The vast majority of doctors agree: abortion is healthcare.
Prominent state medical organizations have voiced opposition to #LB626, including the Nebraska Medical Assoc, Nebraska Medicine, Neb ACOG, and Nebraska Nurses Assoc.
**Facts below are for #Nebraska** 1/
But it's not just Nebraskan doctors who are speaking out against dangerous legislation. Medical organizations across the country are publicly supporting the right to reproductive freedom: 2/
• American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
• Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine
• American Society for Reproductive Medicine
• American Medical Association
• American Nurses Association
• American Public Health Assoc
• American College of Physicians 3/
• American College of Surgeons
• Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses
• American College of Nurse-Midwives
• American Pediatric Surgical Association
• American Academy of Pediatrics
• National Perinatal Association
• National League for Nursing 4/
• National Nurses United
• American Academy of Physician Associates
• American Urological Association
• Society of Hospital Medicine
1/ If you care about the women in your life, abortion bans should alarm you. Tennessee already has a ban in place and there are people there who want to make sure that a woman is actively dying before they can have an abortion…
2/ Will Brewer with Right to Life said: pregnancy complications “work themselves out,” When faced with a patient’s high-risk condition, doctors should be required to “pause and wait this out and see how it goes.”
3/ Guess what: Will has no medical background. Doctors do not wait until an appendix bursts to remove it, they don’t wait for a tumor to metastasize before deciding to treat with chemotherapy. Prevention is the best medicine.