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Feb 26, 2023 195 tweets 37 min read Read on X

"The fan service ends here," Taehyung says, looking at Jungkook without any expression when the latter followed him to his van after the Busan concert. "I'm going back to Seoul now. I need to attend a meeting for
the variety show I agreed to appear in with my hyungs."

Jungkook looks like he was physically hit with his pained expression.

"Is this all fan service to you?"

"Is it not?" Taehyung asks back.

"I held your hand in front of everyone. Our parents were even in the audience,"
Jungkook sounds and looks so frustrated. "Eveyone knows I never offer my hand first. But I always extend it for you."

"It's the same hand you use for fan service with our other hyungs," Taehyung whispers. "It will be the same hand you will offer Hana when you start dating next

"I never agreed to dating her!" Jungkook exclaims.

"And yet she's here in Busan with your staff," Taehyung says tiredly. "Just go back to the hotel. I bet she's waiting there for your scheduled live."

"I'm not doing it! Let's go back to the hotel, please."
Taehyung simply looks at him, and Jungkook breaks.

"I can't do anything about it," he almost shouts. "We're still under contract. It's just a job!"

"I know. That's why I'm leaving and letting you do your job," Taehyung says firmly. "And we don't need to see each other since we
we longer have any more activities as a group."

A staff then hesitantly approaches.

"Jungkook, your van is about to leave. You need to be filmed walking in the van with..."

Taehyung cuts the staff off. "I wish you the best, Jungkook. I need to go," he smiles bitterly at him
then enters his van, immediately closing the door.

"Let's go, hyung," he tells his long-time manager-driver.

"Are you sure?" The driver asks, knowing full well that two hearts are breaking at the moment.

"I'm sure. Please, drive now," he says, a hand clutching his heart.
"I have a meeting in Seoul."

The driver simply nods and starts the van.

Taehyung doesn't want to look back. He does his best not to look if Jungkook is still there or he has left with the staff.

But when he looks up, he sees him at the rear view mirror.
Just like him, he has a hand on his chest, crying silently.

His manager looks worriedly at him.

"I can't stay like this anymore," Taehyung whispers to himself. "I can't live in the shadows. We both need to be free, right? And now, we need to let each other go."
The van has just left the Asiad Main Stadium when the phone of the manager rings. He answers it immediately seeing that it is Hobi’s manager calling.

His voice surrounds the van immediately. “Where is Tae?”

“We’re leaving. He has a schedule tomorrow in Seoul,” he answers,
taking a glance at Taehyung who is facing the window but looking at nothing.

“He needs to come back,” the man on the phone sighs. “I’m sorry but they need to go on live. Him and Hobi.”

“Why does it need to be Taehyung? We’re leaving,” his manager protests.
“The other members can join Hobi. And isn’t it supposed to be Jungkook who will be doing the live today since he’s from here?”

“The hyungs are dead tired. They said they will pass out in front of army if they push themselves to do a live,” he pauses for air before he continues.
“Jimin went home with his family already.”

“What about Jungkook?” The manager asks hesitantly, glancing at Taehyung again.

A loud sigh comes out of the car speaker. “He’s missing. He told his staff that he’ll just go to the restroom. But he’s still not found until now.
Army is waiting for the live. You know they’re used to a live every concert.”

“Can’t Hobi do it alone?” Taehyung’s manager tries again.

“He can. But remember that we agreed during our meeting last night that Jungkook or Taehyung must be in the live. But not both of them,”
the man on the line sounds like he is rushing based on the other voices they are hearing. “Their shippers are insisting that they came here in Busan ahead of the other members.”

“Which is true,” interjects Taehyung’s manager.

“But we…” Hobi’s manager wants to say more.
“I’ll do it,” Taehyung speaks. “For army. And for Hobi hyung.”

“Thank you, Tae! You’re really so dependable,” the voice blurts out from the speaker. “We’re about to leave the stadium. See you in the hotel in a few minutes. Let’s have the live in Hobi’s room.
We’ll prepare ramyeon and other food. We know you’re hungry.”

“I’ll drive to the hotel. We’ll be there in a few,” Taehyung’s manager says. “Bye.”

He cuts the call immediately before more requests are made. He glances at Taehyung again and he’s still in the same sad mood.
“Tae,” the manager starts.

“I’m okay, hyung,” he sighs, heavy. “It’s been like this since forever. Nothing new.”

“Tae, you can always say no. You’ve been very giving to everyone, it’s time that you think about yourself now,” the manager tries to give him an advice.
“This is the last time anyway,” Taehyung responds. “We will no longer be together after this. We have our own solo work schedules so...”

“You still have Run taping and some greetings that you all need to do together,” the manager reminds him.

"Not live," Taehyung counters.
"Everything will be edited according to the needed content."

"It's just that if you don't want to do this, we can just leave. You're not supposed to do this," the manager insists. "And it's true that you have a schedule in Seoul. Not like you're lying to not do your job."
"Just let it go, hyung," he says tiredly. "I already gave my word. Let's not make it more complicated."

The manager simply sighs. He wants to protect Taehyung. He might hear things when he gets back to the hotel.

Taehyung is already broken. He doesn't want him to be shattered.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" The manager asks for the 3rd time since they parked the car in the hotel parking lot. They're now in the elevator going up to the floor where Hobi's room is.

Taehyung sighs. "Hyung, stop treating me like a baby. I can handle this."
His manager remains silent but still has a worried look on his face.

The elevator opens, and the two of them walk out. They are immediately welcomed by the buzz of staff in the hallway, getting ready for the live.

"Why are you back?" Jungkook's manager addresses Taehyung's.
"Tae was called to join Hobi in his live," his manager is defensive.

"Jimin and Jungkook are already inside," the other manager informs them. "You can go back to Seoul as originally planned."

Taehyung turns back and heads to the elevator without a word. He is already inside
when he hears someone running.

"Tae! Come on, we're going live," Hobi says, wearing his usual smile.

Taehyung gives him a weak smile before answering. "I'm needed in Seoul in the morning. I just came back because we were told you had no one else to do it. But since the Busan
boys are already here, I think I'd better leave. I'll just open the app in the car and give you a comment."

Hobi hesitates a bit. "Tae, please? It will just be quick. I promise."

"Why?" Taehyung asks tiredly.

"We want you in the live," he says.
Taehyung arches his brow in question.

They've been together for many years already, and they all know if a statement has an underlying meaning to it. Especially when Jungkook's manager was all too eager to get rid of him.

Taehyung understands him, really. He is just doing his
job. But it doesn't hurt less.

The collective decision to portray them as not close and awkward was decided upon by a number of people, the upper management, when they found out that the two of them have deeper feelings for each other, more than mere bandmates or friends.
A few years back, the two of them were called in a meeting, along with the other members, to discuss the issue. The Chairman explained that separating them in contents had to be done because a possible relationship between them would ruin the whole group and their reputation.
A producer also said that doing so also protects both of them from the homophobic society they were in.

Another executive assures them that they can still spend time together. But it should be done secretly.

They were reminded that they can't be in an actual
relationship since their contract prohibits them from doing so. Stipulations that would punish them are there in case they break it.

They readily agreed that they should simply follow the instructions since they thought it would be the best for them, given that they are under a
long-term contract.

But they were so wrong to believe that.

He hears Hobi sigh, so deep he immediately knows there is a problem.

"Jungkook wants to quit," Hobi informs him. "He told everyone that he'll make the announcement in a live soon."

Taehyung just looks at him devoid
of expression.

"He wanted to do it earlier," Hobi continues. "He was caught setting up alone for a live in one of the function rooms downstairs. It was a good thing that one of the hotel staff inquired from his manager if Jungkook would want some refreshments.
He really wanted to tell army that he's saying goodbye to all this. It was Suga hyung who finally convinced him to postpone it at least for a few weeks. We all know that Jin hyung's entry to the military will be announced tomorrow. We don't want our army to feel abandoned."
Taehyung hurts. He knows Jungkook loves to perform. He loves music more than anything else. But he also thinks that he should not be involved this time around.

"I still don't see why I'm needed in your live," Taehyung answers softly. "It's best that I'm out of the picture.
Now I understand the accusing looks I got as soon as I got out of the elevator earlier. And Jungkook's manager's arctic treatment. Though he's always been cold to me , nothing is new."

"Tae, we both know why Jungkook is doing this," Hobi is almost pleading.
Taehyung knows.

"Just talk to him, please," Hobi requests passionately. "He needs you."

"Hyung, we all know there's no space for our needs now," Taehyung shakes his head. "Us talking might bring more problems now. Every time we talk, we end up more hurt than before because we
have nowhere else to go. We're stuck. We continue to do what's expected of us. Because that's our work. We ought to do it. For everyone except for ourselves. We're bound to that stupid contract that makes us so rich with money but so poor in our souls."
"Tae, this will be the last time that I'm asking you a favor. And please do the live with us," Hobi convinces him. "We don't know when we can do this again. Or if we ever will. We will soon be busy with our own projects. Army would love to see you and Jungkook together."
Taehyung chuckles dryly.

"Trust me, they won't," he says bitterly. "They believe the narrative. That Jungkook and I have drifted apart. That we can't stomach each other. That we actually hate each other. And we interact only for fan service."

"But we know it's not true.
There are a lot of people who see the real thing. There are a lot out there who support you and Jungkook as individuals and together. Your ship is the biggest in the fandom."

"We're not a ship hyung. You know we are not a mere ship," Taehyung looks pointedly at Hobi.
"And what is the real thing, hyung? How do we define it at this point?"

Taehyung's manager clears his throat.

"I don't mean to intrude, but I think Hobi is needed for the live to start," he says respectfully.

"Come on, Tae," Hobi convinces him more. "You can just say hi."
Taehyung gives in.

"Fine. But can we keep the live short? I'm really very tired of everything," he says as he steps out of the elevator again.

He's always been told by the people dear to him that he's too good for this world, too kind for everyone who's only taking advantage.
But he always believes that he's doing everything also for himself. He can also be stubborn if he wants to.

They walk through the long corridor, leading to Hobi's room. He can feel eyes on him again. The usual.

The staff knows what's going on between him and Jungkook.
They're not blind. It's a good thing that they've all signed a non-disclosure agreement. If not, the whole world will already know.

Taehyung sometimes has thoughts of it. Just letting go. Just showing the world how important Jungkook is to him.

He sometimes gives in, sharing
hints here and there, mentioning Jungkook every chance he gets, only to be warned immediately that he can't be too careless like that.

Still, he gives some clues about them. He gets some kind of satisfaction in getting his message across to the people who truly believe in them.
"Why are you back?" Jungkook's manager asks when they approach the door.

"I asked him to join us," Hobi answers with a smile. "And I think it's time for you to fix your attitude towards Tae. He is important to Jungkook. All of us know that. You must start to accept it now."
The manager is taken aback by Hobi's words.

"Taehyung is older than Jungkook. He should've known better than to put him in this misery that they're both in," the manager shots back.

"Age has nothing to do when you fall in love," Hobi answers impatiently. "It's not like he
coerced Jungkook to love him back. Stop blaming one when the two of them are in it together. It's much better if you stop the blaming game. You have no say in it. It's between them."

"If you want to bring age into the equation," Taehyung can no longer hold himself, "then it's
you who should've known better. You're older than us. And must have a better understanding of things."

The manager gapes in surprise as Taehyung walks past him.

This is the first time that Taehyung has spoken to him like that. And he is shocked into silence.
Hobi giggles. "I love it when people are put into their places." He then follows Taehyung. And they walk in the room together.

There are two staff inside, fixing the camera, and Jimin, who is looking through the food prepared for them, ramyeon in different variety.
"Let's start in two minutes," one staff says, not even looking at them.

"Where's Jungkook?" Hobi asks.

"I'm here," he says as he walks out of the bathroom, drying his hand with a small towel. "Tae?"

The two staff spin to look at the doorway to check. They are a bit
surprised, but they keep quiet.

Taehyung nods at Jungkook, sitting on the couch, making himself comfortable on one side of it.

Jungkook walks slowly towards him. When he finally reaches him, one staff suddenly speaks. "Please take your positions. Jungkook on the other side."
Jungkook sighs. They know the drill. He positions himself on the other end of the sofa, Jimin sitting in between him and Taehyung. Hobi sits on the floor.

They start and go with the flow. They've done this a hundred times already.

When Jimin stands up, Jungkook subtly inches
closer to the middle of the couch, effectively sitting close to Taehyung.

One of the staff motions for him to go back to his original position, but he ignores her. Jimin sits on Jungkook's previous position.

The live goes on for a few more minutes.
Everything is going well until Jimin touches Jungkook's hair and nape.

Taehyung instinctively brushes his hand off, touching Jungkook's hair and nape as well. Then he puts an arm around his shoulder, staking his claim.

Jungkook steals a glance at Taehyung, his heart about to
burst with happiness. He thought Taehyung would avoid him after their bitter parting at the parking lot.

The gesture gives him hope that there's still a future for them. Yes, he'd convince Taehyung to quit with him and live overseas. Maybe in Malta. Or Hawaii.
He smiles a little, imagining a life that is possible if Taehyung agrees.

He feels a nudge on his shin. Hobi is looking at him on the screen.

Jungkook sighs, realizing he got lost in a daydream in front of millions of armys. He tries to focus after that, but it's too hard when
Taehyung is sitting close to him.

They banter about different things and read some comments on the screen. The staff, who for some minutes was gesturing for him to move away from Taehyung, finally gives up.

He wants to poke his tongue out to irritate her but controls himself.
He continues to think about having a serious talk with Taehyung after the live. He can't give up easily.

He comments occasionally until a cake is being shoved to them by another staff from outside.

The staff gave it directly to Taehyung and Jungkook has to help him balance it.
Jungkook is not paying attention to the conversation anymore. All of him is focused on their hands pressed together under the cake box.

He badly wants to pull Taehyung into a hug and whisper to him that everything will be alright.

Hobi nudges him again, and he knows he needs
to pay attention to what they are saying.

They formed a heart for army, and the live ends shortly after. They collectively sigh after the camera is turned off.

They are informed that they are free the next week. But they will be called for more tapings and individual projects.
The staff piles out with the equipment, and the four are the only ones left in the room.

"I better go," Taehyung says immediately after the last woman steps out and closes the door.

"Tae, we need to talk," Jungkook says as he holds his wrist, holding on so that he can't leave.
"But first, I need to talk to Jiminie hyung."

"Huh? What is it about?" Jimin asks, having a bit of a clue of what's coming.

"You know fully well what my issue is," Jungkook tells him frankly. "We've already discussed this since Jin hyung floated around his desire to enlist."
Jimin looks at Jungkook and shakes his head.

"Fine. I'm sorry," he finally says. "I know we already discussed not doing fan service at all. But I'm just clingy, okay? And as if I'm only clinging on you. I'm equally touchy with everyone."

"You don't have delusional shippers
with the other hyungs," Jungkook complains. "And Tae is getting all the hate. Like he's breaking something that is not even there in the first place."

"I already said sorry, and I mean it," Jimin says. "And I'm sure Tae understands. It's okay with him."

"It's not."
They all look at Taehyung.

"I'm not okay with any of it," he says, wiggling out of Jungkook's hold and then sitting down. "I don't like any of it. I'm just keeping my mouth shut because all of you have already agreed to it. I am just one person to disagree, so there's no use."
No one dares to speak, seeing Taehyung's distress.

"I lived through the fan service and just swallowed it all. For years. Until I realized it's killing me slowly," Taehyung whispers. "I usually didn't care about what other people say. I live my life how I want it. But when I see
my name being disrespected every single day, it drains me. I try not to be affected, but it's so hard to tune it out. Everywhere I go, the hate is thrown at me. And what did I ever do to deserve it?"

"Tae," Jungkook sits down beside him and pulls him close.
"Why didn't you say you're affected already with the fan service?" Jimin asks. "You could have told me so I could have toned it down."

"You could've toned it down yourself," Taehyung fires back. "You know I'm..."

"You're in a relationship! Everything in front of the camera
means nothing!" Jimin is starting to get agitated.

"We are not in a relationship because the company forbids it!" Taehyung shouts back. "We know that we love each other, yes. I just expected some respect."

"I already said sorry! What else do you want me to do?" Jimin asks,
getting angrier by the second. "And we're here for a long time already. You must be used to haters at this point."

"You're saying that because the haters are your fans!" Jungkook joins the argument.

"What the..." Jimin is about to argue more, but Hobi speaks.
"Stop this argument right now," he uses his hyung card.

"Jimin, how would you feel if the person you love is being shipped to another person?"

"I..." Jimin is about to answer, but Hobi cuts him. "You don't need to tell us. I know you wouldn't want it. I'm sure."
"Jungkook, be respectful of your elders. Whatever it is that you want to say, say it in a civilized manner," he then reprimands the youngest.

"But hyung," Jungkook wants to protest more.

"It's on you if you call names and throw accusations around," Hobi looks at him pointedly.
"Tae, our kindest Tae," Hobi sighs. "I will no longer ask you why you kept all your feelings to yourself. But know that you can talk to us about it. I agree that amongst all of us, you get the most hate. On a daily basis. I can't blame you if it's eating you up. But you know that
popular saying - success and happiness are the biggest revenge. Show them. They'll hate you more. But if you're truly happy, whatever they say will just be noise. You don't need any of them. Let them froth in the mouth, envying your happiness and success.
We're in our solo era starting today, let's not fight," he looks at the three. "I know we'll be able to settle this soon enough. I will schedule a meeting soon, just us 7, no staff. Maybe in Yoongi hyung's house. Let's fix what seems to be broken."

The three agree reluctantly.
"And the two of you," Hobi looks at Taehyung and Jungkook. "Please talk. Not for us. Not for armys. Not for everyone else. Talk for yourselves. Do you need to stay here? I can go to Jimin's room for now."

Jungkook is quick to answer.

"No, hyung. We will go to our family home.
I told my parents that I'll be staying here for a while. My brother actually left his car in the parking lot so I could drive home," he informs them. "I'll be back in Seoul soon. Tae will be with me."

"I am?" Taehyung also. "I can't. I have an appointment for a show."
"I'll call Seojoon hyung and tell him that I need you here," Jungkook doesn't give up. "We badly need to talk."

Taehyung stares at Jungkook and finally gives in. "I'd call Na PD myself."

"Let's go," Jungkook grabs his wrist walking to the door.
"But your manager is outside," Taehyung warns. "He hates me."

"I hate him even more," Jungkook says seriously. "I'm done doing things for others, Tae."

Taehyung looks at him for a few seconds and then nods.

"Okay, let's do this," he agrees. "Let me talk to my manager first."
"I will be really disappointed if you try to leave and not talk to me," Jungkook warns.

"I won't. I'll be back in Seoul with you," Taehyung assures him. "I'll see you in the parking lot. I have to get some things from the car."

"I need to get some things from my room as well,
I'll see you in 20 minutes."

Taehyung walks out of the room, nodding at the other two before he closes the door.

Jungkook follows after a minute, but before he reaches the door, he looks back at his hyungs.

"I hope all of us start to really consider Tae's feelings. I'm at
fault here more than anyone else. So I really don't care about what the management says anymore. I'm done with the fan service. With what we've achieved in the past years, we're more than that. We're beyond doing things we don't want to do. It's time to be ourselves.
Army deserves to know the truth, and we owe it to ourselves to live the life we dream of."

"Jungkook..." Hobi and Jimin say in unison.

"It's my final decision. Let's just talk with the other hyungs soon. I'm leaving for Qatar and Tae is going to Paris. Let's get together
before then," Jungkook says and walks out the door.

"Do you need anything?" His manager says when he sees him outside the room.

"I need you to think about your actions," Jungkook says a little loud for the others to hear. "I'll be requesting for a new manager.
I can no longer work with you."

All the people in the hallway stop what they are doing, shocked with Jungkook's ourburst. He's always been quiet and follows all the rules.

"What? Why?" His manager is totally confused. "I did everything for you."

"You didn't. Not at all."
"I manage all your schedules, I coordinate your everything for you, I basically do everything to make it easier for you," the manager protests. "Why would you even think of changing managers. You're hurting my feelings."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, totally irritated already.
"I'm hurting your feelings?" Jungkook asks, anger starting to show. "For many years, did you even stop to consider my feelings?"

"If I made you feel bad, please understand that I'm only protecting you. It's for your own good."

"Is it? If it's for me, why am I in shambles now?
Why do I want to quit all these and just live my life? Because you all missed what is the most important."

"I don't understand. You're at the peak of your career," the manager argues. "What more can you ask for?"

"Happiness. Respect. Freedom," Jungkook whispers.
"Success failed to give me those. You forgot to give me respect, like I didn't deserve it. And you've been disrespecting the only person who can give me my happiness. I'm not having that anymore. I can't let all of you disrespect him and blame him for everything for no reason."
"Did he tell you that?" The manager still speaks. "Did he come running to you and tell you that I, we are disrespecting him?"

Jungkook looks at him in disbelief.

"Can you hear yourself?" He asks, accusingly. "Do you think I'm blind that I didn't see the number of times you
blatantly disrespect him? I was so wrong to tolerate you. I thought you were helping us. But you all ended up as our worst enemy."


"No, I don't want to argue anymore," Jungkook says tiredly. "Effective today, you're relieved as my manager. Go to the head office if you
have complaints. They will surely reassign you. If you report differently. I'd know it. I'll do my best to protect what Tae and I have. I am not afraid to quit. If that's the only way for us to be with each other."

He walks to his room on the same floor to get his things.
"Hyung, are you okay driving to Seoul alone this late?" Taehyung asks his manager. "I suggest you stay here and drive in the morning. I won't be back for quite a number of days, so you won't have that much to do at work."

The manager is distracted, reading on his phone.
"Is there something wrong?" Taehyung asks, noticing the creased forehead of the other man.

"Jungkook," he starts.

"What about him?" Taehyung asks nervously. "Is there something wrong? Is he missing again?"

"No, Taehyungah," the manager responds. "He fired his manager.
Lashed out at him and all the others in the hallway."

"Is he okay?" Taehyung asks, worried.

"I guess," the manager nods. "Look up. He's coming this way. Looks fine to me."

Jungkook looks relaxed, walking briskly with a duffle bag. He opens the van and grins.

"Let's go?"
Taehyung grabs his oversized Boston bag before he goes out of the van and stands beside Jungkook.

The manager also jumps out of the driver's seat and walks to the two.

"Hyung, just spend the night here and go back to Seoul after you rested," Taehyung shows his care.
"Yeah, I'll stay here and talk to the others," he says, then looks at Jungkook.

"Hyung, I will not change my mind," Jungkook says with conviction, then holds Taehyung's hand. "I should have done that years ago."

"I know," the manager nods and agrees. "And thank you."
"I must be the one to thank you," Jungkook expresses. "I should be the one protecting Tae but I was so dumb. You were there for him every step of the way."

"I'm just doing my job," the manager says shyly, not knowing how to deal with the compliment.

"My ex-manager was also
doing his job," Jungkook sighs. "But he was not protecting my interests. You on the other hand, protected Taehyung more than anything. It's way beyond your job and I truly appreciate you, hyung."

"Tae deserves my loyalty," he responds, getting a bit emotional. "He's an angel."
"You two are talking like I'm not here to hear you," Taehyung comments. "Hyung, take care when you drive back. I'll stay here in the meantime."

"I'll call you if something comes up," the manager forewarns. "You might go back if ever. Please leave your line open."
"Okay, hyung," Taehyung agrees without hesitation.

"Are you sure you don't want any bodyguard with you?" He asks. "At least just one?"

"Don't worry, hyung," Jungkook assures him. "We're here in Busan. No one will dare harm us. We've been going around since early this week.
And people have been very considerate."

"I agree," Taehyung chimes in. "People are seeing us, but they pretend that they don't. Just kept it to themselves."

"But be extra careful still," the manager warns. "Most armys will respect your privacy. Those who really love you.
But there will always be those who will violate your limits and take pictures of you to post it for clout."

"Maybe they're not army, hyung," Taehyung disagrees. "Probably some other people who simply recognize us. Mostly, they're the ones who post about us in our private time."
The manager shakes his head and looks at Taehyung fondly.

"You're really too precious for this world, Tae. You always see the best in everything," he praises Taehyung. "But I'm sorry to burst your bubble. Some armys can be toxic, too. They have this misplaced sense of love.
They think they love you, but their actions harm you instead. Some are downright toxic. Always finding fault in all you do."

"Don't worry about us, hyung," Jungkook answers for the two of them. "We'll go now before we're called again to tape some other things for content."
The two turn to leave and walk just a a few steps to where Jungkook's brother's car is parked. They both throw their bags at the backseat before they assume their respective seats.

"Tae, we need to talk," Jungkook says as soon as he starts the engine.

"I know," Taehyung nods.
"But I don't think we can talk in your house?"

"Yeah. Mom would not leave your side as soon as we step into the house," Jungkook chuckles, and Taehyung smiles. "What if we check in in another hotel?"

"I don't think so," Taehyung negates. "It might be too risky. Media and army
are checked in everywhere. We don't want another headache."

"You're right," Jungkook sighs. "We can talk by the beach? I don't think there are a lot of people at Haeundae at this hour. We have our masks on, anyway. There's a high chance that we won't be recognized."
"Okay, let's take a chance at Haeundae," Taehyung agrees. "We can always run if the people around us get suspicious."

Jungkook grins and starts to drive.

"Are you sure you can't work with your manager anymore?" Taehyung asks after a few minutes of silence. "He's good to you."
"But he's wicked to you," Jungkook glances at Taehyung. "I regret that I tolerated him for long. From the start, I should've drawn the line."

"We were so young back then," Taehyung tries to reason out.

"But we were not young for quite some time already," Jungkook shakes his
head. "Tae, can you not give up on us? I will do my best to make this relationship work."

"Are we even in a relationship, Jungkook?" Taehyung asks softly. "We simply like each other. We are not committed because we can't. We are bound to our contracts. We have no other choice."
"I don't care about the fucking contract anymore," he says angrily. "And I don't just like you, Tae. I'm in love with you. For so many years now. I thought it was clear to you."

"It was clear in the beginning when you first told me that you love me," Taehyung's voice shakes.
Jungkook parks at the empty public parking near the beach.

"What do you mean by that? Did I go astray?" Jungkook asks, getting frustrated. "We were okay. We agreed on our set-up. We're exclusive. We don't call each other boyfriends just for the heck of it, but we're behaving
like a married couple already. Everyone around us knows that we belong together. Our families, our own set of friends. We're not confirming, but they're not dumb."

He sighs, heavy.

Taehyung is quietly looking at the beach and Jungkook continues.

"Tae, do I need to enumerate
all the things we did together? How we showed each other that we are each other's priority?" Jungkook doesn't understand why Taehyung wants to leave him.

"Am I your number one priority?" Taehyung asks.

"Are you doubting me now? I don't recall instances when I didn't show my
affection to you," Jungkook grips the steering wheel tighter.

"The problem is you still don't think that you did anything to hurt me," Taehyung whispers, trying hard not to cry.

"Then tell me what I did wrong" Jungkook reaches out to hold his hand. "Let me correct my mistakes."
Taehyung pulls his hands away from Jungkook's hold, and he hugs himself.

"I've been hurting for quite some time already. I am not blaming you. It's a series of happenings, a number of people involved," Taehyung admits. "It's also my fault. I kept everything bottled up.
Buy maybe, just maybe I was expecting more from you. I don't know if I should be happy that you fired your manager, but he was really rude to me."

"I'm really sorry," Jungkook sincerely apologizes. "I should've done that before."

Taehyung simply nods.
"I understand that you needed him," he continues. "He was very efficient with his work."

"I don't need him anymore. You're the only one I need, Tae," Jungkook says passionately. "I thought we were going smoothly. I didn't know you were suffering. I should've been more keen."
Taehyung nods again.

"There's a lot that you didn't see," Taehyung says softly. "Sometimes because I purposely didn't let you see, but most of the time, you didn't bother to check on me."


"I'm not blaming you," Taehyung quickly says. "But it's time for us to put our
feelings in the open, right? If we want to make this work, whatever this is between us..."

"It's love, Tae," Jungkook supplies. "I will always grab the opportunity to say that what we have between us is love. I want you to always remember that. And I'm so sorry for being
oblivious of all your pain. I've been dumb to think that you're okay with everything. I see your smile, and I think you're okay."

"I've just learned to hide my pain beneath my smile," he says, smiling bitterly. "I learned to simply smile and look away since that Tokyo project."
"That was too long ago," Jungkook whispers. "Fuck!"

"We planned that Tokyo trip," Taehyung looks ahead, seeing the past in his head. "I was supposed to be our little trip, a small vacation. But then the management asked me to stay behind. I was too devastated.
You didn't know, but i begged to go with you. Even if I would not appear in your first output as a director-producer, as long as I can experience that first with you. I wanted it to be our memory together since it's so important to you. I badly wanted to see you in your element.
But then I was informed that you already agreed to go ahead without me. I was stunned. I went home to Daegu and broke down. I didn't want anyone from the company to know how heartbroken I was. I wanted to be professional. It was all work for all of you. It was personal for me.
I wanted to follow in Tokyo and just see you from afar. But my Mom stopped me from doing that. Instead, she booked us a trip to Osaka."

Jungkook is also looking out of the car, now already crying silently, not knowing what to say. He is also remembering what happened.
"I told myself I'd talk to you when we both return from our corresponding trips. But when we saw each other again, you were bubbling with happiness, that you were finally putting out something that you really wanted. Who am I to taint that joy? So I just sucked it up.
And I just wished to my angels to give me strength."

Taehyung wipes a tear. He doesn't want to cry. He just wants everything he kept inside to be out in the open. He can't keep things to himself any longer. It will eventually break him more if he doesn't put it out in the open.
If they're fighting for the love they have for each other, they must be transparent to each other.

"I thought it would end there. You filmed other projects, and I became part of it. All of us did," Taehyung chuckles bitterly. "But then I was told not to go near you in public.
I was told not to go near you every group shoot. I was given a different schedule in a different unit every single time. The only times we got to be near each other were when you initiated them. And I wonder, did you even notice I was never with you?"
"I did," Jungkook whispers. "I thought you were okay with it. You were always smiling. I was wrong not to ask you about how you feel."

"Then the fan service intensified," Taehyung's tears now continue to flow. "I learned to smile and look happy, sport my wide grin.
I simply look away when it bothers me. I never thought it would go on for years."

He blows air, trying to even his breathing, which is getting heavier every minute.

"I got used to it. But I never not feel pain when you're the one initiating it."
"Why didn't you tell me? I could've stopped," Jungkook is devastated.

"Do I need to tell you to stop doing things for me?" Taehyung looks at him, with the same smile he's used to wearing. But now, Jungkook can see the pain in them. "I chalked it up to 'it's all work.'"
Taehyung looks out again. He wants to say everything.

"I was never jealous," he admits tearfully. "But I am hurt. No matter how I try to convince myself that it's just work, it hurts that you didn't stop to check on me to ask how I feel about it.
I admit you were brave to show me you love me in public. That award show when you pulled me close? I was breaking down and you didn't hesitate to comfort me for all the world to see. I really wanted to quit before that. I was too broken to continue on.
But that one gesture from you gave me hope that everything would get better. That everything would change. Except it didn't. The pressure from the company got even worse. They not only wanted to show that we were not close, they wanted to portray that we hate each other.
That interview you had for In The Soop? It almost sent me to the hospital. How can you say we drifted apart? I mean, you made it for content, yes. But when I saw it, I asked myself what I did wrong. You're the only one I'm holding on to. Most people around us wanted us to stop
whatever it is between us. For the whole group. For the sake of the whole fucking group. So I still shut up. I don't want to ruin six lives and millions more who would be devastated it I break the group even if I am breaking myself. I carried on like everything is fine.
I don't want to be the ungrateful one who can't sacrifice his heart for a lot of people."

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart. It breaks mine, too," Jungkook whispers. "I did all that to protect you. I followed what they wanted me to do so everyone would stop blaming you.
Every time I protest, they'd blame you. That you were leading me to go against the rules. I know it's not the truth. So to compensate, I planned out dates - movie nights, dinner out, all those little things I hope would compensate for the things I did at work.
I reached out to your friends and family. I shoved myself to them as some sort of assurance that I'm staying in your life. Assurance to you and for myself as well. Because I'm always afraid that someone better than me would suddenly snatch you away. That you'd change your mind.
My family loves you, Tae. They know you're the one for me. And I love you. I thought it would be enough."

Taehyung is quiet. It's true. Jungkook never failed to show him that he loves him.

"But I now realized I was wrong because no matter what I did, how much I tried to
protect you, people put the blame on you," Jungkook shakes his head. "That smear campaign against you? Those dating rumors? I begged the company to issue statements. The first time they did with that chaebol girl. This current one? The one they asked you follow and unfollow
using your IG, it started when I asked for a meeting and announced that I'm stopping all the fan service. I wanted us to plan our future together. I thought it was nothing at first. But I overheard that it's a punishment for me because they know that my only weakness is you."
"It doesn't matter to me. That issue would never hurt me," Taehyung looks at him. "So just forget it. It's not your fault. It would die down eventually. Those believing it are idiots."

"Tae, even the smoking picture was leaked by a staff," Jungkook says, exasperated.
"I know, my manager told me. It was again a punishment for you for standing too close to me," Taehyung laughs. "These people punishing you are all stupid."

"I feel guilty because if not for me, it would not come out," Jungkook tells him tiredly.

"Don't. Just please stop.
Stop thinking that you need to protect or save me," Taehyung stares at him, almost begging. "I can fight my own fights. And if they see that you're not affected with their petty warnings, they'd stop it. Be strong for yourself. I'd be strong for my own sake."
"I'm really sorry, Tae," Jungkook reaches for his hands again. "I should've talked to you from the start. It would've saved us from all the heartaches if only I didn't assume."

"When I learned about this dating with Hana project, I knew I had to let you go," Taehyung cries.
"I can't break more, Jungkook. I'm afraid I will shatter and will not be able to piece myself back again."

He sobs, and Jungkook pulls him into his arms.

"Just let it all out, Tae," Jungkook whispers to him. "I'm sorry. I really am. I love you, and I want your pain to stop.
That dating project will no longer happen. I will quit after Qatar."

Taehyung pulls away from him.

"You can't do that!" He protests. "I just told you that you must protect yourself."

"If you think I'm only doing it for you, you're so wrong," Jungkook says with conviction.
"Im also doing it for myself. More for myself. I want to be selfish now, Tae. I want to love you without restrictions. I want to be free to show you how much you mean to me."

Taehyung nods.

"Then I'd quit after Paris," Taehyung answers with equal conviction.

"No, you can't."
"If you can, why can't I?" Taehyung protests. "Are you the only one allowed to love freely? I also want to love you with my everything. If you quit, i quit, too."

"You're just starting to get what you want. You have a lot of offers. You can't quit now," Jungkook tries to reason.
"Then you can't quit, too," Taehyuhg glares at him. "You can't give up your dreams. Your life is music. I can't let you quit for me."

"Then no one's quitting," Jungkook concludes. "But we need to communicate, Tae. I don't want you to keep your feelings to yourself anymore.
You have to tell me everything. Okay? I can't guess what you're thinking or feeling so I need words, yeah?"

"Okay," Taehyung looks lovingly at him.

"You're not leaving me. You are not allowed to. We're going to face everything together," Jungkook demands.
"You are my priority. I will give up everything for you if that's the only way for me to have you. Keep that in mind."

Taehyung nods and leans in to kiss Jungkook. Just a quick one to convey that he's very willing to stay.

"Will you marry me, then?" Taehyung takes a chance.
"It's not the time to joke around, Tae," Jungkook pouts.

"I'm not joking at all, Jungkookie," Taehyung giggles. "I want you to be my husband, and I want to be yours."

"What about your career?" Jungkook asks. "There are so many things that you'd still want to do."
"Would you stop me from doing the things that I want?" Taehyung asks in return. "Would you hinder my career? My growth as an artist?"

"Of course not!" Jungkook is quick to assure him. "We will both be the best in our craft. It's just that you said before that you didn't want to
marry until you're 35."

"I changed my mind," Taehyung shrugs.

"We're not even boyfriends," Jungkook tells him, sulking.

"Just tell me you don't want to marry me," Taehyung opens the door and gets out of the car. He walks towards the beach.

"Wait up!" Jungkook shouts.
Hey, I'd marry you! When?"

Taehyung continues to walk. There are still a few people around.

Jungkook catches up with him after making sure the car is locked. He jogs and is beside Taehyung in a minute.

They walk in silence until they reach the shore.

"I'd marry you, Tae."
"We're not even boyfriends," Taehyung tells him, face unreadable while kicking sand.

"Come on, I was just shocked," Jungkook explains. "I didn't expect it from you. I always thought I'd be the one to propose. Tae, I'd marry you anytime, anywhere. I'd never pass the chance."
"Let me think about it," Taehyung removes his slippers and picks them up, walking slowly along the edge of the water.

Jungkook suddenly kneels in front of him, smiling widely.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asks in shock. He looks around, afraid that they'll get attention.
"Stand up, you idiot!"

"I'm not standing up until you agree to marry me!" Jungkook looks up at him.

"You're insufferable!" Taehyung hisses.

"But you love me, I know you love me," Jungkook grins, eyes sparkling bright under the moonlight.

"I'll marry you. Just stand up now!"
Jungkook laughs seeing Taehyung's panic. He stands up and hugs Taehyung tightly.

"Let go of me," Taehyung protests. "People might see us."

"I don't care about other people right now," Jungkook whispers to his ear. "I love you, Kim Taehyung. Let's get married the soonest!"
"You're still awake," Jungkook says as he joins Taehyung in their bed. "I thought you'd be asleep by now."

"How can I sleep when you're having a concert in the other room?" Taehyung wants to complain, but he is so endeared with his husband. "So I just read fan fiction."
"Again?" Jungkook chuckles. "You've been reading a lot of those lately."

"It's entertaining, Jungkookie!" Taehyung says excitedly. "The one that I'm reading now is not yet completed but it's so close to what we've been through."

"I guess, I'm the idiot in that story again?"
Taehyung laughs loudly with Jungkook's comment.

"Not this time, baby," Taehyung grins at him. "We're both idiots here."

"Then I believe that it's so close to reality, then," Jungkook teases.

"I commented," Taehyung giggles.

"Tae! Army knows you're lurking on social media.
Now you're even commenting?" Jungkook shakes his head.

"You know I appreciate artists," Taehyung pouts. "Fan fiction writers are artists in their own right. I thanked them for writing stories for free."

"By the way, I'm going back to work soon," Jungkook reminds him.
"We'll be having less time together."

"Just as long as you respond to me when I call. I have no problem about it," Taehyung looks at him expectantly.

"When did I ever ignore your call?" Jungkook's eyes got big with emphasis. "You're actually the only person I respond to."
"I know," Taehyung kisses him gently. "You're trending worldwide again after that live, look."

"Hmmm. I miss performing," Jungkook shrugs. "And I promised Army I will do more lives after I deleted my IG. I don't want it to be used for creating rumors like what they did to you."
"You're the smartest," Taehyung laughs. "Instead of saying no, you got rid of the possible thing they'd use against you."

"Of course!" Jungkook responds proudly. "Now, the only thing that's irritating me are people who follow me around. Now I can't go to my coach to box."
"You already issued a warning. If anyone tries to get close to you again, let's get a restraining order. Anyone who gets caught should have jailtime," Taehyung decides. "I actually wanted to join you when you were saying that. And say my piece about it. Some armys got confused."
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks. "I phrased my statement so that all of them can understand."

"Some are accusing our fan sites of stalking," Taehyung informs him. "And Hyoshin hyung called me earlier, saying a fan of his is being accused of being a stalker.
Because they posted our photos together with the other hyungs when we watched him earlier. Hyung was teasing that his fan didn't even know who we were. Just members of a band. I know hyung is only teasing but somehow he's a bit offended that his fan is being labeled as that."
"Did the fans of Seojoon hyung and Hyungsik hyung reacted that way as well?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"No," Taehyung informs him. "Some of those who support us just think that our privacy is being violated."

"For me, when we are in public events like that, we can't avoid
people taking our pictures or recognizing us," Jungkook says carefully. "But those who go out of their way to wait outside my gym or stake out where they thought I'd be, that's where I draw the line."

"Ah, I need to tell you something," Taehyung sits up and leans his back on the
headboard. "Since we're talking about the our hyungs, Seojoon hyung video called while you were singing Grenade earlier during your live."

"He liked it?" Jungkook is surprised.

Taehyung laughs.

"Baby, he's too busy to watch your live concerts," the husbands grin at each other.
"Sorry, I thought he loved my voice that much that he was watching," Jungkook laughs.

"I love you and your voice and I was listening to your live while reading fan fiction," Taehyung giggles. "Anyway, about the call. Hyung noticed our identical rings and asked about it."
Jungkook stills. "What did you say?"

"I told him the truth," Taehyung smiles at his husband. "I know you will get mad if I keep our marriage a secret."

"I will not get mad, but I will be disappointed," Jungkook admits. "I told you after we got married last Christmas in Hawaii
that we are not going to announce it but we will also not lie about it."

"I know. That's why I told him," Taehyung narrates. "He didn't believe at first and thought I was joking. But I sent him our wedding picture, the group one with our families. He immediately got annoyed that
we didn't invite them."

"We must arrange a dinner with them soon," Jungkook suggests. "To at least soothe his annoyance. I can't imagine getting the ire of the others when they find out."

"Baby, since the hyungs already know, I guess it's time to tell our other hyungs."
Jungkook scratches his nape.

"Yoongi hyung already knows," Jungkook confides.

Taehyung is surprised.

"How? You never went to the company since before Qatar. You never communicated with anyone," Taehyung is a bit confused. "Oh except when you sent our Run BTS challenge."
"He called early January, requesting for me to record a demo for him. You know I always do that for him," Jungkook starts.

"Well, we so love Yoongi hyung since he wrote us that long text, supporting our love and whatever our decisions may be," Taehyung recalls.
"Yeah, you know that after he expressed our support for us, I promised myself that I'd support him, too," Jungkook also looks back. "So yeah, he called me, and I told him I am in my honeymoon. We were in Bacalar then. Sorry I forgot to mention it. It totally forgot about it."
"It's okay," Taehyung smiles weakly. "Actually, I already told Jin hyung as well."

Jungkook laughs. "Did we tell everyone already?"

"I only told Jin hyung, I swear," Taehyung raised his right hand to prove that he's saying the truth. "He called a few weeks ago.
He was on a break because he won a talent contest in the military. So he's thinking of having dinner with all of us. But we were in Busan then. That time when we visited and bought that house by the beach. I told him that we're buying a property together."

"Shoot! We need to
tell the others, too! They will have tantrums if they find out that we already told the older two," Jungkook shakes his head while giggling. He can imagine the shock on the other's faces when they finally tell them.

"I'll schedule a dinner once their schedule becomes open."
"I think I need to let my new manager know as well," Jungkook states.

"Yeah, my manager and team already know," Taehyung informs him. "I told them that I will no longer answer calls after a work day, just text about the schedules. You have my undivided attention when I'm home."
"Come here, let me kiss you," Jungkook pulls him close. "I will be shooting an ad in a month's time."

"Is this the underwear brand?" Taehyung looks at him questioningly.

"Maybe," Jungkook chuckles. "It's a surprise."

"You know I'm okay with it," Taehyung says confidently.
"They can always look and fantasize. But the real thing is here. Only mine."

Jungkook laughs. "I love the confidence, baby!"

"You will never find another man like me," Taehyung teases him. "Oh, I might also leave for Paris or US soon."

"Another shoot?" Jungkook asks.
"Yeah, for another magazine," Taehyung nods. "And in May for that gala."

"I'll go with you if my schedule permits," Jungkook really wants to. "Though my upcoming collabs might make my schedule too hectic."

"It's okay," Taehyung wiggles closer to his husband.
"We vowed to support each other in whichever direction we wish to go."

Jungkook kisses him slowly.

"We don't have schedule tomorrow right?" He lightly bites Taehyung's lower lip.

"Bowling. Then our Hoba hyung's new single challenge in the evening," Taehyung answers.
"Hmmmm, so we can make love until morning," Jungkook whispers against his neck, kissing and licking as he goes. "I love you, my husband."

Taehyung feels the shiver run all over his body.

"I love you, too, husband," Taehyung hums. "We can go at it until noon."

~ FIN ~
The first #GProject story ends here.

I would like to thank everyone who joined me in this journey. It's my first canon compliant one, and I hope you all like it.

This is for you, @taetaedebu!

Until the next one!

Much love,

• • •

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More from @sataekooklang

Jun 26, 2023
They go up the stairs, hand in hand.

Taehyung's body hums in excitement. Jungkook's shivers in nervousness.

They reach the room and hold each other's gaze.

"I think nothing will happen if we just look at each other," Taehyung giggles nervously. "Fuck, why am I also nervous?
You're nervousness is rubbing into me."

Jungkook chuckles awkwardly. "I'm technically a virgin for more than a year now."

"So we're basically the same," Taehyung grins, eyes crinkling. "We're laughing like crazy as if we're not making love any minute now."
He steps closer to his boyfriend and gently cups the tent in his pants. "Let me take care of you, Jungkookie."

Jungkook simply nods, his attention focused on his hard dick and the hand rubbing it oh so slowly.

"Tae..." he says, voice broken.

"What do you need, Jungkookie?"
Read 28 tweets
Jun 19, 2023
"Dinner is impossible with my schedule, Hyung," Taehyung says a bit downcast. "But I can do brunch."

"Then let's do brunch," Yoongi agrees immediately. "I'm sure Jin and Hobi would also be glad to see you."

Taehyung chuckles dryly. "Will they?"

"Can we join?" Namjoon asks.
"Of course, you can," Taehyung chuckles. "Let's schedule, yeah?" He looks at Yoongi again.

"Okay," Yoongi agrees. "Can I get your number, Tae?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, I didn't realize my phone died," Yoongi says, bothered. He grabs Jungkook's phone from his hand just then.
He shoves it to Taehyung. "Please save your number here."

"Okay," Taehyung accepts the phone hesitantly. But he doesn't want to be rude. He keys in and saves his number. He hands it over to Jungkook instead of Yoongi.

"Call him," Yoongi demands.
Read 171 tweets
May 15, 2023
Taehyung is sleeping when Jungkook arrives at Yugyeom's home. Instead of waking him up, he lies next to him and embraces him tight.

His boyfriend doesn't wake up, and he is glad that he is getting the rest that he needs after taking care of him the previous night.
break up with you if you ever pass out drunk again."

"I'll just have a bear tonight," Jungkook raises a hand in a promise. "I won't risk it. I'm too scared of my boyfriend to even get tipsy here."

They share a good laugh with that.

"The sea breeze feels nice," Taeyung smiles.
"That's why we chose this," Lana explains. "We're always holed up in our respective work places. When we're off, we stay in. We miss hanging out like this."

"You must thank us," Jungkook says smugly. "If not for us, you'd be home watching a drama like every old couple."
Read 99 tweets

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