Today, 1 March, the German Federal Foreign Office @AuswaertigesAmt published its eighty-pages-long guidelines (GL) on #FeministForeignPolicy. This is a milestone. Some first observations and comments - a 🧵. 1/
After the🚦coalition committed to an #FFP over a year ago, the question of the GER approach to it was in limbo. There were the few sentences in the coalition agreement, fragments from speeches by @ABaerbock and MPs. But the overall understanding on this concept was not defined.2/
Now @AuswaertigesAmt has taken the first step - it has published its guidelines. Important note: this is not a whole-of-government strategy, but only that of the FFO (more on cross-sectoral coop later). @BMZ_Bund strategy is published as well&will be launched on 15 March. 3/
What do the GL have to deliver? First, they must provide a normative framework for the understanding #FFP. Since #FFP is a broad concept and esp in the case of state-oriented implementation context-specific, it's important for both the public&partners to know what GER pursues. 4/
Secondly, the GL must provide concrete instruments on how to implement #FFP - especially in such geopol tense times - and show that #FFP not only adds a new discursive dimension to a value-based FP, but goes hand in hand with action – both domestically and in foreign policy. 5/
How? The GL consist of four main parts: 1) an introduction to the objectives of the FFP as defined by the Foreign Office, 2) guidelines for Germany's foreign policy, 3) guidelines for the working methods and structures in the @AuswaertigesAmt, 4) instruments of #FFP. 6/
The inclusion of 2 and 3, so to say an external and internal dimension, reflect a core principle of #FFP: don’t preach what you don’t practice, or sweep before your own door first 🧹. 7/
In defining its goals, it responds to some criticisms that have been raised in the past year: FFP≠pacifism; FFP as pragmatic and principled (read: can serve both interests&values); commitment to the term *feminist* FP, but accepting that there are different connotations. 8/
Furthermore, a "feminist reflex" is to be developed. This can be understood as mainstreaming FFP in all areas&processes or/and as integrating a change in mentality into foreign policy. It also resonates with the long-standing debate about more strategic thinking in 🇩🇪 FP. 9/
After the approach was defined in the coalition agreement as 3R+D - rights, resources, representation and diversity - the D is no longer mentioned (the term was also not unchallenged). However, it is mentioned that the approach ought to be transformative and intersectional. 10/
Interestingly, the internal dimension measures have received the most attention in the media. A sign of the 🇩🇪habit of treating FP somewhat stepmotherly - despite the events of the last year? Or because they offer the most concrete measures, such as increasing representation? 11/
They touch on the structural aspects and respond to the fact that representation in the Federal Foreign Office still falls short, with 26% of women in leadership positions and 14.7% of diplomatic service with migration background. 12/
At the same time, an attempt is made to take into account the fact that an entire house must implement a concept with which not everyone in the foreign service can - and will - identify, but which must nevertheless be put into action - both internally and externally. 13/
The external dimension is structured in six working fields: peace & security, humanitarian assistance & crisis management, human rights, climate diplomacy, … 14/
… foreign trade and investment, cultural and societal diplomacy. This shows the comprehensive understanding of security around which #FeministForeignPolicy revolves. 15/
But: some policy areas are missing, such as migration. This hinders coherent implementation, especially in crisis situations, and leads to another issue: the cross-sectoral cooperation. 16/
It is mentioned that coherent coop with the ministries will be sought. Surprisingly, the chancellery is not mentioned once in the entire document. With a @Bundeskanzler who is very active in FP but not FFP, this diminishes the credibility of an FFP as a guiding principle. 17/
The GL are the basis on which the @AuswaertigesAmt will build its implementation. But in addition to these concrete issues and questions of definition, the process around approaching FFP has put its finger on underlying issues concerning the future of a progressive German FP: 18/
The process that has accompanied the implementation of the #FFP has shown that there is a growing awareness and demand for more diverse actors to have a say in shaping foreign policy - and the expertise that goes with it. This should be institutionalized for a more just FP. 19/
And finally - the search for new progressive approaches to FP such as #FeministForeignPolicy means: asking questions about the core and goals of a just foreign policy, overcoming the dichotomy of values and interests, and questioning long-standing premises. 20/
Erst einmal: Die #Bundesregierung hat in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag beschlossen: „Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern wollen wir im Sinne einer #FeministForeignPolicy Rechte, Ressourcen und Repräsentanz von Frauen und Mädchen weltweit stärken und gesellschaftliche Diversität fördern.“ 2/