From the producers of the international hit "Washington Consenus", the best-selling series "Liberalization", "Privatization" & "Inequality is bad"??
in comparison to most university economic depts, IMF's research department is basically Gosplan in the @polycrisis era points out @RajaKorman!
2/ BigOil & BigAg feed your car
Farmer coalitions won biofuel policies that support their crops. Upto 10% of petrol is X
X= Corn Ethanol in US,
Sugar EtOH in Brazil,
Palm Oil in Indonesia
Biodiesel in EU (palm)
The days of internal combustion engines may be numbered, but we should expect the unexpected. The entrenched car industry is going to rage against the dying of the light
-Germany & Italy stalled EU ban on ICE cars by 2035
-RW fight against "15 min city"…
Gravitational pull of US energy demand on biosphere. Last time it made a law intended to reduce fossil fuels -RFS subsidy for corn ethanol/biodiesel in 2007- rainforests & peatlands in Borneo were destroyed.
"If India is buying a fleet of fighter planes from, say, France, it knows that lynching & a little mass murder will, at most, get a delicate finger-wag. A big market is excellent insurance against moral censure."
-Arundhati Roy…
In Cold War, US protected authoritarians. Is US now looking the other way as Modi turns screws in Kashmir & on India's muslims?
Declassified US Indo-Pacific strategy "outlines a major expansion of military,intelligence,& diplomatic support to India'…
"The Biden administration considers India a critical counterweight to China. So the U.S. is often reluctant to publicly say anything that might undermine this convenient alliance"
1. Economy is embedded in physical & social realities; Cannot be analyzed on its own. The industrial economy is entropic. 2. Ecological values -livelihood, sacredness,relevance to future generations-cannot be translated into money 3. Trade has been "ecologically unequal exchange”
We hear loads about "financialized" economy. And weightless economy of Tech giants & services in GDP & ppl in cities.
Meanwhile,"Production of concrete, metal, plastic, bricks & asphalt greater than mass of living matter on planet" & never been higher
Each of these globalization networks - Cotton, Cars, Chips, Carbon - were thrown into chaos with Covid crisis. Millions of workers thrown out of work as consumption patterns changed.
Thread tracking Covids impact on globalization. Here's Cotton: