When 'America' didn't even INVENT [read: rediscover] Natural Cement until most of these #Tartarian buildings were made?
Lets start with some chronology in, so-called-'Rome'
#Pliska with #RomanCement, 700 years AFTER Rome 'fell' and "officially" had already "Lost" the technology.
But here we are with #Pliska, and the #Ologies have no excuse how this is possible, this was built 700 years after 'Rome Fell', 'in the style of Rome' but NOT by Romans, built by Bulgarians, they say.
But that is impossible, they didn't HAVE the #RomanCement recipe.
The truth is, it is an Original Roman Structure, prescribed TO the Bulgarians 700 years later to enforce the fake Timeline [read: the added 1000 years]
3/ There is an endless list of buildings built before they had the #NaturalCement to do it👇
4/ ~Rome falls, Recipe lost ["~500ce"]
~Makes a "comeback" in ~ j500
~j750 John Smeaton (FREE-Mason) re-discovers cement
~1850s-1880s introduces #PortlandCement
So 150 year timeframe the #Usurpers are using #NaturalCement.
5/ From 1817-1860 these #Starforts were "being constructed" using MILLIONS of #RedBrick, stone, and #NaturalCement mortar..
..All of these structures was over seen by ONE MAN, non other than Joseph Gilbert Totten
yep, another #Usurper FREE-mason on the board of the @Smithsonian, no doubt 👇
7/ ONE county in all of America supplied 50% of ALL #NaturalCement (NOT #PortlandCement] used at this time.
8/ "#NaturalCement is how America was built, It's how NY was built. That was the mortar that held everything together from 1825- 1900, #PortlandCement was not even CREATED until 1876.."
Guess where they 'Rediscovered '#NaturalCement?
[read: #RosendaleCement]
All the way back in #FortJefferson!
Yes, the Same #Starfort that was built with 16,000,000 #RedBrick USING #NaturalCement!!
(read: before it was re-discovered)
10/ #RosendaleCement
Developed just in time to build ALL canals, City Halls, and the rest of America.
11/ So HOW did they RE-discover cement that wasnt supposed to be used yet in buildings that was not supposed to have it?
Confused yet?
..keep reading
12/ Read that again☝️
Most of NY was made using #RosendalCement
"..So The restoration Experts, went through this whole period from 1890-2004 where EVERYONE believed we used LIME mortar like old Europe but come to find out we changed.."
"By 1990 "the recipe was forgotten, again"
13/ 🙃
So we are to believe that ALL these grand buildings, canals, and State buildings were ALL made out of a #NaturalCement that was RE-discovered just in time to 'Build America', just to be forgot until a #FortJefferson restorer reminds everyone what it is all made of?
14/ It was NOT until 2017 when MIT RE-discovered #RomanCement.
Read That Again☝️
So WE remember what the Romam structures were made of, #RomanCement but the #Usurpers forgot what America was mad of?
15/ For almost 20 years, even though we are supposed to be PRODUCING #NaturalCement, we are still importing MILLIONS of barrels upto 1885?
16/ The official narrative says that "There was a natural smooth transition from #NaturalCement to #PortlandCement then why import so much?
We REpopulated these cities that were ALREADY BUILT but NEEDED to repair and maintain but couldnt until we DISCOVERED the means to do it!
#JaridBooster has some great commentary on this.
This is one of the BIGGER puzzle pieces that can not be Reconciled by the #Parasites and #Usurpers.
This picture tho.
The Erie Canal is 535+-miles long. They officially 'Find' the #NaturalCement just to create this.
This was built with ALL locks, dams, dikes, giant blocks, and carved through mountains in 2 years.
That is 1 mile built by #HorseAndBuggy people every 2 weeks to include everything above.
You probably live in a building made of #BloodBricks
Use of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry for obtaining a lightened material has been used since the 'Roman' days
Read that again☝️
It has been added in concrete since forever, RE-patented in the 80s
WHY do they add Human (and animal) blood in the concrete?
The 'official' narrative states, '..to make the concrete lighter'.
The CT side of me feels there is a Nefarious, EVIL reason for having people LIVE in a blood-soaked domicile.
I am afraid that this practice will not stay here on Earth. 'Scientists are ALREADY planning to use this process ON MARS.
"Astronaut blood can be used to make concrete on Mars, scientists say", "..it becomes even stronger when human urea is added to the mix.."
#BloodBrick Tropes:
~Invoked in 300: A Persian emissary sees that the Spartans have stacked up the bodies of the Persian soldiers, and they tell him their BLOOD SERVED AS MORTAR
~Moses' fellow Egyptians ask why he will not let a Hebrew woman die during the construction of a temple, he states that "blood makes poor mortar" and frees her.
There are references in many books:
~Dark Apostle
~There is a Hungarian ballad, Aves Kelemen
~The Left Hand of Darkness
~ Red Queen
Movies as well:
~Merlin (1998) '..mix the blood of a man with no mortal father into his mortar and the castle will stand.'
~Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Gaia, murdered wayward travelers and used their bones to build a temple to his father.
~An old Chinese legend contains a variation. It tells about a #bell that did not come out right during the casting. The ruler said the person who made the bell would be killed if he failed again. His daughter was foretold that a young maiden's blood needs to be added, so she jumped into the molten metal. It worked.
~There are many myths about The Great Wall of China. Some say that both animal and human bones were mixed into the mortar, while others say that the people who died building it got buried inside the wall, used as a filler.
~Transformers (toys) Scrapper likes to take the bodies of fallen Autobots and make them part of whatever construction he's currently working on and produces a very sadistic and depraved form of concrete
~Monster House:
The house became possessed as a result of the owners's wife falling into the house's foundation and getting buried in cement. The kids find a shrine to her in the basement of the house and accidentally break a lair of cement which reveals her skeleton.
"Our ancestors built this wall using ancient stones from the bosom of Greece herself. And with a little Spartan help, your Persian scouts supplied the mortar."
From a precise recipe of #limepozzolanMortar with blood addition, from a 19th-century Italian manual
Lime–pozzolan mortars added with oxblood gives waterproofing quality/ French and Italian treatises (Encyclopédie méthodique, 1791
~oxblood and clay tempered together is binding
When blood is added to mortars, the mortar is often described as quick-setting (Brey, 1844; Purgotti, 1857), water-repellent (Good, 1813; Ascolese, 1832), adhesive (Plat and Boate, 1653; Jones, 1827), fireproof (Turriano, 16th century; Brannt and Wahl, 1887), hard (Tilloch, 1803)
Here is an example of a building that was destroyed because the #Usurpers, "..could not maintain it.."
@threadreaderapp unroll please
"March of the Volunteers"
~Anthem of the Republic of China.
"With our very flesh and blood, Let us build our new Great Wall."
🎵'..London Bridges Falling Down, My Fair-Lady..'
'..Build It Up With Blood And Bone, Blood And Bone Blood And Bone..
Build It Up With Blood And Bone, My-Fare-Lady..!'🎵
'The Scots descend from the Scoti/Sgaothaich - a Scythian nation with links to Egypt via Scota/Scoti, daughter of Pharaoh Cingris/Cincris of the Scythian Hyskos dynasty who migrated to Ireland (and then moved into Britain) in the mid-late first millennium BC.'
2/ It is said that the Egyptian pharaohs never, and I repeat never, married their daughters to other princes or kings.
The 'Ologists say… "..number one big no no back in the day …"
This excerpt is from Amenhotep III, father of Akhenaten, when a Babylonian king demanded he provide him with an Egyptian princess in a letter from around 1370 BCE👇
3/ There is no evidence from the 'Ologists' or any other historical texts from the entire pharaonic period, telling us that an Egyptian princess was married to a foreigner, king, prince, or commoner.
Only in the 'Myths'
They say that the immediate family of the pharaoh was kept close, perhaps because of issues of claims to the throne, either way ".they just didn’t do it.."
2/ Saga is an Old Norse word meaning “a thing that is said” , it s seems similar to the ancient Greek word 'muthon' [“things that are said”] this is also where we get our word 'myth' from.
[so moar usurpation from the Greeks, see: MEDusa, MEDicine, greek-fire etc]
This 'Saga' was first told almost, [wait for it] 1000 years after the Germanic Burgundians, by an Icelandic scribe.
3/ ..Of course 'Burgundians' were supposedly first noted in 98ad by Tacitus [see: proven fake, rome Tall-Tales]
and treated in his reciting's as '..relatively minor people..'
1/ Never mind the Chronology
Here is a so-called 'Sumerian/[Arcadian imo] Cart' [pic 1-2] [think war-machine [pic4]
I am not convinced with the official 'Sumerians' back-story OR its chronology OR the narrative.
You shouldn't be either
..not convinced At All and it is not even close.
It just take a little Holistic thinking and some pattern-recognition.
Sharing gods and kings through the timeline is one-of-many 'red-flags' and sharing 'carts' is another [pic-3] [just like the hut-dwelling-romans shared 'Ships-style' with the 'Vikings'🙃
..OR who the Sumerians really were. 😉
So here is some Donkeys and cows pulling the first 'Cart' in so-called 'Sumeria'..
..annnnd some [late-Scythian/Proto-Tartarian] Wheeled-Carts from "2000" years later.
The chronology is absurd these were the same peoples'
2/ Pic-1 is a 'late-Scythian/proto-Tartarian] warrior with the same Phrygian hat [symbol of 'Peoples Revolution']
Pic-2 is also 'late-Scythian/proto-Tartarian
Pic-3 is both
Pic-4 is a knife comparison
[officially] separated by 2000+- years
3/ The Artwork, the culture, the religion, of the so-called 'Sumerian' burial 'tombs' are the same as that OF the Proto-Tartarians [late-Scythians, read: Meads/Matani/Aryans/Acadians etc] [pic-1]
The same 'metal-working' as well.
Tartaria mastered Iron 900 years earlier pic-2
1/ So, A Wall that surrounds the earth?
In our ancient past?
Curious anomaly here
Credit to @Mathias56936375for the tip
hidden_nations~ IG
2/ This mysterious wall surrounds tens of thousands of miles across beneath the ocean.
This wall’s sheer size and its adherence to symmetry indicate it is not a natural formation to many. In fact, many people are convinced that due to the numerous discoveries made across the globe which completely contradict history as we have been taught in school, something like this is entirely possible.
After all, these Usurpers say Earth is millions of years old and we are beginning to uncover evidence that suggests many ancient civilizations inhabited Earth in our planet’s long history.
3/ What are we looking at there? A Supermassive wall as the above video claims?
Or just another glitch in the image processing techniques in Google maps?
For the record, It was the Tartarians who built Kremlin [read: Russia].
The 'Kremle' is derived from the Tartarian word 'krim', or 'krem', which signifies 'a fortress'.
'..From whatever country they came, the taste displayed in the edifice is evidently Tartarian...'
."..The more we inquire into the real history of Russia, and of Russian sovereigns, the more we shall have reason to believe, that the country, and its people, have undergone little variation since the foundation of the empire.
Peter the Great might cut of the beards o f the nobles, and substitute European habits for Asiatic robes, but the inward man is still the same.
A Russian of the nineteenth century possesses all the servile propensities, the barbarity of manners, the cruelty, hypocrisy, and profligacy, which characterized his ancestors in the ninth ..' [snip]
Again, you will see that John Basilovich [read: one of the supposed 'founders' of Russia] POPPED into his position post-cataclysm just as Bonaparte was...
"..John Basilovich I, has been considered as one of the founders o f the Russian empire; but his accession did not take place till the middle of the fifteenth century.
He arose, like Bonaparte, in a period of national dismay, confusion, and calamity and though described as a man of impetuous vices and violent passions, intrepid, artful, treacherous, and having all the ferocity of a savage, has been hailed as the deliverer of his country, and dignified by the appellation of 'The Great', It is a title which an oppressed intimidated people have frequently bestowed upon tyrants.
Until his time, however, Tartars were lords of Moscow— the tsars them selves being obliged to stand in the presence of their ambassadors.
'..Basilovich shook off the Tartar yoke but it was a long time before the Russians, always children of imitation, ceased to mimic a people by whom they had been conquered.
They had neither arts nor opinions of their own:
Everything in Moscow was Tartarian
— dress, manners, buildings, equipages ln short, all except religion and language
'..But the most remarkable edifice, as it affords a striking monument of national manners, is the Church of St Basil , near the Kremlin. It is a complete specimen of the Tartarian taste in building..'
'..From whatever country they [architects] came, the taste displayed in the edifice is evidently Tartarian..'
Bares repeating...
Even in this book, it is recognized that even AFTER '1000' years, the Russians [read: The entire realm at this time] behaved the same as they did '1000 years earlier'.
This is the same across the world, post-cataclysm.
..almost like those '1000 years' were inserted...👇
Russian of the nineteenth century possesses all the servile propensities, the barbarity of manners, the cruelty, hypocrisy, and profligacy, which characterized his ancestors in the ninth ..' [snip]
Same with 'Rome'
Same with 'Europe'
Same with 'Arabs'
ad Infinitum
Everyone starts off where they 'left-off'
Same glass, same ancient language, same math's, same architecture, same sciences et al.
1/ You may be interested to know that 'Cotton' was originally called;
'The Lamb Of #Tartaria'
~A thread ~
This mysterious “plant-animal” variously entitled “The Scythian Lamb,” and “The Barometz,” or “Borametz..”
..is one of the curious myths of #Tartaria.
Let's dive in..
2/ “Truth lies at the bottom of a well,”
So says the adage and in searching for the origin of #Tartaria, the deeper we can dive down into the past, the greater is the probability of our discovering the truth concerning them
~Parkinson’s “Paradisus”
Adam And Eve
Circa i629👇
3/ [Notice the dates👇]
We move a little into the future for the next account by a Friar, Odoricus of Friuli and his travels into #Tartaria in i330s.
..AND THEN notice what the NAME of the country is..
‘Historia Naturæ’ (Antwerp, i605)