I'm into being a #ModernSuffragette. Women have the vote but are still disenfranchised, so it makes some semblance of sense. ♀️ are not consulted on matters that directly affect us pertaining to separate sex spaces or affirmative action, not even an afterthought. Our language is
taken from us and we are told to accept being referred to as our biological functions. We are told to cede our spaces, opportunities & language to males- some who suffer from dysphoria, some who are autogynephilic. They can't seek their own language or protections, they must have
ours, or we are responsible for their suffering. 1st rule of misogyny- women are responsible for male violence, either against us or other males. If we wielded such influence, surely we'd be able to stop #VAWG? We don't. We are told as same-sex attracted women to examine our
"prejudices" & interrogate our "genital fetishes" as if the concept of male lesbians is not absurd & patronizing. Women have no right to complain about #FemaleErasure the #CottonCeiling or males in jail cells, hospital wards, crisis centers, dorm rooms & locker rooms of ♀️ of all
"What's so hard about using ♀️ pronouns for a ♂️ rapist or batterer?"=
Your rights don't matter
"Lesbians who don't accept ♂️ who identify as ♀️ are bigots & sexual racists!" =
They have no right to assemble without our voyeurism & we must gaslight them into accepting ♂️
♀️ gathering to speak about their lived experiences as ♀️ are branded as "literal" fascists & nazis. They are maligned as far-right extremists for having cross-political party acceptance & moderate common sense talking points. The smear is effective under pernicious phallocracy.