Consider the following line from a recent NYT article by Ezra Klein. He’s talking about people who work on “AGI,” or artificial general intelligence. He could have just written: “Many—not all—are deeply influenced by the TESCREAL ideologies.”
Where did “TESCREAL” come from? Answer: a paper that I coauthored with the inimitable @timnitgebru, which is currently under review. It stands for “transhumanism, extropianism, singularitarianism, cosmism, Rationalism, Effective Altruism, and longtermism.”
Incidentally, these ideologies emerged, historically, in roughly that order.
There are at least four reasons for grouping them together as a single “bundle” of ideologies. First, all trace their lineage back to the first-wave Anglo-American eugenics tradition.
I touched on this a bit in a recent article for @Truthdig . Transhumanism was developed by eugenicists, and the idea dates back at least to a 1927 book revealingly titled “Religion Without Revelation.” Transhumanism was introduced as a secular religion.
The first organized transhumanist movement appeared in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was called “extropianism,” inspired by the promise that advanced tech could enable us to become radically enhanced posthumans. This is from a 1994 Wired article about the Extropians:
Reason two for conceptualizing TESCREAL ideologies as a bundle: their communities overlap both across time and contemporarily. All extropians were transhumanists; the leading cosmist was an extropian; many rationalists are transhumanists, singularitarians, longtermists, and EAs;
longtermism was founded by transhumanists and EAs; and so on. The sociological overlap is extensive. Many who identify as one of the letters in “TESCREAL” also identify as others. It thus make sense to talk about the “TESCREAL community.”
Third reason: as this suggests, the worldviews of these ideologies are interlinked. Underlying all is a kind of techno-utopianism + a sense that one is genuinely saving the world. Over and over again, you find talk of “saving the world” among transhumanists, Rationalists, EAs,
and longtermists. Here's an example from Luke Muehlhauser, who works for the EA organization Open Philanthropy, leading their "grantmaking on AI governance and policy." He used to work for the Peter Thiel-funded Machine Intelligence Research Institute.
The vision is to subjugate the natural world, maximize economic productivity, create digital consciousness, colonize the accessible universe, build planet-sized computers on which to run virtual-reality worlds full of 10^58 digital people, and generate “astronomical” amounts of
“value” by exploiting, plundering, and colonizing. However, TESCREALists also realize that the very same tech needed to create Utopia also carries unprecedented risks to our very survival. Hence, as with most religions, there’s also an apocalyptic element to their vision as well:
the tech that could "save" us might also destroy us. This is why transhumanists and longtermists introduced the word “existential risk.” Nonetheless, the utopia they imagine is so tantalizingly good that they believe putting the entire human species at risk by plowing ahead with
AGI research is worth it. (Imagine: eternal life! Unending pleasures! Superhuman mental abilities! No, I am not making this up—read “Letter from Utopia,” a canonical piece of the longtermist literature.)
The fourth reason is the most frightening: the TESCREAL ideologies are HUGELY influential among AI researchers. And since AI is shaping our world in increasingly profound ways, it follows that our world is increasingly shaped by TESCREALism! Pause on that for a moment. 😰
Elon Musk, for example, calls longtermism “a close match for my philosophy,” and retweeted one of the founding documents of longtermism by the (totally not racist!) transhumanist Nick Bostrom, who’s lionized by Rationalists and EAs.
Musk’s company Neuralink is essentially a transhumanist organization hoping to "kickstart transhuman evolution." 👇 Note that transhumanism is literally classified by philosophers as a form of so-called "liberal eugenics."
Sam Altman, who runs OpenAI, acknowledges that getting AGI right is important because “galaxies” are at stake. That’s a reference to the TESCREAL vision outlined above: colonize, subjugate, exploit, and maximize. "More is better," as William MacAskill writes.
Gebru and I point out that the “AI race” to create ever larger LLMs (like ChatGPT) is, meanwhile, causing profound harms to actual people in the present. It’s further concentrating power in the hands of a few white dudes—the tech elite. It has an enormous environmental footprint.
And the TESCREAL utopianism driving all this work doesn’t represent, in any way, what most people want the future to look like. This vision is being *imposed* upon us, undemocratically, by a small number of super-wealthy, super-powerful people in the tech industry who genuinely
believe that a techno-utopian world of immortality and “surpassing bliss and delight” (quoting Bostrom) awaits us. Worse, they often use the language of social justice to describe what they’re doing: it’s about “benefitting humanity,” they say, when in reality it’s hurting people
right now and there’s absolutely ZERO reason to believe that once they create “AGI” (if it’s even possible) this will somehow magically change. If OpenAI cared about humanity, it wouldn’t have paid Kenyan workers as little as $1.32 an hour:…
The “existential risk” here *IS* the TESCREAL bundle. You should be afraid of these transhumanists, Rationalists, EAs, and longtermists claiming that they’re benefiting humanity. They're not. They're elitist, power-hungry eugenicists who don’t care about anything but their Utopia
The framework of the “TESCREAL bundle” thus helps make sense of what’s going on—of why OpenAI, DeepMind, etc. are so obsessed with “AGI,” of why there’s an AI race to create ever larger LLMs. If the question is “What the f*ck?,” the answer is “TESCREALism.” 🤬
I forgot to add: if you'd like to read more on the harms of this AI race, check out this excellent and important article by Timnit Gebru, @emilymbender, and @mcmillan_majora.
I sent a paper of mine to an Oxford philosophy prof earlier this year, and he *loved it*. Told me I should submit it without edits, and that he'd be citing it in future papers of his. So, I submitted to an ethics journal -- desk rejection. I submitted it to another journal, and
this time it got reviewed: one reviewer liked it, but opted to reject(??), while the other reviewer said, basically, that the paper is complete trash. Since then, I've sent it out to 5 other journals -- all desk rejects. I'm about ready to post it on SSRN so that this Oxford prof
can cite it.
This gets at three overlapping criticisms I have of philosophy journals: (1) they are highly conservative. If you're writing about a genuinely new topic (e.g., the ethics of human extinction -- there's no real tradition or literature on the topic; I'm trying to
What Musk and Beff Jezos aren't saying is that Silicon Valley is OVERRUN by human-extinctionist ideologies! The dominant visions of our future among the tech elite, espoused by both Musk and Beff, ARE EXTINCTIONIST. A 🧵 on my newest article for @Truthdig:…
This is absolutely crucial for journalists, policymakers, academics, and the general public to understand. Many people in the tech world, especially those working on "AGI," are motivated by a futurological vision in which our species--humanity--has no place. We will either be
marginalized to the periphery by our posthuman AI progeny or eliminated entirely. These people are not pro-humanity! Consider Larry Page, the cofounder of Google, which owns DeepMind: one of the companies explicitly trying to build superintelligent machines:
Something happened recently that has brought me to tears on several occasions. Basically, person A is struggling with serious health issues, and person B, who is close to person A, has expressed unconditional support for A, no matter how bad things get. This is not normal (!!)—I
don’t mean that normatively (a claim about what ought to be), but statistically (a claim about what is the case). Many, many, MANY people--friends, family, partners, etc.--leave and abandon others in times of need. When I very young, an older relative of mine told me that I
should *never* show vulnerability to friends, family, or partners because, in his words, “You’ll be shocked by how many people will leave if they think you are struggling, sick, or ‘weak.’” I think that was some of the best advice I ever got (because of how true it is),
Fascinating. Ghosting in a long-term relationship is, I think, one of the most traumatic experiences one can have. It will never not be the case that I moved to a foreign country for someone who ghosted me when I got sick, after *years* of living together. It's changed my entire
worldview, tbh. I wasn't a philosophical pessimist or nihilist when I entered Germany, but--ironically--I left Germany as one. Hard to express how much ghosting has impacted me. Studies, though, suggest that ghosting can harm ghosteres, too. More here:…
Honestly, what affected me the most is that after I got out of the hospital, in which I nearly died, my partner *not once* wrote me to see if I was okay. I now know that, as a matter of fact about our world, you can be with someone for *years* and they can show literally zero
Last month, Sam Altman was fired from OpenAI. Then he was rehired. Some media reports described the snafu in terms of a power struggle between Effective Altruists and "accelerationists"--in particular, "e/acc." But what is e/acc? How does it relate to EA?
And what connections, if any, does e/acc have with the TESCREAL bundle of ideologies?
There are two main differences between e/acc and EA longtermism. The first concerns their respective estimates of the probability of extinction if AGI is built in the near future.
EA longtermists are "techno-cautious" in that they think the probability is relatively high and, therefore, we should proceed with great caution. E/acc's are "techno-optimistic" in that they think the probability is 0 or near 0 and, therefore, we should put the pedal to the metal
The Effective Altruist movement has had a terrible year. Its most prominent member, Sam Bankman-Fried, was just found guilty of all 7 charges against him. But the FTX fiaso wasn't the only scandal that rocked EA. A short 🧵about my newest article:
One might say that "a single scandal is a tragedy; a million scandals are a statistic." From a PR perspective, it's sometimes *better* to have a whole bunch of scandals than just one major transgression, because people start to lose track of the what and when. Hence, I thought
it might be useful to catalogue (*some of*) the most significant examples of duplicity, chicanery, malfeasance, and bad behavior from the EA community over the past 1.5 years, to show just how deeply problematic EA has become (or always was!).