Sex is no secret. We can talk about it openly without shame, and should. I could discuss it for hours(and I’m a virgin).
However, the union between Christ and His church - the mystery that sex, in its own broken and small way, dimly mirrors - *that* is sacred.1/6
I think it’s great that Christians want to talk about sex more openly. It’s awesome that they want to talk about why God made it in the first place and what that means for us. And of course, the central truth about it is that it points to an Ultimate Reality. But…2/6
We debase and cheapen that Mystery when we try to put the same language to it that we do to sex. Those of us who have experienced the ineffable - that Union - know this. We know there are similarities to the experience, but it is completely Other. It’s Holy. 3/6
My married brothers in Christ aren’t “playing with fire” by being friends with me or spending time with me one-on-one. I’m not fire. I’m not dangerous. When will my sisters -Christian wives- begin to see me as a sister instead of a threat to their marriages?
Goodness gracious, this thing is still doing numbers, and it’s gone far enough that a LOT of people who don’t know me are drawing erroneous conclusions, so let’s clear some things up.
1) I don’t want a husband. I don’t want your husband. I don’t want or need time alone with your husband. Nobody cares about your husband but you. People are getting straight up hateful about this.