Yesterday, we got to know each other, played some ice-breaking games, presented our schools and what we have been doing in our projects and had lunch all together at Les @aimerigues.
New Erasmus project, #TVCHANNEL, already tunning at @aimerigues.
Ice breaking activities with our german and icelandic mates.
Presentations already on the move!
Awards at Les @aimerigues, and poetry, John Coltrane, roses & books, some music, some chocolate, some activities...
Sant Jordi!
An intense first day... #TVCHANNEL
Superblock, less pollution and sound, more green and walking... and more inequality probably too, among other contradictions... #SustainablesCities@aimerigues #ErasmusPlus
"Think about how you look at the world. It is not a linear, coherent experience. Instead, it is a melange of snippets of movement and angles, interspersed with a blinking, and put together into something logical by your brain. [...] #collageAimerigues @aimerigues @EplusCatEdu
Collage is the technique that most closely reflects PERCEPTION. Over the past century, the layering, arranging, cutting, recombining, and glueing of imagery and things has become the defining approach to making art."
Francesca Gavin
@ErasmusLes, today, in ART's DAY, have spent some time following (more or less) the playful contraintes of @betacamdigital...
& kind of getting ready to the workshop
on collage & city...