In recent weeks, #GaysAgainstGroomers seems on the verge of a total collapse, with members rebelling against the organization's leadership. There's been public infighting, threats of hacking, and a new organization forming of ex-GAG members who feel there’s a better way.
Every single whistleblower I’ve spoken to believes that Jaimee Michell is a narcissist that is only pursuing #GaysAgainstGroomers to build a following and gain media attention.
In this message, we see Jaimee openly discussing how she brought members into #GaysAgainstGroomres who do nothing and are just there for show because she wanted it to look like the organization was a larger group. She also openly disparages a member:
In this series of screenshots, you’ll see a member who ultimately defected expressing concerns to Jaimee that repeatedly fell on deaf ears. The whistleblower commented that this was why people in #GaysAgainstGroomers were scared to communicate with Jaime.
But when I asked about the #GaysAgainstGroomers member's perception that she is a narcissist in the early morning hours of March 13, 2023, Jaimie tweeted the following response:
One of the grievances is that a trans member of #GaysAgainstGroomers was fighting over a Pizzagate/QAnon conspiracy.
It's important to understand that all members in the organization are volunteers, not paid employees. So, getting fired doesn't mean they lose money, just clout.
The member in question was their South Carolina chapter lead who was fired just two weeks after the chapter formed....because two years prior she took a picture at a national historic site called Biltmore that is thought to be the home of a Pizzagate satan murder pool.
Nikki is an atheist satanist, the type that does not advocate for child sacrifice in any way. And she had taken photos of herself all over the mansion on a trip, not just the pool room. It was unclear if Nikki was even aware of the conspiracy theory associated with the location.
But still, Jaimee decided she had to go, even though she had been doing a lot of work for #GaysAgainstGroomers. Jamiee also didn’t like the optics of a trans woman as a chapter lead given the controversy around trans women in women’s sports:
The group posted about their decision on Twitter, stating they fired not only Nikki, but also the member who recommended Nikki (nothing like guilt by association, just like the North Koreans do!).
This firing did not sit well with some members of the #GaysAgainstGroomers, who told Jaimee as much. Jaimee rebuffed the criticism and didn’t want to hear it.
Another member brought up the topic to Sasha, who acts as #GaysAgainstGroomers’s HR person in addition to being its treasurer. The member wanted to have a meeting to understand why Nikki was fired:
In this message, the member tells Sasha (who, again, is the HR manager) that #GaysAgainstGroomers members are afraid to speak to them:
In this message from Jaimee to another #GaysAgainstGroomers member, Jaimee notes that members do not deserve any explanation about why people are being removed from the organization:
When asked about the incident on Twitter during the #GaysAgainstGroomers Monday Morning Massacre on March 13, 2023, Jaimee had the following to say:
I have these questions for Jaimee that are not covered in her response #GaysAgainstGroomers
Another thing to know about #GaysAgainstGroomers is that Jaimee never wanted to involve trans people:
These messages angered several members of #GaysAgainstGroomers, including both trans members and members who support the involvement of trans members as a critical component of fighting grooming.
When the public infighting started on March 7, Jaimee was quick to remind everyone that she’s an advocate for LGB without the T.
One member said this was a passive-aggressive jab against them, and it confirmed to them that they had done the right thing.
Jaimee has repeatedly stated that she believes that #GaysAgainstGroomers is the best, and possibly our only hope, for defeating grooming. Given that position, I have some more questions:
There's a weird side story with #GaysAgainstGroomers in that they may actually be harboring groomers in their ranks. Gays Against Groomers has a chapter lead in Kansas named Avani Barreras. Avani is the owner of this account on Tik Tok:
This account seems to be commenting on this Tik Tok video that is accusing Avani of pretending to be 14-years-old to communicate with a 12-year-old:…
I reached out to Jaimee, Avani and #GaysAgainstGroomers editor Michael Costa for comment, asking the if this video was real. I never received a comment. I'm not making a judgment at this point, just showing what is available publicly on the internet. If they comment, I'll update.
In the first week of March 2023, things really hit the fan.
There was a mass exodus of members of Gays Against Groomers, and those walking out the door left dramatically.
It started with one Director, Deb (@silenced_lesbo). Deb was recently featured in GAG’s social media
But then Deb committed a cardinal sin: She shared Jaimee’s messages about not wanting to involve trans people in the organization with other members.
The above tweet has since been deleted…but before that happened, Jaimee (perhaps in a preview of things to come) responded. When she did, she mocked Deb for wanting to lead from the heart, with truth and transparency…because, apparently in Jaimee’s mind, those are bad things:
Jaimee continued to respond to Deb, obviously triggered:
The following day, the exodus from the organization began.
Departing members coordinated to all leave simultaneously by sending their parting words in the Telegram chats for the rest of the community to see.
More continued from above:
This last one is interesting. In that last screenshot, it’s hard to read, but you’ll notice on March 2 it says:
“The anti trans stuff has definitely been ramping up inside the group. I don’t think squashing the chat channel is going to make that go away”
On March 5, Jaimee seemed to make a snide remark on Twitter about babysitting (definitely the message a leader wants to send an organization).
One of the departing members responded that they have screenshots of things she’s said.
And in response to that, GAG’s IT person Grady (@TinFoil1701) started a public feud with departing members. The tweets have since been deleted but you can see the screenshots in the article. In one of them, he appeared to threaten to hack them:
And in case you're looking for the link to the full article so you can see all the screenshots, here you go:…
Those leaving #GaysAgainstGroomers are coordinating with each other to set up an organization that they believe will be more solution focused.
In the wee hours of Monday morning, Jaimee and Sasha went on the attack, going on unhinged tweet storms that have lasted all day. They've engaged in smearing to try to deflect responsibility for what is being reported.
And they literally fired one of their volunteers at 1am.
While Jaimee was losing her mind on Twitter in the early hours of Monday morning, I was sent this screenshot of Sasha asking Gays Against Groomers volunteers for their cash app or venmo to send them a surprise.
But what was the money for? None of the members seemed to know. It almost seemed like they were sending a little bribe to their members for no good reason.
This is what one of the departing members told me:
But here’s the mistake I made…when I posted the screenshot, I didn’t edit the time codes.
We realized she could figure out who the whistleblower was via the time stamp. I quickly deleted it, but it was too late…and Jaimee pounced like a dog that has just seen a bone.
You see, Jaimie and Sasha had laid a trap.
They were so worried about who was speaking to me that they used the time codes to identify a person they believed was my whistleblower to fire them at 1am…and she went out with a bang:
Jaimee announced that they had fired them on Twitter around 3am…and that it was all my fault. You can feel her gleeful spite wafting off of the tweet. Perhaps she even got a bit turned on by it.
And the smears have continued from them all day. But we pay them no mind. I want to give @silenced_lesbo the last word on this:
🚨 Worcester just held a full-blown struggle session to declare itself a trans sanctuary city, and the unhinged queer activist meltdowns did NOT disappoint.
I watched the whole thing. Here are the craziest moments.
#1: The "It’s Ma’am” Meme Queer
He literally did the meme.
#2: The Pastor Who Says Jesus Dressed In Drag
“The Jesus I know would be dressed in full drag and serving face, or handsome as a trans man, or wrapped in the garb of a non-binary person who knows one gender is way too small to capture their gloriousness”
#3: The Woman in Drag Queer
“I don’t want to spend an hour applying glitter on my face so that you’ll see and hear me…”
I know more about modern-day far-left activism than anyone. I know that’s a bold claim. But here’s the truth: no one researches or teaches about the far left like I do.
If you’re here, it’s because you want to beat the left. I can show you how. 👇
1) Watch My “How To Speak Socialist” On Demand Class
This 4-hour crash course connects the dots using clips from real far-left training. You’ll learn more in these four hours than you will in years from other commentators.
This collection of short articles breaks down what the far left is doing and why. It’s the foundation for my upcoming book and pairs perfectly with my Woke 101 articles for a fast, eye-opening crash course.
Ten things I wish I had know when I left the Democratic Party after I took the red pill.
1) The right is not better. I know they may SEEM better by comparison, but I promise you, they are not better. If they find out you left the left, they will love bomb you. Don’t fall for it.
2) Most people just want to listen to someone else speak their favorite talking point. They don’t care about you, they care about the validation. They are just junkies looking for their fix.
3) It’s ok to not join a different political tribe. But if you do, it will be much easier for you to understand when bullshit is afoot. You already saw your first tribe change before your very eyes - you know what it looks like. Do not expects others to catch on. They can’t see.
When I went to the socialist conference last weekend, I got a book list of all the recommended books for trans and non-binary elementary schoolers.
Want to see how many books the woke left is turning out to socially transition kids?
Let me show you. 🧵👇
You can download a PDF of this list (and get more info about leftist organizations giving psychotherapy to trans 3 year olds) in this article:…
This list is to help you see what's out there and what the left are creating.
As a reminder, I AM NOT in favor of book banning and believe that Moms 4 Liberty has done an incredible amount of damage to the anti-woke space because of it. Read more:…
I don't know what's more shocking about Translate Gender:
-That they provide psychotherapy for trans kids AND BDSM instruction for adults
-That they run support groups for trans children starting at 3 years old
-That they connect trans children with adult "mentors."
I looked into Translate Gender as part of my series about My Day With The Socialists.
They were sponsors of the Collective Power conference. I stopped by their table to pick up fliers, including a comprehensive book list for trans elementary schoolers.
Their Co-Director James Shultis told me they were working with a 2-year-old when I spoke to him/they at their table at the conference. But the flier I picked up at the table says they start at 3 years old.