September 11, 2001 was a Dark Sun Ritual Sacrifice, a Mass Fear & Panic Inducing Middle Pillar Ritual. This was Kabbalistic High Black Magic, a HEX on the Mass, Trauma-Based Mind Control on an Epic Scale with Implications til today.
When the Twin Towers (or Pillars) Collapsed, it metaphysically symbolized the Lightening Flash of Creation (or Destruction) on the Sephirothic Tree. Lucifer Falling from Heaven, the Kabalistic Flaming Sword.
Two Pillars (Duality) Being Broken Down into ONE, Unity, a Singularity.
Christians represented the North Tower or Right Pillar, Jachim, Sun, Male.
Muslims represented the South Tower or Left Pillar, Boaz, Moon, Female.
Jews represent Building 7 or Middle Pillar, Equilibrium, the Star the 'Empty Building', 'The Chosen People', an Occult Signature.
The Pentagon represents the 'Satanic' 5 Pointed Star (The Star/ Sirius/ Spiritual Sun/ Sun Behind the Sun), telling you exactly who our 'Government' worships and that they were not just complict but responisible.
Government literally means 'To Control Your Mind'.
The Hermaphroditic 'Lady' Liberty represents Lucifer, the Light Bringer who looks on Over New York City which represents the Checkerboard Floor of Duality.
Lady Liberty is the High Priestess Sitting Between Boaz & Jachim with the Law (TORA) in Her Arms as the 'The Tower' Falls.
Three Towers fell that Day: the North and South Tower & Building Seven.
Seven Represents COMPLETION.
Three Buildings, Three Pillars, the Sun, the Moon and the Star.
The Star is Sirius, the Star of Isis.
One DOG Died that Day, his name was SIRIUS.
666 5th Avenue Trump Tower was used as the Conductor.
Revelation 9:11 states, "And they had a King of them, which is the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, whose name in the Hebrew Tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek Tongue Apollyon"
Trump once said he was the 'King of Israel'.
There was NO PLANES, only CGI!
This was a Controlled Demolition done by Israeli Intelligence: Mossad, Black Cube Intelligence.
"It is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.”
Dr. Alan Sabrosky
The First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, as well as the Twin Towers were all destroyed on the the Same "Numerological" Date: 9/11.
The Jewish Day of Mourning, Tisha Bav equals 911 in Jewish Gematria.
The Freedom Tower symbolizes the Completion of the Third Temple, a New Age.
When the Sephirothic Tree is veiwed Horizontally a Hidden IXXI comes into site.
In Roman Numerals I X X I equals 9-11.
Numerologically, what 9-11 symbolize? I'll explain.
The Result 'conjures' in Perfect Order ALL Numbers ONE through Nine & back down to ONE.
123456789+987654321= 1,111,111,110 or 9 'Ones'
9-11 represents the conjuring of 'Matter' into existence from the Zero Point Field.
"When the TWO become ONE, then you will be in the Kingdom of Heaven."
The Twin Towers represented Duality: Yin & Yang, Dark & Light, Male & Female, Sun & Moon.
After the Twin Towers Fell, the ONE Freedom Tower was Built, symbolizing the Birth of the New Age, the Aeon of Horus.
In the Ritual, the Twin Towers were the Lead Stage of the Alchemical Process.
While the ONE Freedom Tower represented the Alchemical Gold, the Completion of the Great Work, the Synthesis of ALL Opposites into a New Singular Form.
Remember Flight 93 was one of the Planes that 'Allegedly' Hit the Twin Towers (Boaz & Jachim).
Sacrifice= 39
Murder = 93
Thelema = 93
The Law of Aleister Crowley's Thelema is 'Do What Thou Wilt'.
One of Crowley's Major Books is Liber 777.
7+7+7 = 21 = 3
9+3 = 12 = 3
93, also, equals PROPAGANDA.
Saturn is known as the Dark Sun or the Alchemical Black Sun.
Saturn is the Allegorical Grim Reaper & Keeper of Time, as it is the Slowest Moving Planet.
Saturn Equals 93 & 119.
119 equals All Seeing Eye.
Saturn is Analogous to the Abrahamic SATAN.
Revelation 2:9 states, "I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan."
9-11-01 was a Sophisticated Form of Chaos Magick by the Kabbalistic Shepherd's of the Goyim.
The Freedom Tower is a Literal Physical Manifestation of the Sitra Achra or Tree of Death symbolizing the Dawn of the New Age, the Aeon of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child.
With March 11 or 3/11 fast approaching, it is worth noting that 3/11 is the energetic twin of 9/11.
3/11 and 9/11 are EXACT opposites on the Wheel of the Year.
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The Origin of the Kabbalah and the Awnser to the Aryan Question (Pt. 3) 🧵
King Solomon, Samson, Joseph and, even, Jesus participated in Internal Alchemy, whether historically or, simply, allegorical. Kabbalah means "To Receive", to receive the Divine Light of the Ain Soph Aur.
Albert Pike said, "To conceive of God.. the Kabbalah imagined Him to be a 'Most OCCULT (Hidden) LIGHT'".
When Sexual Alchemy is performed correctly, the Coiled Serpent at base of the Spine rises up the Spinal Column to the Crown Chakra, lighting up our HALO like a Thousand Suns.
The Sufis knew this FORCE as the Baraka; the Jews called it the Shekinah; the Chinese Taoist called it Jing; in India, it was Kundalini. In Egypt, the Serpent Force.
The Goat of Mendes was called the "Goat of a 1000 Young" referring to the Sahasrara OR "Thousand Petalled Lotus."
The Origin of the Aryan Question and the Kabbalah (Part TWO)🧵
To be clear, the Kabbalah is not simply Jewish Mysticism, although, it is has become the core of the Jewish Religion. But, the issue is Kabbalah predates Judaism altogether. Kabbalah took shape in Ancient Chaldea.
The Chaldean Kabbalah was kept in secrecy by the Inner Order of the Aryan Magi.
To simplify, the Kabbalah is about CREATION or DESTRUCTION through SOUND.
The Modern (Ashkenazi) Jews took the existing Chaldean Kabbalah, that was passed down to the Egyptian and Greeks.
Specifically in the 16th Century, the Kabbalah was malformed to be compatible with the mordern Jewish Egregore, their "racial soul". Therefore, it does not resemble the original Kabbalah.
The Hyperborean's Ancient Wisdom, also, had a Racial and Mystical Component.
The Origin of the Aryan Question and the Kabbalah (Part ONE)🧵
Trace the Kabblah as far back as you can and you'll have the anwser to the Aryan Question. The Aryan Magi were the true Serpents of Wisdom.
To begin, we must trace the movements of the "TEN Lost Tribes of Israel".
Then, you'll find were the concept of the ALL-FATHER originated. The Aryan Ideology doesn't exist without the Kabbalah or, more correctly, the Kabbalah doesn't exist without the Aryan Ideology.
To be clear, I am referring to the All-Father, Odin, the Ruler of the Norse Aesir.
Written as "один" in Russian, ODIN means "ONE".
Odin is "One and Triune", and in the triple manifestation of him he is in identical with his Father, Surtur "Stable in the eternal", who gives rise to Allsatur, the first Logos.
The WINGS of Mercury elevate us to the world of gods.
MERCURY was known to the Greeks as Hermes, Thoth to the Egyptians. Mercury is the Foundation of Alchemy without Mercury there is NO Alchemy. Alchemy is the SCIENCE of TRANSMUTATION of the SELF.
This is the Occult Secret of Alchemy: Solve Et Cougula. Analyze and Synthesize: From Lead to Gold. Base Consciousness to UNITY, Christic Consciousness.
The Caduceus of Mercury is based upon the AWAKENING of the THREE PILLARS of OUR TEMPLE, the Regeneration of the Spinal Fire.
These Three Pillars are the EMBODIMENT of G-O-D: Gomer, Oz, Dabar or, in English, BEAUTY, STRENGTH and WISDOM.
The Central Pillar is our spinal column AND the two pillars on the sides are the Biblical Jachin and Boaz from Solomon's Temple. The Yogis called these 3 Pillars NADIS.
"Signs and Symbols rule the World" is often stated like an occulted Hermetic Axiom. Yet, learning to innerstand these signs and symbols is an Unspoken Language. Symbolism IS the Language of the Higher Mysteries, the Secret Language of the Light.
The Key to unraveling the Greater Mysteries of Life and the Universe itself, lie in an understanding of the "Phonetic Law" of the "Spoken Caballa" or the "Language of the Birds", to Freemasons it is known as "Langue Verte" or the 'Green Language'.
The initiate needs to become both Master of the Green Language itself, and a Master of the Subjects hidden within it. In our day this is the natural symbolic language of the outsiders, the outlaws and heretics at the fringes of society.