dreamy 🪐🌻🐈‍⬛ (slow) Profile picture
Mar 11, 2023 90 tweets 20 min read Read on X
#KimChay AU loosely based on this tweet where Porchay is so done with everything with his project, looming deadlines for 3 assignments & running fan support for WIK’s upcoming concert when he gets stuck in the lift with a particular someone… Image
Porchay is usually a calm and understanding person especially when it comes to working on school projects but this particular one is driving him nuts. It’s a project for music management class and they are supposed to prepare a portfolio based on some selected profiles & promote
the profile to the recording label (their prof) The project makes sense but his other 3 teammates don’t. One of them is MIA. Like no one knows where she is and has gone to or if she’s even coming back. Chay has asked the school admin and received nothing. It’s a little scary.
The 2nd one disagrees with whatever Chay has proposed and is doing the bare minimum. The last person, Win, is an absolute sweetheart and diligently working with Chay on it. However, Win was in a car accident a week ago (broken right arm) & can’t really type as much with one hand
It has fallen on Chay to complete the stupid project. This is on top of all the deadlines of the 3 other different assignments and papers coming together in the same week. Chay’s usually on task. He’s a good student with excellent time management skills but
but WIK, his favourite singer of all time, has decided to hold his first ever major concert, the SAME week, where all of the assignments are due. Chay is a prominent member of the WIK fan club.
He has to prepare fan support, take care of the logistics, contact vendors for banners, posters, advertising, gifts and he has not slept for more than 4 hours over the past 3 days. In fact, he’s so busy, he hasn’t had time to eat his lunch yet and it’s already 3 pm.
He’s on his way to see the professor with Win, who is meeting him at there, for a last-minute consultation. Chay’s stomach growls in protest but he tries to convince it to hold on for another hour. He waits impatiently for the lift at the old music building where the prof is
and tries to remember if he had already finished the citation and references for the paper due that night. The lift door creaks open and he rushes in, pressing 6 and quickly hits the door close button.
Just as the lift doors are about to close completely, fingers adorned with several expensive-looking silver rings attached to a wrist where a luxurious timepiece resides, sticks itself through the narrowing gap. The lift doors give a sickening low groan as the gears work overtime
to open the doors again, revealing a young man in a black cap dressed completely in black and wearing a black mask. Image
Chay frowns and shifts further into his corner of the lift, not wanting to contract whatever illness the student might have. The last thing he wants is to fall sick on top of everything else. The student presses 9 and lift door closes successfully this time.
I’ll come back to it later. Need to run errands. 😆
Chay barely spares him a look as the student retreats to the back of the lift. He was more concerned about the incoming phone call from the printing shop doing the fan support banners for WIK. “Hello! I’m in the lift right now and might get cut off.” #KimChay AU
“Sorry to bother you but there was a slight error and the name is misspelled on all the banners.”

Chay sucks in a breath and his voice goes cold. “What do you mean by that?”

“It’s W-I-I-K instead of a single I. We would like to check if you are alright with the error?”
“Uh… no. It’s WIK! W-I-K! And this is meant to be held up for him to see at his concert! Would you be ok if someone spelled your name wrongly on your birthday cake or a banner meant for you?” Chay says as calmly as he can.

“We understand your frustration and will reprint the -
entire batch. However, we will need an extra day. Would that be alright?”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?” Chay sighs in frustration. That would mean that he can only pick up the banners up right before going to the concert venue.
It is an extra hr of traveling time, even by taxi, time that could be better spent finishing up the last assignment due on the day of the concert.

Chay was going to submit early anyway but an hour earlier is going to mess up his schedule. Again. It would mean less sleep. 😭
Chay is about to agree to the vendor’s request when there is a loud sputtering from the ceiling and the entire lift lurches to a sudden stop. The small space is engulfed in silence as the engine stalls. Chay manages to keep his balance as he had been holding onto the railing.
He checks the LED display and it shows that lift stopped after the 4th floor.


He looks down at his phone to see that the line has been cut off and the reception bar is non-existent. “At least the lights are still wor…” Chay says to himself.
And that’s when the lights in the lift go out, plunging the small space into complete darkness. The ventilation system seems to be running still. He can hear the comforting whir of the fan working.

“This is not too bad… the fan is…”
“Please stop jinxing us…” a quiet but slightly exasperated voice pipes up behind him and Chay startles. He belatedly remembers that he is not alone in the lift.

“Sorry about that. Are you alright?”

He gets a non-committal sound from the corner of the lift and starts to worry
He tries to say something else but his mouth seems to have lost its filter. “This particular lift is cranky. It’s kinda legendary around here.” The lift decides to throw a tantrum and starts shaking as the engine attempts to restart but fails with another loud, ominous sputter.
Both of them let out gasps as they wait for the lift to decide what to do next. Thankfully, everything comes to a standstill. Unfortunately, this included the ventilation system. “Well… let’s see if we can get some help. I’m sure the alarm and intercom will get us some help.”
He switches on the torchlight function of his phone and shines it onto the lift buttons. He presses the alarm button. Nothing. He pushes the intercom system and is greeted with static. “It seems like we’re stuck here for a while,. Chay’s so done with this whole shitty week.
#KimChay AU. He is not going to make it in time for the meeting with the prof. He has a feeling that he will miss the next lecture but he’s got a valid reason cause he’s kinda stuck in the lift. Chay decides to take it as a sign. He shines the light onto the lift floor,
happy that it’s clean enough and plops down cross-legged. He rummages in his bag for the granola bars that his hia always packs for him and rips open the packaging. He begins munching contentedly.

“What… what are you doing?”

“I’m having lunch. It’s a granola bar. I think my -
hia packed some fruits and apple juice too.”

“We’re stuck in a lift.” Chay can clearly hear the disbelief in the student’s voice. “It’s dangerous.”

“There are bra…”

“Please stop talking about the lift. Every time you mention something, it breaks down.”

Chay apologizes instinctively. “It’s just that I’m done with today. When we get out, I’m skipping the rest of my lessons to go straight back home and stay in my bed until morning. Today is a lost cause. I’m going to try life again tomorrow.”
Chay can feel the hard stare even in the semi-darkness. Maybe he would be less grumpy if he had some food. “Do you want a snack? I can share my food with you?”

He looks over where the light is shining on a pair of black Doc Martens and long legs encased in skinny black jeans.
Then he hears a resigned sigh and the person sits down gingerly on the floor with a hand on elevator wall the whole time. The black hoodie, masked face and cap comes back into view. He unzips the hoodie and takes it off, revealing a white T-shirt underneath with well-defined arms
The cap comes off and long silky strands of hair frame a pair of stunning, deep-set eyes gazing at him warily. However, he leaves his mask on for now.

Chay feels pinned to the wall under that intense gaze and a little hot under the collar. Right. The ventilation fan’s gone.
“I hope you like chocolate,” Chay hands over the granola bar and he takes it, checking the packaging closely before pocketing it. Chay finds his own eyes wandering over to the stoic student from time to time who looks oddly familiar.

“I’m Porchay. I’m a first-year student
in the music programme. What about you?”

“I graduated last year from the music programme.”

“You’re my senior! You came back to visit?”

“Sort of…”

“You must know WIK! He graduated last year too! You guys would be in the same batch!” Chay says excitedly “I’m a huge fan!”
The senior looks down at the floor, maybe a little taken aback by Chay’s enthusiasm. “I…uh…overheard the phone conversation.”

Chay can feel his ire rising again and complains around a mouthful of food. “It’s such a mess. I can’t believe they got three simple alphabets wrong.
I’ve never done a poll like this before and I want to try one for fun 😆. Should our lovely Kim
So I’m stopping here tonight until the poll results are out. Here’s a shameless promotion about my other fics on AO3 - archiveofourown.org/users/dreamy_m…
#KimChay AU PART 2

Now that Chay’s got a captive audience, he goes on a whole tirade of how awful the printing company was. From wrong color samples to sizing and finally the error in printing. “This is the first and last time I’m ordering any items from them,” he ends off.
He offers the apple juice to his senior who shakes his head. The apple offered is accepted, placed into the same hoodie pocket. Chay starts munching on his own apple and feels glad to have a reprieve to his busy week. Being trapped in the lift with a highly-attractive senior was
hardly a torture. Even if said senior was on the quiet side but he had mesmerizing eyes that still seemed really familiar to Chay…

“It’s been 20 mins. No one has realised that I’m missing. I could be dead by now.” Disapproval radiated strongly out of the senior. #KimChay AU
Chay cocks his head to the side, a little confused. “The lift will be f…Oomph!”

His senior’s face is suddenly inches away. Before Chay could move, warm fingers press against his mouth, shushing him.

“Porchay, no.”
The command in his voice sends heat rising up to Chay’s face and ears. He tries to push the hand away but nothing budges. Chay is both worried and somehow turned on by the show of strength. Those biceps were not for display.

“I plan to die in blazing gunfire. Not in a lift.”
Their faces are so close that Chay can see the long eyelashes and feel the little puffs of air as his senior spoke. He can catch the final notes of a warm, spicy cologne that’s tempting him to get a little closer.

Just a bit more.

“Are you done looking at me?”
Chay can see the smirk in his eyes and hear the amusement in his voice. He narrows his eyes. His senior raises an eyebrow in challenge. Chay shrugs, parts his mouth wider and gives those fingers a deliberate wet lick with his tongue.

His senior yelps, eyes widened comically -
before letting go.

“Do that again and I’ll bite you,” Chay says, taking a huge crunch of the apple as threateningly as he can.

He stares in horror at the saliva glistening on his fingers, at a complete loss. Then he searches his pockets with his clean hand but comes up empty.
There is no tissue or wet wipes. Chay finishes his apple and takes pity on him. “Here,” Chay hands him a packet of wet wipes.

“Thanks,” he says sheepishly as he cleans his fingers fastidiously. Chay turns his head to hide a small smile. He recalls the man’s worry earlier.
“It’s between periods now so no one’s using this lift. They’ll find us when the next period starts in 20 mins,” Chay tries to allay his fears. “In the meantime, I’m going to take a nap.”

“You’re going to take a nap? Here? Now?”

“There’s not going to be a better time.”
“I’m not sure why I’m surprised anymore,” his senior says, shaking his head almost fondly.

“Is it alright if I switch off the phone light?”

“Yes, I have this,” A fancy Swiss Army knife appears and the little LED light is switched on, bathing the space in a softer light.
“Yes, I have this,” A fancy Swiss Army knife appears and the little LED light is switched on, bathing the space in a softer light. It seems that everything about this man is fancy. Way too fancy to be an ordinary ex-student.

Chay switches off the app and settles into the back -
of the lift, stretching his long legs out as much as he can. He closes his eyes and can feel his senior shifting around to sit by his side. In the tight space, their shoulders touch in a comforting manner.

Chay is about to drift off when the man asks, “I… why do you do it?”
“Lick you?”

“What? No! That’s not my question.”

Chay opens his eyes and decides it’s honesty time. “Phi, I’ve shared my space, my food and even my saliva with you but I still don’t know your name. I’m not sharing personal stories with someone nameless.”

There’s a sputtering.
“It’s Kim,” comes the soft response.

“P’Kim! That wasn’t so hard.”

“Has anyone told you that you’re a menace?” Kim’s eyes crinkle in a smile that covered by the mask. Chay wonders who’s the menace here.

“My hia but only when I make him angry. What did you want to ask?”
“Why do you do fan support for WIK? Isn’t it a lot of trouble for someone you hardly know?” Kim asks. Chay senses a genuine bewilderment.

Most people just frown upon their antics. The idea of spending so much time, energy and money on an idol was something most people didn’t
understand. Chay has kept much of this from Porsche too, not wanting to be censured.

“Maybe…” Chay allows. “But I don’t need anything in return. WIK has already given me so much. His songs and live-streams got me through a tough time last year.”

The debt-collectors, losing
their family house in the end, moving out and having to cut off ties with their uncle was a lot to deal with but Chay knows that Porsche and him are in a better place now. They no longer have to deal with mounting debt and a house that always felt too empty. Their little rental -
flat may be small but it is far cozier. Hia only has to work at the bar and can study part-time. In fact, Chay suspects that he’s been seeing someone too.
“I don’t understand. WIK is just a face on the screen. He’s not real. He is nothing but a made-up persona,” Kim sounds incensed and Chay has to resist the urge to smooth away the angry furrow between his brows.

“WIK is still a part of someone who is real and that means -
WIK resides in him too. We’re just lucky enough that he decided to show him to us and I’m so grateful for that,” Chay says earnestly.

“But what if WIK is the best part of m…him?”

“No one is perfect. Do you think that I’m showing you the best part of myself now?” Chay asks.
Kim lets out a snort and seems shocked at the sound. Chay giggles.

“There we go. If WIK is one of his many parts, then I look forward to knowing other sides of him, whichever sides he is comfortable sharing with us. -
He just needs to know that he will always be my angel and my guiding light.”

Kim is looking at Chay like he cannot believe Chay exists and it embarrasses the younger man. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Are all of my… his fans like you?”
“Nope, it’s just me cause I’m special,” Chay sing-songs and Kim’s eyes crinkle in a smile. Chay’s heart skips a beat and he grins too.

“I just want him to be happy. That’s the most important thing.”

Kim gazes at him in wonder. “You are…”
Chay never gets to hear the end of Kim’s sentence because the intercom abruptly buzzes to life.

“Hello! Are you guys alright? We’re opening the lift doors and need you to move away from them.”

Both of them stand up while the repair team makes quick work of the door.
Chay and Kim climb out of the lift using a ladder. There is a small crowd standing outside the lift that is made up of five scary men in suits who are speaking into various comms units and a walk-talkie. One of them is talking to someone who looks suspiciously like the Dean
of the Music Department who was almost in tears when she sees Kim alive and well.

Chay is just greeted by his worried prof and Win who hugs him with his good arm. “You gave us a scare.”

Chay hugs back for a moment and turns to maybe get Kim’s number or instagram handle but -
there is no one left. Kim has been ushered away so quickly that it seemed like their encounter in the lift had been nothing but a dream.

“I don’t feel so good,” Chay says, his heart feeling heavy. “I’m going to skip the rest of the day.”
His prof says he will vouch for him and Chay splurges on a taxi ride home, feeling an odd sense of loss.

Chay hopes that his hia will hopefully be waiting for him at home. He doesn’t want to be alone right now.
And I’m done for the day since most people opted for Kim to keep quiet about his secret identity. Laters!
From the top

Title: Stuck With You (First Meetings AU)

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Yah. I should have given it a title right from the start. #KimChay AU Image
#KimChay AU Stuck With You Part 3

“Hia! I’m hom…AHHHH!!!”

Chay opens the front door, only to be greeted by the sight of his hia making out with a stranger in the living room. There are a lot of naked bits.

Everyone screams.
#KimChay AU

Porchay turns around and quickly closes the door on the nosy neighbour who is trying to look in.

“CHAY! Why are you back so early?” Porsche shouts while there is a lot of rustling of clothes and furious whispering.

Chay feels a headache coming on.
It’s been a long week and it’s only Tuesday. “I was trapped in the lift at school for 30 mins. I didn’t feel so good after that so I skipped classes.”

“Chay, do you need a doctor?” Porsche asks.

“I just need some rest and I can do that once both of you are dressed.”
“We’re decent.”

Chay slowly turns back to see his hia in a t-shirt and the stranger in a white silk shirt buttoned primly to the collar. He folds his arms and waits for his tomato-red hia to explain. Surprisingly, it’s the stranger who speaks up first.
“Hello, Porchay. I’m Kinn, your hia’s boyfriend. Sorry about this. It is not how I had wanted to meet you. I’ve been trying to get Porsche to introduce me to you for months,” Kinn, his hia’s boyfriend(!) of indeterminate months(!), apologises while his hia escapes into the
kitchen to make tea.

Chay will deal with his hia later but what is with all these fancy men who are suddenly popping out of the woodwork? First his senior and now this Kinn. Chay stares at him and Kinn tries to break the ice.

“Let me make up for this. We can meet at my place
this Sunday and I can introduce my family to you to show you how serious I am about your hia.”

Something heavy falls in the kitchen and his hia runs out.

“You’re going to bring me to meet your family? I thought we weren’t serious.”

“What? I’ve been trying to do that for
for months. You were the one who was embarrassed of me…”

“That’s not true! I…”

Chay slowly backs away and hides in his room, knowing that the couple will fix the issue. He pops a painkiller, drinks some water and calls the banner vendor, confirming the new pick-up time.
Then he quickly scans through the first assignment due for the week. The arguing stops after a while but Chay doesn’t hear Kinn leave. He grins, feeling delighted for his hia.

He makes some last-minute edits and submits the work online. That’s 1 down and 2 more to go. #KimChay
Exhausted, Chay gets into bed and rubs at his chest a little, unsure why he feeling down. He hugs his extra pillow for comfort. Chay falls asleep to his favourite WIK song and dreams of a certain senior with crinkly, deep set eyes and long fingers brushing against his lips.
Chay sleeps the entire night and it is the best night of rest he’s had in a long time. He opens his eyes, feeling more ready to tackle the rest of the week. He checks his phone and sees that WIK has a new tweet.
Chay stares at the latest cryptic WIK tweet and frowns. The WIK fans group chat had gone nuts, trying to find out what brand the granola bar is.

It looks like…

He heads to the kitchen where the sight of Kinn having a cup of coffee dressed in his hia’s T-shirt (!) greets him.
He had wondered why someone had gifted Porsche an expensive coffee machine a few months ago when they weren’t huge coffee-drinkers. Guess he’s got his answer now.

“Good morning, Porchay! Would you like some coffee?” Kinn gives him a megawatt smile.

Oh no.

#KimChay AU
Kinn was one of those cheerful morning people. “No, thank you. Morning, P’Kinn. Where is Hia?”

“Still asleep.”

Kinn sips his coffee while not-a-morning-person Chay grabs the box of granola bars on the table. He opens one up to see the exact same one in WIK’s photo.

What a coincidence.

He takes a quick photo of the packaging and sends it to the group chat. A lot of WIK fans will be eating granola bars this week.

Chay puts the phone down and stares at Kinn. “Are you serious about my hia?”

“Yes. We worked it out yesterday and -
I would like both our families to know each other better over dinner on Sunday. It would mean a lot to me if you could come.”

“I’ll go together with Hia,” Chay agrees after mentally shifting his schedule around. It will be tight but he will make it work.
Kinn rushes off to work after a sleepy Porsche wakes up to kiss him goodbye.

His hia looks a little embarrassed at how Chay had found out about Kinn.

However, Chay can’t bear to stay angry when he sees how radiant Porsche is and how much he is looking forward to dinner with
with Kinn’s family. He hugs Porsche tightly. “If Kinn hurts you, I’ll destroy his coffee machine and put salt in the coffee powder.”

“I’ll help you,” Porsche agrees and all is good between them.

Porsche worries about Chay falling ill and forces him to drink a herbal remedy.
Chay tells Porsche about the mysterious senior in the lift and gets teased for being a brat. After that, Porsche goes back to sleep and Chay works on assignment 2 until he has to leave for afternoon lectures.

Once Chay reaches school, he asks around about Kim,

curious to find out more but no one seems to have heard of him.

Chay figures that his studies are more important than a senior with hauntingly beautiful eyes, puts it at the back of his mind and focuses on getting through the week. He can always find out more next week.
We’re done for now. I’m going to bed. Night! Image

• • •

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