DAY 4 - A second day in Vienna. Today’s itinerary includes a tour of Melk and off to Salzburg! In the morning outside the Danube River Cruise, the students loved the graffiti.
And some students even went above deck to capture some pictures of the canal.
And now lunch at Lugeck! Owned by Figlmüller Wein, the most well known company for wiener schnitzel. Don’t mind the very interesting painting in the background.
Pictures from @Aschewe24 who stepped outside with our students! So brave given that I know she is freezing! The students are loving the snow! But room checks in 30 minutes! dreißig minuten!
I’m told there are pictures of snow angels that I may be able to get from students.
Students, Anna and Reese, learning about medieval and post-Reformation torture with @Aschewe24. Heard: “Dr. Schewe, when can we take European History?”
Landing in Vienna, students skipped the duty free shops to run to the baggage carousel! Time to freshen up! A full day of sightseeing ahead! #MVEurope2023#MVInterim#MVEurope2023
#MVInterim2023#MVEurope2023 starts today! Students were slightly concerned to see luggage fall off a cart. 😅🥲
Thankfully, it was 100% not our luggage!
Some students are even hard at work! Reading for fun, reading for school! All replenished with snacks and ready to board our flight to Frankfurt! #MVInterim2023#MVEurope2023#MVInterim