now openly declaring they want to shape the conversation around @covidinquiryuk
Please note: the #Telegraph#LockdownFiles are a determined effort to force the Judge to believe infecting kids is the way out of Covid by reaching #HerdImmunity
celebrating their attempts to change the debate around why the UK has the highest death rate per million in the EU
celebrating their ability to shape the conversation around the Judge led Public Inquiry
stating it's a fact that kids should get infected to reach herd immunity, despite it now being a fact that children drive each of the surges, & despite the fact there is NO "herd immunity" through infection, where Covid is concerned
anti-science zealots don't care about worker units, they want everyone infected with a brand new disease that NO ONE knows what the effects will be in 10 years time
catch COVAIDS twice a year to keep the economy going
COVID (or as I call it #COVAIDS) reinfections are REALLY bad and CUMULATIVE
look at this 1 study of brain scans of even asymptomatically infected children & convince me it's a good idea to infect children REPEATEDLY with a Biosafety Level III vascular, endothelial multi system disease that dysregulates your immune system & causes T & B cell apoptosis
and that letting Covid rip throughout worker units has nothing, in fact, to do with this one chart:
remember who owns the #Telegraph & who their readership consists of:
and then consider, NOTE WELL, AND NEVER FORGET OR FORGIVE, that MPs are definitely taking action to clean the AIR THEY BREATHE
and the air the War Mongers breathe:
and remember how the top 10%, wealthiest & most powerful look after themselves during COVID:
no one should minimise Covid, as it shares *some* similarities with HIV:
@DaniBeckman actually has a Phd in neuroscience & I trust her explicitly. here she explains (in terms that everyone can understand) how Covid reaches the brain:
I just picked mum up from a short day procedure from the same team she first caught covid from a little over a year ago.
This morning she tested negative.
I unpacked a new FPP3, & mum promised to put it back on as soon as she came around.
The TWO nurses that were with her in the “pre-op” room threw her new FP3 in the “toxic waste” bin, and TOLD her hospital management has a *NO MASKS* policy.
My mum is 86 & has been registered disabled since she turned 60. This is in her notes.
Dad died after nosocomial covid at this hospital, 14 months ago.
One of mum & dad’s best friends also died post nosocomial covid at this hospital last year too.
"virtually all children infected with cvid showed signs of damage"
3 Drs & countless nurses on the ward my niece is in, have told me that cvid is harmless to children & their immune systems are *very resilient* & that "she'll be fine" (1 wk in so far)