If Pengkhianats were to rule, they would have forced the ROS to make it Halal. PKR, the menteri is forced to own up to his decision. Not an ideal situation but still better than Pengkhianats and Walauns together.
#Realpolitik but hope it don't extend to the extent of freeing criminals who looted in hundreds of millions, if not billions.
Remember what the Pengkhianats did after hijacking the party from their own chairman?
They used ROS to kick out the Old Man, who protested his sacking. He resigned initially yes but that was rejected by Bersatu themselves but later they claimed he was not their Chairman anymore.
I am guessing the Pengkhianats knew ROS made a decision to disallow the no contest rule like this account claimed and subsequently overruled by Saifuddin. The power of incumbency is immense.
Shit happens in Malaysia but tomorrow, slightly later than this hour, a New York Court is going to punish Najib Razak's crony Roger Ng heavily for being corrupt and caught with his hand in cookie jar yet tell lies to spin it away. Roger Ng is simply a mini Najib Razak.
Roger Ng escaped from Singapore authorities once thanks to Najib Razak and his friend Lee Hsien Loong but not from Uncle Sam this time.
I hope he gets the maximum 15 years and rot in a Yankee jail. If he comes back to Malaysia, he will get away easily, where no banker ever was prosecuted for 1MDB crime.
Heard that the Government is not renewing the RM8,000 tax deduction (worth around RM2k) for annual savings contribution for your child education to SSPN. Probably Anwar not aware but this is such a silly move.
You are generous enough to give complete tax exemption to electric cars priced around RM600k. Duties saved by an individual could amount to more than RM600k for a single car. Yet stingy not to give that RM2k benefit to parents who need to save for their children.
Major shit in policymakers head, they completely lost touch with ordinary people's needs.
Much of the money lost since 2010. There is so much interest cost not accounted. The money lost in related scandals to cover up 1MDB scandal like ECRL not accounted.
The last account from the Government on total loss from 1MDB was RM150 billion. What you have recovered so far didn't even come to 20% of the loss.
Now the truth comes out and it confirms what Bloomberg speculated once. Personally for me, except for the MP cash allocation of RM3.8 million, Guan Eng did the right thing.
I remind again why Ultra Malays failed to achieve a one school system in Msia. They always targeted the impossible task of assimilation as opposed to integration. LKY achieved the one school system in Singapore with his pursuit of integration, where the Ultra Malay racists failed
In Singapore, all the kids study in one school. In addition to English for commercial and scientific gain, they also learn their mother tongue in the same school.
Assimilation is only possible when all the marriages taking place are inter-racial marriages, which we know it is impossible to achieve even in the next 200 years.