The media employees who spent the weeks before the 2020 election calling the materials about Joe Biden on Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation" have never apologized or admitted error -- literally none one of them -- because their audience wants noble lies.
Given how balkanized most corporate media is - where employees only speak to readers and viewers with the same partisan affiliation and ideology - the key attribute for success isn't truth.
Only prerequisite is saying anything to advance that side; if it's lying, all the better.
When journalists at corporate outlets lie to advance the Cause -- "the Joe BIden reporting is Russian disinformation"; "COVID lab leak is a debunked conspiracy theory"; "Trump takes orders from Putin" -- it actually *helps* their careers.
"They're even willing to lie for us!"
As reported below, @BrianStelter this week vehemently denied CNN ever said the materials about Joe Biden on the laptop were "Russian disinformation," and thus had nothing to explain. Watch this CNN segment 2 weeks before the election and see for yourself:
Even if Stelter's defense weren't factually false -- we never said *for sure* it was Russian disinformation, just that it might be, that would still require retraction once you learn it's false. But the above-video shows they want *way* beyond that:
Corporate outlets invented previously unthinkable journalistic practices to enable them to spread lies with plausible deniability. After @jonathanchait published a NY Mag *cover story* speculating Trump was a Russian agent since 1987, Chris Hayes aired the story with this label:
Just think about that. Why kind of "journalistic outlet" would air to millions of people an inflammatory claim they admit is **improbable** on the ground it "might be true?" Everything falls into that group.
But MSNBC and NYMag did it because they knew their audience wanted it.
And now, having spent years spreading one outright lie after the next because their liberal audiences demanded it -- even inventing new standards to air insane conspiracies ("improbable but true") -- they now insist you need them to protect you from "disinformation" by censoring.
I neglected to include the CNN segment I was referring to, so you can watch it and decide if @BrianStelter was telling the truth when he said CNN never claimed the laptop materials were "Russian disinformation" and thus has nothing to apologize for:
I'd bet that enough Republicans join with Dems to give Biden what he wants.
But note: NYT says it will be hard because many Republicans "have adopted Trump's distrust of security agencies and surveillance."
Distrust of the CIA/NSA/FBI is basically non-existent among Dems now.
When Section 702 was passed - and again, its only purpose was to retroactively legalize Bush/Cheney's illegal domestic warrantless spying - civil liberties groups warned it would destroy 4th Am values.
Now, the only chance to prevent Biden's renewal demands is with GOP votes.🤷♂️
Note how the official claim about COVID's origins has become: "we don't really know for sure and will likely never find out. "
But for the first 18 months of the pandemic, the official govt/media claim was the *exact opposite*:
We know for sure COVID's origin was zoonotic.
If this were a case where establishment institutions admit error -- "we know we insisted for 18 months that COVID's origins were dispositively proven but now see we were wrong" -- that would not only be commendable but would also re-build trust.
But they're incapable of that.
What you're seeing in real-time is them revising and re-writing history: just creating a completely false universe in which they acknowledged a lack of certainty from the start.
That's what they do when they get caught lying: they deny they spread those lies.
Sobre a origem do COVID, a única questão relevante: é zoonótico ou vazou de um laboratório?
Muitos alegaram que a teoria do vazamento era racista. Mas é o contrário: a ideia de que o vírus veio de mercados chineses úmidos, insalubres e primitivos é muito mais racista e xenófoba.
Este é o ponto principal, com muita relevância agora:
No início da pandemia, os EUA e grupos aliados afirmaram ter provas de que a COVID era zoonótica, uma certeza que eles *não tinham*. Isso interditou o debate sobre o assunto. Quem questionava era banido do FB e outras redes.
Agora sabemos que alguns dos grupos científicos de ponta dos EUA apoiam teoria do vazamento. A CIA resiste. Isso mostra que o debate sempre esteve em aberto.
No entanto, vários governos afirmaram sua Verdade Absoluta e denunciaram toda divergência/dissidência como 'fake news'.
On the decade's most consequential story - the COVID pandemic - the US corporate media repeatedly lied, including claiming COVID's origins had been definitively proven to be zoonotic.
But @KatherineEban deserves major credit for this well-reported article against the consensus:
She was absolutely pilloried by others in media for that story, in large part because her article exposed the massive conflicts of interest and other corrupt influences that drove the propaganda: Fauci's unlimited power to control budgets and the media's reverence for him.
The journalistic crime here was shutting down debate by falsely claiming the USG had Absolute Truth, and anyone suggesting a "lab leak" was therefore a deranged conspiracy theorist pushing a "debunked" theory.
I'll bet anything not one journalist will acknowledge what they did.
How many employees of media corporations who repeatedly mocked the COVID "lab leak" theory as a "debunked" lie that only insane conspiracy theorists believe (because Fauci told them to say that) will apologize now that much of the USG believes this?
It is absolutely astonishing that the NYT's lead COVID reporter -- who became that only because the pape fired their real reporter because he upset rich teenagers who they made him take to Peru -- said it's racist to consider the "lab leak" theory.
A huge number of NBC and CNN employees repeatedly said the "lab leak" theory was "debunked." That was a total lie. It was never debunked. That lie was concocted by Fauci and Peter Daszak, who had major, undisclosed personal conflicts in protecting the Wuhan Lab.
We'll spend the hour on how the union of the US Govt and corporate media proclaimed unquestionably true a theory for which there was no proof and which parts of the USG now denies: COVID came from a lab leak:
Just as was true of the CIA/media lie that the Biden reporting was "Russian disinformation," the lie that COVID's origins had been proven to be zoonotic had one purpose only: to ban debate on one of the most critical questions of our time.
And it worked more than a year:
As we just reported, the key context for this is Brazil is poised to implement a law to empower its new leaders to ban views and opinions it deems "false" and *to punish its authors,* a law the EU and US are encouraging because it desperately wants this.