin looks like he will jump him any second.
“No.”, the sweating alpha breathes out, catching Yoongi’s arm as he attempts to squeeze past him. “You can’t leave.”
“What?”, Yoongi manages to ask before he’s suddenly spun around and pressed into the wall. He gets a sense of deja vu when Seokjin cages him, but truth to be told, this time it looks like it’ll be Seokjin who’s about to pass out.
Up so close, the alpha’s scent fills Yoongi’s nose quickly, such a rich and strong scent that the younger dreamed of having on him. Now, it would undoubtedly stick to him.
“You /can’t/ leave. Don’t go to any other alphas, don’t look at other alphas. Fuck, I want to rip that Jeongguk’s head off—“, Seokjin rambles angrily, but Yoongi cuts him off.
“What?”, he says again. “What did Jeongguk do to you? And even if I went to him, it would be none of your business...”
He can’t help but feel a bit offended at Seokjin’s words. The older looks back at him, eyes quivering as he seems to search for words to say while also battling the painful rut.
“You said you liked me. You can’t just pick another alpha now.”, he says, but it comes out a bit helplessly, so that the younger alpha almost feels bad...but he’s a little hurt still. Now Seokjin brings the confession up, only when he thought Yoongi was getting over him.
“Hyung, you’re not in your right mind right now. I’m going to leave, and you should text one of your omega friends to help you out, we’ll talk when you feel—“, Seokjin stops Yoongi once more when he attempts to flee,
but this time he snatches him up from behind, hugging his arms tightly around him.
There’s a nose suddenly stuck into Yoongi’s neck, as the older alpha inhales his scent.
“No, no, please don’t leave. I was stupid, I’m sorry, I can’t do this with an omega or someone else, I need you, I just need you.”, Seokjin /begs/ and Yoongi’s heart begins to beat treacherously fast. What does this mean, Seokjin wants him after all?
He /needs/ only him.

The taller nibbles on his neck, and Yoongi shudders when his teeth graze his scent gland—every other alpha would’ve pulled away and growled, if not outright attack, if anyone got close to their scent gland like that.
But Yoongi isn’t your usual alpha, that much he already knew. Because his heart beats and a swell of happiness builds in his chest when he feels Seokjin hold him so tightly, almost as if he loved him too.
“Need you, Yoongi-yah, need you. Want only you.”, Seokjin keeps mumbling and the younger alpha finally drops his bag.
He doesn’t know if staying would turn out to be a mistake. After all, he has no way of confirming how their relationship would look after Seokjin’s rut.
He’s playing with fire, giving into hope like that, and giving his heart away is dangerous.

Seokjin might end up crushing it for good.
“I’ll stay.”, Yoongi mutters, hands flying up to Seokjin’s arms. He takes the taller’s fingers, and intertwines them with his, feeling how hot he is under his palms.
Seokjin is panting into his ear, relieved or happy—he squeezes Yoongi’s hands softly, muttering a small thank you to him.

• • •

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Aug 26, 2023
Yoonmin au where

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May 24, 2023
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