A year ago today, I was party to what I hope is the biggest stitch-up I'll ever see close up: the pushing through by the JNC of a savage cut in future accrual in @USSpensions based on an self-evidently unsound valuation rooted in pandemic-induced market turmoil. 1/
It was awful. Nothing was fair or right about the decision taken that day. The scheme's rules had been bent, probably breached, by @USSPensions to skew things in favour of @UniversitiesUK, who themselves lied to their members about @UCU's counter-proposal to ensure it sank. 2/
We hoped that the JNC chair might be receptive to the charges we laid about process, but the legal advice they received gave the all-clear. That legal advice couldn't answer the key question we posed about @USSpensions apparent rule breach, but that didn't seem to matter. 3/
It didn't matter, because this was never about fairness or proper process or anything of that kind, it was all about ensuring the 'right' outcome for those at the top. Lawyers, actuaries, executives, directors and consultants decided what would happen, and made sure it did. 4/
And yet, we're now on the verge of getting our benefits back. So bad was the decision that it's it lasted less than a year before it has become absolutely clear that it was unsound. Will anyone take the rap for that? 5/
Possibly not, but maybe they already have. Bill Galvin, the Chief Exeuctive of @USSPensions is moving on after a decade of what seem like concerted efforts to close the defined benefit scheme, thankfully unsuccessfully. 6/
The stich-up of 22/2/22 will linger long in my memory, and was enough to end my formal involvement in the @USSpensions saga. Rigged committees aren't my bag. I'm very grateful for @cupofassam, Jackie Grant and others who have taken up the mantle. 7/
I said I wanted to see last year's decision examined by the courts, but last year's marking and assessment boycott, a cycling accident, a new baby and life generally have dampened my enthusiasm for making that happen. 8/
It also seems likely that things have swung in the favour of the scheme's members, through a combination of data and industrial strength, meaning benefits may be restored without the need for the courts to order them to be. 9/
In any case, should we see benefits restored, the Galvin years at #USS will go down as an excellent case study in power dynamics, and how industrial strength was able to resist a major attack on terms and conditions, and I'm very proud to have played my part. #ucuRISING 10/10
PS You can read more about what happened a year ago here:
No announcement from @USSpensions, but the Joint Negotiating Committee has a new independent chair, Akbar Khan, replacing previous interim chair, Judith Fish. That's three key posts (chair of trustee board, CEO, JNC chair) with different holders going into the 2023 valuation. 1/
Of course, @Barker4Kate joined as chair of the board partway through the 2020 valuation (though it was Eastwood's hawkish board that set the tone for it) and Galvin hasn't yet exited, but last I heard he was due to leave by the end of March. 2/
There has been a major overhaul of the board membership since the 2020 valuation began, most noticeable in the change in independent directors. Some ultra conservative hawks from the city are gone. (Wish I had a before-and-after! Current board below.) 3/
Based on our experiences last summer, one way to bust this threat from VCs lies with line managers/HoDs. Ask them daily "here's my work plan for today: am I in breach of contract if I work in this way, and, if so, shall I go home with no pay?". Make them send you home.
❓Did you know❓Earlier this year, @USSpensions proposed a new investment strategy to employers that would ramp up their leveraged liability driven investments (LDI). Yes, that's the very strategy that's in the news for having caused major problems for pension schemes... 1/
The claim from USS in a message from @Barker4Kate to employers is that they've weathered the storm (so far). This is believable, because their cashflows are much easier to manage than in closed schemes, and they may not have got far ramping up the leverage when the crisis hit. 2/
But this has all the hallmarks of a bullet dodged. You wouldn't know it from outgoing (🙏) CEO Bill Galvin's message to employers at the end of last month, which seemed to paint their new strategy as their saviour rather than the potential pitfall. 3/
Why am I so angry about what happened at the @USSpensions JNC last week? Because the way #USS concluded the 2020 valuation was not in accordance with the scheme rules and undercut @UCU's influence on the JNC, possibly permanently. You need to know about this. 1/
The Joint Negotiating Committee is an oddity, unique among UK pension schemes. It was a hard-won concession extracted by the union during the formation of the scheme in the 1970s. If the misapplication of the rules by #USS is allowed to stand, I believe it is effectively dead. 2/
One of the key functions of the JNC is to grapple with the outcome of bad valuations, where it has to decide on benefit changes and/or contribution rate splits. #USS presents the JNC with a price, and negotiation begins. Or that's how it's supposed to work. 3/
Suppose you run a pension scheme, and conducted a valuation in the middle of a pandemic which showed the need for savage cuts. How do you hide the fact that since then the scheme has strengthened dramatically? Here's how. #USSmess#USSstrike 1/ (Graph courtesy of @USSpensions)
1. Stop publishing data @USSpensions were publishing monthly data, but stopped with their Aug 21 figures. Why? They say they were working on a new system.
We forced them to publish updates this week they planned on keeping to themselves until June. 2/ uss.co.uk/about-us/valua…
2. Explain away improvements with broad-brush arguments
"Assets have increased, but so have liabilities".
"Deficits are down, but future service costs are up".
"Higher asset prices mean lower expected returns".
Enough! Just show us the numbers! 3/ (Below @Barker4Kate in THE)
Here's the @FT's @bethanstaton reporting a snap summary by @USSemployers of their constultation, saying responses indicate a "clear rejection of the @UCU proposals". It appears @UniversitiesUK's popaganda campaign to kill an attempt at a resolution succeeded. Great job! #USSmess
@FT@bethanstaton@USSEmployers@ucu@UniversitiesUK The #USS dispute is now well and truly on fire, as eyes turn towards the formal JNC meeting(s) next week. Higher Education disputes also ramp up, with more universities brought into the action over the fundmantal Four Fights dispute.
As for the behaviour of @AlistairJarvis's @UniversitiesUK, and their marshalling of opinion against the @UCU proposals, have they made employers aware of the precariousness of their position at the JNC? Smooth passage for the cuts should not be taken for granted. #USSmess