Plants As Water Protectors for Toxic Cleanup. @EPA@EPAregion7@DOESBIR I have solutions to help clean the #OhioTrainDisaster Water Issues. Why is it so hard to work w/ your organizations???
The Pollution Solution Call for Assistance Invitation To the World - I just added an invitation for anyone who wants to help clean the pollution up on our planet.…
SERDP and ESTCP website. A recording of the webinar is available on our YouTube Channel:
using Toxic Plants from #phytoremediation projects, Plant Materials can also called #Biomass especially when burning with Coal Fired Electric Generation is called #CoFiring, This would dispose of ets toxic plants and turn them into a money makers for the Electric Company's.
I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THIS ANY SIMPLER> Plants absorb toxic chemicals, then mixed with coal at a powerplant that burns the plants up to create electricity. > Gets Rid of Toxins and Creates Electricity. #PollutionSolution.
1>Fisherman Catches Huge Fish – But Then He Discover What’s In Its Mouth -
2>this story is hard to believe. his trailer just happened to have a scale on it? The motion detector he pulled out of his glove box? The cops just happened to be around? The fisherman tagged along on a bust? How did the fish get the LOOT in its mouth, weren't they dumped...
3> in a bag or something?
I’ve handfished (noodling) before the guys who taught me said a huge fish can drown a person. The say its best to put a rope thru the mouth and out the gills so that it doesn’t pull you under and keep you on the bottom.
I also just reblogged some Kim possible restoration plan info.... you may or may not be aware of.... in one of the shows last week she said the evil ones compture shenanigans have been removed....
I think is more credible from the web search I did today and lots of kimberly's info came up. 2 months ago when I looked for info about her: very little came up...…
Kim goguen with Robert Potter - Q&A - Restoration Plan
where do the toxins go that are absorbed by the process? Ask the HARD questions. Is the hemp seeds or CBD Oil everyone is selling tested for these toxins?