Ripping The Band Aid Off
'..#Tartaria, You Will Dig It.."
13 subscribers
Dec 23, 2024 • 17 tweets • 10 min read
1/ The Irish, Scottish, and Welsh Are Tartarian
'The Scots descend from the Scoti/Sgaothaich - a Scythian nation with links to Egypt via Scota/Scoti, daughter of Pharaoh Cingris/Cincris of the Scythian Hyskos dynasty who migrated to Ireland (and then moved into Britain) in the mid-late first millennium BC.'2/ It is said that the Egyptian pharaohs never, and I repeat never, married their daughters to other princes or kings.
The 'Ologists say… "..number one big no no back in the day …"
This excerpt is from Amenhotep III, father of Akhenaten, when a Babylonian king demanded he provide him with an Egyptian princess in a letter from around 1370 BCE👇
Nov 19, 2024 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
1/ This one may sting a little..
The Vikings are Tartarian
Lets go..
First lets look into the Viking Sagas.
The saga's are body of literature that was mostly written by Icelanders in the 13th century CE.
18c Norse👇 Saga is an Old Norse word meaning “a thing that is said” , it s seems similar to the ancient Greek word 'muthon' [“things that are said”] this is also where we get our word 'myth' from.
[so moar usurpation from the Greeks, see: MEDusa, MEDicine, greek-fire etc]
This 'Saga' was first told almost, [wait for it] 1000 years after the Germanic Burgundians, by an Icelandic scribe.
Sep 29, 2024 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
1/ Never mind the Chronology
Here is a so-called 'Sumerian/[Arcadian imo] Cart' [pic 1-2] [think war-machine [pic4]
I am not convinced with the official 'Sumerians' back-story OR its chronology OR the narrative.
You shouldn't be either
..not convinced At All and it is not even close.
It just take a little Holistic thinking and some pattern-recognition.
Sharing gods and kings through the timeline is one-of-many 'red-flags' and sharing 'carts' is another [pic-3] [just like the hut-dwelling-romans shared 'Ships-style' with the 'Vikings'🙃
..OR who the Sumerians really were. 😉
So here is some Donkeys and cows pulling the first 'Cart' in so-called 'Sumeria'..
..annnnd some [late-Scythian/Proto-Tartarian] Wheeled-Carts from "2000" years later.
The chronology is absurd these were the same peoples' 2/ Pic-1 is a 'late-Scythian/proto-Tartarian] warrior with the same Phrygian hat [symbol of 'Peoples Revolution']
Pic-2 is also 'late-Scythian/proto-Tartarian
Pic-3 is both
Pic-4 is a knife comparison
[officially] separated by 2000+- years
Apr 30, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/ So, A Wall that surrounds the earth?
In our ancient past?
Curious anomaly here
Credit to @Mathias56936375for the tip
hidden_nations~ IG
2/ This mysterious wall surrounds tens of thousands of miles across beneath the ocean.
This wall’s sheer size and its adherence to symmetry indicate it is not a natural formation to many. In fact, many people are convinced that due to the numerous discoveries made across the globe which completely contradict history as we have been taught in school, something like this is entirely possible.
After all, these Usurpers say Earth is millions of years old and we are beginning to uncover evidence that suggests many ancient civilizations inhabited Earth in our planet’s long history.
Feb 26, 2024 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
For the record, It was the Tartarians who built Kremlin [read: Russia].
The 'Kremle' is derived from the Tartarian word 'krim', or 'krem', which signifies 'a fortress'.
'..From whatever country they came, the taste displayed in the edifice is evidently Tartarian...'
."..The more we inquire into the real history of Russia, and of Russian sovereigns, the more we shall have reason to believe, that the country, and its people, have undergone little variation since the foundation of the empire.
Peter the Great might cut of the beards o f the nobles, and substitute European habits for Asiatic robes, but the inward man is still the same.
A Russian of the nineteenth century possesses all the servile propensities, the barbarity of manners, the cruelty, hypocrisy, and profligacy, which characterized his ancestors in the ninth ..' [snip]
Again, you will see that John Basilovich [read: one of the supposed 'founders' of Russia] POPPED into his position post-cataclysm just as Bonaparte was...
"..John Basilovich I, has been considered as one of the founders o f the Russian empire; but his accession did not take place till the middle of the fifteenth century.
He arose, like Bonaparte, in a period of national dismay, confusion, and calamity and though described as a man of impetuous vices and violent passions, intrepid, artful, treacherous, and having all the ferocity of a savage, has been hailed as the deliverer of his country, and dignified by the appellation of 'The Great', It is a title which an oppressed intimidated people have frequently bestowed upon tyrants.
Until his time, however, Tartars were lords of Moscow— the tsars them selves being obliged to stand in the presence of their ambassadors.
'..Basilovich shook off the Tartar yoke but it was a long time before the Russians, always children of imitation, ceased to mimic a people by whom they had been conquered.
They had neither arts nor opinions of their own:
Everything in Moscow was Tartarian
— dress, manners, buildings, equipages ln short, all except religion and language
'..But the most remarkable edifice, as it affords a striking monument of national manners, is the Church of St Basil , near the Kremlin. It is a complete specimen of the Tartarian taste in building..'
'..From whatever country they [architects] came, the taste displayed in the edifice is evidently Tartarian..'
Dec 15, 2023 • 19 tweets • 8 min read
1/ You may be interested to know that 'Cotton' was originally called;
'The Lamb Of #Tartaria'
~A thread ~
This mysterious “plant-animal” variously entitled “The Scythian Lamb,” and “The Barometz,” or “Borametz..” one of the curious myths of #Tartaria.
Let's dive in.. 2/ “Truth lies at the bottom of a well,”
So says the adage and in searching for the origin of #Tartaria, the deeper we can dive down into the past, the greater is the probability of our discovering the truth concerning them
~Parkinson’s “Paradisus”
Adam And Eve
Circa i629👇
Oct 12, 2023 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
1/ The Book of Legendary Lands
"Legendary lands of various kinds and have only one characteristic in common: whether they depend on ancient legends whose origins are lost in the mists of time or whether they are an effect of a modern invention, they have created flows of belief"2/ This book makes up a trilogy with 'History of Beauty' (Storia della bellezza) and 'On Ugliness' (Storia della bruttezza).
These may seem unrelated, but in the original Italian titles you can see they are all “histories”
Aug 4, 2023 • 21 tweets • 10 min read
1/ Famous Faking Fakers Of Fake History
Lets Go
Yes, he launched his own career by Faking antique statues
One known as the Sleeping Cupid (now lost)
While working with the Medici family in Florence. He used acidic earth to make the statue look antique.
👇2/ It was sold through a dealer to Cardinal Riario of San Giorgio, who eventually found out the hoax and demanded his money back, but didn’t press any charges against the artist.'
Here is another of #Michelangelo’s forgeries,
“Laocoon and his Sons,”
Aug 2, 2023 • 19 tweets • 9 min read
1/ Lets call this thread:
The Fool of Rome
The time period referred to as the “Dark Ages” was literally and figuratively dark because it never existed in reality.
1,300 years were added to the modern Gregorian calendar
Are you Ready?
Let's go...2/ After the alleged Fall of the Roman Empire the 1300 years representing the 13 bloodlines of 'Rome', were added in order to hide Rome’s secret move to #Greenland by deceiving the world into thinking the Roman Empire was far older than it actually was.
Jul 11, 2023 • 26 tweets • 9 min read
1/ #HIStory want you to believe that #Tartaria was simply a 'Large land mass of uncharted lands'.
Of course this was from Uneducated Swamp-Dwellers who called this massive Empire, 'full of ..uneducated Herdsman..'
(Tartaria mastered Iron 900 years earlier then the swamp)2/ These European Swamp Dwellers denoted the Tartaria people into simple categories (sound familiar?)
They painted them all with the same 'brush' and just called them all 'TarTars'.
But there is a Huge distinction.
The #Tartarian Empire was of Many peoples and many regions.
Jun 14, 2023 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Through out history, even before the written word, music told our stories.
Through Music, we learned of the great wars, the great kingdoms (both low and most high), our greatest fears, and our greatest victories
..And Through Opera we also learn About, #Tartaria
A Thread~ 2/ You may be surprised at the amount of #Tartarian history that can still be found inside these sonnets and stanzas
Curious, did Opera originate with the #Tartaria empire?
The #Usurpers would have you believe that it was invented in Europe " the 17c.." but they lie, soo..
Jun 3, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
You are watching most of these revelations happen in REAL-TIME as this research is being done.
This has been a journey based on a solid foundation from researchers from around the world.
@catwalkersky @RezDoge This is WHY we are doing this.
The #Usurpers ERASED the 300 years of history of America that we are showing you (in Drakes book for starters)
Officially, there were NO kings in N. America.👇
May 31, 2023 • 15 tweets • 7 min read
1/ Moving thread
Lets Go..
Does ANYONE find is sus that NO human painted or scratched a picture of the #MOON until the 15c?
We have been here for "450.000" years people
The first thing a child learns to draw is the Moon or Sun yet the first drawing of the Moon was in j609? 2/ Supposedly the earliest so-called depiction of the Moon is the #NebraSkyDisk, found in 1999 and dated to 1600 BCE
This is the #Usurpers only proof of an early moon depiction ever.
The official story is:
"Africa begins with the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, pioneered by the Kingdom of Portugal under Henry the Navigator...bla bla BS"
When 'America' didn't even INVENT [read: rediscover] Natural Cement until most of these #Tartarian buildings were made?
Lets start with some chronology in, so-called-'Rome'
#Pliska with #RomanCement, 700 years AFTER Rome 'fell' and "officially" had already "Lost" the technology.
But here we are with #Pliska, and the #Ologies have no excuse how this is possible, this was built 700 years after 'Rome Fell', 'in the style of Rome' but NOT by Romans, built by Bulgarians, they say.
But that is impossible, they didn't HAVE the #RomanCement recipe.
The truth is, it is an Original Roman Structure, prescribed TO the Bulgarians 700 years later to enforce the fake Timeline [read: the added 1000 years]
Mar 9, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
What The #BELLS?
Hundreds of thousands were destroyed.
Official story, "evil Germans' needed bullets."
But America destroyed just as many. Some so massive the #Usurpers cant even really ascribe how they were made, "we lost the tech.." [again]
..More #Tartaria #Antiquitech?
The technology used to create a perfect pitch in #Bells is very hard. It takes a clear knowledge of the material down to a molecular level.
The Forges alone to mold a 20+ foot Bell have not been found.
Mar 8, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Greco-Roman in China?
They diametrically opposed each other at their core ideologies and would NEVER emulate each-other and "Rarely Met, but knew of each others existance."
One is "xenophobic" and the other hunts "Barbarians".
There were "Walls" built to separate these……
Explain how Greco-Roman architecture is in China.
~"Most historians believe that the two empires had only indirect contact.."