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TaeKook and happy endings 💜💚 / Random takes and things
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Jun 26, 2023 28 tweets 5 min read
They go up the stairs, hand in hand.

Taehyung's body hums in excitement. Jungkook's shivers in nervousness.

They reach the room and hold each other's gaze.

"I think nothing will happen if we just look at each other," Taehyung giggles nervously. "Fuck, why am I also nervous? You're nervousness is rubbing into me."

Jungkook chuckles awkwardly. "I'm technically a virgin for more than a year now."

"So we're basically the same," Taehyung grins, eyes crinkling. "We're laughing like crazy as if we're not making love any minute now."
Jun 19, 2023 171 tweets 31 min read
"Dinner is impossible with my schedule, Hyung," Taehyung says a bit downcast. "But I can do brunch."

"Then let's do brunch," Yoongi agrees immediately. "I'm sure Jin and Hobi would also be glad to see you."

Taehyung chuckles dryly. "Will they?"

"Can we join?" Namjoon asks. "Of course, you can," Taehyung chuckles. "Let's schedule, yeah?" He looks at Yoongi again.

"Okay," Yoongi agrees. "Can I get your number, Tae?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, I didn't realize my phone died," Yoongi says, bothered. He grabs Jungkook's phone from his hand just then.
May 15, 2023 99 tweets 18 min read
Taehyung is sleeping when Jungkook arrives at Yugyeom's home. Instead of waking him up, he lies next to him and embraces him tight.

His boyfriend doesn't wake up, and he is glad that he is getting the rest that he needs after taking care of him the previous night. break up with you if you ever pass out drunk again."

"I'll just have a bear tonight," Jungkook raises a hand in a promise. "I won't risk it. I'm too scared of my boyfriend to even get tipsy here."

They share a good laugh with that.

"The sea breeze feels nice," Taeyung smiles.
Apr 30, 2023 257 tweets >60 min read

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim," Atty. Jung apologizes for the second time. "But as I've said earlier, you won't be able to sell your aunt's property at this point. According to her will, you need to satisfy three conditions before you decide what to do with the place:
1 - live there for six months
2 - open the book cafe to her usual customers and tourists, and
3 - fully appreciate Jeonju."

Taehyung exhales loudly. "First, can we drop the formalities?" He suggests. "We've known each other since we were kids, Hyung."
Apr 28, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Taehyungie's IG stories 💚

#JinnysKitchenEp10 ImageImage Will definitely miss you 💚

#JinnysKitchenEp10 Image
Apr 21, 2023 195 tweets 35 min read
Jungkook sighs. "You don't need to set me up anymore. I'm already in a relationship."

"Really!" Mrs. Kim claps her hands. "When are we going to meet her?"

"You're not going to," Jungkook shakes his head. "Maybe if you treat me as a son and not a property. Maybe then. Maybe." "Jeon Jungkook!" His mother gasps.

"What? I'm just stating a fact," Jungkook reasons. "I never felt your support in anything I do."

"Be thankful we are lenient to you. You're still able to do things on your own," Mr. Jeon says coldly. "You're living your life in Seoul, right?
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I've been reading the articles since yesterday, and every single one makes me emotional but truly happy.

As a person who's managing a health foundation, seeing people suffer due to sickness with their families struggling to finance treatment on a daily basis, it is very challenging to operate and help people with limited funds. There are days when I just want to break down with a parent, a husband, a wife, or a child who's full-on wailing, pleading for help that we sometimes can not fully give.

There are moments when I want to give up because
Apr 18, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Jungkookie! 🤩 Image Kneel, Jungkookie! 💜 ImageImage
Apr 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jungkookie is back home 💜 ImageImage 💜 ImageImage
Apr 16, 2023 239 tweets >60 min read
"I thought your next stop is Busan?" Jungkook is a bit confused.

"Hmmm, yeah," Taehyung admits. "But I requested a change."

"Huh? Why?"

"I'm nervous to be in the same city as your parents," Taehyung answers honestly.

"Tae, you can just ignore that fact," Jungkook advises. "I can't," Taehyung reasons. "And if I start there for a month or even less, I'm positive that you'll visit. I don't want you to visit me, then ignore the reality that your parents also live there."

"They're not involved in my life anymore. You know that."

"And why?" He asks.
Mar 31, 2023 199 tweets 36 min read

"Tae, if only you can wait for a month, I'll go travel with you to Iceland," Seokjin whines, clearly worried about his younger brother.

"Hyung, I'm leaving tomorrow," Taehyung giggles. "And we perfectly know that I can no longer be this free when I get back after three weeks."

Seokjin slumps into Taehyung's bed.

"I'm just worried about you," he admits. "This is your first time travelling alone. I'm surprised Dad allowed you out of his sight. We all know you're his favorite son."

"I'm not!" Teahyung
Mar 30, 2023 296 tweets >60 min read
"Okay, I'm giving you a minute," Taehyung fully turns to Jungkook, giving him his undivided attention.

Jungkook blushes with the sudden focus on him, rendering him speechless.

"50 seconds," Taehyung smirks. "Talk."

Jungkook snaps out of the love haze and smiles sweetly. "Can we work overtime today and tomorrow?" Jungkook finally speaks seriously.

"Wait, I'm confused," Taehyung mutters. "Your idea is working overtime for two consecutive days?"

"Well, yes," Jungkook smiles a little. "I'm thinking that we can finish all the work until tomorrow.
Mar 30, 2023 23 tweets 11 min read


Mar 23, 2023 271 tweets >60 min read
"Can we not go to work today?" Jungkook stretches on the bed. "Let's spend time together. Just the two of us."

"You know I can't do that," Taehyung says, sitting up and yawning. "I've been out for two days already. And Noona expects an email report about the pilot today." "Does she already know? About us?" Jungkook asks, knowing fully well that thier CEO is Taehyung's confidante.

"He knows you're here with me," Taehyung answers honestly. "But I haven't told her that we're already boyfriends. Let's tell her together."

"Ah, that's a great idea,"
Mar 19, 2023 249 tweets >60 min read
"They're really close, yes?" Mrs. Kim grins at them. "They've been bestfriends for many years."

"But I saw them ki..." Chae starts but abruptly stops when her husband elbows him.

"Ah, yes," Jingoo smiles nervously at them. "They introduced themselves to us as bestfriends." "They, the bestfriends, actually bought everything we ate," Chae recovers. "They had everything delivered while they were waiting for you at the airport. We simply prepared it."

"Still, you put a lot of effort in it," Mr. Kim sincerely appreciates them. "I think it's time for
Mar 18, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
"Thank you for the dinner," Mrs. Kim smiles warmly at Chae and Jingoo. "It's lovely. And this place is really breathtaking."

"You're welcome," Chae grins at everyone. "And yes. This place is really a wonder. That's why when we found this property, we didn't let it slip away." "We also want to have something like this," Jungkook comments. "But maybe somewhere near the beach. Tae loves the sound of the waves."

"Don't tell me you're moving for work here?" Mrs. Kim is a bit shocked.

"Oh, just a plan for our future," Jungkook shrugs. "We haven't really