Of all the people who have blocked me, this was perhaps the most apparent (this and the Hillel Neuer block).
@Aizenberg55 engages in selective information with the veneer of it being "authentic". He rose to "fame" with his 303 errors found in the @HRW apartheid report..
that was hosted by NGO Monitor, an extended arm of the Israeli state, whose goal is to discredit #NGOs working in solidarity with #Palestinians or who are actual #Palestinian NGOs.
So Aizenberg decided going for the block after being exposed or having been fed the parts that he was omitting. In many cases he was posting clearly deceiving information or was not able to respond to specific questions.
This behaviour is of course not trustworthy and
puts this whole report about the 303 errors in the HRW apartheid report in question.
Is someone who gets the basic info wrong on twitter, to be trusted with a major report? Luckily, I am going through his report as well, albeit very slowly because I do have other engagements.
However., it is important to show the deceitfulness of their reporting, this "veneer" or authenticity, that because it comes from NGO monitor, it has to be "properly made".
This is clearly bullshit and your block of me Aizenberg clearly showed you have no leg to stand on.
Sorry but stop what you are doing and please read this eloquent response by @TareqBaconi as a response to his invitation to the "Israel at 75" conference
This is on point on several levels, i will quote some but you reeeeally need to read this..
(This is a good point, something to use and think about when engaging in twitter.(
Hanadi was a suicide bomber who exploded herself in the Maxim restaurant in Haifa on the 4th of October 2003.
The framing of suicide bombers and Palestinian resistance, in general, is that they more or less wake up and start killing and that Israel
-is constantly defending itself. This reasoning misses the whole "cause and effect" cycle.
Hanadis story will show that someone who was not part of any resistance or was not politically involved, offered herself to do this.
It was fueled by the age-old sentiments of revenge
A BIG fat preface here:
I absolutely do not condone or support the killing of civilians. It is terrorism no matter how you put it.
However, it IS important to realise that when Israel claims civilian casualties during their actions, families/friends of the dead would-
@bjornsoder vet inte vad han pratar om. Han refererar till NGO Monitor, som är en förlängning av den Israeliska staten.
Också viktigt att poängtera att EU inte kunde hitta bevis för de påståenden att de har terroristkopplingar
Att man referar till NGO Monitor är ett tydligt tecken på partiskhet. Är inte alls förvånad över kvaliteten av den efetrforskning som gjorts när man beslutat om detta.
Låg kvalitet verkar vara något som genomsyrar nuvarande regeringen.