1. this is not putin's war. it's russian's war. 'special military operation' had and still has general public support in russia. russians accepted those ridiculous pretexts - and developed several more during the year of russian onslaught
of Ukrainians. russian citizens ARE accomplices - russian sons, daddies and husbands go to Ukraine to rape, loot and slaughter. russians were volounteering into army until Ukraine's summer offensive showed them that it's a certain death.
Source: edition.cnn.com/2022/07/29/eur…
2. The real reason for this war is russians. Your nation attacked Ukraine just like several countries before - under putin and EVERY previous leader you had. It's not the head that's rotten - it's the entire fish. Let's look back:
3. yes. if he was honest, this sentence should be:
'Tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians have been murdered by russians, and pain and suffering were brought by russians on millions more. russians have commited war crimes in a systemic manner. Ukrainian cities and infrastructure have been destroyed by russians.'
- hysterical threats of using nuclear weapons are nothing new, standard russian bs - they don't result from russia losing, but from russia being a nuclear terrorist
- yes, you will lose, but the 'russian soldiers' you care so deeply for are adult men
who decided to go to war and slaughter Ukrainians - they could refuse, organize, run away, go to prison, or break a leg - yet they all would rather go to Ukraine to murder civilians - and you expect empathy for them?
- russians are not calling for a ceasefire. they try to use useful idiots and corrupted western public figures to create an illusion of public opinion demanding negotiations.
6. russia is not in position to allow or not allow Ukraine anything, navalny can't stop his imperialism showing through even though he tries.
7. This one is funny.
- russia will not have a say in the way it will be forced to pay reparations for destruction it has brought to Ukraine. There's no such thing as russia deciding together with anyone - russia has zero agency in determining the ways it will pay.
Nobody cares what russians consider 'acceptable'.
- why does navalny believe that money - will be able to pay for lives of people russians tortured, raped and slaughtered? this is not the case. russia will pay reparations
- but this is nowhere near to making up for what russians have done - #CrimesAgainstHumanity .
- here we go: more whining about lifting the sanctions - that's the real purpose of this entire thread - controlled opposition attempting to sow the seeds that in minds
of useful idiots will increase pressure on the west to lift the sanctions - bad news for russia - sanctions will outlast the russia you live in today.
- it's not about who's in power in russia, it's about russian imperialist nation.
8. russia has no say anymore. they will be investigated and punished whether russians cooperate or not - one way or another. international institutions we have today have proven themselves corrupted by russia and useless - we will have new ones russia can't access and corrupt.
9. Another funny one. Almost entire world works on finding things that will not benefit russia, yet russian imperialist thinks russia's benefit is still a factor for anyone - while saying russians are not imperialist 🤡🤡
Example of belarus is more disgusting than funny - navalny seems to forget belarus is exactly what russians do to other countries - infiltrate, terrorize, subjugate, exploit - belarus is occupied by russia.
Is navalny saying he's a minority here? - because he is an imperialist - and an ethnofascist:
navalny thinks he gets to dictate what people should be concerned about and what are we allowed to think about russia - well no. russian imperialism is not something you can dismiss anymore - it needs to be paid for - it has caused millions of deaths in the last 100 years alone.
10. See, if navalny wasn't an imperialist, he would know russia doesn't really have that much territory. The ilusion of great russia is in fact dozens of nations forcefully included and deprived of agency by russian empire- the same way Chechenya, Georgia and belarus were
consumed by it during putin's rule alone - and the same way Ukraine was being consumed until russia choked on it.
'Our objective should be preserving our people and developing what we have in abundance' means navalny is unable to admit russian's guilt, nor the reality.
11. posts on twitter are directed outside russia - yet navalny keeps acting like russia is what's important here - honestly, who gaf anymore? navalny doesn't even scratch the surface of the real problem, which is clearly visible in his approach- russians must be held responsible.
russians must pay. russians must be deimperialised. denazified. russia as such doesn't matter anymore - not as an entity. it only matters as an agressor state that needs to be #DefeatedDemilitarisedDissolved - and rejected by world.
and - here we go with the removal of sanctions again - there's no way they will be removed. they will be increased until the last russian troop leaves Ukraine - and after that, kept in place to produce enough pressure for russians to never be able to threaten anyone again.
russia as navalny thinks about it doesn't exist anymore - we see it for what it is. and it is today's third reich. and will not be allowed to fool anyone again - russia had a fair shot at democracy, with lots of money pumped in it and any support it may have required -
and yet it inert to it's imperial form - because that's what russian mindset is, and it can only be changed by making russians themselves work organically bottom up to build their democracy and pay the price for freedom -
russia is going to go through decades of civil wars, powerty and being abandoned by republics gaining independence one by one.
12. russia is unable to 'reimburse Ukraine for all the damage' and the damage was not caused by 'putin's aggression'. while financial matters will be sorted out - whether russia cooperates or not, it doesn't matter - the true damage is not measured in money.
the very fact that navalny refuses to even scratch the surface of #CrimesAgainstHumanity russians are comitting in Ukraine makes it very clear that he doesn't understand the gravity of world finally seeing russia for what it is - a genocidal empire.
His imperialist mindset doesn't allow him to understand, that there will be no 'restoration of normal economic relations with the civilized world', 'return of economic growth' or 'development of our country' - this current russian genocide is the last one.
russia will not be allowed to regrow and start slaughtering again.
13. this is based on assumption that russia matters on international stage - it doesn't. It has finally been rejected and seen for what it is - russia's internal matters are unimportant, because whatever path russia chooses -
decades will pass until it will be allowed back to global economy and the world stage - and then, it will not be an empire anymore.
14. see 13.
15. This is another disgusting one - recognising russian history and traditions, means recognising that russia is an aggressive empire with a 500 year long record of subsequent genocides -
the delusion that Europe will want to have anything to do with russia, that russia will once again be offered place among nations that don't slaughter for living is not even funny.
summary: navalny is an imperialist and ethnofascist living in delusion that russia has future. It doesn't - at least not during his lifetime. He's unimportant and not worth to discuss - but he is also russian trap for west,
aimed at building support of people not familiar with russian or European history that would pressure their governments to allow russia to continue it's onslaught in the future. he serves russian empire. we cannot allow people like him
to muddy the view of what exactly russia did, why, and what we need to do to stop it once and for all.
Only way to make sure that russia will transform is to #DefeatDemilitariseDissolve it, contain it, sanction it and cut all ties - let the russians reap what they sow.
In short: Ukraine will heal. World will move on.
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It's not putin's russia, it's russian's putin - a walk into the past - did russians have a leader not waging a war/genocide/ethnic cleansing within the last 100 years - there's 1, who ruled for a year while being terminally ill.
The rest are killers put and held in power by russians.
Dear #NAFO#Fellas
A small thread on hurt feelings.
Dear #Fellas, arguing about your hurt nationalistic feelings is exactly what bullshit empire wants you to do.
We are all here, united like never before, because we're angry. Because none of us can wrap our heads around the very idea, that on February 24th the peaceful people of Ukraine ate their dinner, kissed children goodnight, and went to bed just to wake up facing a literal holocaust
#NAFO gave many of us possibility to channel that anger to influence reality, and it works.
One of the main things we do is not allowing russians to shape public opinion with propaganda narratives - we know the truth.