2/ Such good friends and soon we will see why

is it me or is Canada presenting more and more of a military edge as the years pass?
1/ She comes from the Albrecht Family
"a North German family whose members have been prominent as civil servants, politicians, and businesspeople. The family is descended from Barthold Albrecht (born 1557), who was a pastor in Bodenwerder."

2/ As you will see, with so many, these people are literally born into their jobs. It's a generational thing that most of us don't understand
3/ Many of their descendants became doctors and civil servants in the Kingdom of Hanover

4/ The Kingdom of Hanover was ruled by the House of Hanover (Haus Hannover)

5/ "the house of Hanover, British royal house of German origin, descended from George Louis, elector of Hanover, who succeeded to the British crown, as George I, in 1714"
6/ "The dynasty provided six monarchs and was succeeded by the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was renamed in 1917 the house of Windsor."
7/ "Hanover (an electorate, which became a kingdom in 1814) was joined to the British crown until 1837."

"Upon the death of William IV in 1837, the personal union of the thrones of the United Kingdom and Hanover ended."
8/ "The Kingdom of Hanover ended in 1866 when it was annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia and the King of Hanover (and Duke of Cumberland) was forced to go into exile in Austria." but the ties didn't end there - any way to give you some idea of how things work
9/ PS the "The territory of Hanover had earlier been a principality within the Holy Roman Empire before being elevated into an electorate in 1708"

All roads lead back to Rome AND of course London

So let's move on

"By the nineteenth century the Albrechts were merchant princes of Bremen, cotton importers who married into the slave- and plantation-owning Ladson family of South Carolina (hence Ursula’s London surname)"

the Ladson family owned hundred of slaves

12/ If you want to talk about real slave-owning families that profited from plantations well this would be it
13/ In her 20's Ursula went by the name of Rose Ladson (the surname of her very 'murican great grandmother.
14/ BTW you don't need to take my word for it she openly talks about it herself:

15/ & as usual we have the elite family and their interest in mysticism

Her grandfather on her father's side was Carl Albrecht. He "developed a new method of meditation based on autogenic training, and who was known for his psychological research on mystical consciousness"
16/His mother was part of the American slave-owning cotton merchant family (Ladson) I mentioned above.


Anyway here's some of his work

18/ They are also descendants of Baron Johann Ludwig von Knoop

"a cotton merchant and entrepreneur from the city-state Free Hanseatic City of Bremen...one of the richest entrepreneurs in his time - made Baron by Alexander II of Russia in 1877."

19/ Her mother was heidi adele strohmeyer held a doctorate in German language and literature.
20/ Her father, Ernst Albrecht, was an economist who held one of the first positions in the European Commission in Brussels from 1958 - 1970.
21/ This is an excellent breakdown of some of Ursula's less known background

22/ "As is typical for bourgeois Germans, the otherwise exhaustively documented history of the Albrecht family has a mysterious gap between 1936 and 1945. To avoid uncomfortable questions about where their power and money came from and what they did to earn it"
23/ She discusses Albrecht's first job under Hans von der Groeben with the European Coal and Steel Commission.

A nazi who was rewarded with a job after Germany was Denazified

Anway it's an interesting article

24/ Walter Hallstein was unanimously "elected as the first President of the Commission of the European Economic Community and one of the founding fathers of the European Union."

So he would have been Albrecht's boss
25/ Hallstein was a Nazi - Here is a memorandum written by him in 1935

He was a member of the Association of National Socialist German lawyers / Nazi Association of Law Protectors

26/ Anyway there's a lot to look into here. Caveat I have not had the chance to review it all.

27/ Per Wikipedia:

"During World War II he (Hallstein) served as a First Lieutenant in the German Army in France. Captured by American troops in 1944, he spent the rest of the war in a prisoner-of-war camp in the United States,
28/ Makes you wonder why the hell he would be chosen for such a position after WW2

but as we have seen this was commonplace


Ernst Albrecht "initially served as the Chef de Cabinet to the European Commissioner for Competition Hans von der Groeben in the Hallstein Commission, and in 1967, at the age of 37, he became the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Competition"

More tomorrow
31/ So let's continue on with Ursula's Dad Ernst Albrecht

Ernst met Wilfried Hasselmann - who encouraged him to move to Hanover.

One should not that Hasselmann was a member of the NSDAP (National-socialist German Workers' Party) from 1942, which was radically antisemitic
32/ "From 1971 to 1976, he was CEO of Bahlsen"

33/ Bahlsen also has Nazi Roots

They "employed 200 forced labourers during the second world war....

Most of the forced labourers at Hanover-based Bahlsen were women, many from Nazi-occupied Ukraine"

34/ To give you some insight into how people like this think this is a quote from the Heiress of Bahlsen

“This was before my time and we paid the forced labourers exactly as much as German workers and we treated them well,”

35/ Ernst was earmarked for success. In 1976 Alfred Kubel (Social Democratic Party of Germany) stepped down and recommended his finance minister take his place.

The CDU put Albrecht up.

He won in a "secret ballot" his opponent received 75 votes - Albrecht 77 (3 votes were marked as invalid)

Sounds familiar
37/ Remember, during this time the World Economic Forum was starting to take off.

38/ After a number of other ballots Albrecht was the first CDU Prime Minister in Lower Saxony.

So let's look at the people he selected for his cabinet


Walther Leisler Kiep - a former Nazi

Was also of course on the board of Volkswagen (another story)
39/ Wilfried Hasselmann

Which we mentioned above

Hermann Schnipkoweit -

Who thought education allowances would help working mums in the 90's

Because the gender debate was already getting heated

Not much info on this guy

41/ Gerhard Glup & Werner Remmers

Neither particularly noteworthy
42/ Let's look at the history of the CDU:

"it was not clear which party would be favored by the victors of World War II, but by the end of the 1940s the governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom began to lean more toward the CDU"
The founder Andreas Hermes was imprisoned for being part of the Nazi resistance.

44/ CDU cofounder Konrad Adenauer opposed Nazism

That said:

"Adenauer's Germany and the Nazi Past chronicles how amnesty laws for Nazi officials were passed unanimously and civil servants who had been dismissed in 1945 were reinstated liberally"
45/ Also not everything was as it seemed.

Hans Globke was a confidant and advisor to Adenauer during the post war period.


This was Hans Globke


"During the Third Reich Globke had given shape to some of the dictatorship’s most virulently antisemitic legislation, including the definitive handbook on the 1935 Nuremberg race laws."

"Yet he also had a distinguished cast of anti-Nazis lining up to testify under oath that he had been an instrumental figure in the resistance against Hitler"

You will see throughout these is a lot of back and forth about these topics

Globke "fed the Israeli prosecutors exonerative material on Globke and did everything he could to ensure that the prosecution remained limited to Eichmann."
"He wanted to ensure that the Israelis did not emphasize, before the world public, the roles played by many other Germans."
51/ It is said Globke was a liaison between Germany, Nato and the CIA

52/ & another, Theodor Oberländer:
who "was an Ostforschung scientist and German Nazi official and politician, who after the Second World War served as Federal Minister for Displaced Persons, Refugees and Victims of War in West Germany from 1953 to 1960"

Another CDU member: Kurt Georg Kiesinger - was also a Nazi

People try to spin things - but there are many that call out the truth

54/ So for @PierrePoilievre @JustinTrudeau and many, many Canadians to call out Christine Anderson and the AfD without any context really is a joke

The CDU (the party of Angela Merkel) has never been dissected by the press


or people like Kinsella
55/ Anyway let's get back to Ernst

Jeeze you really could write a book about these people
56/ latimes.com/archives/la-xp…

Albrecht was involved in the Celles False Flag

"The Social Democrats, party of Schmidt, and the radical Greens immediately called for parliamentary hearings into the operation, which they condemned as the illegal “use of terror to fight terror.”

"But Albrecht said the deception “proves just how determined the democratic state is to defend itself against terrorists.”
58/ socialists were not big fans of Albrecht:

"In 1976, Albrecht’s book, The State, Idea and Reality: Outlines of a political philosophy, was published by the national-conservative Seewald Verlag."


"The work expresses his contempt for democratic legislation and the broad masses of the population, “the mob”, as well as his preference for Old Testament forms of rule."

“If we succeed in bringing people of above-average capabilities to governance,” he writes, “an autocracy or the rule of the few will be able to create a better order than the rule of the people”.

This is the Key - where these people want us to go

In 1976 he appointed Hans Puvogel as his minister of Justice.

Um yeah

60/ His ideas: “An individual's worth in the community is measured by his racial personality. Only a racially valuable person has the right to exist within the community. Someone who useless for the community because of his inferiority, or even harmful to it is to be eliminated
61/ This information I found particularly strange. A book mentioned in one of these articles that was supposedly written by CDU member Hand Edgar Jahn is expunged from the internet

"The Storming of the Steppes - Jewish-Bolshevik imperialism"
62/ Anyway Ursula and her father were close and she has said they share core common values.

So let's move on to the woman herself

Ursula moved to London in the 70's to study economics at the LSE

....as we know she chose to use her 'murican slaving family name....so there's that


The London School of Economics was a Fabian gift to the world.


"The London School of Economics, today one of the most pre-eminent universities in the world, began far more humbly. A bequest of £20,000 left by Derby Fabian Henry Hutchinson to the Society for “propaganda and other purposes”"

"was used by the Webbs, Graham Wallas and George Bernard Shaw to found a research institute to provide proof positive of the collectivist ideal."

Ahh the lovely George Bernard Shaw

62/ Ursula graduated from Hanover medical school but not without some drama

"There were some instances of plagiarism in von der Leyen's thesis, said University President Christopher Baum, but not enough evidence of misconduct to void approval..."

Seems she got a hall pass while Christine Anderson is called a liar

Interesting how this works

We saw the same with Lyin' Biden


She married into another wealthy merchant family.

Her husband is Heiko von der Leyen

I will leave it to you to trace the lines - same old same old

64/ Like Christine Anderson, Ursula spent time in the California while her husband was going to school at Stanford

....and like Christine Anderson there were questions about her CV

Except again it's not a big deal for her


"Von der Leyen's website lists an extended stay at Stanford from 1992 to 1996, which includes a period in which she participated in activities at the Graduate School of Business and the Stanford Health Services Hospital Administration."

None counted as credits

She was interestingly involved in epidemiology

"she taught at the Department of Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health System Research and earned a Master of Public Health degree."

66/ Angela Merkel and Ursula were very much connected from 2003, and as we know, Merkel was a WEF rising star in the '90s.


She was brought into Merkel's shadow cabinet in 2005

But what I find most interesting was how they left things

Body language says everything

Who is the boss?

You know


There was something very wrong all the way around here but no one really wants to talk about it


I believe she was scared

71/ I find it fascinating that people can't see through the right-left charade.

These people work toward domination, not social causes.

Her veiled threat directed at Italy

72/ She was also championing "left-wing" causes such as lifting immigration roadblocks, child care, hiring quotas, and minimum wage
In 2013 she was appointed Germany's first defense minister

and in keeping with globalist rule - she had 0 experience to offer

74/ In this article about her new role, this is what the Guardian thinks is important

"By speaking out in favour of increasing the number of nurseries and the introduction of a women's quota, gay marriage and a nationwide minimum wage...."

"Von der Leyen made enemies among the more traditionalist party members and won admirers on the left."

Yep very important when it comes to national defense lol
76/ This is when her career really started to take off, as evidenced by her invite to the Bilderberg meetings (2015 - 2019)

77/ and in 2016, not only was she a WEF member (which happened long before this) she was a member of their board of trustees



She was also considered a very important supporter of NATO

....which has its own deep Nazi roots. I could get into Kissinger and denazification here but that's for another day
79/ She also has a history of interest in censorship

Of course to stop child p0rn - but as we know Fabians are wolves in sheep's clothing

they use the best possible parts of human nature against us


I don't need to dig deep into her Green Cult beliefs - she is a zealot of course

Pushing Europes Man on the Moon moment and the Green New Deal


The best part? She completely ignores the abysmal failure of Energiewende

What a joke - and the best part - Obama did this to the US and failed too

Yet here we are again
83/ Very much a globalist.

Check out her talk at the CFR

Ursula: "My first observation is that President-elect Biden is a committed trans-Atlanticist. He is of course proud of his Irish roots."
"He also gets the European Union as a construct and the historical context in which it was shaped. He deeply understands the importance of European integration for both sides of the Atlantic."

"And his speech to the European Parliament in 2010, where he makes that very case, is kind of recommended reading for Americans and Europeans alike. So we have again, a friend in the White House and the tone will change."
86/ Time magazine - a king maker dubbed her the most powerful woman in Europe

87/ Kissinger anointed her Europes undisputed leader

88/ the reality is this woman is slippery as hell


This is how she justified "mistakes made when was head of the defense ministry

"she told the German parliament there had been “mistakes” in how external consultants were hired and said “this never should have happened.” she defended the use of consultants, saying they were required to undertake a huge overhaul of the ministry.

90/ as per usual she was cleared and the underlings were blamed

91/ then we have this gem


The EU is ignoring it but we aren't
93/ the reality is this lady has friends in high and low places
94/ and the CDU certainly has many deep Nazi roots that are not talked about in the media or by @JustinTrudeau

Taking this information into consideration - his own cancel culture people should be furious this woman is in Canada

95/ The reporting on this stuff is laughable

....we had to elect a neonazi because he was the only candidate?


Oh and look.....the CDU is actually connected to the AfD


Man Kinsella would have a heat attack lol
97/ Anyway, I am going to leave you with all this information

If people want to censor and act superior, at least they should understand what they are supporting themselves


This is why I am a free speech advocate.

Censorship makes things worse


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More from @unspinthespina1

Mar 7

Anyone remember Google/Sidewalk Labs attempt to take over Toronto's waterfront with their smart city

....that was an epic fail bc people found out what they had planned?

I do

The timing was also no coincidence
2/ They plan to do this with or without people's consent that much is clear.

"The idea of an affordable, off-the-grid Eden in the heart of the city sounds great. But there was an entirely different urban utopia planned for this same 12-acre plot, known as Quayside...."

"....just a few years ago. It was going to be the place where Sidewalk Labs, the urban innovation arm of Alphabet, was going to prove out its vision for the smart city."
Read 17 tweets
Mar 6
I see thousands of these.

No context, location or identifiers

Just weird divisive anger provoking snippets

We need an investigation

Because i believe it's seeded
Read 4 tweets
Mar 6
Americans we need to push this back fast
3/ because Ferguson is from...Seattle (I want to say so much more) we immediately have to think bill gates

And Bingo
Read 4 tweets
Mar 5
John Stewart aint interested in civil liberties

Conservatives need to learn how to debate

Protests against Jim flaunting his package on a stripper pole is in front of toddlers is parenting 101

And also free speech
2/ it also should be criminal

When I was a kid - adults exposing themselves to little people was considered a perversion
3/ people aren't protesting little story hours for the most part

It's this

Read 6 tweets
Mar 5
Just stop

I'm sorry we don't have a country left without addressing election fraud.

You can put your head in the sand all ya want

Maybe they'll throw ya a desantis

But it in the end we are done if that's the case
2/and this ain't a pro trump or anti desantis tweet

We live in a dystopian hell that's about to get much worse unless we smarten up fast
3/ I'll tell ya something else the public didn't want to hear...

That the covid response was a scam. I've been writing for 3 years 1 month and 17 days about it

Finally the truth is coming out.

The majority never creates change. It's always small groups of determined people
Read 4 tweets
Feb 26
Are you concerned about Nazi roots that are in your own backyard? Serious question here.

Do you have any idea how many attachments we have today to Nazi ideology up to and including eugenics

My thread was balanced.
2. this is the full context which I see you left out because clearly you have some sort of agenda on my feed:

3. This was not Christine Anderson, and we have no idea how she felt about what Petry said about this.

But Petry said she wanted to rehabilitate the word. Not resurrect the evil attached to it.

I am providing information

Read 4 tweets

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